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What are they, and how do we use them?

Imagine you have a time machine that can take you back to the past. But instead of a machine, we use something called
archaeology. Archaeology is like detective work, but we're solving mysteries from a long, long time ago instead of solving
crimes. We do this by digging up and studying things that people used and left behind. These things are called archaeological

Examples of Archaeological Artifacts:

1. Pottery:
 Explanation: "Imagine you found an old, broken pot buried in the ground.
Archaeologists study these pieces of pottery to learn about how people
cooked, what they ate, and even what their designs and art looked like."
2. Tools and Weapons:
 Explanation: "Think about a stone tool or an ancient arrowhead. These
artifacts tell us about how people hunted, made things, and what kind of technology
they had in the past."
3. Bones and Teeth:
 Explanation: "Sometimes, archaeologists find animal bones or even human remains.
By studying these bones, we can learn about the types of animals that lived in an
area, what people ate, and even how long ago they lived."
4. Jewelry:
 Explanation: "Imagine finding a shiny necklace or a bracelet made from shells. These
pieces of jewelry can teach us about what people valued, what materials they had, and
how they expressed themselves through fashion."
5. Art and Carvings:
 Explanation: "Just like we draw and make art today, people in the past created beautiful
drawings on rocks or carved designs into objects. Archaeologists study these to learn
about ancient cultures and their beliefs."

How Archaeologists Use Artifacts to Gain Information: "Once archaeologists find these artifacts, they don't
just put them in a museum. They carefully study and analyze them to put together a story about the people
who lived in that place a long time ago. It's like putting together a puzzle without having all the pieces. Each
artifact is a clue, and by looking at many clues together, we can learn a lot about the past."

NAMES: _____________________________

Pick one city that you would like to research.

900 CE: History Task 1 Research Activity

Caracol Chichen Itza Coba (TEAM 1) Copan

Mayapan Palenque Tikal Uxmal

Information about this place

List down archeological findings that has survived.

Name of the archeological piece Write down information about it.

900 CE: History Task 1 Research Activity


900 CE: History Task 1 Research Activity : The Mesoamerican Archives provides photos of
Mesoamerican archaeological sites by David Hixson, a graduate student from the Anthropology
Department at Tulane University. /; Maya 3D provides a 3D exploration of the Maya world. : A Puzzle in the Petén details the practicalities of excavating

a Maya site and also includes a field diary. The Maya Adventure photo archive provides an extensive gallery

of images, including buildings and artefacts from the main Maya sites. : The Mysterious Places website explores the Maya city of

Chichen Itza and some of its key buildings, including the Temple of the Warriors and the ball court. : Mesoweb has tours of Maya sites such as Tikal and Copan, with photos and
descriptions. : Caracol is a major archaeological site in Belize. The website includes resources for
children, including a story describing the life of 10-year-old Elyse, the daughter of archaeologists at the
University of Central Florida, who helps out at the site.

900 CE: History Task 1 Research Activity

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