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Name: Fabiola Beatriz

Lastname: Antay Mendoza

English Teacher: Gloria Sebastiani
English Basic X

Writing 1: Transport
Write a composition, explain how you usually get to work / school /
university. What is your favourite type of transport and why. Which types of
transport you don’t like using and why not. Write two good things and two
bad things about them and finally explain which “new” way of travelling you
would like/ would not like to try, why.

My favourite type of transport is on foot because it's healthy and I like can walk

I go to work by bus because it's often fast at dawn, I

usually find a free seat and it's cheap. But I dont like it
because it's uncomfortable and noisy so I can't even

The type of transport that I don’t like is the motorbike

because it's dangerous and polluting. But when I travel
by motorbike it's comfortable and very fast.

I would like to try travel by baloon. I think it has to be very

interesting to fly in the air and see everything from above.

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