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The Slasaiiferder DOMINOES Story Characters } Contents y N y y 7 | Before Reading vi \ yf (EXESUD No skateboard 1 { | 3 \ i | Good grades, better presents 4 4% \« 7 ice, practice, practice 2 / Up early 16 { 19 \ Ateal skateboarder 20 23 | 24 Manna mater Hannah father 2. A womanin the test g BEFORE READING 1 Hannah wants to be a skateboarder. In the story all of these people help her. What do they do? annals mather and father Owen stn o ‘Match these sentences with the pictures and write the names. He help Hannah changes after she wi She smiles at Hannah and says,;Dont stop 2 Inthis story, two people learn to do new things, Who are they? ‘What do they learn to do? Person Ban Chapter 1 - No skateboard Near Hannah's house there's a new skatepark. A lot of young people in the town go there after schoo] with their skateboards. ‘These days Hannah often goes there with her cou: stin, Justin goes to school with her. Hannah doesn’t school very mue! ting up early, She’s always have many friends, But wi spark, she's suddenly very interested in . The only thing is - Hannah has Sometimes Justin asks Hannah, ‘Hey, do you want to get on my skateboard?” So she does ~ but not for long, She doesn't want to fall off in front of everybody. So usually she watches the skateboarders. Owen is fifteen. He's a good skateboarder. He can do alot of tricks. T love Owen's skateboarding,’ Hannah thinks. ‘I ‘want to jump and do tricks, too.’ “Why don’t you have a skateboard, Hannah?’ Justin asks her, ‘Its a new thing for me ~ skateboarding,’ Hannah answers, Then she thinks, ‘My birthday's coming. Maybe I can talk to Mom and Dad.’ READING CHECK ‘Are these sentences true or false? Tick the boxes. True False f Thenew skatepark bb Hannah is Justin ‘¢ Hannah has a lot of Hannah doesrit have a skateboard € ustin doesnt have a skateboard 4 Hannah doesnt want ofall oft 9 Hennah loves Owens skateboarding, Ooogogog o000000 GUESS WHAT What happens in the next chapter? Tick two boxes ina, b and c., 1 For er bthday, Hanne has 1 Ca tear 2 La school beg 3 Clomethiog to west, 1b Hanna ober brother Evan 1 Cllaughsacher 2 Lives something nice ther 3 Clisangry wit et Chapter 2 - Good grades, better presents On Hannah's birthday morning, she opens her presents. There's a big present from her mother and father, Hannah opens it first, excitedly “Wow! she cries. ‘A skateboard! Thanks!’ ‘Well, your school grades are good, Hannah,’ her mother says. ‘And it is your birthday ... So happy birthday, honey!" ‘Now open that present,’ her father says. ‘It’s from Evan.’ Hannah opens it. I's a helmet. “Awesome!” Hannah cries. But her older brother, Evan, laughs. “You like watching skateboarding videos, I know,’ he says. ‘But do you ... er ... skateboard?” “Yes, I do,’ Hannah says hotly, ‘sometimes — on Justin's skateboard! And I have my skateboard now. SoTcan do more.’ “Can you jump, or do tricks?” Evan asks. ‘Can you go fast and stay on?” ‘Duh!’ Hannah answers her brother angrily. ‘What dumb questions!" ‘Evan, honey, please,’ their mother says. ‘It's Hannah's birthday.’ ‘OK,’ Bvan says. ‘That weekend, Hannah takes her new skateboard to the skatepark with Justin, There aren't many people there, Hannah is excited. Let's go,’ Justin says. The two cousins begin skateboarding. Justin does a trick, Hannah skateboards up and down. “Maybe I can ji 1" she thinks. She goes faster. off her skateboard. “Oh, no! They're laughing at me! This is awful! thinks. She gets up quickly. ut Hannah's far away now. ‘Nomore skateboarding for me!" she thinks. READING CHECK Choose the correct words to complete these sentences, GUESS WHAT What happens in the next chapter? Tick the boxes. a Justin b Hannah © Ababy boy 1 Cloeestotesiatnak 1 Osi 1 Ciisteaning towalk 2 Cistaysathomewith 2 Calls of her 2 Lisleaming to speak sfateboard again Chapter 3 - First steps ‘The next day, Justin stays at home with Hannah walks past the doing tricks. ‘L can't skateboard there now,’ Hannah thinks. She watches Owen on his skateboard, He goes up in the s family. But itepark. A lot of people are air and comes down again. ‘He's awesome,’ Hannah thinks. and ['m awful. She leaves the skatepark, and begins to walk home through the park. ‘The sun is hot. Hannah sits down on one of the park benches. The sun is in her eyes. So she closes them, When she opens her eyes again, she sees a young woman near her. She is sitting on the grass with her baby boy. The little boy is trying to stand, Yes, that's right!” Michael stands up slowly. He takes one and falls down. ‘Come on, now, Michael!’ bis mother says. ‘Don't cry. Try again! Michael stops crying and laughs. He takes his mother’s hand, and stands up again. “Good boy, Michael,’ his mother says. its down suddenly. He laughs, and claps Hannah watches them for five minutes, Michael stands up and falls down, again and again, “Try again, Michael,’ his mother says. ‘He doesn't stop f Hannah thinks. ‘He gets up and tries again — time after time. And he’s no more than a baby. sctice vi Hannah leaves the park and walks home. She thinks ‘soem about baby Michael. ‘OK,’ she says, ‘Ineed some more fyel_ skateboard practice, But where can I go for that? ling. But it doesn't matter,’ READING CHECK Match the characters from Chapter 3 with the sentences, 20 Michael Michael's mather 9 Justin Tustin, GUESS WHAT What happens in the next chapter? Tick the boxes. oooo0000 a ooo000000 Chapter 4 - Practice, practice, practice ‘Hmm, Let's see. The skatepark’s no go thinks. I want to do my practice alone” That evening, she goes for a walk. Two blocks from her house there's an office building, At half past five, everybody in it goes home. They drive all their | out of the parking lot. ‘Hey, I can skateboard ie Hannah thinks. iE ‘The next evening, she takes her skateboard and hhelmet with her. rm going out for some skateboard practice,’ she tells her mother. She skateboards to the parking lot. There are no parkingiot cars there. e irds slowly. She is alone, Pesplevth " Hannah awesome!’ she thinks. After an hour, she goes home. She skateboards most evenings. Soon she can’ go fast. One evening, she tries jumping. She skateboards across the parking lot, jumps. Suddenly, she is on the ground. Awoman is going on the ground, and si ‘Bad luck,’ she So Hannah tries once more ~ and falls off her skateboard again. She laughs, gets up, and goes home. days later, Hannah is back in the parking lot. She jumps again. This time she doesnt fall off. At home that evening, her mother says, ‘You're happy about something, honey! Tell me. What “Well... ," Hannah begins, ‘don’t laugh, OK?" : REO Tee “OK. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. : : alone ‘The practice is helping. I-can do good skateboard Hannah wants do ateboard practice wider fens jumps now. Ub... usually. TEE ea eae by There re no catsin the parking before hal pst five | Just then, Bvan comes in. Hannah nals tothe parting ot ; “Oh, no!’ Hannah thinks. ‘What does he want: 4A woman ana skateboard smiles at Hannah €@ She sys, Good uck'ta hes, When Hannah falls off again, she ces. 19 fer two days, Hannah can alsays do good skateboard jumps, fh Hannah stalking to her motherwhen Evan goes GUESS WHAT ‘What happens in the next chapter? Tick three sentences, ad b Citannahasa ¢ Cltvan skateboards ‘¢ Citian helps Hannah with 2 good idea £ Diannah somesim late at school Hannah abour'Go Skateboarding Day 1 Cidannah forgets her skateboard, Chapter 5 - Up early “Hey! How's your new skateboard?’ Evan asks Hannah, nicely. ‘Their mother smiles at this, Then she quickly leaves iswers, ‘and the helmet's bruises now. Look.’ over her arms and ‘ays. "So do you skateboard at the ‘No,’ Hannah answers. “There are always a lot of people there. But I want to go up the walls. I want to turn in the air, too.” ‘Well, I go past the skatepark every day when I go tdea something to work. There's nobody there in the early morning, Evan says, ‘Evan! That's an awesome idea!’ Hannah cries. ‘I ‘can go there before school. Thanks. Next day, Hannah gets up at six o'clock. She skateboards for an hour before school. ‘his is wonderful!’ her mother says a week k ‘Hannah's up early every morning these days. She's never late for school now!” Sometimes Hannah is tired in the morning. But then she remembers baby Michael. get up early,’ she thinks. ‘So I can get up Oni jay afternoon, her cousin Justin calls her on the phone. “Hey, Hannah, are you coming tomorrow? “Coming where? What's tomorrow? ‘It’s June 21* - ‘Go Skateboarding Day’, People all around the world are skateboarding. I'm going to , the skatepark with all my friends. Come with us.” ‘OK!’ Hannah says. ‘See you there.” n't forget your skateboard, says ‘Justin, don't be dumb,’ Hannah answers. READING CHECK | Choose the correct words to complete these sentences. ras (Eekeboas> 1 Bren asks about Han eteaaey - GUESS WHAT ‘What happens in the next chapter? Complete each sentence with the correct name. a goes tothe she sees re with doesa tough tick ‘al of his skatoboar asks How do youdo th Chapter 6 ~ A real skateboarder It’s June 21st. Hannah finds her skateboard and | helmet. Then she goes to the skatepark, She's excited. he thinks, ‘Hmmm. T don't know, At the skatepark, Hannah sees Justin with some friends. She goes over to them. ‘Hey, Hannah," Justin says. ‘Watch this. Owen's doing a very tough tri Owen goes up the wall and turns. He goes very high. Everybody stops and watches. “Wow! Hannah says. ‘He's awesome. Owen does a different trick now. I’s an easy trick ls off his skateboard, He walks past at her. |s off sometimes,’ Owen says. ‘Sure,’ Hannah answers. ‘How do you do that trick? T want to learn it.” ‘Put your right foot here,’ Owen tells her. “Then push with your left foot.’ Owen helps Hannah with, the trick. “OK,' Hannah says. ‘I that, but thanks. “You're a real skateboarder now, Hannah,’ Jus tells her quietly after that. ed some more practice with 2% home through the hhael again. He is walking ‘Hello,’ says Hanna ‘Can you do it again?” says Michael's mother. The baby laughs and claps his hands Justin and Hannah walk away “Who's that?" Justin asks. ‘Now? Oh, a little baby,’ Hannah answers, ‘but maybe one day a really good skateboarder!" READING CHECK Put the sentences in order. Number them 1-10. 2 Clowen als down, oo he tick ome together, © Clbaby wichael sys sands up. Match the first and second parts of these sentences. Qa Changes in people 1 Complete this text about Hannah with the words in the box. In staeboarding| at schoo here) 4) (One day at the skatepark shee). No more skateboarding forme! she sys, 3. How do these people change in the story? Choose one of them. Write notes in the box. He fal When she als of ‘The change happens when Later Inthe end | 4 Write a text about your character from your notes. Use the textsin 1and 2to help you. EDD An important day : 2 Read hoe bt Wal an ey and compete tt 11 Read this text about Go Skateboarding Day’ and complete the table below. Where sits home? In wich counties con you find it now? ‘Where do people meet? \Go taeboidng Dy happens on une 2st every ya The ‘Why do they come? home of Go Skateboarding Day’ i Calor inthe United States 9 Poland Portugal and What da people ghe money fox on this day? ‘On this day skateboarders meet on the streets and in Wracsgeome ne eS ae | sfatepas, Wy do they come? Because they want to sateboard Wh do runners meet? a together Often people watch the skateboarders and ave money ~ for now satoprs 0 uf or Pun Day's

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