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King Arthur

1) Read the text and fill in the gaps with irregular verbs in brackets in the Past Simple tense.

One day King Arthur and all the knights of the Round Table ________ (go)¹ off to a tournament. Only Sir
Brune who was called the knight with the badly made coat___________ (be)² in the castle yard practicing
some of the sword lessons. While he ________ (be)³ hard at work, Queen Guinevere with her twelve soldiers
__________ (come)⁴ up to him. As they were talking, they _______ (hear)⁵ a terrible noise. Then they
_________ (see)⁶ a big lion. Some minutes before the fierce animal had escaped from the high tower. The
lion was running towards the people. The twelve soldiers ______ (run)⁷ away and _________ (leave)⁸ their
beautiful Queen and Sir Brune alone.
The young man __________ (stand)⁹ still. He _______ (put)¹⁰ his sword down. The furious lion jumped
at Sir Brune who __________ (catch)¹¹ the lion’s head in his strong hands. He slowly ___________ (bend)¹²
its head back and _______ (break)¹³ the thick lion’s neck.
At this moment the King and his knights _________ (come)¹⁴ back. They ________ (see)¹⁵ a huge dead
lion and ________________ (understand)¹⁶ everything.
King Arthur __________ (come)¹⁷ up to Sir Brune touched his shoulder with his famous sword Excalibur
and ___________ (say)¹⁸: ‘Sir Brune, I make you a knight of my Round Table’.

2) Write true (T) or false (F).

1. Оne day King Arthur and his knights went hunting. ____
2. Queen Guinevere and her twenty soldiers were in
the castle. ____ 3) Underline the odd-one-out.
3. Sir Brune was talking with soldiers when a big
lion appeared. ____ 1. go come leave
4. The young man broke the lion’s neck. ____
2. huge large famous big
5. The soldiers helped Sir Brune to kill the lion. ____
3. thick neck strong beautiful
6. King Arthur and his knights came back, saw the
dead lion and understood everything. ____ 4. king knight castle soldier
7. King Arthur made Sir Brune a knight of his 5. be break catch bend
Round Table. ____ 6. lion sword tower castle
4) Find the synonyms of these adjectives in the 5. Choose the correct answer.
text, then match them with the nouns.
1. The father of King Arthur was ______
1. awful ____terrible_____F A. sword
a) Merlin b) Uther c) Leodegrance
2. angry ________________ B. hands
2. Arthur’s court was in____________
3. large ________________ C. tower a) Camelot b) Corbenic c) London
4. well known ___________ D. lion 3. Arthur’s wife was _____________
5. tall___________________ E. neck a) Elisabeth 1 b) Margaret c) Guinevere
6. pretty ________________ F. noise 4. King Arthur and his knights became a symbol
7. massive _______________ G. animal
a) strength b) beauty c) cowardice
8. powerful ______________ H. queen 5. Who was the bravest knight of the Round
a) Lancelot b) Pellinore c) Tristan
Answer Key

Ex. 1)
went / was / was / came up / heard / saw / ran away / left / stood / put / caught / bent / broke / came
back / saw / understood / came / said

Ex. 2)
1F 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T 7T

Ex. 3)
1 arrive 2 famous 3 neck 4 castle 5 catch 6 lion

Ex. 4)
1 terrible noise F 2 fierce animal G 3 big lion D 4 famous sword A
5 high tower C 6 beautiful queen H 7 thick neck E 8 strong hands B

Ex. 5)
1c 2b 3b 4с 5a 6c 7a

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