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Why Feminism

According to the case study, Hilary wants to see increased cash

flow and representation of women in the sports industry. To do this,
Hilary should invest in companies that prioritize similar values
under the lens and initaives of Feminism.

Annual Reports
To gauge a companies engagement with women in Sports, we combed through reports to see
what initiaves and movements companies advertised to their investors that “showed” support for
women in sports. These ranged from more advertisement of athletic women to appeal to young-
er women showcasing whatever products, apparel, or goods the comapny was selling to intia-
tives directly raised to celebrate women in sports such as marathons celebrating how far women
can go when supported by resources and product innovations typically prioritized to men to ini-
tiaves that helped increase women representation in senior management and board positions.

Financial Reports
We cross-referenced these initiaves to financial reports to assess their true impact. For advertise-
ments and celebratory events, we compared the companies' expenses from advertisements and cel-
ebratory events from current financial reports to past ones. This way, we could measure the mone-
tary support these companies give towards supporting women in sports. We also compared in-
creases in sales prices of women's athletic products/apparel to assess the impact of this advertising
of women's empowerment in sports. For more representation in senior management and board po-
sitions, we compared annual reports and financial reports to find more information on not only
how many women comprised these positions but also how much overall pay was directed to these
roles compared to their male counterparts to measure how much these initiatives had broken
gender barriers.

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