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Computer Science 2023/2024 Quarter …..

Date Assigned: 9-11-2023

Computer Science
Due Date: 9-11-2023
Cumulative Classwork (1)
Elective class- Web design

Q1) Exercise: Creating a Personal Website

Objective: Create a simple personal website using HTML to introduce yourself.

1. Create a new HTML file and name it "index.html".

2. Set the document title to "My Personal Website" using the <title> tag.

3. Create a header for your website using the <header> tag. Inside the header, include a title
for your website using the <h1> tag. Make it something like "Welcome to [Your Name]'s
Personal Website.

4. Create a main content section using the <main> tag. Inside the main section, include a brief
introduction about yourself using a <p> tag. Mention your name, your interests, and why
you decided to create a personal website.

5. Add an image of yourself using the <img> tag. You can use a placeholder image if you
don't have a personal photo. Don't forget to set the src attribute to the image file path and
include alt text for accessibility.

Remember to use proper HTML structure, indentation, and semantic tags to make your webpage well-
organized and accessible.
Save your file into your folder and upload the file to Google classroom and send it to student shared

This is an example of your final work.

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