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PHYSICAL REVIEW X 13, 041040 (2023)

Featured in Physics

A Postquantum Theory of Classical Gravity?

Jonathan Oppenheim
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London,
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom

(Received 25 June 2021; revised 20 March 2023; accepted 5 October 2023; published 4 December 2023)

The effort to discover a quantum theory of gravity is motivated by the need to reconcile the
incompatibility between quantum theory and general relativity. Here, we present an alternative approach
by constructing a consistent theory of classical gravity coupled to quantum field theory. The dynamics is
linear in the density matrix, completely positive, and trace preserving, and reduces to Einstein’s theory of
general relativity in the classical limit. Consequently, the dynamics does not suffer from the pathologies of
the semiclassical theory based on expectation values. The assumption that general relativity is classical
necessarily modifies the dynamical laws of quantum mechanics; the theory must be fundamentally
stochastic in both the metric degrees of freedom and in the quantum matter fields. This breakdown in
predictability allows it to evade several no-go theorems purporting to forbid classical quantum interactions.
The measurement postulate of quantum mechanics is not needed; the interaction of the quantum degrees of
freedom with classical space-time necessarily causes decoherence in the quantum system. We first derive
the general form of classical quantum dynamics and consider realizations which have as its limit
deterministic classical Hamiltonian evolution. The formalism is then applied to quantum field theory
interacting with the classical space-time metric. One can view the classical quantum theory as fundamental
or as an effective theory useful for computing the backreaction of quantum fields on geometry. We discuss a
number of open questions from the perspective of both viewpoints.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.13.041040 Subject Areas: Gravitation,
Quantum Information

I. MUST WE QUANTIZE GRAVITY? although we have candidates such as string theory, which
is in its mid-50’s [1], and loop quantum gravity turning just
The two pillars of modern theoretical physics are general
over 40 [2–4], a convincing theory of quantum gravity
relativity, which holds that gravity is the bending of space-
remains elusive.
time by matter, and quantum field theory, which describes
Another possibility is that gravity should still be treated
the matter that lives in that space-time. Yet, they are
classically, but that Einstein’s equation should be modified.
fundamentally inconsistent. Einstein’s equation for gravity
There is some sense to this. Space-time, though dynamical,
8πG μν can be understood as describing the background on which
Gμν ¼ T ð1Þ
c4 quantum fields of matter interact. Gravity, through the
has a left-hand side which encodes the space-time degrees equivalence principle, is unique in this regard—no other
of freedom via the Einstein tensor and is treated classically, fields can be described as a universal geometry in which
while on the right-hand side sits the energy-momentum quantum fields live. Having this classical background
tensor encoding the matter degrees of freedom which must structure appears crucial to our current understanding of
quantum mechanics. Quantum field theory allows us to
become an operator T̂ μν according to quantum theory (we
predict the result of future measurements on a spacelike
henceforth denote quantum operators by placing a ^ on surface, based on past initial data. The identification of a
them). The widespread belief is that this inconsistency Cauchy surface on which to give these initial data, not to
should be remedied by finding a quantum theory of gravity mention the identification of a one parameter family of
so that the left-hand side of Eq. (1) is also an operator. Yet, future hypersurfaces, is natural when the background
structure is classical, while it is unclear whether it is possible
to quantize this causal structure in a way which is indepen-
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of dent of these background choices. While this difficulty may
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to be merely technical, background-independent approaches
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, such as loop quantum gravity, string field theory [5], and
and DOI. others [6,7] have yet to demonstrate that this is possible.

2160-3308=23=13(4)=041040(37) 041040-1 Published by the American Physical Society


And while the ultraviolet catastrophe required the quanti- in a statistical mixture of being in two locations (as depicted
zation of electromagnetism, the analogous issue in gravity is in Fig. 1), a test mass will fall toward the point between the
less well understood [8] and muted by the fact that two locations, and the object itself will be attracted to the
gravitational systems in equilibrium occur in exotic sit- place where it might have been. This has been ruled out by
uations [9], or would emit gravitational radiation over very Page and Geilker through the performance of a gedanken
long timescales [10]. experiment in which a lead mass was placed in a position
Nonetheless, there is no strong case that gravity is that depended on the reading of a Geiger counter situated
exceptional, and the overwhelming consensus has been near a radioactive source [28]. It will come as no surprise to
that we must quantize it along with all the other fields. In the reader, that they verified that the dynamics depicted in
part, this is due to a number of no-go theorems and the right panel of Fig. 1 is what occurs.
arguments over the years [11–21] purporting to require This problematic behavior of the semiclassical Einstein
the quantization of the gravitational field. A recent no-go equation has generally been viewed as a reason why we
theorem [21] holds not only for coupling classical mechan- must quantize gravity [31–34]. However, one sees the same
ics with quantum theory, but also with modifications to apparent paradox in a fully quantum or fully classical
quantum mechanics, so-called postquantum theories which theory of two systems. Take for example the interaction
alter the quantum state space or dynamics [22]. But given Hamiltonian ĤMG ¼ ĤM ⊗ Ĥ G , and the limit where the M
the difficulties faced in constructing such a theory, it seems and G system are close to a product state with density
important to revisit this consensus. The question of why matrix ρ̂MG ≈ σ̂ M ⊗ σ̂ G . Then, for as long as the two
space-time might be fundamentally classical in contrast to systems remain approximately uncorrelated, Heisenberg’s
other forces will be considered elsewhere [24], while here equation of motion for the M system, after tracing out the G
we merely consider the necessity of quantizing gravity. system gives
Indeed, not only do we find that it is logically possible to
have quantum fields interacting with classical space-time, ∂σ̂ M
≈ −i½σ̂ M ; Ĥ M  ⊗ hĤG i; ð3Þ
we construct such a theory. The no-go theorems on the need ∂t
to quantize gravity implicitly or explicitly assume that the
coupling of quantum fields to space-time is not stochastic. where we use units where ℏ ¼ c ¼ 16πG ¼ 1. The state of
This loophole can be exploited to construct a theory of the system M also appears to be coupled to an expectation
classical space-time which can be acted upon by quantum value, even though we know that this is not what happens.
fields. By tracing out the G system, we have lost view of the fact
Although the construction of a consistent fundamental that the two systems will get correlated. Once the systems
theory is the principal motivation of the present work, two become correlated, the reduced dynamics is no longer even
other motivations remain even if one believes that the linear in the reduced state σ̂ M since trG ĤG ρ̂MG ≠ hĤG iσ̂ M .
fundamental theory of gravity is quantum. The first is to While this in no way suggests that the semiclassical
better understand the backreaction that quantum fields have Einstein equation is correct even on average, its pathologies
on space-time. In many cases, such as in the evaporation of have led to a widely held objection to theories which treat
large black holes, or in inflationary cosmology, we are gravity classically, while it is clear from the above example
interested in the limit in which space-time can be treated that the pathologies of the semiclassical Einstein equations
classically, while the matter itself, such as the black-hole have nothing to do with treating one system classically, and
radiation, or vacuum fluctuations, must be treated quan- everything to do with taking expectation values, and thus
tumly. We would like to compute the backreaction that losing sight of correlations. The same apparent pathologies
quantum matter produces on space-time, yet we have no occur if both systems are classical, but we allow for
consistent theory which enables us to do this. The current probabilistic mixtures of states. The theory presented here
approach to describe gravity classically is to take the does not suffer from these issues; the equations of motion
expectation value of the right-hand side of Eq. (1), leading are linear in the density matrix, just like quantum mechan-
to the semiclassical Einstein equation [25–27] ics and the classical Liouville equation. In order to under-
stand the interaction of two systems, whether they are both
8πG μν quantum, both classical, or are classical quantum, we need
Gμν ¼ hT̂ i: ð2Þ
c4 to account for the correlations between them, and this is
more easily done by considering the evolution of a joint
Although this equation is often used to understand the density matrix or probability density.
backreaction on space-time, it is valid only when fluctua- This leads us to the second motivation for the present
tions are small, while to understand quantum effects, we are work: Even if one does not regard the theory as funda-
precisely interested in the case where quantum fluctuations mental, it provides a sandbox, or toy model, for under-
are significant. Taking the semiclassical Einstein equation standing quantum gravity. Indeed, a natural first step to
seriously leads to pathological behavior. If a heavy object is quantizing gravity is to begin with the Liouville equation


FIG. 1. The prediction of the semiclassical Einstein equation is depicted in the right panel, compared with what we expect to occur
based on the statistical interpretation of the density matrix in the left panel. If a planet is in a statistical mixture of being in two possible
locations (“L” and “R”), then we expect the gravitational field to become correlated with it. A test particle therefore falls toward one of
the planets. If one treats the semiclassical Einstein equations as fundamental, the test particle falls down the middle, which is indeed the
average trajectory of its path in the left-hand panel. The planets are also attracted toward the place they might have been. The systems in
the linear theory considered here exhibit the behavior depicted in the left-hand panel. The case where we attempt to put the planet in a
superposition of the two locations is discussed further in Refs. [29,30]. If the gravitational field is suitably different in the two cases, in
the sense of how distinguishable the field configurations are when noise is added to them, then there will be a limit on how coherent the
superposition can be [30]. In the case where there is coherent superposition, the initial trajectory of the test mass will be insufficiently
correlated with the planet’s position to enable a determination of where the planet is. However, after the decoherence time, it may be
possible to determine the planet’s location from the trajectory of the test mass, since its trajectory will become correlated to the planet’s
location [29]. This is also what one expects from a fully quantum theory, with the stochasticity of the test mass being due to vacuum
fluctuations of the metric.

for general relativity and a probability density ρðtÞ over its principle be measured to sufficiently high precision to
phase space. After all, the probability density and the determine the particle’s position without disturbance. This
Liouville equation have a lot in common with the quantum would reveal which slit it went through, and would either
density matrix and the Heisenberg equations of motion. As prevent particles from being in superposition or would
we see with the semiclassical Einstein equation, some of violate the uncertainty principle if the interference experi-
the conceptual difficulties faced in understanding quantum ment of Fig. 2 is carried out. However, if the classical field
gravity are also found in classical probabilistic theories and responds to the quantum system stochastically [43], then
are resolved by considering instead the Liouville equation. measuring the classical degrees of freedom will not
The classical limit of the theory we present here should thus necessarily determine the particle’s quantum state to
be close to the Liouville equation for classical Einstein arbitrary precision. This could be because the gravitational
gravity introduced as Eq. (103). Many issues which arise in field reacts in an indeterministic way to the presence of
quantum gravity, especially in the canonical quantization matter, or because there is only a probability that the
framework, will turn out to have a similar but more gravitational field reacts to the position of the particle
tractable form here. In particular, the difficulty encountered during the time of the interference experiment [45]. In
in understanding the role of diffeomorphism invariance either case, the gravitational degrees of freedom contain
when one does not have a single 4-geometry or single time only partial information about the location of the particle.
slicing, as well as the technical difficulty encountered in We thus see that previous arguments for requiring the
calculating the constraint algebra, also appear in the theory quantization of the space-time metric implicitly assume that
considered here. And even in some cases, in the fully theory is deterministic, and are not a barrier to the theory
classical limit of the theory. considered here.
Let us now turn to another widely held belief on why a The fact that coupling classical gravity to quantum theory
classical theory of gravity is incompatible with super- necessarily requires stochasticity [49] is particularly com-
positions and the uncertainty relation. This argument is pelling in light of the black-hole information problem
usually attributed to Feynman [12,35] and Aharonov and [51–53], and its sharper version, the Almheiri-Marolf-
Rohrlich [36] in relation to the gravitational field (see also Polchinski-Sully (AMPS) “paradox” [54,55]. Since deter-
Refs. [14,37–40]). As depicted in Fig. 2, if the gravitational ministic theories appear to require a breakdown of gravity at
field produced by a particle is classical, the field can in low energies [56], serious consideration to nondeterministic


FIG. 2. Consider a variation of the gedanken experiment proposed by Feynman [12,35] and Aharonov [36] in which a massive particle
travels through two slits as a plane wave. Quantum theory predicts an interference pattern on the screen behind the slits which enables a
determination of the particle’s momentum. The local Newtonian potential it creates can be measured everywhere. At late times, the state
of the electromagnetic field far from the slits will be slightly different depending on which slit the particle goes through, but these two
states need not be orthogonal. The quantum nature of the electromagnetic field prevents an experimenter from distinguishing these two
nonorthogonal states and while the electromagnetic interaction might lead to some decoherence of the particle, if the interaction is small
enough the interference pattern remains. On the other hand, if the gravitational field is classical and the interaction deterministic, then
one could imagine measuring the gravitational field close to the particle and during its flight, without disturbing the field to
unambiguously determine which path the particle went through. One could therefore never get interference fringes (or the uncertainty
principle would be violated). Two classical states cannot be different but nonorthogonal. Actually measuring the gravitational field is not
required since classical systems are undisturbed; even if we cannot actually measure the field to the required accuracy [48], it is
impossible to write down a pure quantum state of the particle which is correlated with a classical gravitational field determined by the
particle’s position. Since the theory presented here modifies quantum theory so that the interaction is stochastic, the gravitational field
need not become unambiguously correlated with the particle’s path and the interference pattern is restored. Probability densities over
classical states can be different and nonorthogonal.

theories should be given [59]. However, theories with distance scale larger than the Planck scale, as needs to happen
information destruction face imposing obstacles. Banks, in spontaneous collapse models [67–70]. Further research is
Peskin, and Susskind (BPS) argued that they lead either to needed because the theory we present contains a number of
violations of locality or anomalous heating [60,61], and unspecified couplings and choices. These can be shown to be
Coleman argued that they merely result in false decoherence greatly reduced if one demands that the theory should be
corresponding to unknown coupling constants [62]. There continuous in phase space [71]. However, this does not
have been a few attempts to work around the issue raised by completely fix the theory, and there remains some additional
BPS. Unruh and Wald proposed that if the information freedom which we expect to be constrained by demanding
destruction was at sufficiently high energy, then violations in the theory be regularizable, and by experimental constraints.
momentum and energy conservation would also be at high Whether there is sufficient freedom in the couplings to satisfy
energy, and hence, not observable in the lab [63]. Models these demands, as well as ones coming from symmetry
which are local, yet violate cluster decomposition [64] were principles such as diffeomorphism invariance, remains open.
proposed in Ref. [65], and ones which have only mild Having argued that nothing forbids the coupling of
violations of energy conservation at the expense of some quantum systems to classical ones, let us turn to attempts
nonlocality were proposed in Ref. [66]. However, none of to construct such a theory. An early attempt to couple toy
these attempts have been theories of gravity, and once the models for classical gravity to quantum mechanics was
backreaction to space-time is considered and the constraints made in Ref. [72] using the Aleksandrov-Gerasimenko
of general relativity taken into account, the situation is (AG) bracket [73,74]
different enough to warrant reconsidering the issue. The
class of theories presented here may allow us to resolve the ∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ 1
black-hole information paradox in favor of information loss. ¼ −i½ĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ þ ðfĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg
∂t 2
We return to these points in the Discussion section.
We find that the issue of anomalous heating takes on a − fρ̂ðz; tÞ; ĤðzÞgÞ; ð4Þ
different form in this theory but continues to raise questions.
These may be resolved simply by regularizing the theory, but where Ĥ is a quantum Hamiltonian which can depend
it is also possible that we need to introduce new physics at a on phase-space points z, and f·; ·g are Poisson brackets.


The object ρ̂ðz; tÞ, about which we say more in Sec. II, is Such an approach can be found in Ref. [105] where a
the classical quantum (CQ) state at time t—a positive variation of Eq. (2) is studied, but it is argued that the
matrix in Hilbert space, and a functional of the classical interaction of a quantum system with a classical measuring
degrees of freedom z normalized such that device necessarily leads to decoherence and consistency of
Z the measurement postulate. Likewise, Tilloy and Diósi
[92,93] point out that although they introduce a sponta-
dztrρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ 1: ð5Þ neous collapse model to source the Newtonian potential,
this can be thought of as formal, and it is the consistency of
However, the dynamics the AG bracket generated leads to hybrid dynamics which requires decoherence of the quan-
negative probabilities [72,75]. Unless we are prepared to tum matter. Poulin [66] also note that the classical coupling
modify the Born rule, or equivalently, our interpretation of leads to decoherence of the quantum system.
the density matrix, any dynamics must be trace preserving The theory considered here, however, cannot be reduced
(TP) to conserve probability, and be completely positive to a linear spontaneous collapse model, because the dynam-
(CP), for probabilities to remain positive. So, although the ics is not Markovian or even linear in the density matrix
dynamics of Eq. (4) makes a frequent appearance in attempts when the gravitational degrees of freedom are traced out
to couple quantum and classical degrees of freedom [76–78] (although it is linear and Markovian when we include the
(cf. Ref. [79]), and while it may give insight into some metric degrees of freedom). It also leads not merely to
regimes, it cannot serve as a fundamental theory. Other decoherence, but to a genuine objective collapse of the wave
attempts, such as using the Schrödinger-Newton equation function. In particular, there are realizations of the discrete
[80,81] (cf. Refs. [82,83]), suffer from the problem that the theory considered here, where stochastic jumps in phase
equations are nonlinear in the density matrix, and thus will space can be finite and correlate to Lindblad operators. As a
lead to superluminal signaling [84–86] and a breakdown of result, changes in the quantum state correspond to changes
the statistical mechanical interpretation of the density matrix in the classical system. Consequently, the quantum state
[87]. And yet, experimentalists working in the field of remains pure and uniquely determined by the trajectory of
quantum control routinely couple quantum and classical the classical system [106]. Purity of the quantum system
degrees of freedom together, usually by invoking the conditional on the classical trajectory has since been shown
mysterious measurement postulate of quantum theory. to also hold in the continuous realizations under natural
This presents another path to treat gravity classically, where conditions [29].
one imagines the system of interest is fundamentally quan- Before proposing a theory which couples classical general
tum, but that observables are restricted or a measurement is relativity with quantum field theory, we first construct a
performed on them [75,88–90]. However, for gravity, this general framework for classical quantum dynamics. In order
would require first quantizing the theory, which might well to do so, we derive general linear dynamics which maps the
be an impossible task. Another approach is to apply a set of classical quantum states to itself. More precisely, we
measurement to the quantum system instead, and then couple wish to find the most general linear dynamics which is
the output to the classical degrees of freedom such as the completely positive, trace preserving, and preserves the
Newtonian potential [91–94]. Both approaches, at least division of degrees of freedom into classical and quantum.
initially, invoke the measurement postulate of quantum Two examples of such dynamics have previously been
mechanics, or an ad hoc field which produces a stochastic proposed. In Refs. [46,107], a master equation with diagonal
collapse of the wave function [95–100], which then sources coupling to Lindblad operators L̂α was considered of the
the gravitational field. form
Here lies the essence of the problem: If nature is X
∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ
fundamentally quantum, our notion of classicality hinges ¼ −i½ĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ þ W α ðzjz0 ÞL̂α ρ̂ðz0 ; tÞL̂†α
on the measurement postulate. Thus, the emphasis in this ∂t α;z0
work is to invert the logic: Assume that since space-time 1
describes causal structure and relationships between the − W α ðzÞfL̂†α L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ ; ð6Þ
matter degrees of freedom, it is a priori and fundamentally
classical. Then, examine the implications of this. One where z are discrete classical degrees of freedom, and f·gþ is
outcome will be that the quantum degrees of freedom the anticommutator. When W α ðzjz0 Þ ¼ W α ðzÞδðz − z0 Þ, this
inherit classicality from space-time. By treating the space- reduces to the Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad
time metric as a classical degree of freedom, we obtain for (GKSL) or Lindblad equation [108,109] controlled by an
free not only a theory of quantum matter and gravity, but external degree of freedom z. Equation (6) has been shown
also a theory which produces the gravitationally induced by Poulin to be the most general master equation in the case
collapse of the wave function conjectured by Karolyhazy of discrete classical variables and bounded Lindblad oper-
[101], Diósi [102], and Penrose [103,104]. Collapse arises ators by embedding the classical system in Hilbert space
as a simple consequence of treating space-time classically. [110]. However, for trajectories which are continuous in the


classical degrees of freedom, it will turn out that nondiagonal dynamics of Eq. (6) has discrete, finite-sized jumps in phase
couplings are required. A master equation due to the early space [71].
work of Diósi [47] corresponds to the constant force With the general form of dynamics in hand, the next step
case ĤðqÞ ¼ dx qðxÞLðxÞ ^ or sum of such terms [113], is to restrict ourselves to dynamics which is generated by a
ĤðqÞ ¼ i dx qi ðxÞLi ðxÞ^ Hamiltonian. This allows us to apply the framework to the
Hamiltonian formalism of general relativity. This follows
from considering a perturbative expansion of the more
∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ general dynamics presented as Eq. (17). This expansion can
¼ fH 0 ðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg − i½ĤðqÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ be thought of as a CQ version of the Kramers-Moyal
1 expansion [115,116] familiar in classical stochastic dynam-
þ ðfĤðqÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg − fρ̂ðz; tÞ; ĤðqÞgÞ ics. We show in Sec. IV that continuous and deterministic
classical evolution emerges in some limit. Away from this
þ dxdx0 fqi ðx0 Þ; fqj ðxÞ; Dij 0
2 ðx; x Þρ̂ðz; tÞgg
limit, the quantum system can retain some coherence, but
2 complete positivity requires the classical system to undergo
1 diffusion or discrete, finite-sized jumps in phase space. A
þ dxdx0 D0;ij ðx; x0 Þ
2 discrete realization of this dynamics makes use of a finite
h i and noncommuting directional divergence, Eqs. (73)–(75).
× fĤðqÞ; pi ðxÞg; ½ρ̂ðz; tÞ; fĤðqÞ; pj ðx0 Þg ; ð7Þ This dynamics corresponds to a discrete version of
Liouville dynamics on the classical system and the action
of a dynamical semigroup on the quantum system, thus
which adds diffusion and a Lindbladian to the Aleksandrov- providing a natural generalization of both classical and
Gerasimenko bracket of Eq. (4), and is completely positive quantum evolution. A parameter τ governs how continuous
provided the matrix inequality D2 D0 ≽ 14 is satisfied. For and classical the total system is, with the system’s trajectory
arbitrary Hamiltonians and dynamics which is continuous in in the classical phase space going from finite-sized hops to
phase space, one should turn to the most general continuous continuous deterministic dynamics as τ → 0. In this limit,
master equation since derived in [71]. Unravellings for the quantum system decoheres and becomes classical. For
arbitrary Hamiltonians has since been taken up in [29]. In larger τ (or ℏ), the decoherence times are longer, while the
this work, the classical quantum interaction Hamiltonian jump distance in the classical phase space increases
ĤðqÞ is chosen to be minimally coupled, meaning that it is a resulting in greater diffusion in the system’s trajectory.
functional of phase-space fields qi ðxÞ and not on the The dynamics of Eq. (17) also includes the fully continuous
conjugate momenta pi ðxÞ, while H0 ðzÞ is any purely evolution of Eq. (7).
classical Hamiltonian. The constant force case considered In Sec. IV B, we present a simple example of the discrete
in Ref. [47] corresponds to an interaction Hamiltonian dynamics, namely, a quantum spin system with a classical
which is linearR in a single classical degree of freedom position and momentum interacting with a potential. We
qðxÞ, ĤðqÞ ¼ dxqðxÞL̂ðxÞ. The constant force case has see that if the particle is initially in a superposition of spin
been studied in the context of measurement theory [111], in states, then it eventually collapses to one of them through
the classical limit of the collisionless Boltzmann equation its interaction with the classical degrees of freedom. In
[112], and in a model for Newtonian gravity [113]. The essence, the classical potential acts like a Stern-Gerlach
discrete dynamics has appeared in discussions around black- device, so that after some time, the particle’s classical
hole evaporation [66]. degrees of freedom uniquely determine the value of the
In Sec. III, we show that Eq. (14) is the most general form spin. Unlike standard decoherence, the collapse of the
of time-local [114] classical quantum dynamics. It includes quantum state happens suddenly, when the system under-
the discreet dynamics of Eq. (6) and the continuous goes a classical jump in its momentum. At that point,
Hamiltonian dynamics of Eq. (7). Our derivation uses a monitoring the momentum unambiguously reveals the
fully classical quantum formalism and gives necessary particle’s spin. The quantum state of the system remains
conditions for the dynamics to be completely positive. pure, conditioned on the state of the classical system. There
These conditions are also sufficient in the case of discrete is thus no need for the mysterious measurement postulate of
dynamics, and in Ref. [71] with Sparaciari, Šoda and Weller- quantum theory, a postulate which has meant that the
Davies, we derive the necessary and sufficient conditions interpretation of quantum theory has been open to dispute,
when the dynamics is continuous in phase space. This and whose problematic nature has received renewed
continuous master equation generalizes Ref. [47] to the attention [117].
case of arbitrary interaction Hamiltonians and multiple In Sec. IV C, we then extend the framework to include a
Lindblad operators and classical degrees of freedom. hybrid version of quantum field theory. In Sec. V, we apply
Since the continuous master equation requires off-diagonal this hybrid formalism to the case of general relativity. We
Lindblad couplings, this can be shown to imply that the work in the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) formalism [118],


treating the metric as classical, while the matter living on such that the normalization condition Eq. (5) holds. In
space time is quantum fields. In the classical limit, the quantum theory, such a system is sometimes said to be in a cq
equations of motion reduce to Einstein equations, in the state (or CQ state), and has a density matrix of the form
sense of a CQ version of Ehrenenfest’s theorem, that after Z
taking the expectation value on the quantum fields, the ρ̂cq ¼ dzρðz; tÞjzihzj ⊗ σ̂ðz; tÞ ð8Þ
equations of motion are close to the semiclassical version
of the Liouville equation [Eq. (21)] applied to general with σ̂ðz; tÞ a normalized density matrix and jzi an ortho-
relativity [Eq. (103)]. There are nonetheless some deviations normal basis. Since q̂ and p̂ do not commute in quantum
from general relativity in the classical limit, because there theory, if we want to encode phase-space degrees of freedom
are additional contributions relating to diffusion and in a quantum system, we could consider two separate
decoherence, with some of the experimental bounds on these subsystems, one which encodes q and one which encodes
terms since given in Ref. [50]. p. Here, we do not consider such an embedding, but rather
The equations we derive allow one to calculate the describe the classical quantum state as
backreaction of quantum fields on classical space-time.
This allows us to go beyond the semiclassical Einstein ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ ρðz; tÞσ̂ðz; tÞ ð9Þ
equation, and we expect it to prove useful in attempts to
understand black-hole evaporation or the effect of vacuum
fluctuations in cosmology. The interaction of the quantum Rwith ρðz; tÞ ≔ trρ̂ðz; tÞ a phase-space density and
trρ̂ðz; tÞdz ≤ 1 when integrated over any interval.
system with classical space-time causes the wave function
Conditioned on the classical system being in state z, the
to collapse at a rate determined by the system’s energy-
quantum system is in the state σ̂ðz; tÞ, the normalized state of
momentum tensor. The stochastic nature of the interaction
the quantum system. In finite dimension, we can also write
allows for the possibility that information is destroyed in
the CQ state as a matrix whose diagonal entries are phase-
black holes, although the quantum state conditioned on the
space densities, as with the CQ qubit of Eq. (77). When we
metric degrees of freedom can remain pure. The theory
suggests a number of possible experiments which could consider gravity, each point z is a classical field (the 3-
falsify or verify it, and we discuss this in Sec. VI. We now metric, and 3-momentum) over R3.
begin in Sec. II by reviewing the formalism of classical We now ask, what is the most general dynamical
quantum dynamics and then discuss how the evolution law map which take any cq state at time t ¼ 0 to another cq
we derive relates to both classical stochastic dynamics and state at a later time t? This requires us to adapt Kraus’s
quantum maps. The form of the master equation, Eq. (14), is representation theorem [121] to the classical quantum case.
then derived in Sec. III. Since the initial posting of this Table I compares the classical-quantum map to the Kraus
manuscript in 2018 [119], a number of advancements have map for quantum systems and the stochastic matrix for
been made. We continue to highlight some of these develop- classical systems. Table II compares the corresponding
ments while maintaining the integrity of the original draft. master equations which we now review. Let us recall that
for quantum systems, a linear map Eðσ̂Þ which is com-
II. CONSISTENT CLASSICAL pletely positive trace preserving at every time t (we say it is
QUANTUM DYNAMICS infinitesimally divisible [122]) is always generated by the
GKSL or Lindblad equation [108,109]
The state of a quantum system is represented in a Hilbert
space HS by a density matrix—a positive trace one matrix ∂σ̂ðtÞ i
σ̂ðtÞ at time t. A discrete classical system is represented by a ¼ − ½ĤðtÞ; σ̂ðtÞ
∂t ℏ
discrete random variable z, and the system has a probability  
αβ † 1 †
pðz; tÞ of being at z. In the continuous case, we consider a − λ ðtÞ L̂α σ̂ðtÞL̂β − fL̂β L̂α ; σ̂ðtÞgþ ð10Þ
classical system to live in phase space, although we could 2
just as well consider any other classical sample space.
Phase space is a 2n-dimensional manifold M of points with ĤðtÞ the Hamiltonian, the set fL̂α g a traceless basis of
z ¼ ðq; pÞT , and the state of the classical system can be operators orthogonal in the Hilbert-Schmidt norm, and
represented by a probability density—a non-negative dis- λαβ ðtÞ are elements of a positive-semidefinite (PSD) matrix,
which we write as λ ≽ 0. Here, and throughout, we use
R ρðz; tÞ defined over z at time t normalized such
Einstein summation notation when there are raised and
that dzρðz; tÞ ¼ 1.
Here, as in Refs. [46,47,66,73,74,107,111,112], we con- lowered indices. One can always diagonalize λ, in which
sider a hybrid classical quantum system which lives on both case L̂α σ̂ L̂†α is sometimes called the jump term since one
the Hilbert space and the classical phase space, an illustrative could interpret it as giving the rate at which the system
example being the classical quantum qubit of Eq. (77). The jumps from being in another quantum state into σ̂, while
1 †
state of a hybrid system ρ̂ðtÞ at time t is defined over an 2 fL̂α L̂α ; σ̂gþ is sometimes called the no-event term and
interval around z by a positive matrix ρ̂ðz; tÞ in HS [120], acts to preserve the trace. If the map is non-Markovian


TABLE I. Summary of Secs. II–III of the finite-time map acting on states for stochastic classical, quantum, and
classical quantum dynamics. We use Einstein summation notation, so an index which appears both raised and
lowered should be summed over. In the classical case, the probability density ρðz; tÞ over phase space z is given in
terms of the earlier probability density ρðz; 0Þ and the transition probabilities Pðzjz0 ; tÞ which define a classical
channel. In the quantum case, the necessary and sufficient condition for complete positivity is that λðtÞ as a matrix in
αβ is positive semidefinite [which we write as λðtÞ ≽ 0]. fL̂α g are a basis of operators. The classical quantum
positivity and norm conditions combine those of the purely classical and purely quantum dynamics, and generalizes
the Kraus decomposition theorem to the hybrid case in Eq. (34).

Map Positivity condition Norm condition

Classical 0 0
ρðz; tÞ ¼ dz Pðzjz ; tÞρðz ; 0Þ 0 Pðzjz0 ; tÞ ≥ 0; ∀ z; z0 dzPðzjz0 ; tÞ ¼ 1
Quantum σ̂ðtÞ ¼ λαβ ðtÞL̂α σ̂ð0ÞL̂†β λðtÞ ≽ 0 λαβ ðtÞL̂†β L̂α ¼ I
Classical quantum ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ dz0 Λαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞL̂α ρ̂ðz0 ; 0ÞL̂†β Λðzjz0 ; tÞ ≽ 0; ∀ z; z0 dzΛαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞL̂†β L̂α ¼ I

TABLE II. Summary of Secs. II and III of the master equations governing classical, quantum, and classical quantum
dynamics, along with the positivity condition in the case of continuous dynamics, or discrete jumps in the classical
degrees of freedom. In the classical case, continuous dynamics corresponds to the Fokker-Planck equation specified
by a drift term D1 ðzÞ and a positive-semidefinite diffusion matrix D2 ðzÞ ≽ 0 with elements D2;ij ðzÞ. One can always
choose L̂0 ¼ 1, and the remaining L̂α to be traceless [71]. The CQ master equation is a natural generalization of the
classical rate equation (or Fokker-Planck equation in the continuous case) and the Lindblad equation, and is here
presented as Eq. (14) (in this table, we use the convention of including the λαβ in the W αβ terms). In general, the
coupling constants can have an explicit time dependence which we drop for ease of presentation.

Master equation ∂t ρðz; tÞ ¼ dz0 Wðzjz0 Þρðz0 ; tÞ − dz0 Wðz0 jzÞρðz; tÞ
Positivity (jumps) Wðzjz0 Þ ≥ 0; ∀ z ≠ z0
Positivity (continuous) Wðzjz0 Þ ¼ −D1;i ðz0 Þ∂z0i δðz − z0 Þ þ D2;ij ðz0 Þ∂z0i ∂z0j δðz − z0 Þ, D2 ≽ 0

Master equation ∂t σ̂ ¼ −i½H; σ̂ þ hαβ Lα σ̂L†β − 12 fhαβ L†β Lα ; σ̂gþ
Positivity condition hαβ a PSD matrix in α, β (h ≽ 0)

Classical quantum
Master equation ∂t ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ dz W ðzjz ÞLα ρ̂ðz0 ; tÞL†β − 12 dz0 W αβ ðz0 jzÞfL†β Lα ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ
0 αβ 0

Positivity (jumps) W αβ PSD in αβ ∀ z ≠ z0 , W αβ PSD in αβ for z ¼ z0

Positivity (continuous) Equation (49)

(or more precisely, not infinitesimally divisible), but has an positive and normalized. This is equivalent to Pðzjz0 ; tÞ
inverse, then it can still be represented by Eq. (10), with the being the conditional probability that the state makes a
positive-semidefinite condition on the λαβ ðtÞ lifted, pro- transition to z at time t given that it was initially at z0 . For a
vided the finite-time map is still CP [123]. In finite- time-local process, the most general dynamics is given by
dimensional Hilbert spaces, CP maps have an inverse, the rate equation
but this condition can fail in infinite dimension [124,125], Z
in which case, it may not be possible to write the master dρðz; tÞ
¼ dz0 Wðzjz0 ; tÞρðz0 ; tÞ − Wðz; tÞρðz; tÞ; ð12Þ
equation in time-local form. dt
For a classical stochastic process, on the other hand, an
initial state at t ¼ 0, ρðz; 0Þ evolves into where Wðzjz0 ; tÞ are rates for the system to transition from
Z state z0 to state z (this can be thought of as the jump term).
ρðz; tÞ ¼ dzPðzjz0 ; tÞρðz0 ; 0Þ ð11Þ To conserve probability, we require
with Pðzjz0 ; tÞ ≥ 0 and dzPðzjz0 ; tÞ ¼ 1. This simply Wðz; tÞ ¼ dz0 Wðz0 jz; tÞ ð13Þ
ensures that any initial probability density ρðz; 0Þ remains


being the total rate for the system to transition away from This norm-preserving condition is analogous to the purely
state z to one of the states z0 . Wðz; tÞρðzÞ is analogous to the classical case of Eq. (13) and the pure-Lindbladian case.
no-event term in the GKSL equation. Our derivation is general enough to allow for the
The dynamics can be discontinuous in z, containing coupling terms to be time dependent, which would allow
discrete finite-sized jumps, in which case it is necessary and for the inclusion of various non-Markovian effects, but
sufficient that Wðzjz0 ; tÞ ≥ 0, ∀ z ≠ z0 for the dynamics following our general derivation, we drop the time depend-
to be positive. When Wðzjz0 ; tÞ ¼ −D1;i ðz0 Þ∂z0i δðz − z0 Þ þ ence from λαβ ðz; tÞ and W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ (one refers to such
D2;ij ðz0 Þ∂z0i ∂z0j δðz − z0 Þ, the dynamics is continuous in z, dynamics as being autonomous). For the dynamics of
and positive if and only if D2;ij is a positive-semidefinite Eq. (14) to be infinitely divisible (i.e., CP as a generator
matrix in ij corresponding to diffusion. D1i is called the at every time t), it is necessary that W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ be a
positive-semidefinite matrix in α; β ∀ z ≠ z0 , and the
drift term and includes Hamiltonian evolution as a special
matrix with elements λαβ þ W αβ ðzjz; tÞ must be PSD.
case. Wðz; tÞ ¼ 0 by integration by parts in Eq. (13). The
These are sufficient conditions for discrete, jumping
continuous dynamics is sometimes called the Fokker-
Planck equation or forward Kolmogorov equation, while dynamics while the conditions on W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ in the
the general form of the dynamics is sometimes referred to continuous case are derived in Ref. [71] and previewed
as the differential Chapman-Kolmogorov equation [126]. here as Eq. (49). For continuous quantum systems, the
Here we present the most general classical quantum sum over αβ is replaced by an integral, an example
dynamical map which is linear and completely positive. In being the case where we take Lindblad operators to be
Sec. III, we find the generators of this map, deriving local field operators written in terms of the coordinate x.
the most general continuous-time master equation for L̂α can be any operator, but we can always rewrite the
the dynamics. As in the proof of the generality of the above equation in terms of a basis of Lindblad operators
GKSL equation, the proof presented here is valid for a orthogonal in Hilbert-Schmidt norm, such that the L̂α
separable Hilbert space, and countable set of bounded (distinguished by having α in bold font) are traceless,
Lindblad operators L̂α , or alternatively, when the map has and L̂0 ¼ 1.
an inverse at infinitesimal short times. In the case of The terms proportional to W 00 ðzjz0 Þ and W 00 ðzÞ are
unbounded operators [127], one can cast the equation in thus purely classical and account for both stochastic and
the form we derive, but it is possible the dynamics are not deterministic evolution of the classical degrees of freedom.
unique. In the case of continuous deterministic dynamics, this term
Under these assumptions, we find that the most general is just the Poisson bracket fh00 ðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg with h00 ðzÞ a
master equation can be put into the form classical Hamiltonian. In Eq. (14), we separate out the
Lindbladian term with couplings λαβ ðzÞ to be consistent

∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ with conventions of the classical literature, but it is often
¼ −i½Ĥðz; tÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ þ λ ðz; tÞ L̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂†β
convenient to include them in W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ. The W αβ ðzjz0 Þ
 can be interpreted as the jump term in both phase space or
− fL̂†β L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ Hilbert space or both since it can induce transitions in both
2 the classical quantum system. λαβ ðzÞ causes transitions in
Hilbert space only, and W 00 ðzjz0 Þ transitions only in phase
þ dz0 W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞL̂α ρ̂ðz0 ; tÞL̂†β
space. The anticommutator terms are the collective no-
1 event terms.
− W αβ ðz; tÞfL̂†β L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ : ð14Þ In the case that the quantum and classical systems do not
get correlated in z (for example, when one system acts as a
The condition that the master equation preserve probability large heat bath weakly coupled to the other), the dynamics
requires derived here reduces to a semiclassical version of the
stochastic master Eq. (12) when we trace out the quantum
Z system, while if we integrate out z we get an averaged
W ðz; tÞ ¼ dz0 W αβ ðz0 jz; tÞ ð15Þ version of GKSL dynamics. However, more generally,
tracing out the quantum or classical system results in
dynamics that are non-Markovian, since there can be
for each α, β. One can verify this is the case by taking the correlations between the classical and quantum systems,
trace of Eq. (15) and integrating over phase space, and then and the reduced dynamics are not even linear on the quantum
requiring the total probability to be conserved in time state. When we integrate over z, the presence of correlations
Z between the classical system and the quantum one translate
∂ into different effective coupling strengths WðzÞ for different
dztrρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ 0: ð16Þ
∂t quantum states [128,129].


In Sec. IV, we introduce a class of theories whose the semiclassical Einstein equation (2) as depicted on the
dynamics is close to Hamiltonian dynamics. This master right side of Fig. 1. Instead, the dynamics of Eq. (21) is
equation can be expanded as linear in the total density matrix and similar to the situation
described in our discussion of Eq. (3) where we have linear
∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ evolution of two coupled systems which account for the
¼ −i½ĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ
∂t correlation. For example, the correlated state of two
W αβ 1 components labeled L and R,
þ L̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂†β − fL̂†β L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ
τ 2 1 1
ρ̂ðzÞ ¼ ρL ðzÞσ̂ L þ ρR ðzÞσ̂ R ; ð22Þ
− L̂α Xαβ † αβ †
h ðzÞ · ∇ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β þ τL̂α ∇ · ½γ h ðzÞρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β 2 2
þ τL̂α ∇ · Dαβ ðzÞρ̂ðz; tÞ · ∇ L̂†β þ    ; ð17Þ would evolve according to Eq. (21) as
∂ρðzÞ 1 1
where ∇ ¼ ð∂q ; ∂p ÞT is the divergence in phase space ¼ ftrĤðzÞσ̂ L ; ρL ðzÞg þ ftrĤðzÞσ̂ R ; ρR ðzÞg   
∂t 2 2
z ¼ q, p, and Xαβ h a matrix of vector fields which, as we
detail, is generated by a Hamiltonian
with the component ρL ðzÞ evolving differently into ρR ðzÞ as
ĤðzÞ ¼ hαβ ðzÞL̂†β L̂α ð18Þ in the left side of Fig. 1. One can also think of ∂=∂p in
over quantum and classical degrees of freedom via the Eq. (21) acting on each matrix element of ρ̂ðz; tÞ, while the
symplectic matrix velocities ∂ĤðzÞ=∂q are a matrix, and thus the backreaction
  force depends on which state the quantum system is in and
0 In correlates the quantum system with the classical one.
Ω¼ : ð19Þ
−I n 0
The couplings
Xαβ αβ
h ðzÞ ¼ Ω∇h ðzÞ ð20Þ We first derive the classical quantum map which takes a
cq state ρ̂ðz; 0Þ to another cq state ρ̂ðz; tÞ and then derive the
are the terms which correspond to Hamiltonian evolution in continuous-time master equation. Recall that we restrict
the classical limit. γ αβ
h ðzÞ is taken to correspond to a friction
ourselves to the case of trace-class operations. We also
term and is a vector in the 2n-dimensional phase space restrict ourselves to the case where the map has an inverse
at infinitesimal times (which need not be completely
at each z, with components γ αβ h;i ðzÞ, while the D ðzÞ
positive), so that we may write the master equation in
corresponding to diffusion terms define a matrix both in time-local form [123]. Recall also Kraus’s theorem, that the
αβ and in phase space with elements Dαβ ij ðzÞ at each z. One most general map on quantum systems Eðσ̂Þ that is CP and
typically considers Dαβ ðzÞ to depend only on q̄ and the TP can be written so that
diffusion to be in p̄. Here, we include the pure-Lindbladian X
term proportional to λαβ ðzÞ in the W αβ ðzÞ term. σ̂ðtÞ ¼ E(σ̂ð0Þ) ¼ K μ σ̂ð0ÞK †μ ð24Þ
Dropping terms of higher order in τ and taking the
expectation value on both sides by performing the trace with the operators K μ satisfying
over the quantum degrees of freedom gives a semiclassical
version of the Liouville equation K †μ K μ ¼ 1; ð25Þ

∂ρðz; tÞ where CP means that 1 ⊗ E acting on HS ⊗ HS takes

¼ trfĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg þ    : ð21Þ positive operators to positive operators, and together with
the trace-preserving condition, ensures that density matri-
If we retain the term proportional to τ, an appropriate ces are mapped to density matrices, even if the map acts on
choice of γ αβ αβ
h ðzÞ and D ðzÞ corresponds to a hybrid version
part of a system.
of the Fokker-Planck equation. Truncating the expansion in Let us now consider the case of a map which acts on cq
Eq. (21) can result in negative probabilities, but the full states. Because the map has to be linear in ρ̂ðz; tÞ, we can
evolution equation is completely positive and provides write the total map Λt acting on ρ̂ð0Þ in terms of quantum
a natural generalization of both classical Hamiltonian maps Λzjz0 ;t such that
dynamics and the GKSL equation. Z
We also see that taking the trace over the quantum ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ dz0 Λzjz0 ;t ρ̂ðz0 ; 0Þ: ð26Þ
system does not result in the pathological behavior found in


Since the initial state could be ρ̂ðz0 ; 0Þ ¼ δðz0 − z0 Þσ̂ðz0 Þ, We now want to derive the generator L of this map
i.e., a normalized quantum state, with vanishing support a Z 
finite distance away from some initial point z0 , the map t
Λt ¼ exp dsLs ð31Þ
Λzjz0 ;t must be completely positive for all z, z0 . The initial 0
state which could be peaked around any z0 must be mapped
to another positive (but not necessarily normalized) quan- using
tum state around z. In the case of discrete z, the maps need
not preserve the trace; they must merely be completely ρ̂ðz; t þ δtÞ − ρ̂ðz; tÞ
Lt ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ lim : ð32Þ
positive, trace nonincreasing, since if we act on the δt→0 δt
normalized state around some point z0 , a final state around
z cannot have a trace This is possible, if at short times, the map has an inverse
R larger than 1, as this would correspond
to a probability dzρðz; tÞ larger than 1. Thus, one easily (which need not be CP), since then it can always be
sees that a necessary and sufficient condition for a cq map is written in time-local form [123] (the proof contained in
that each Λzjz0 ;t must be a completely positive, trace Refs. [124,125] also applies to maps on CQ states). I.e.,
nonincreasing map, with the total map
˙ tÞ ¼ KðtÞρ̂ðz0 ; tÞ:
ρ̂ðz; ð33Þ
Λz ;t ≔ dzΛzjz0 ;t
0 ð27Þ To this end, we write the Kraus operators in terms of an
orthonormal basis of operators L̂α to obtain
being traceR preserving. This is the analog of the classical XZ
condition dzPðzjz0 Þ ¼ 1. In the case where z is continu- ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ dz0 Λαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞL̂α ρ̂ðz0 ; 0ÞL̂†β ; ð34Þ
ous, the above statements hold, except that because trρ̂ðz; tÞ α;β¼0
is a distribution, we should interpret statements about the
nonincreasing of its trace asRreferring to its trace smeared where complete positivity for all z, z0 requires the
over an indication function dztrρ̂ðz; tÞξðzÞ. Λαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ be a positive-semidefinite Hermitian matrix
We can then write the map in terms of sets of Kraus in α, β for all z, z0 (see Ref. [130] and also Appendix A).
operators K μ ðzjz0 ; tÞ, The trace-preserving condition Eq. (29) requires
ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ dz0 K μ ðzjz0 ; tÞρ̂ðz0 ; 0ÞK μ ðzjz0 ; tÞ† ; ð28Þ dzΛαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞL̂†β L̂α ¼ 1: ð35Þ
μ αβ

P 0 † 0 Since fL̂α g is an arbitrary orthogonal basis of the

where μ K μ ðzjz ; tÞ K μ ðzjz ; tÞ ≤ 1. This follows from
the fact that the action of the entire map must preserve the operator space, we can always take L̂0 ¼ 1, and the
trace; thus, summing over μ and taking the trace of both orthogonality condition trL̂†β L̂α ¼ 0 for α ≠ β means that
sides of Eq. (28) on an arbitrary initial state ρ̂ðz0 ; 0Þ, the other L̂α are traceless, and we denote them with bold
requires font α. We are interested in changes of the state over
infinitesimally short times δt. Since the dynamics is time
dzK μ ðzjz0 ; tÞ† K μ ðzjz0 ; tÞ ¼ 1: ð29Þ local [Eq. (33)], we can expand the Λαβ as
Λ00 ðzjz0 ; t þ δtÞ ¼ Λ00 ðzjz0 ; tÞ − δðz − z0 Þγ 00 ðz0 ; tÞδt
Equation (28), together with the normalization constraint of
þ W 00 ðzjz0 ; tÞδt þ Oðδt2 Þ; ð36Þ
Eq. (29), gives the most general map on hybrid classical
quantum states. It is the hybrid generalization of both the
classical probability map of Eq. (11), and in some sense, an Λαβ ðzjz0 ; t þ δtÞ ¼ Λαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ þ δðz − z0 Þλαβ ðz0 ; tÞδt
extension of the Kraus representation theorem Eq. (24). þ W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞδt þ Oðδt2 Þ; αβ ≠ 00:
However, it can also be considered a special case of a Kraus
decomposition, as we could restrict ourselves to quantum
states that have the form of Eq. (8) and write its action as
This is just a Taylor expansion where we divide up the terms
Z X proportional to δt into two contributions for later conven-
ρ̂cq ðtÞ ¼ dzdz0 jzihz0 j ⊗ K μ ðzjz0 ; tÞρ̂cq ð0Þjz0 ihzj ience and for comparison with existing convention. If the
μ map acts on an initial state ρ̂ðz; tÞ, then Λ00 ðzjz0 ; tÞ ¼
⊗ K μ ðzjz0 ; tÞ† : ð30Þ 1δðz − z0 Þ, since when δt → 0 the system has to remain at
the same point in phase space and the quantum system does
where the set of Kraus operators is fjzihz0 j ⊗ K μ ðzjz0 ; tÞg. not change. The other Λαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ ¼ 0, since these terms are


associated with Lindblad operators L̂α acting on the state and so that we can write Eq. (41) as
nothing happens to the state in the limit δt → 0. This leaves
∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ
Λ00 ðzjz0 ; t þ δtÞ ¼ δðz − z0 Þð1 − δtγ 00 ðz0 ; tÞÞ ¼ −i½Ĥðz; tÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ þ λαβ ðz; tÞρ̂ðz; tÞL̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂†β
∂t Z
þ W 00 ðzjz0 ; tÞδt þ Oðδt2 Þ; ð38Þ þ dz0 W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞL̂α ρ̂ðz0 ; tÞL̂†β
Λαβ ðzjz0 ;tþδtÞ ¼ δðz−z0 Þλαβ ðz0 ;tÞδt
þ fN̂ðz; tÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ : ð43Þ
þW αβ ðzjz0 ;tÞδtþOðδt2 Þ; αβ ≠ 00: ð39Þ
Having subtracted ρ̂ðz; tÞ from Eq. (35) the trace-preser-
The first term proportional to δt in Eq. (39) can be vation condition Eq. (27) becomes Eq. (16), i.e.,
thought of as the probability per time δt the system does not
move in phase space while the quantum system has ∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ
L̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂†β applied to it, while the W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ term in dztr ¼0
both equations gives the rate that the system goes from z0 to
z and has L̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂†β applied to it. We adopt the convention for any input state ρ̂ðz0 ; tÞ, which requires
that the sign in front of γ 00 is negative, anticipating that it 
1 X αβ 0
will contribute negatively; it is the no-event term, and the N̂ðz0 ; tÞ ¼ λ ðz ; tÞL̂†β L̂α
probability that the system is unchanged can decrease only 2 αβ
with time. Z X 
αβ 0 †
The expansion for the Λ00 component is similar to the þ dz W ðzjz ; tÞL̂β L̂α : ð44Þ
one used to derive Eq. (12) for continuous classical αβ
stochastic processes. Taking the limit dt → 0 and keeping
only the first-order terms usually require that the set of Defining the outgoing flux W αβ ðz; tÞ by Eq. (15) gives the
operators L̂α be bounded in order for such terms to be desired form of the master equation (14).
small, but here we replace that typical assumption with the The first term of Eq. (14) is the free evolution of the
assumption that the map is invertible at short times [leading quantum system at each point in phase space, the second
to Eq. (33)]. To find the generator of the dynamics, we term corresponding to λαβ ðz; tÞ is pure Lindbladian, with a
substitute Eqs. (38) and (39) into Eq. (34) to get rate determined by the classical degrees of freedom. The
Z remaining term corresponding to W αβ gives the interaction
ρ̂ðz; t þ δtÞ ¼ dz0 δðz − z0 Þðð1 − δtγ 00 ðz0 ; tÞÞρ̂ðz0 ; tÞ term between the classical and quantum degrees of free-
dom. It is worth noting that the term corresponding to
þ δtλα0 ðz; tÞL̂α ρ̂ðz0 ; tÞ þ δtλ0β ðz; tÞρ̂ðz0 ; tÞL̂†β αβ ¼ 00,
þ δtλαβ ðz; tÞL̂α ρ̂ðz0 ; tÞL̂†β Þ
∇00 ρ̂ðz; tÞ ≔ dz0 W 00 ðzjz0 Þρ̂ðz0 ; tÞ − W 00 ðzÞρ̂ðz; tÞ; ð45Þ
þ dz0 δtW αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞL̂α ðxÞρ̂ðz0 ; tÞL̂†β ;
αβ is the purely classical evolution of the system and is
ð40Þ identical to Eq. (12). It can be stochastic or it can
correspond to deterministic dynamics generated by a
and subtracting ρ̂ðz; tÞ, dividing by δt, and taking the limit classical Hamiltonian HðzÞ, in which case, we can write
δt → 0 gives it in terms of the Poisson bracket, or equivalently, as
∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ
¼ −γ 00 ðz; tÞρ̂ðz; tÞ þ λα0 ðz; tÞL̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞ ∇00 ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ −X00
h · ∇ρ̂ðz; tÞ; ð46Þ
þ λ0β ðz; tÞρ̂ðz; tÞL̂†β þ λαβ ðz; tÞL̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂†β where X00
h is the Hamiltonian vector field
þ dz0 W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞL̂α ρ̂ðz0 ; tÞL̂†β : ð41Þ X00
h ¼ Ω∇H: ð47Þ

As in the derivation of the GKSL equation, we now define Recalling Eqs. (20) and (18)
the two Hermitian operators  00 
∂h ∂h00 T
1 0β † X00 ¼ ;− ; ð48Þ
Ĥðz; tÞ ≔ ðλ L̂β − λα0 L̂α Þ;
∂p ∂q
1 ∇00 could also include a diffusion term as in the Fokker-
N̂ðz; tÞ ≔ −γ 00 ðz; tÞ þ ðλ0β L̂†β þ λα0 L̂α Þ; ð42Þ
2 Planck equation, but it will be natural to treat it in the same


way as the other W αβ, in which case, it will be a stochastic Eqs. (38) and (39) over an indicator function with support
version of Hamiltonian dynamics. on or away from z ¼ z0 as is done in [71]], Λαβ ðzjz0 ; t þ δtÞ
Let us now return to Eqs. (38) and (39) and the condition is equal to W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞδt, and so it is necessary that
that complete positivity places on Λαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ. In general, W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ be a positive-semidefinite matrix in αβ.
all that is required is that the total map from some initial When z ¼ z0 , we just have the usual GKSL dynamics,
state at t ¼ 0 to some final time is completely positive. In and so we require W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ þ λαβ ðz; tÞ be positive semi-
this case, the generators at intermediate times t need not definite. These condition are also sufficient in the case of
generate completely positive dynamics if one were to discrete dynamics, because these two cases completely
replace the current state of the system ρ̂ðz; tÞ with some specify the dynamics, and the only condition it has to
other state as long as they generate CP dynamics on the satisfy is complete positivity and norm preserving. The
state which had been evolving since t ¼ 0. In this way, one necessary and sufficient conditions on W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ for
can consider non-Markovian dynamics. However, in the continuous evolution are derived in Ref. [71]. They are
case where we demand that the generator is infinitesimally best given in terms of the moment expansion of
divisible, i.e., generate CP dynamics at all times on any W αβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ, which is not derived until Sec. IV, but for
state, then the positivity conditions for Λαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ to be completeness we conclude this section with it, expressed as
completely positive can be determined from the right-hand a matrix in α, β:
side of Eqs. (38) and (39). For z ≠ z0 [we can smear

"P M00 0 P1 M0β 0 #

n ðz ;tÞ n ðz ;tÞ
n¼0 n! ∇⊗n
z0 δðz − z0 Þ; n¼0 n! ∇⊗n
z0 δðz − z0 Þ
Wðzjz ; tÞ ¼ P1 ð49Þ
Mα0 0
n ðz ;tÞ
n¼0 n! ∇⊗n
z0 δðz − z0 Þ; M αβ 0 0
0 ðz ; tÞδðz − z Þ

with while the notation is more cumbersome. The dynamics is

generated by a Hamiltonian operator, which can also
M2 ≽ M 1 M −1 †
ðI − M 0 M −1 depend on phase-space variables z and a decomposition
0 M1 ; 0 ÞM 1 ¼ 0: ð50Þ
of the Hamiltonian in terms of Lindblad operators L̂α given
by Eq. (18), which we recall as
Here, M−10 is the generalized inverse of the PSD matrix with
elements M αβ0 , M 1 is a matrix in both α, i where i indexes the
ĤðzÞ ¼ hαβ ðzÞL̂†β L̂α :
components of z. It has entries M0α 00
1;i . M 2 is a PSD matrix in i,
When we get to the field theory case, we see that Lorentz
j with entries M 2;ij . This generalizes the constant force invariance, and later, diffeomorphism invariance, place
dynamics of Ref. [47], and gives Eq. (7), allowing for any very tight constraints on this decomposition. The h00 ðzÞ
Hamiltonian Ĥðz; tÞ to generate classical quantum dynam- term is purely classical, since it couples only via 1 to the
ics, as well as more general non-Hamiltonian backreaction, quantum degrees of freedom. There is some ambiguity in
such as those which include friction. what is included in the L̂α and what in hαβ ðzÞ, but it will
In the remainder of the article, we restrict our attention to turn out that this ambiguity is inconsequential when
the autonomous case where the coupling constants have no applying this formalism to general relativity. The matrix
explicit time dependence. hαβ is Hermitian, and it is sometimes convenient to take it to
be positive as is the case for the coupling term of general
IV. NONCOMMUTING relativity. We define a generator of dynamics Xh which has
HAMILTONIAN DYNAMICS both phase-space components and components α,β in
Hilbert space determined by the Lindblad operators, i.e.,
We would like stochastic hybrid dynamics, which has  αβ 
continuous Hamiltonian evolution in the classical limit. For αβ ∂h ∂hαβ T
Xh ¼ ;− : ð51Þ
the continuous dynamics of Eq. (49), this is given as ∂p ∂q
Eq. (7). In this section, we explore the discrete master
equation corresponding to Eq. (17) whose first few terms in Just as the Hamiltonian vector field determines the rate
its expansion correspond to classical quantum versions of of flow along different directions in phase space in the
the Liouville equation at first order and Fokker-Planck case of purely deterministic classical evolution, here, Xαβ
h ,
equation at second next order. We begin by taking z to be additionally sets the rate of quantum jumps along different
phase-space variables q, p, and later present the case where Lindblad operators.
z represents canonically conjugate pairs of field degrees of We have already expanded Λt in terms of infinitesimally
freedom over x, since the generalization is straightforward, small times δt, and we now also expand it in terms of the


phase-space vector Δ ≔ z − z0, which we can then take Although there could be some arbitrariness in this division,
arbitrarily small if we choose. To this end, let us write a standard friction term is of the form γ αβ αβ
h ðzÞ ¼ τγ∂h =∂p
Λαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ ¼ Λαβ ðzjz − Δ; tÞ and perform both an expan- with γ a constant and τ included for later convenience.
sion in δt and a Kramers-Moyal expansion [115,116] in Δ. Next, there is the matrix of diffusion terms
We can either do this directly on Eqs. (38) and (39), but it is Z
slightly less cumbersome to perform it on W αβ ðzjz − Δ; tÞ, Dαβ ðzÞ ≔ dΔΔ ⊗ ΔW αβ h ðz þ ΔjzÞ: ð59Þ
W αβ ðzjz − Δ; tÞρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞ Making the Markovian approximation so that we may
¼ W αβ ðz þ Δ − Δjz − Δ; tÞρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞ drop the explicit dependence on time, and putting this
together gives
ð−Δ · ∇Þn αβ Z
¼ ½W ðz þ Δjz; tÞρ̂ðz; tÞ: ð52Þ
n! dΔW αβ ðzjz − ΔÞρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞ

We now integrate this expression over Δ to write ¼ W h ðzÞρ̂ðz; tÞ − Xαβ αβ

h · ∇ρ̂ðz; tÞ þ ∇ · γ h ρ̂ðz; tÞ
þ ∇ · Dαβ ðzÞρ̂ðz; tÞ · ∇ þ    ; ð60Þ
dΔW αβ ðzjz − Δ; tÞρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞ

X∞  αβ  where we use the fact that ∇ · Xαβ h ¼ 0, and the notation ∇ is

⊗n M n ðz; tÞ to indicate that ∇ acts on the second Δ in the tensor product of
¼ ð−∇Þ × ρ̂ðz; tÞ ð53Þ
n! Dαβ ðzÞ, while ∇ acts on the first. One typically refers to the
terms which contain ∇ρ̂ðz; tÞ as the drift, since they deter-
in terms of the moments mine the rate at which the expectation values of observables
Z change. The terms corresponding to second derivatives lead
Mαβn ðz; tÞ ¼ dΔðΔÞ⊗n W αβ ðz þ Δjz; tÞ: ð54Þ to diffusion in phase space. Note that if Dαβ ðzÞ depends on
both the q and p, then it can also include contributions to the
Here, we write M αβ
n ðz; tÞ as an n-fold tensor power, since
drift, sometimes referred to as anomolous drift. Here we take
⊗n ⊗n
Δ · ∇ ¼ ðΔ · ∇Þn with Δ · ∇ the directional diver- Dαβ ðzÞ to depend only on the q so that there are no anomalous
gence in the direction Δ. This has the advantage that the drift terms coming from this and higher-order terms.
notation is compact, but the disadvantage that it distin- The Pawula theorem [131] says that either the Kramers-
guishes the moment corresponding to ∂q ∂p to that of ∂p ∂q Moyal expansion truncates at the second moment or requires
(for example). The zeroth moments an infinite sum of terms. In the latter case, our truncated
master equation will not be completely positive, and should
αβ be regarded as an approximation of the dynamics of Eq. (14).
M0 ¼ dΔW αβ ðz þ Δjz; tÞ ð55Þ We call a particular expansion of Ĥ in terms of Lindblad
operators, and the choice of W αβ ðz þ ΔjzÞ or Λαβ ðz þ ΔjzÞ a
are just W αβ ðz; tÞ of Eq. (15). The first moments are the realization, and although we present two simple realizations
vectors in Sec. IVA, the main requirement we demand is that the
Z moment expansion include Xαβ h ðzÞ, the Hamiltonian vector
M 1 ¼ dΔΔW αβ ðz þ Δjz; tÞ: ð56Þ field for hαβ ðzÞ in its first moment, Eq. (58). This ensures that
we are able to reproduce the deterministic classical equa-
For a Hamiltonian Ĥ and decomposition hαβ , we see that tions of motion in the appropriate limit. When we consider
there is a natural choice of W αβ ðz þ Δjz; tÞ so that the applying our results to field theory and later general
vector of first moments has a contribution corresponding to relativity, Lorentz covariance and parameter invariance
Hamiltonian flow implies further constraints on W αβ ðzjz0 Þ.
Substituting the Kramers-Moyal expansion of W αβ ðzjz0 Þ
Xαβ αβ
h ðzÞ ≔ Ω∇h ðzÞ; ð57Þ into Eq. (14) gives

where we indicate that W αβ ðz þ ΔjzÞ is generated from the ∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ

¼ −i½ĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ þ ðλαβ ðzÞ
field hαβ , with the subscript h. This we do in Sec. IVA. We ∂t
can also consider a contribution corresponding to friction αβ † 1 †
þ M 0 ðzÞÞ L̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β − fL̂β L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ
γ αβ
h so that
Z − L̂α Xαβ † αβ †
h ðzÞ · ∇ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β þ L̂α ∇ · ½γ h ðzÞρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β
dΔΔW αβ αβ αβ
h ðz þ ΔjzÞ ≔ X h ðzÞ − γ h ðzÞ: ð58Þ þ L̂α ∇ · Dαβ ðzÞρ̂ðz; tÞ · ∇ L̂†β þ    :


When we consider realizations of W αβ , we typically find quantum evolution. One can have a purely deterministic
that each order in the expansion carries with it higher classical evolution term as well. Since L̂0 ¼ 1, the X00
h term
powers of some constant τ. If we identify ð1=τÞW αβ ðzÞ ≔ is generated by the pure classical term h00 in the expansion
λαβ ðzÞ þ Mαβ
0 and D
→ τDαβ , this is Eq. (17) highlighted of ĤðzÞ in Eq. (18),
in the Sec. I.
An important category of realizations are ones in which −X00 00
h ðzÞ · ∇ψ ¼ fh ðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg: ð63Þ
Mαβ αβ
n ðzÞ for n ≥ 2 and γ h ðzÞ depend only on the conjugate
coordinates q, and the diffusion is only in the conjugate The other deterministic term, at least on the classical system
momenta p, i.e., and for a particular αβ, is L̂α Xαβ †
h ðzÞ · ∇ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β , which, if
we take the trace over the quantum system, gives the
∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ required dynamics we are looking for, Eq. (21).
¼ −i½ĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ
∂t The other nondeterministic parts include the pure-
W αβ ðzÞ † 1 † Lindblad term, and if we trace out the quantum system
þ L̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β − fL̂β L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ
τ 2 it contributes nothing to the dynamics of the classical
system, except indirectly, as it evolves the quantum system
− L̂α Xαβ †
h ðzÞ · ∇ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β which backreacts on the classical system. On the quantum
∂ system, it can generate decoherence, and if the Lindblad
þ τL̂α · ½γ αβ ðzÞρ̂ðz; tÞL̂†β
∂p h operators are diagonal in raising and lowering operators, it
raises and lowers the state of the quantum system. The final
∂ ∂⃖
þ τL̂α · Dαβ ðzÞρ̂ðz; tÞ · L̂†β þ    : ð61Þ two terms, if we trace out the quantum degrees of freedom
∂p ∂p are the friction and diffusion terms on phase space
reminiscent of the Fokker-Planck equation, although here,
This means that the q still obeys the equation of motion there is again some non-Markovianity as the quantum
system can serve as a memory for the classical system.
q̇ ¼ ð62Þ The Lindbladian term can determine the rate at which the
∂p wave function decoheres, and if this rate is small then the
diffusion term tends to be large. This is to be expected since
and allows one to define p deterministically in terms of q as discussed in Sec. I, a purely deterministic evolution on
and q̇. This can be verified using the Heisenberg repre- phase space would decohere the wave function instantly,
sentation for all moments of q (see Appendix B).
and so a slow rate of decoherence requires either a very
Equation (61) is thus a classical quantum version of the
noisy stochastic evolution or a very slow jump rate.
Wiener process or Fokker-Planck equation, and we refer to
It may be worth noting that we can now write a formal
such a master equation as Brownian. For such a master
solution of Eq. (17). One way to do this is to double the
equation, it is the conjugate momentum which is influenced
Hilbert space [132–134] to write the density matrix ρ̂ðz; tÞ
by the quantum system. In the more general case, p is
in its eigenbasis
defined only in terms of expectation values.
It is worth noting that in our expansion, we have a purely X
Lindbladian term which is itself trace preserving, and a ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ pi ðzÞjiihij ð64Þ
total divergence term, with the quantity Xαβ
h − γ αβ
h − Dαβ ·
∇ acting as a current. Thus, if we integrate over phase as a pure entangled state in the Schmidt basis
space, this term also conserves probability, contributing X pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
only a boundary term. Generally though, this term is not jρ̂ðz; tÞiAB ¼ pi ðzÞ jiiA ⊗ jiiB : ð65Þ
positive by itself, and one typically has to include the full i
expansion to ensure this. Looking at each of the terms in
Eq. (17), we see that the first term is just the deterministic The CQ master equation of Eq. (61) can then be written as

∂jρ̂ðz; tÞiAB αβ αβ  1 † 1 T 
¼ −iĤðzÞ ⊗ 1 þ i1 ⊗ Ĥ ðzÞ þ ½λ ðzÞ þ W ðzÞ L̂α ⊗ L̂β − L̂β L̂α ⊗ 1 − 1 ⊗ L̂α L̂β
∂t 2 2

− L̂α ⊗ L̂β X αβ  αβ  ⊗2
h · ∇ þ L̂α ⊗ L̂β ∇ · γ h ðzÞ þ L̂α ⊗ L̂β ∇ · Dαβ ðzÞ þ    jρ̂ðz; tÞiAB ; ð66Þ

where we use the fact that applying an operator to one 1
∇αβ ρ̂ðz; tÞe αβ
≔ dΔW αβ †
h ðzjz − ΔÞL̂α ρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞL̂β
subsystem of the entangled state is equivalent to applying τ
the transpose to the other subsystem [135]. If we designate 
αβ 1 †
the operator in square brackets as L, then the formal − W h ðzÞ fL̂β L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ ð72Þ
solution to the rate equation is 2

jρ̂ðz; tÞiAB ¼ eLt jρ̂ðz; 0Þi: ð67Þ leading to

The generator on the doubled system is in some sense a
ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂†β − 12 fL̂†β L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ
αβ ;·g
Hamiltonian, albeit one with an imaginary part.
L̂α eτfh
∇αβ ρ̂ðz; tÞe ¼ ;
A. Realizations of W αβ ðz;z − ΔÞ
Here, we present some simple and constructive examples
for W αβ ðz; z − ΔÞ which have the properties we require,
namely, positive-semidefinite matrices whose first moment which for small τ looks very much like a finite-directional
contain a term which generates Hamiltonian flow via divergence (both along the direction X αβ h and along the
Eq. (58). A simple realization valid for small τ is Lindblad operators).
This definition depends on the decomposition of Ĥ into
W αβ ðz; z − ΔÞ ≈ δð2NÞ ½Δ − τXαβ
h ðzÞ: ð68Þ Lindblad operators, but one can first diagonalize hαβ ðzÞ, in
τ which case, we write the left-hand side of Eq. (73) as
This gives the Liouville term as the first moment as ∇Ĥ ρ̂ðz; tÞ. In cases where
required, and 1=τ as the zeroth moment governing the
collapse rate. We could take τ to depend on α, β, or include  
1 1 †
a distribution f αβ over τ. The realization of Eq. (68) can be ∇αβ ρ̂ðz; tÞeαβ ≈ L̂α ρ̂ðz − τXαβ ÞL̂ †
− fL̂ L̂ ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ ;
τ h β
2 β α
considered an approximation of
Z ð74Þ
1 αβ
dΔW αβ ðz; z − ΔÞρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞ ¼ eτfh ;·g ρ̂ðz; tÞ ð69Þ
it is sometimes the case that Xαβ h is non-negative (or
with the right-hand side being the exponential of nonpositive), in which case this discrete, noncommuting
P Poisson bracket evolution fhαβ ðq; pÞ; ·g ≔ directional derivative takes the simpler form of a non-
αβ αβ
k ½ð∂h =∂qk Þð∂=∂pk Þ − ð∂h =∂pk Þð∂=∂qk Þ which gen- commuting finite difference
erates a finite shift in phase space along the flow generated
by h (dropping the αβ index for simplicity). This is the  
Xαβ 1 †
classical analog of the evolution operator induced by the Xαβ
h ∇αβ ρ̂ðz; tÞ ≈ h †
L̂α ρ̂ðz − τÞL̂β − fL̂β L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ :
quantum Hamiltonian Ĥ, e−iĤt since τ 2
 Z τ Z τ  ð75Þ
τfh;·g ∂h ∂h
e ρ̂ðq; p; 0Þ ¼ ρ̂ q − dt ; p þ dt ; 0
0 ∂p 0 ∂q
  Care must be taken to ensure it is norm preserving, which is
∂h ∂h
≈ ρ̂ q − τ ; p þ τ ; 0 : ð70Þ the case if, for example, Xαβ h depends only on q and the
∂p ∂q
jump is in p. Although Eq. (73) looks like a discrete CQ
Poisson bracket, ∇Ĥ ρ̂ðz; tÞ is only linear in ρ̂ðz; tÞ and not
Then eτfh;·g − 1 acts like a finite-time divergence along the
direction of Hamiltonian flow generated by h. Ĥ. On the other hand, the right-hand side of Eq. (4), which
This leads to a natural noncommuting generalization of uses the Aleksandrov-Gerasimenko bracket, is bilinear and
this directional divergence which for a CQ Hamiltonian so it does have some properties more akin to a novel
with a single Lindblad operator Ĥ ¼ hL̂† L̂, and for bracket although its action is not CP. The same holds true if
small τ, is we replace the Aleksandrov-Gerasimenko bracket in
Eq. (4) with the zeroth and first moment of ∇Ĥ ρ̂ðz; tÞ. In
1 1 some cases, we can have a bilinear map which is also CP as
∇ρ̂ðq; pÞ ≔ eτfh;·g L̂† ρ̂ L̂ − fL̂† L̂; ρ̂gþ : ð71Þ in Eq. (75).
τ 2τ
The noncommuting divergence is trace preserving and
In the case of many Lindblad operators, let us define completely positive, and allows us to write the master
basis vectors eαβ and define equation as


∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ i q ¼ x and momentum p of the particle, with free evolution

¼ − ½ĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ þ ∇αβ ρ̂ðz; tÞeαβ
∂t ℏ given by h00 ¼ p2 =2. We could take the purely classical
i evolution from W 00 ðzjz0 ; tÞ to be deterministic or stochas-
¼ − ½ĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ tic, and we consider the former here and discuss the latter in

  Ref. [106]. We take the total cq Hamiltonian to be given by
1 1
þ L̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂†β − fL̂†β L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ ĤðzÞ ¼ p2 =2m þ BðqÞĤ ðmÞ with Ĥ ðmÞ ¼ ω 12 ð↠â þ â↠Þ
τ 2
for the oscillator and Ĥ ðmÞ ¼ ðω0 −ω
Þ for the qubit.
− Xαβ †
h · L̂α ∇ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β þ    : ð76Þ
To model a Stern-Gerlach experiment, we consider a
If we make the model more deterministic (τ → 0), the two-level system with states j↑i,j↓i and a cq-density matrix
strength of the pure-Lindbladian term increases to com- which depends on the classical degrees of freedom.
pensate, while if we make the Lindbladian term small, the  
diffusion terms at second order become significant. Here, u↑ ðq; pÞ αðq; pÞ
ρ̂ðq; pÞ ¼ : ð77Þ
we have temporarily switched units to show ℏ, since it α ðq; pÞ u↓ ðq; pÞ
strongly suggests that we set τ ¼ ℏ. Thus, as ℏ → 0, the
decoherence renders the system completely classical, the For simplicity, we consider a linear potential BðqÞ ¼ Bq
diffusion terms and those of higher order go to zero, and we and a decomposition of the Hamiltonian, Eq. (18), in terms
pffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffi
are left with purely continuous classical equations of of Lindblad operators L̂↑ ¼ ωj↑ih↑j, L̂↓ ¼ ωj↓ih↓j
motion. For gravity, the realizations are more tightly with h↑↑ ðzÞ ¼ −h↓↓ ðzÞ ¼ Bq and the others zero. An
constrained due to diffeomorphism invariance, but similar example which builds toward understanding the field
realizations can be used to obtain dynamics which recover theoretic case is the harmonic oscillator with Lindblad
general relativity in the classical limit. operators â and ↠. This is more interesting in the sense that
the pure-Lindbladian term raises and lowers the state of the
B. Example: Qubit coupled to a classical potential quantum system. In the qubit system, this corresponds to
Let us now review a simple system solved in Ref. [106] choosing Lindblad operators L̂↑ ¼ ωj↓ih↑j, L̂↓ ¼
with Sparaciari, Šoda and Weller-Davies, which contains pffiffiffiffi
ωj↑ih↓j with diagonal couplings W αβ ðzjz − ΔÞ ¼
some features we will encounter with gravity [136]. While
δαβ W αβ ðzjz − ΔÞ, or even a single Lindblad operator
the model bears some similarity to the Stern-Gerlach pffiffiffi
experiment (cf. also Ref. [75]), the behavior of the spin L̂ ¼ ðp0ffiffiωffi 0ωÞ. Here, we just present the more trivial first
can differ depending on how one decomposes the case decomposition; the other cases, including nontrivial
Hamiltonian in terms of Lindblad operators. Our system BðqÞ, are studied both analytically and numerically using
consists of a classical particle which couples to the spin of a an unraveling approach in Ref. [106]. We take a simple
two-level system or the energy of a quantum harmonic realization of the discrete dynamics, that of Eq. (68) for
oscillator. The classical degrees of freedom are the position small τ,

∂ρ̂ðq; pÞ X1 

∂hαβ † 1 †

ðmÞ 00
¼ −i½Ĥ ðq; pÞ; ρ̂ðq; pÞ þ fh ; ρ̂ðq; pÞg þ L̂ ρ̂ q − τ ;p þ τ L̂β − fL̂β L̂α ; ρ̂ðq; pÞgþ
∂t α;β
τ α ∂p ∂q 2
ω 0 p ω
¼ −iBq ; ρ̂ðq; pÞ þ ; ρ̂ðq; pÞ þ j↑ih↑jρ̂ðq; p þ τBÞj↑ih↑j
0 −ω 2m τ
ω ω
þ j↓ih↓jρ̂ðx; p − τBÞj↓ih↓j − f1; ρ̂ðq; pÞgþ : ð78Þ
τ 2τ

In terms of the matrix elements of the cq state, Eq. (78), the

master equation decouples into two equations for the diagonal ∂αðq;pÞ p ∂αðq; pÞ ω
¼ −2iBqωαðq; pÞ − − αðq; pÞ: ð80Þ
components and one for the off-diagonal coherence term ∂t m ∂q τ

∂u↑ ðq; pÞ p ∂u↑ ðq; pÞ ω

¼− þ ½u↑ ðq; p þ τBÞ − u↑ ðq; pÞ; Equation (80) has a solution
∂t m ∂q τ
∂u↓ ðq; pÞ p ∂u↓ ðq; pÞ ω
¼− þ ½u↓ ðq; p − τBÞ − u↓ ðq; pÞ;  
∂t m ∂q τ p pt ωt
αðq; pÞ ¼ ρ q − t e−2iBωtðq−2mÞ− τ ; ð81Þ
ð79Þ m


where ρðq − ptÞ is any normalized function of its argument. ω=τ. This causes the state to collapse to the up or down
We see that the coupling of the qubit results in decoherence, state, at a rate ω=τ.
since the off-diagonal elements decay exponentially fast. If we trace out the qubit and look at the average value of
More than that, the wave function collapses into a the particle’s trajectory, then for a uniform superposition of
definite state of being in the up or down state. This we up and down spin, it will have zero average acceleration,
see through the equation for the diagonal terms. Comparing but if we look at the full state, the particle undergoes
Eq. (79) to Eq. (12), we see that at a rate of ω=τ the system acceleration (albeit stochastically) in a direction which
undergoes jumps in momentum by τB depending on its depends on the value of the spin. We thus see that the
state. Since we can monitor the classical degrees of freedom evolution of the particle corresponds to the left panel of
without disturbing the system, measuring the change in Fig. 1, not the right one.
momentum will uniquely determine the value of the spin. In
this sense, the interaction leads to more than just C. Postquantum field theory
decoherence, but an objective collapse of the wave function In order to consider applying our master equation to field
[69,100]. While the basis to which the quantum state theories, we must first ensure that it can be made Lorentz
collapses can appear arbitrary in spontaneous collapse covariant. Although it was initially thought that such
models, here it is determined by the form of the CQ dynamics are impossible [137], GKSL equations which
interaction which will be tightly constrained by the require- are covariant under the proper orthochronous Lorentz
ment of reproducing Einstein gravity in the classical limit. group were introduced in Ref. [138]. This was further
More generally, if the backreaction force ∇hαβ is unique taken up in Refs. [65,66] (see also Ref. [139]). A Lorentz-
when diagonalized, then monitoring the classical system invariant Schwinger-Keldish action for open quantum
uniquely determines which Lindblad operators were scalar field theory was used to show that the GKSL
applied to the state. Thus, an initially pure quantum state equation for scalar field theories is renormalizable [140].
remains pure conditioned on the classical degrees of The formalism used there is manifestly Lorentz invariant.
freedom. In the continuous realizations of the theory, this There are however subtleties that have since been clarified
has since been shown to be generically true in Ref. [29] with Weller-Davies in Ref. [141]. The full master equation
with Layton and Weller-Davies, provided an inequality we of Ref. [140] is not completely positive, but one can find
call the decoherence-diffusion trade-off is saturated. Lorentz-invariant master equations which are CP, Lorentz
The solution (a Poisson distribution) for the diagonal invariant, and renormalizable, as well as master equations
terms of ρ̂ in this and a more general setting is given in which are CP, renormalizable, and Lorentz covariant, but
Ref. [106], but the evolution can be understood in broad not Lorentz invariant. The Lindbladian corresponding to
terms by inspection. The particle is making a momentum the discrete realization presented in Sec. V is covariant but
jump of τB at a rate of ω=τ, so on average it has an not invariant, while the Lindbladian of the continuous
acceleration of ωB exactly as we expect for a Stern- realization is invariant but not covariant. This apparent
Gerlach device. We can imagine that at each dt, there is a paradox is resolved by showing that transformations of
probability of the particle undergoing a jump in momen- space-time are not generated by a unitary, but rather, by the
tum, so by the law of large numbers, we expect the particle semigroup inherited from the Lindbladian, and thus, there
to have made on average ωt=τ jumps, normally distributed are different notions of invariance and covariance [141].
with a variance of ωτ ½1 − ðω=τÞ. If we Taylor expand Here, we focus on covariance conditions, and address the
Eq. (79) subtleties in more detail in Refs. [141,142].
In order to make the dynamics here Lorentz covariant,
∂uðq; pÞ p ∂uðq; pÞ ∂uðq; pÞ one can begin by choosing Lindblad operators and cou-
¼−  ωB plings, such that the right-hand side of Eq. (14) transforms
∂t m ∂x ∂p
like ∂=∂t, so that both sides of the equation transform in the
ωB2 τ ∂2 uðq; pÞ same way under a Lorentz boost. This has been referred to
þ þ  ð82Þ
2 ∂p2 as a minimal Lorentz-covariance requirement [137]. We
first construct a field theory version of Eq. (14) and then
(where u is u↑ or u↓ for , respectively), then to first order discuss how to make it covariant under the proper ortho-
we have a particle undergoing acceleration ωB depending chronous Lorentz group.
on its spin, as expected, with a diffusion term at higher To obtain the field-theoretic version of the master
order. However, care must be taken, as if we truncate the equation, we take the Lindblad operators L̂α to also depend
Taylor expansion, the density matrix can become negative. on the spatial coordinate x and in particular, take them to be
Equation (78) is completely positive however, and can be local field operators L̂α ðxÞ. We can think of them as
understood as follows: An initial pure state in superposition carrying a double index α, x. This requires the couplings
will initially have a constant momentum, but will then W to carry not just an index αβ but also x, y. Then, instead
undergo jumps in momentum of finite size τB, and at a rate of a sum or integral over just α, β, we also have an integral


over x,y, and write the couplings as W αβ ðzjz0 ; x; yÞ with the Should these couplings not fall off fast enough with
phase-space degrees of freedom z being local fields at each increasing jx − yj, the theory is likely to run afoul of
point x. experiment. For the cq state at z, we continue to write it
Cluster separability [64] demands that the coupling as ρ̂ðz; tÞ with the understanding that it lives in Fock space,
constants W αβ ðzjz0 ; x; yÞ be delta functions in x, y [60], and is an operator-valued distribution functional of the
and that the coupling to phase-space variables z be to the classical fields zðxÞ over the entire manifold of points x.
local classical field zðxÞ. A violation of cluster separability If we consider the points x to be on a lattice, with the
can result in violations of Lorentz invariance, with corre- continuum obtained in the limit that the lattice spacing goes
lations or entanglement being created over spacelike sep- to zero, then we can think of the measure Dz over phase
arations. However, the creation of correlations need not space as Πx dqðxÞdpðxÞ, and in the continuum limit, the
violate causality or allow for superluminal signaling [65]. master equation is given by a functional integral.
Thus, while it is desirable to have W αβ ðzjz0 ; x; yÞ be delta If we take the Lindblad operators to be local field
functions, for greater generality we allow the coupling operators L̂α ðxÞ, then the field-theoretic version of
constants W αβ ðzjz0 ; x; yÞ to have support at finite jx − yj. Eqs. (14) and (17) is

∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ
¼ −i½ĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ þ dxd3 yDΔW αβ h ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞL̂α ðxÞρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞL̂β ðyÞ

− W αβ ðz; x; yÞfL̂†β ðyÞL̂α ðxÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ ð83Þ
2 h
1 †
¼ −i½ĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞ þ dxd3 yW αβ ðz; x; yÞ L̂α ðxÞρ̂ðz; tÞL̂ †
β ðyÞ − f L̂ ðyÞL̂ α ðxÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg þ
2 β
− dx Xαβ † αβ †
h ðz; xÞL̂α ðxÞ · ∇ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β ðxÞ − ∇ · Dh ðz; x; yÞ · L̂α ðxÞρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β ðyÞ ∇
− dx∇ · ½γ αβ h ðz; x; yÞL̂α ðxÞρ̂ðz; tÞ L̂ †
β ðyÞ þ : ð84Þ

One can also consider master equations which contain multiple jumps at higher order, i.e.,
DΔdx1 dx2 …W α1 β1 ;α2 β2 … ðzjz − Δ; x1 ; x2 ; …Þ    L̂α2 ðx2 ÞL̂α1 ðx1 Þρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞL̂†β1 ðx1 ÞL̂†β2 ðx2 Þ    ;

but we do not do so here. δhαβ ðz; xÞ

In flat space, one can consider as an example the scalar Xαβ
h ðz; xÞ ¼ ð86Þ
field discussed later in Sec. V, and take the pure-Lindbladian
coupling term W αβ ðz; x; yÞ to be close to a delta function and
proportional to 1=τ. If we wish to reproduce Hamiltonian
then reproduce the Hamiltonian backreaction of the quan-
dynamics in the classical limit, then we generally take the Xαβ
h tum fields on the classical ones. If one wants to be explicit
term to transform just as the Poisson bracket would for a
about W αβ ðzjz0 ; x; yÞ, one can use the realization presented
Lorentz-invariant classical field theory, since the only differ-
in Sec. V.
ence between it and fĤðzÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg is operator ordering. In Ref. [71], we show that depending on the decom-
As an example, we could decompose the Hamiltonian of position hαβ ðz; xÞ, there are discrete dynamics or
the field theory in terms of the Lindblad operators used in continuous dynamics. In particular, it is shown that the
Refs. [66,138,140] Kramers-Moyal expansion in Eq. (84) never terminates and
Z leads to finite-sized jumps in phase space unless the only
ĤðxÞ ¼ dxhαβ ðz; xÞL̂†β ðxÞL̂α ðxÞ ð85Þ nonzero Dαβ 00
h ðz; x; yÞ is Dh ðx; yÞ, and the only nonzero
Xαβ α0 0α
h ðz; xÞ is X h ðz; xÞ and X h ðz; xÞ, and the higher-order
with hαβ ðz; xÞ coupling the quantum field to a classical field terms all vanish. In other words, the continuous master
zðxÞ, which in the case of gravity, we can take to be the equation is obtained by restricting the decomposition of
3-metric and its conjugate 3-momentum. The couplings Eq. (85) to include only terms

considered in Ref. [138]. The relationship between this
ĤðxÞ ¼ dxh0α ðz; xÞ1L̂α ðxÞ; ð87Þ
covariance condition and Lorentz invariance is discussed in
Ref. [141].
while otherwise, one has discrete dynamics.
The positivity conditions in the field-theoretic case
are analogous to the finite-dimensional conditions of
Eq. (50). Recalling that for 2n phase-space degrees of We now have a procedure to take a Hamiltonian, which
freedom per point, D00h ðz; x; yÞ is a 2n × 2n matrix over x, y
couples classical and quantum degrees of freedom, and use
and denoting W h ðz; x; yÞ as the matrix with elements it to generate consistent hybrid dynamics. Let us now do
W αβ
h ðz; x; yÞ, and X h ðz; xÞ as the vector with elements
that for general relativity coupled to quantum matter via the
0α energy-momentum tensor. We do so in the ADM formu-
Xh ðz; xÞ, the continuous master equation is completely
lation of general relativity [118,145], whose classical
positive, provided that the square matrix
formulation we now recall. One starts with a slicing up
  of space-time into spacelike hypersurfaces labeled by the
h ðx; yÞ δðx; yÞXh ðz; yÞ
≽ 0; ð88Þ parameter t, and with coordinates x. The hypersurfaces are
X†h ðz; xÞδðx; yÞ W h ðz; x; yÞ endowed with a 3-metric gab with determinant g at each
point x. We often drop the explicit x dependence from field
which for invertible W h ðz; x; yÞ is equivalent to the con- degrees of freedom, since all quantities should be assumed
dition that D00
h ðx; yÞ be positive semidefinite along with its to be locally defined, unless they are a functional, in which
Schur complement case, this is indicated with square brackets. We put in the
explicit x dependence when we have two integrals over

D00 −1
h ðx; yÞ − X h ðz; xÞW h ðz; x; yÞX h ðz; yÞ ≽ 0; ð89Þ space, or if there could be any ambiguity. The components
of the 3-metric are the canonical coordinates, and π ab their
where W −1
h ðz; x; yÞ is the generalized inverse of W h ðz; x; yÞ.
conjugate momenta
The positivity condition for singular W h ðz; x; yÞ is a straight- pffiffiffi
forward extension of Eq. (89); see, for example, Ref. [143]. π ab ¼ gðK ab − gab KÞ ð92Þ
We have since shown that the condition given by Eq. (89) with K ab the extrinsic curvature and K its trace.
holds for the zeroth, first, and second moments of any In general relativity, one is free to choose the timelike
consistent classical quantum coupling, and provides an direction by arbitrarily specifying a lapse N and shift vector
experimentally testable signature of classical gravity [50], N a at each point x. The evolution of the hypersurfaces is
Turning back to Lorentz covariance, one might worry then governed by the classical ADM Hamiltonian
that in the master equation of Eq. (84), there is a Z
dependence on the choice ∂t , ⃗ ≔ dxðNHðtotÞ þ N a HðtotÞ
HADM ½N; N a Þ

∂t ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ Lt ρ̂ðz; tÞ: ð90Þ I

þ ds × HðboundaryÞ ; ð93Þ
As discussed in Ref. [138], we can consider any four-vector
a from the future cone F þ , i.e., a · a ≥ 0, and a0 ≥ 0, and and we now define the various terms appearing in it. HðtotÞ
consider the dynamics ∂a ρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ La . Indeed, consider M is called the total super-Hamiltonian and is typically written
an element of the proper orthochronous Lorentz group. Let in terms of a pure gravity part, and a term which contains
πða; MÞ be a representation of the Poincaré group and let the matter fields
the evolution of the state ρ̂ðz; tÞ be given by a completely
positive trace-preserving Markovian map E a . The Lorentz- HðtotÞ ¼ HðgrÞ þ HðmÞ : ð94Þ
covariance condition as defined in Ref. [138] (see also
Refs. [66,144]) is then The first term is the purely gravitational part of the super-
Hamiltonian given by
πða; MÞE b πða; MÞ−1 ¼ E Mb ð91Þ
HðgrÞ ≔ Gabcd π ab π cd − g1=2 R ð95Þ
for any b ∈ F . In other words, if we perform a boost from
the lab frame, evolve the state, then boost back into the lab, with R the intrinsic curvature on the 3-manifold analogous
one gets the same final state as evolving the initial state in to a potential term, while the first term is analogous to a
the lab for the boost time. The open quantum scalar field kinetic term, with Gabcd the deWitt metric,
theory we consider in the next section satisfies this property
when the background space-time is flat, as can be seen from 1
Gabcd ¼ g−1=2 ðgac gbd þ gad gbc − gab gcd Þ: ð96Þ
the fact that in that limit, it is equivalent to the Lindbladian 2


HðmÞ is the matter Hamiltonian density, and we take it to ∂ρðg; π; tÞ ⃗ ρg

pffiffiffi ¼ fHADM ½N; N;
also include the cosmological constant term ggab Λcc . ∂t
The total supermomentum Ha is given by ⃗ ρgg þ fH ðmÞ ½N; N;
¼ fHðgrÞ ½N; N; ⃗ ρgm

ðtotÞ ðgrÞ ðmÞ ⃗ ρgg ;

þ fHðmÞ ½N; N; ð103Þ
Ha ¼ Ha þ Ha ð97Þ
where we divided up the Poisson bracket into one with
with Ha ≔ −2gac ∇b π cb the purely gravitational contribu- respect to the pure gravitational degrees of freedom
tion, and ∇b the covariant derivative with respect to the
ðmÞ ⃗ ρgg
Levi-Civita connection for the 3-metric. Ha is the matter fHðmÞ ½N; N;
contribution. The final term in Eq. (93) is the boundary term, Z  ðmÞ 
⃗ δρ δH ðmÞ ½N; N
δH ½N; N ⃗ δρ
and we ignore it in the present paper, although the formalism ≔ dx − ; ð104Þ
can be extended to apply to its inclusion. Finally, it proves δgab δπ ab δπ ab δgab
convenient to define the total gravitational Hamiltonian
⃗ and the total matter Hamiltonian HðmÞ ½N; N ⃗ and one with respect to the matter degrees of freedom,
HðgrÞ ½N; N
which for a scalar field with conjugate variables ϕ,π ϕ at
as functionals so that HADM ½N; N ⃗ ¼ H ðgrÞ ½N; N
⃗ þ
each point x would be
H ½N; N ⃗ and
Z ⃗ ρgm
fHðmÞ ½N; N;
⃗ ≔
HðgrÞ ½N; N dxðNHðgrÞ þ N a Ha Þ;
ðgrÞ Z  ðmÞ 
⃗ δρ δHðmÞ ½N; N
δH ½N; N ⃗ δρ
Z ¼ dx − : ð105Þ
δϕ δπ ϕ δπ ϕ δϕ
H ðmÞ ⃗ ≔
½N; N dxðNH ðmÞ
þN a
Ha Þ: ð98Þ
The Poisson bracket with respect to the lapse and shift and
With the Hamiltonian now defined, let us turn to the their conjugate momenta is zero when the constraints are
equations of motion. The dynamics is given by Hamilton’s satisfied and is usually not included in the definition of
equations the Poisson bracket. When we discuss the classical quan-
tum theory, it may be useful to also include them in the
definition of the Poisson bracket.

∂gab δHADM ½N; N ∂π ab δH ⃗
½N; N
¼ ; ¼ − ADM ; ð99Þ When only matter is quantum, the matter Poisson
∂t δπ ab ∂t δgab bracket of Eq. (105) just becomes the commutator
⃗ ρ̂ which is unproblematic, and just repre-
−i½ĤðmÞ ½N; N;
where δ indicates the Fréchet derivative. In order for these sents the evolution of the quantum fields on a spatial
dynamics to be invariant under the choice of the lapse N manifold endowed with an evolving classical metric. This
and shift N a , we need to impose primary constraints on is just quantum field theory in curved space. However, the
their conjugate momenta Poisson bracket of Eq. (104) is the backreaction of the
quantum fields on space-time, and this is the dynamics we
PN ≈ 0; PN a ≈ 0; ð100Þ now seek to describe in terms of CQ dynamics.
We first replace T μν with the stress tensor of quantum
where ≈ denotes that the constraints are weakly zero in the field theory, ĤðmÞ ¼ gT̂ 00 . We can now write
sense that they vanish only on part of the phase space (the
constraint surface). To ensure that these primary constraints ĤðtotÞ ¼ HðgrÞ þ ĤðmÞ ; ð106Þ
are conserved in time, i.e., that
as long as we recall that this object is hybrid and cannot be
ṖN ¼ 0; ṖN a ¼ 0; ð101Þ used to derive classical or quantum evolution in the
traditional way. For the discrete master equation, we
we require secondary constraints expand ĤðtotÞ in terms of local field operators L̂α ðxÞ, so
that dropping the explicit x dependence
HðtotÞ ≈ 0; Ha ≈ 0: ð102Þ
ĤðtotÞ ¼ HðgrÞ 1 þ hαβ ðg; πÞL̂†β L̂α ð107Þ
The constraints, once initially satisfied, are preserved by the
dynamical equations of motion. with L̂0 ðxÞ ¼ 1 multiplying the purely classical part of the
One can write a Liouville equation for classical general super-Hamiltonian. For convenience, we explicitly separate
relativity out the pure gravity contribution HðgrÞ , and one can then


take h00 ¼ 0. Although in our derivation of the master include it. We choose a simple form for L̂Λ, but a priori,
equation, we take the L̂α to be a basis and L̂α to be traceless, other choices are possible, for example, the shift operator.
one can show as with the Lindblad equation, that any set of Their particular dependence is not important in terms of the
Lindblad operators can be put into this standard form [71], broad outline of this discussion, rather, what is important is
and so we henceforth do not assume that the other L̂α are that we can decompose ĤðmÞ in terms of local field
traceless. We often consider matter which is minimally operators. The expansion of the supermomentum in terms
coupled, meaning ĤðmÞ does not depend on π ij so that we of local operators could be treated similarly, with
can write hαβ ðgÞ. For the continuous master equation, which
we consider elsewhere [146], we use Lindblad operators L̂π ¼ π ϕ ; L̂a ¼ ∂a ϕ; L̂1 ¼ 1: ð114Þ

L̂ij ¼ δĤðmÞ ½N; N=δg ij , Ĥ
ðmÞ ⃗ and L0 ¼ 1.
½N; N, ðmÞ
The supermomentum can be treated similarly, where the Note that Ĥa has no metric dependence and thus does not
stress-energy term in Eq. (97) is replaced by its quantum contribute to the backreaction.
counterpart Although we cannot generally define Fock states locally
on a Cauchy slice, if we know, for example, that the
ðmÞ ðmÞ dynamics will lead to a space-time which asymptotically
Ha → Ĥa ð108Þ
has a timelike Killing vector, then we can choose a vacuum
state and set of creation and annihilation operators
leading to
â ⃗p ðgÞ,â†⃗p ðgÞ, which depend on the metric to expand the
ðtotÞ ðgrÞ
Ĥa ¼ Ha 1 þ pαβ †
a ðgÞL̂β L̂α ð109Þ matter Hamiltonian as
⃗ 1 d3 p
for the discrete master equation. Although the matrix with ðmÞ
H ½N; N ¼ ω ð↠ðgÞâ ⃗p ðgÞ þ â ⃗p ðgÞâ†⃗p ðgÞÞ;
2 ð2πÞ3 ⃗p ⃗p
elements N a pαβa is not generally a positive-semidefinite
matrix, the combination Nhαβ þ N a pαβ ð115Þ
a is.
To make things concrete, it is useful to have in mind a
where we drop the cosmological constant term for simplicity.
scalar field, especially since the general case can be treated
In a fixed background, for example, the Lindblad equation
similarly and Lindbladian evolution of ϕ4 theory has been
using the Lindblad operators of Eq. (113) are equivalent to
shown to be renormalizable in this case [140], albeit with
those of Eq. (115). In this way, one sees the covariance of the
the caveats mentioned in Sec. IV C. We have [147]
master equation; however, for general dynamical space-
1 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi times, an expansion of local operators in terms of creation
ĤðmÞ ¼ ðg−1=2 π 2ϕ þ ggab ∇a ϕ∇b ϕ þ gm2 ϕðxÞ2 and annihilation operators is not possible, and we use local
pffiffiffi Lindblad operators such as those of Eq. (113).
− 4 gΛcc Þ; ð110Þ The dynamical equations of motion are generated by the
CQ-ADM Hamiltonian
Ĥa ¼ π ϕ ∇a ϕ: ð111Þ Z
⃗ ¼ dxðN ĤðtotÞ þ N a ĤðtotÞ
Ĥ ADM ½N; N a Þ ð116Þ
For the discrete evolution, we can now decompose the
Hamiltonian as in Eq. (107), with the metric degrees of ðtotÞ
freedom included in hαβ ðg; πÞ., with ĤðtotÞ and Ĥa given by Eqs. (107) and (109). If we
wish the dynamics to be invariant under the choice of lapse
pffiffiffi and shift, this would place strong constraints on it. It seems
hππ ≔ g−1=2 ; hϕϕ ≔ g;
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi to require that the stochastic part of the master equation be
hab ≔ ggab ; hΛΛ ¼ g; ð112Þ generated by NW αβ h ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ, i.e., that the model be
linear in the sense that W αβ
Nh ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ can be replaced
with the rest zero, leaving the local Lindblad operators as
by NW h ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ and W αβ
N a pa ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ by
1 N a W αβ
pa ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ. This is analogous to replacing
L̂π ¼ pffiffiffi π ϕ ; L̂ϕ ¼ pffiffiffi ϕ;
2 2 fNHðtotÞ ; ρg by NfHðtotÞ ; ρg in the classical case, since
1 pffiffiffiffiffiffi they are equal when the constraint HðtotÞ ≈ 0 is satisfied. In
L̂a ¼ pffiffiffi ∂a ϕ; L̂Λ ¼ 2ΛjΛihΛj: ð113Þ
2 what follows, we take the lapse and shift outside the
functional derivatives under the assumption that they either
Note that the hαβ ðg; πÞ do not include the N prefactor, since have no explicit metric dependence or the constraints are
we use it to apply the constraint equation; however, when satisfied. The constraints in this theory will not be those of
we look at the dynamical equations of motion, we need to GR, but must be modified. As noted in Ref. [156], it is not


strictly necessary that the dynamics be invariant under the We do not restrict ourselves to a particular realization of
choice of N and N a , and there are sensible theories which W αβ
h ðzjz− Δ; x; yÞ and W αβ
pa ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ at this point, but
break this, such as shape dynamics [157–159] or unim- we assume that the realization satisfies this linear condition
odular gravity [160–166], but it is desirable to have some and then present realizations which have this property. We
local symmetry, even if it is not full diffeomorphism thus have the master equation

∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ ðgrÞ ⃗ ρ̂ðz; tÞ
¼ dxNfH ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg þ dxN a fHa ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg − i½HðmÞ ½N; N;
αβ † 1 αβ †
þ dxdyDΔ NW h ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞL̂α ðxÞρ̂ðz − ΔÞL̂β ðyÞ − NW h ðz; x; yÞfL̂β ðyÞL̂α ðxÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ
αβ † 1 αβ †
þ dxdyDΔ N a W pa ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞL̂α ðxÞρ̂ðz − ΔÞL̂β ðyÞ − N a W pa ðz; x; yÞfL̂β ðyÞL̂α ðxÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ ; ð117Þ

where we write z for the phase-space degrees of freedom the interaction terms between gravity and matter which
when gab ,π ab are too cumbersome and have absorbed the must be stochastic. Two particular choices of W αβ ðz; x; yÞ
bare term λαβ ðz; x; yÞ into W αβ
h ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ. The func-
are given as Eqs. (120) and (125), and in both cases, the
tional integral DΔ is over the phase space. Here we take the integral over Δ can be removed. As shorthand, we denote
lapse N and shift N a outside the Poisson bracket, under Eq. (117) by
the assumption that the constraints (suitably modified from
the deterministic theory) are satisfied [156].
∂ρ̂ðg; π; tÞ
The first two terms of Eq. (117) correspond to the ¼ LĤADM ρ̂ðg; π; tÞ
deterministic classical evolution associated with the Z
Lindblad operators L̂0 ¼ 1. The dynamics associated with ¼ dx½NLρ̂ðg; π; tÞ þ N a La ρ̂ðg; π; tÞ: ð118Þ
this classical part could be stochastic, and could a priori
include jumping or diffusion terms as well as friction terms.
We take such terms to be included in W 00 h ðzjz − Δ; xÞ. ðmÞ
Because they are associated with L̂0 , they do not need to be Because Ĥa has no metric dependence, the evolution along
positive. N a can be pure Lindbladian or purely deterministic. In
The next term is the commutator of the state with the Ref. [156], we argue that diffeomorphism invariance requires
matter Hamiltonian describing how quantum matter the latter, i.e., that W αβ αβ
pa ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ ¼ W pa ðz; x; yÞ ¼ 0.
evolves in a background space-time. Finally, we have Equation (117) then simplifies to

∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ ðgrÞ ðgrÞ ðmÞ ⃗ ρ̂ðz; tÞ
¼ dx NfH ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg þ N fHa ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg − i½H ½N; N;
αβ † 1 αβ †
þ dxdyNDΔ W h ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞL̂α ðxÞρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞL̂β ðyÞ − W h ðz; x; yÞfL̂β ðyÞL̂α ðxÞ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ : ð119Þ

This should be thought of as the fundamental dynami- dynamics under spatial diffeomorphism. An example of
cal equation, but we can perform a Kramers-Moyal such a realization for the discrete master equation is given
expansion on it. Since we expect all moments to appear, in Ref. [156]; namely, for α, β ≠ 0,
the moment expansion will include terms such as Z
ðδhαβ =δgab Þ½δρ̂ðz; tÞ=δπ ab  since it transforms like a den- dyDΔNW αβ †
h ðzjz − Δ;x;yÞL̂α ðxÞρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞL̂β ðyÞ
sity. This moment at zeroth order in τ is needed to recover
the classical limit of general relativity. We now require a N −1
positive transition matrix W αβ ¼ exp τðh Þðz;xÞfhðz;xÞ;·g
h ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ [except for τ γ
the W 00 ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ component], and that each moment
transforms as a density to ensure invariance of the × hβγ ðz;xÞL̂α ðxÞρ̂ðz;tÞL̂†β ðxÞ; ð120Þ


where exp½Mαγ is the components of the matrix exponen- have only diffusion in π ab . Higher-order functional deriv-
tial of the matrix M and it is purely local in x. Here, atives in π ab can be suitably smeared to control divergen-
M has components Mki ¼ ½τðh−1 Þij ðzÞfhjk ðzÞ; ·g and ces. If we want to ensure that our evolution equation is
W αβ ðz;x;yÞ ¼ ð1=τÞhαβ ðz;xÞδðx;yÞ, and gives a Kramers- invariant under canonical transformations, we can express
Moyal expansion up to constants of it in terms of Poisson brackets, with the second-order term
being written, for example, as fJ o ; fJi ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgg. It may
also be necessary to include the lapse, shift, and their
W αβ
h ðzjz − ΔÞρ̂ðz − Δ; tÞDΔ conjugate momenta in the Poisson bracket, which is a
realization we pursued in Ref. [146].
1 δhαβ ðzÞ δρ̂ðz; tÞ δhαβ ðzÞ δρ̂ðz; tÞ There is more freedom when it comes to W 00
¼ hαβ ðgab Þρ̂ðz; tÞ þ − h ðzjz − Δ;
τ δgab δπ ab δπ ab δgab x; yÞ which could include dispersion terms, non-Brownian
δ2 ρ̂ðz; tÞ terms, or even friction terms such as those of the form
þ τDabcd;αβ ðgÞ þ ; ð121Þ
δπ ab δπ cd
δγ ab ρ̂ δHðgrÞ
Dabcd;αβ ðgÞ ; γ ab ≔ ηabcd ð122Þ
where the diffusion terms and all higher-order δπ ab δπ cd
moments are tensor densities of the appropriate weight to
contract with the derivatives acting on the density matrix. with ηabcd a local function of the metric. However, gauge
The absence of functional derivatives with respect to g invariance places strong restrictions on these terms, and
higher than δρ̂=δgab means that this is a Brownian here we leave them unspecified and denote them by the
realization. As a result, Eq. (92) is unmodified, and we differential operator Γ00 ρ̂. The resulting evolution law is

∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ ðgrÞ ⃗ ρ̂ðz; tÞ
¼ dx NfHðgrÞ ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg þ N a fHa ; ρ̂ðz; tÞg − i½HðmÞ ½N; N;
Z   Z
1 αβ † 1 †
þ dx Nh ðzÞ L̂α ρ̂ðz; tÞL̂β − fL̂β L̂α ; ρ̂ðz; tÞgþ þ dxNΓ00 ρ̂ðz; tÞ
τ 2
Z  αβ
δh δρ̂ðz; tÞ † abcd;αβ δ2
þ dxN L̂α L̂β þ τD π ðgÞ þ : ð123Þ
δgab δπ ab δπ ab π cd

Let us now see that in the classical limit, we recover A realization which gives the continuous master equa-
general relativity to leading order. For convenience of tion will be discussed in Ref. [50] with Sparaciari, Šoda and
presentation, we consider the case where the quantum Weller-Davies and Ref. [146], and is given by
system is uncorrelated with the classical system. The more
general case is akin to Eq. (23). Recalling Eq. (9), that ∂ρ̂ ⃗ ρ̂
ρðz; tÞ ≔ trρ̂ðz; tÞ, we perform the trace on the quantum ¼ dxNfH; ρ̂g þ dxN a fHa ; ρ̂g − i½ĤðmÞ ½N; N;
system in Eq. (123). Dropping terms of second order and Z
higher we are left with þ dxNðfĤðmÞ ; ρ̂Þg − fρ̂; ĤðmÞ gÞ
Z Z 1
∂ρ̂ðz; tÞ ðgrÞ ðgrÞ þ dxdyNλμνσ̂τ ðg;x;yÞ L̂μν ðxÞ; ½ρ̂; L̂σ̂τ ðyÞ
¼ dxNfH ; ρg þ N a dxfHa ; ρg 2
∂t Z
Z 1
pffiffiffi þ dxdyNfDαβ 0
þ dx gtrNfĤðmÞ ; ρ̂g þ    ; ð124Þ 2 ðx;yÞJ α ðg; xÞ;fJ β ðg; yÞ; ρ̂gg ð125Þ

which, when the constraints of GR are satisfied, is the when the constraints are satisfied. Here, L̂ij ≔
classical Liouville equation for the gravitational degrees of ðδĤðmÞ =δgij Þ, L̂nn ≔ ĤðmÞ , and the pure-Lindbladian cou-
freedom of general relativity sourced by quantum matter. plings λμνσ̂τ ðg; x; yÞ consist of submatrices with elements
The third term gives the backreaction we expect. We thus λijkl ≔ D0;ijkl ðg; x; yÞ, λijnn ðg; x; yÞ, λnnkl ðg; x; yÞ, and the
see that in the classical limit we recover Einstein’s constant λnnnn ðg; x; yÞ. Here, greek indices are akin to
equations. To leading order, the evolution of the quantum space-time indices μ ¼ n, i, and we use n instead of 0
fields is seen from Eq. (123) to correspond to the ordinary since 0 already corresponds to the 1 Lindblad operator.
commutator terms (quantum field theory in curved space) The condition for complete positivity can be found from
plus a Lindbladian term. Eq. (89). Denoting the generalized inverse of the matrix


D0 ðg; x; yÞ as D−1 0 , we require that the matrix with elements the classical phase space, and so we can constrain ρ to
D0 ðx; yÞ and Dαβ 0
2 ½δJ α ðg; xÞ=δgij ½δJ β ðg; yÞ=δgkl  −
lie on the surface in phase space where the constraints
ðD−1 are zero.
0 Þ ðx; yÞ be positive semidefinite as a matrix and
Were we to impose the constraint in an equivalent
kernel to guarantee complete positivity of the master equa-
manner here, it would amount to demanding that ĤADM
tion. Dαβ ⃗ ⃗
2 ðx; yÞ, J α ðN; N; g; xÞ, and D0;ijkl ðN; N; g; x; yÞ be invariant under the action of PN and PN a . This would
are chosen so that the realization is linear in the lapse lead to a Hamiltonian constraint of the form
and shift. If we take the Jα to be local in the metric,
the simplest case is then J ¼ g, so that the diffusion ?
R p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffipffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi HðgrÞ þ 16πGĤðmÞ ≈ 0 ð126Þ
term is 12 dxdyNðxÞD2 ðx;yÞ gðxÞ gðyÞgij ðxÞgkl ðyÞ½δρ̂=
δπ ij ðxÞδπ kl ðyÞ þ   , but there are other more complicated at every x which would be impossible to satisfy, since it
realizations which also recover the dynamical Einstein contains both a classical term HðgrÞ and a local quantum
equation as a limited case (by adding friction and additional
operator ĤðmÞ. However, such a constraint is not needed;
diffusion terms, for example). The additional Lindbladian
rather, we should instead ask, what restrictions are required
couplings corresponding to the Lindblad operator ĤðmÞ are such that the equations of motion satisfy the required
not needed in order to reproduce general relativity in the symmetry? In the classical case, we demand that physical
classical limit or to preserve positivity, but instead appear to degrees of freedom do not depend on the choice of lapse N
be required by gauge invariance. The constraint equations for and shift N a , i.e., that these are gauge choices. This
this realization are derived in Ref. [146] by following the requirement necessarily leads to the constraints of general
procedure outlined in Ref. [156]. Alternatively, one can relativity. Likewise here, we should not first demand that
include the lapse, shift, and their conjugate momenta as the constraints be satisfied, but rather, require that the
canonical degrees of freedom and thus part of the Poisson equations of motion be invariant under the choice of lapse
bracket in Eq. (125). and shift. This turns out to lead to modified constraints
This realization has the clear advantage of being con- which are not of the form (126). We discuss how the
tinuous, while the former realization has the advantage of constraints can be generated from gauge invariance of
being linear in the Hamiltonian. In terms of the evolution of the equations of motion in Ref. [156]. Invariance of the
the quantum system, for each classical space-time mani- equations of motion under spatial diffeomorphisms is
fold, the quantum system undergoes both decoherence, as already guaranteed, as the evolution equation involves
well as unitary evolution generated by the Hamiltonian, and only integrals over scalar densities.
quantum jumps which are accompanied by a backreaction In order to find a solution to the dynamical and constraint
on the space-time. The diffusion terms imply that the equations, we need the equations to be compatible.
solution of Eqs. (123) and (125) [or alternatively, Eq. (125)] Attempts to quantize gravity have floundered on this point,
should be a distribution which has a variance about the as the constraints are operators and typically do not
solution to Einstein’s equations when we perform the trace commute, so no simultaneous solution of the constraints
over the quantum system. This presents a testable deviation exist. This is the case in loop quantum gravity, although it is
from classical general relativity, potentially observable hoped that one can find an operator ordering such that the
when the other terms are small, such as at low acceleration constraints close. Likewise, string theory is background
[167]. The absence of such terms is likely to falsify this dependent, which presumably means that in the full theory,
model. On the other hand, since diffusion of the metric can gauge invariance is broken. While it is hoped that frame-
result in stronger gravitational fields when we might works for string field theory could result in a background-
otherwise expect none to be present, it raises the possibility independent approach, it is not clear whether this can be
that diffusion may explain galaxy rotation curves [169] and maintained. Here, we also require constraint compatibility,
galaxy formation without the need for dark matter. but it takes on a different form. Because we have attempted
In addition to the dynamical equation of motion, to implement gauge invariance on the level of the equations
Eq. (117) or Eq. (123), we need to impose the constraints of motion rather than as operator identities, the relevant
of general relativity. Let us recall how this is done notion of constraint compatibility is not simply the
classically. There, the Hamiltonian and momentum con- commutation of operators, but whether the evolution
straint of Eq. (102) follows from demanding that the operators and constraints and generators “commute” with
Lagrangian be invariant under arbitrary time reparametri- one another when applied to the state. In other words, we
zations and spatial diffeomorphisms. This leads to the require for example
primary constraints on their conjugate momenta, pN ¼ 0
and pN i ¼ 0. Preservation of the primary constraints is La ðxÞLðyÞρ̂ðz; tÞ − LðyÞLa ðxÞρ̂ðz; tÞ ≈ 0; ð127Þ
implemented in the ADM formalism by requiring that
p˙N ¼ 0 and p˙N a ¼ 0 (the supermomentum and super- and similarly, we require that the “commutation relations”
Hamiltonian constraints). These are just constraints on for all other generators vanish on the constraint surface; the


right-hand side must be a linear combination of generators quantum field theory which is invariant under spatial
and constraint equations. This notion of constraint compat- diffeomorphisms. The theory is consistent: The dynamics
ibility replaces the closure of the Dirac algebra in the is completely positive, norm preserving, and linear in the
classical theory. density matrix. We specify the dynamics up to a choice of
This program is initiated in Ref. [156] in the Heisenberg the positive-semidefinite matrix W αβ h ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ. The
representation to find gauge-invariant observables A. This choice is constrained by gauge invariance, and thus must
constraint structure, while involved, is far simpler than the satisfy further criteria, as discussed in Ref. [156]. Two
constraint structure of loop quantum gravity or canonical particular choices of W αβ h ðzjz − Δ; x; yÞ, are the model of
quantization, and provides a model in which to understand Eq. (120) and that corresponding to Eq. (125). These are
some of the conceptual challenges these theories face. further considered in Ref. [156] and Refs. [50,146],
While the constraints are more complicated because they respectively, along with the constraint equations which
are implemented on the level of equations of motion, the correspond to them. In Ref. [71], it is shown that the first
classical nature of the gravitational field means they do not realization leads to discrete jumps in phase space, while the
suffer from operator ordering issues and are more tractable. second realization follows from demanding that the dynam-
Nonetheless, it may be impossible to find a realization of ics be continuous in phase space. The first moment in their
the theory and a symmetry principle, such that the set of Kramers-Moyal expansion corresponds to general relativity
constraint equations close. In that case, one could still in the ADM formulation, and thus both recover classical
impose the standard constraints of general relativity as general relativity as a limiting case. A proposal based on the
initial conditions, as is done in the ADM formulation, but path integral is introduced in Ref. [142].
they may not be conserved in time. One could instead We require that the metric remains classical even when
impose the standard constraints as expectation values, but backreacted upon by quantum fields, and this has two
again, it is possible these may also not be conserved in time. important consequences. First, the interaction is necessarily
This would likely mean the theory was not invariant under stochastic, which is important, since a principle motivation
diffeomorphisms of the (3 þ 1)-dimensional space-time, behind the theory are attempts to resolve the black-hole
but it would not render the theory inconsistent, since we information problem. That there exists a fully quantum
formulated the theory here, not as a 3 þ 1 theory of space- theory of gravity has been an argument against theories
time, but rather, as a Hamiltonian theory of the spatial which have fundamental information loss, in the sense that
metric. The evolution of matter is governed by the given any such dynamics one can always find a purification
Hamiltonian and Lindblad operators, which are functionals of the state onto some environment, such that the full theory
only of the 3-metric. To be consistent, the theory needs to is unitary. In this case, Coleman has shown that when we
be invariant under spatial diffeomorphisms, which it trace out the environment, the dynamics is equivalent to a
manifestly is. However, although it would be a consistent unitary theory with unknown coupling constants [62]. This
theory, it would be unclear how to justify imposing the renders the information loss trivial: In a universe with a
constraint as a mere initial condition. So while the theory finite number of random coupling constants, an observer
may be consistent, it would require further motivation. has only to perform a sufficient number of experiments to
An alternative approach can be pursued now that determine these coupling constants, after which time the
classical quantum path integral methods have recently theory will behave arbitrarily close to a unitary one from
been developed [170]. Since the path integral is computed the point of view of this experienced experimentalist.
in configuration space, this allows for the construction of However, the argument in Ref. [62] need not apply here.
manifestly diffeomorphism-invariant theories. These Any purification which keeps some degrees of freedom
have since been proposed together with Weller-Davies classical would need to obey an unnatural condition,
[142]. One, based on the trace of Einstein’s equations, is namely, that it remain of the form
different from Einstein’s general relativity, but does at
least demonstrate that diffeomorphism-invariant classical X
ρ̂AB ¼ jg; πiA ⊗ jg; πiB ⊗ jρ̂matter ðg; πÞiAB ð128Þ
quantum theories are possible in principle. A theory
which contains all components of the Einstein equations
with system A encoding the classical degrees of freedom
is also proposed, but it is not yet known whether
and system B being the purifying system [171]. For these
dynamics which deviate from general relativity are
suitably suppressed. degrees of freedom to remain classical, one further needs to
impose the condition that one can measure only in the basis
where jg; πiA is diagonal. If one lifts this restriction on
measurements, or allows dynamics more general than the
The general form of hybrid classical quantum dynamics one preserving the form of the state of Eq. (128), then it is
is presented here as Eq. (14), which includes discrete far from clear that the dynamics would still be completely
evolution and a continuous form [71]. Based on this, we positive and trace preserving. The dynamics here needs
exhibite a theory of classical general relativity coupled to only to give positive probabilities on measurements which


commute with the basis representing the classical degrees pure conditioned on the classical trajectory [29]. This is
of freedom. It does not need to give positive probabilities ironic given the motivation of obtaining dynamics which
for all measurements. Thus, we cannot conclude that this allowed for the destruction of information in black-hole
theory has consistent dynamics on the purified state. Or to evaporation. The dynamics here, while stochastic, can leave
put it another way, it is unlikely to be the case that the the quantum state pure. It is the classical degrees of
dynamics considered here can be viewed as unitary freedom which gain entropy. This suggests that in black-
quantum dynamics with a local environment which is hole evaporation, the associated entropy is the entropy of
traced out. The fact that the quantum system couples to the classical space-time. Since the formalism introduced
a classical one, thus provides a potential loophole to the no- here allows one to study the backreaction of matter fields
go theorem of Ref. [62] ruling out nontrivial information on the gravitational field, there is hope that we can better
destruction, while as argued in Sec. I, information destruc- understand black holes, as well as other systems where
tion provides the loophole out of the no-go argument of gravity and quantum effects are important.
Feynman and Aharonov against quantum systems interact- Let us next address a number of open questions and
ing with classical ones. The two no-go theorems annihilate challenges that the theory faces, starting with the objection
each other. to theories of information destruction due to Banks, Peskin,
There may appear to be some tension between the claim and Susskind (BPS) [60]. BPS argued that a local inter-
that the theory may evade the no-go argument of Coleman, action which leads to decoherence will lead to anomolous
and the idea that the theory presented here could be an heating to such a degree that it will contradict observation.
effective theory which emerges as the classical limit of a Although the BPS argument was not made in the context of
fully quantum theory. However, this is not necessarily in classical quantum theories, it does apply to Lindbladian
contradiction. In Ref. [176], we consider fully quantum evolution of the quantum state σ̂ with Lindblad operators
descriptions, which effectively act like a classical quantum being local field operators, and our theory does contain such
description. The classical system corresponds to a quantum terms. In particular, BPS considered an evolution equation
system decohered into a family of coherent states, and for
some potentials, this description is valid for long times. ∂σ̂ðtÞ
¼ −i½ĤðmÞ ; σ̂ðtÞ
Since this description is fully quantum, Coleman’s argu- ∂t
ment would imply that it corresponds to a unitary theory on Z 
0 αβ
an enlarged Hilbert space with unknown coupling con- þ dxdx D0 ðx − x Þ L̂α ðxÞσ̂ðtÞL̂†β ðx0 Þ

stants, and that there exist measurements which would 

allow an experimenter to determine these constants. 1 † 0
− fL̂β ðx ÞL̂α ðxÞ; σ̂ðtÞgþ ð129Þ
However, in the classical quantum description of this fully 2
quantum theory, we do not allow arbitrary measurements
on the “classical” system—only measurements of q and p and couplings Dαβ 0
0 ðx − x Þ. The Hamiltonian of the matter
are allowed. Coleman’s argument allows the experimenter fields Ĥ will not be conserved, and when Dαβ
ðmÞ 0
0 ðx − x Þ has
to perform measurements in an arbitrary basis, and it 0
short range (decays rapidly with jx − x j) there may be
appears unlikely one could use fixed measurements to significant anomalous heating. In essence, local operators
determine the coupling constants. L̂α ðxÞ do not commute with the Hamiltonian, and in the
The second consequence of having a quantum classical
limit where Dαβ 0
0 ðx − x Þ is a delta function, the average rate
interaction is that the measurement postulate of quantum
theory is no longer needed. One has fundamental of energy production contains terms which diverge. This is
decoherence of the quantum field by the classical metric. easily seen in the Heisenberg representation, since when
In this view, classicality is not an emergent or effective Dαβ 0 0
0 ðx − x Þ is symmetric in x, x , and α, β,
property of large quantum systems, but rather, fundamental. Z
In the discrete theory discussed here, hαβ is diagonal and dĤðmÞ 1
¼ dxdx0 D0 ðx−x0 Þ½L̂α ðxÞ;½Ĥ ðmÞ ; L̂†β ðx0 Þ: ð130Þ
unique for each Lindblad operator. As with the Stern- dt 2
Gerlach example, the accompanying jump in phase space
unambiguously determines which Lindblad operator was If the L̂α ðxÞ contain only a finite number of derivatives of
applied to the quantum state. If we know the initial pure local field operators, then the commutator gives terms
state of the quantum system, then by monitoring the proportional to δðx − x0 Þ, or kth derivatives ∇k δðx − x0 Þ.
classical system, we know which sequence of Lindblad These terms will diverge if D0 ðϵÞ diverges as ϵ → 0. For
operators were applied to the quantum state and at what example, if D0 ðx − x0 Þ ∝ δðx − x0 Þ.
times. As such, the quantum state conditioned on the This anomalous heating should trouble us if it contra-
classical degrees of freedom remains pure. Likewise, in dicts observation, but it need not trouble us on a funda-
the continuous case, we have since found that there is a very mental level. If the dynamics is Lindbladian, there is no
natural class of theories in which the quantum state remains reason to expect energy conservation; the dynamics is not


unitary and so Noether’s theorem does not apply. The do not require the amount of entropy production to be large.
generator of time translations is not the Hamiltonian but the Understanding whether the theory can be regularized,
Lindbladian [177]. In fact, there is no way to canonically remains an important open question for the program
define energy, since by choosing a different basis of presented here. The question is complicated by the fact
Lindblad operators, the Hamiltonian will change. In the that relativistic corrections in the gravitational field become
case of classical quantum systems, the notion of energy important at short distances [168] and by the fact that some
becomes even harder to define, since the Hamiltonian is a aspects of the heating appear to be gauge artifacts [181].
hybrid object. On top of this, in general relativity there is no Other strategies have been considered, but they may
local definition of energy or conservation law for energy make the theory less compelling. One may be able to make
integrated over an infinitesimal spatial surface [180]. From the anomalous heating small by introducing a small
a physical point of view, this is arguably the more relevant violation of locality as has been attempted in the case of
quantity, and so the question of energy conservation is not a Lindbladians in the context of field theories [66], or as is
matter of principle, but rather, consistency with experiment. done in spontaneous collapse models where the coupling is
One must ensure that the vacuum is stable enough that it modified at a length scale at the order of the proton radius.
does not contradict experimental observation. It is worth emphasizing that if one reduces heating by
The vacuum can be made stable by turning down the allowing Dαβ 0
0 ðx − x Þ to have finite range, this does not
Lindbladian coupling so that D0 ðϵÞ decreases as ϵ → 0. necessarily violate locality. If L̂α ðxÞ are local operators,
Since dĤðmÞ =dt goes as D0 ðϵÞ, we can regularize it by then it is possible for local observables to still evolve
discretizing space-time, and scaling D0 ðϵÞ with ϵ. In the locally even though Dαβ 0
0 ðx − x Þ. The price we pay if
pure-Lindbladian case, there is no reason not to take the Dαβ 0
0 ðx − x Þ does not fall off fast enough with jx − x j is

Lindbladian coupling to be arbitrarily small, in which case that correlations can be created over finite distances
the effect is weak in flat space and only strong when the [60,65]. While this seems to suggest some correlated
3-metric becomes singular, since weffi expect
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi D0 ðxffi − x0 Þ to
environment should be evoked, it does not lead to super-
contain terms proportional to gðxÞ and gðx0 Þ. Seen in luminal signaling or inconsistencies. It will however
naively violate Lorentz invariance, since one has spatial
this light, the problem raised by BPS is merely one of
correlations but no temporal ones. This could be rectified
having to introduce another scale.
A similar issue occurs in spontaneous collapse models by taking Dαβ 0
0 ðx − x Þ to not depend on the spatial distance
[67–69], but in and of itself, this does not present a jx − x j, but rather the space-time distance. For example,
problem, since again, one can tune down the one could take it to be the Green’s function of the Laplace-
Lindbladian coupling D0 ðϵÞ as small as one wishes. Beltrami operator. This would then suggest a non-
Markovian evolution reminiscent of an effective theory
Those who advocate for spontaneous collapse models
rather than a fundamental one. Another alternative is to
typically require D0 ðx − x0 Þ to be large enough to account
modify gravity at short distances. Since gravity is tested
for the level of decoherence we see around us. This only to within the milometer scale, such modifications have
requirement on D0 is not needed here for three reasons. often been considered, but would likely necessitate some
First, environmental decoherence is expected to account for additional structure such as extra dimensions [182].
most of the decoherence we observe. Second, the collapse Whether such measures are required is unclear. In the
of the wave function is a byproduct which occurs only context of the theories considered here, the situation is
when sufficient correlations has build up between the significantly different from the pure-Lindbladian evolution
gravitational field and the quantum state together with considered by BPS. First, the action of the Lindblad
its correlated environment. And third, decreasing D0 ðϵÞ operators on the quantum field is accompanied by a back-
requires more gravitational diffusion [50], which causes action on the classical degrees of freedom, and in particular,
additional decoherence once the gravitational field is the gravitational degrees of freedom. While the argument of
integrated out [30,92]. The heating effect of this secondary BPS suggests there will be an increase in the expectation
decoherence is a source of concern, but appears to be value of the energy density of the matter Hamiltonian
milder than in BPS [30,50], although whether this is within density ĤðmÞ, this can be accompanied by a decrease in
experimental limits requires further investigation since at the energy of the classical system due to this backreaction. In
short distances, we are operating in a regime where
this case, this is the kinetic energy density Gijkl π ij π kl of the
relativistic effects become important.
The question of whether the couplings can be tuned pure gravity part of the super-Hamiltonian, HðgrÞ . In the case
down as we decrease ϵ is related to the question of whether of a discrete realization of this theory, such as Eq. (120), the
the theory is regularizable [170]. In the case of a scalar field action of the Lindblad operator is accompanied by a jump in
with a single Lindblad operator ϕðxÞ, the Lindbladian π ij ðxÞ. Likewise, the diffusion term of the continuous
dynamics is both renormalizable and Lorentz invariant realization, Eq. (125) acts on the kinetic term of HðgrÞ ðxÞ
[140,141], and we can choose the coupling constant to in the Heisenberg representation producing an energy
generate as little anomalous heating as we wish, since we density flux of Dijkl2 ðx; xÞGijkl ðxÞ which can be negative


Dijkl 0
2 ðx; x Þ to include only the final term in Eq. (131)
and state independent, and also needs to be regularized. For
example, consider proportional to gij gkl , then we can take D2 → D2 =β and
pffiffiffi β → −∞.
ijkl 0
gN ik jl
lim D2 ðx; x Þ ¼ D2 ðg g þ gil gjk − 2βgij gkl Þ Using the diffusion coefficient of Eq. (131), we can
x−x0 →l 2
compute the apparent flux of gravitational kinetic energy
ð131Þ density using the continuous realization of Eq. (125) in the
with D2 some constant which depends on the cutoff l, and Heisenberg representation. Ignoring any boundary terms,
β < 1=3 to ensure Dijkl this gives
2 is positive semidefinite. If we wish

⃗ Z
dH ðgrÞ ½N; N ðgrÞ ⃗ ⃗ 1 δ2 ⃗
¼ fH ½N; N; ĤADM ½N; Ng þ dxdx0 Dijkl
2 ðx; x0Þ HðgrÞ ½N; N
dt 2 δπ ij ðxÞδπ kl ðx0 Þ
⃗ ĤðmÞ ½N; Ng
⃗ pffiffiffi 1
¼ fHðgrÞ ½N; N; þ dxN 2 D2 g ðgik gjl þ gil gjk − 2βgij gkl ÞGijkl
⃗ ðmÞ ⃗ d
¼ fH ½N; N; Ĥ ½N; Ng þ d − ð1 þ βÞD2 dxN 2 ;
ðgrÞ 2

where d is the number of spatial dimensions. We assume Related to this is the question of whether the
⃗ depend only on the metric and
that the lapse and shift N; N Hamiltonian and momentum constraint is preserved in
not its conjugate momenta. The first term is just the change time. In the deterministic theory, this says that the total
in energy due to the backreaction of the matter Hamil- energy and momentum density is everywhere zero. These

tonian, and is compensated for by the action of H ðgrÞ ½N; N constraints are however modified in the theory considered
on Ĥ ½N; N ⃗ which results in an equal and opposite here. Since conservation of the constraints in general
⃗ ĤðmÞ ½N; Ng
⃗ relativity enforces diffeomorphism invariance, the issue
energy flux −fHðgrÞ ½N; N; into the matter
of diffusion of gravitational kinetic energy and anomalous
degrees of freedom. It is the second term which is due
heating is linked with whether diffeomorphism invariance
to the diffusion. Taking β < 1 results in an apparent
or a related local symmetry will be respected. Whether the
negative flux of gravitational kinetic energy. It can at least
theory satisfies some local symmetry then becomes a
partially compensate for the heating of the matter field
given in Eq. (130). The question is a subtle one; for question of satisfying some potentially modified constraint
example, in the weak-field limit, what initially appears to equations, and whether one can satisfy them all at the same
be constant anomalous energy production in the gravita- time. This turns on the question of the compatibility of the
tional degrees of freedom turns out to be a gauge artifact constraint equations, i.e., whether the algebroid of con-
[181]. The dependence of Eq. (132) on the lapse suggests straints [183] closes. Of course in the CQ theory, the
this might be the case more generally. constraint is not of the form Eq. (126), and the full
Whether this backreaction is enough to restore equilib- dynamics are subtle. A fuller understanding of the algeb-
rium or slow the production of energy in the matter sector roid of constraint equations thus remains an open issue,
of the theory is an open question. It may merely be that the with some initial progress reported in Ref. [156] where
total Hamiltonian is conserved on average, with heating these issues are further explored (cf. Ref. [142]).
occurring in the matter degrees of freedom, and a negative There is some reason to believe 3 þ 1 diffeomorphism
flux of kinetic energy occurring in the gravitational degrees invariance or something related to it can be respected, given
of freedom. To what extent this would be observable has the diffeomorphism-invariant realization of Ref. [142]
since been partially taken up in Ref. [50], where it is shown based on the trace of Einstein’s equations, and using the
that the decoherence (and heating) in the matter degrees of path integral formulation of CQ dynamics [170]. In
freedom can be made small, but only at the expense of a Ref. [142], we also present a diffeomorphism-invariant
large diffusion in the gravitational degrees of freedom. theory which gives all of Einstein’s equations, although we
However, because gravity is so weak, the effect appears to have not proven that the dynamics preserves positivity of
be within current experimental bounds, although they do initial states. The challenge then is to see if the realization is
constrain Dijkl
2 ðx; x Þ. The question then becomes whether consistent with experimental constraints such as those on
the anomalous heating and diffusion are within experimen- anomalous heating and gravitational diffusion, and is
tal bounds, while at the same time, respecting various local ideally also renormalizable in the matter degrees of free-
symmetry properties such as diffeomorphism invariance or dom. While realizations exist which are renormalizable,
some weaker version. and realizations exist which have small amounts of


anomalous heating, the question of whether a realization their work. I would also like to thank Lydia Marie
exists which satisfies all these requirements remains open. Williamson for correcting a number of typos from an
The classical quantum theory has a number of exper- earlier version of this draft. I am very grateful to the
imental signatures, some of which have since been quanti- anonymous referees of PRX for their comments and
fied in Ref. [50]. It predicts a form of gravitational attention to detail, which have helped improve this work.
decoherence, which already a number of experiments are This research was supported by an EPSRC Established
looking for [184–186]. It predicts stochastic, finite-sized Career Fellowship, a Royal Society Wolfson Merit grant,
jumps, or continuous diffusion of the gravitational field the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF
which might be detectable in the lab with current technol- PHY11-25915, and by the Simons Foundation It from
ogy. The theory also predicts diffusion which might be Qubit Network.
observable in astrophysical systems and in cosmology. The
theory is highly constrained, especially if τ the parameter in APPENDIX A: CONDITIONS FOR COMPLETE
Eq. (17) is taken to be of order ℏ, since increasing the POSITIVITY OF A CQ MAP
coherence time results in larger jumps and more diffusion.
Finally, the locally correlated realizations considered here Here we extend a theorem due to Kossakowski [194] for
predict a null result to recently proposed experiments to test a cq map EðtÞ to be completely positive on a separable
the quantum nature of gravity [187–190]. Hilbert space; see also Ref. [50] for a more complete proof
Here, space-time is treated as fundamentally classical, using indicator functions. Let us consider all complete sets
but one could instead view this theory as a candidate for an of projectors Pr ðzÞ on the doubled Hilbert space HS ⊗ HS
effective theory which results from taking the classical limit and classical degrees of freedom z.
of the gravitational degrees of freedom of a fully quantum Theorem 1. L is a generator of continuous-time,
theory of gravity. There are a number of ways of taking this completelyRpositive, Markovian evolution of ρ̂ðz; tÞ which
partial classical limit. The extent and the conditions under preserves dztrρ̂ðz; tÞ if and only if for all sets of
which this gives the equations of motion presented here is orthogonal projectors fPr ðzÞg:
taken up in Ref. [176]. We find that care should be taken,
since an effective theory might violate our assumptions of trPs ðzÞLzjz0 ⊗ 1(Pr ðz0 Þ) ≥ 0; ∀ r ≠ s; z; z0 ; ðA1Þ
complete positivity at short timescales or of being time
local. Nonetheless we find that there is a regime, and a
choice of parameters, such that Eq. (14) describes the trPs ðzÞLzjz0 ⊗ 1(Ps ðz0 Þ) ≥ 0; ∀ s; z ≠ z0 ; ðA2Þ
consistent evolution of interacting quantum systems in the Z
limit where a subsystem behaves classically.
Whether the theory presented here is taken to be trLzjz0 ⊗ 1(Pr ðz0 Þ) ¼ 0; ∀ r; z0 ; ðA3Þ
fundamental or not, it provides a consistent way to explore R
the regime where space-time is classical in a manner which where Lρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ dz0 Lzjz0 ρ̂ðz0 ; tÞ.
does not suffer from the pathologies of the semiclassical As a consequence of the above, we automatically get
equations. This has been lacking in our investigation into Z
how space-time reacts to quantum systems. This gives hope
that the ability to consistently study backreaction effects tr dz0 δðz − z0 ÞPs ðzÞLzjz0 ⊗ 1(Ps ðz0 Þ) ≤ 0 ∀ s;z ðA4Þ
finds application on large-distance scales, in cosmology,
and in black-hole evaporation. since the probability conservation condition, Eq. (A3)
ensures that outward flux from any Ps ðzÞ contributes
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS negatively to the probability rate. The proof of Theorem
1 follows from writing
I would like to thank Dorit Aharonov, Robert Alicki,
Sougato Bose, Lajos Diosi, Patrick Hayden, Michal E zjz0 ðδtÞ − 1δðz − z0 Þ
Horodecki, Veronika Hubeny, David Jennings, Don Lzjz0 ≔ lim ; ðA5Þ
Marolf, Lluis Masanes, Sandu Popescu, John Preskill,
δt→0 δt
Benni Reznik, Lenny Susskind, Bill Unruh, and groups R
where EðtÞρ̂ðz; tÞ ¼ dz0 E zjz0 ðtÞρ̂ðz0 ; tÞ, and using the fact
17 and 18 of PHAS3441 (2018) for interesting discussions.
that the map E zjz0 is completely positive, probability-
I would especially like to thank Joan Camps, Barbara Šoda,
conserving map if and only if
Carlo Sparaciara, and Zach Weller-Davies for the helpful
discussion clarifying some of the points raised here. I am
trPs ðzÞE zjz0 ⊗ 1(Pr ðz0 Þ) ≥ 0 ∀ fPs ðzÞg; fPr ðz0 Þg; z; z0
grateful to David Poulin for introducing me to Eq. (6) and
his comments on an early version of the ADM realization of ðA6Þ
the theory during the KITP QINFO17 program, as well as
Lajos Diosi and Antoine Tilloy for drawing my attention to and

trE zjz0 ⊗ 1(Pr ðz0 Þ) ¼ 1 ∀ fPr ðzÞg; r; z0 : ðA7Þ APPENDIX B: HEISENBERG REPRESENTATION
Equations (14) and (17) tell us how the classical quantum
state evolves. As with both quantum and classical mechan-
ics, there is an alternative “Heisenberg” picture in which the
It follows that E zjz0 is trace nonincreasing state does not evolve but the operators do. One can easily
derive the time evolution of operators in this representation,
since it follows from demanding that for all ρ̂ðz; tÞ,
E zjz0 ⊗ 1(Pr ðz0 Þ) ≤ 1: ðA8Þ
d d
dztrÂS ðz; tÞρ̂S ðzÞ ¼ dztrÂH ðz; tÞρ̂H ðzÞ; ðB1Þ
dt dt
Equation (A2) is an additional constraint on the quantum
system not found in Ref. [194], although if one considers
the projector to also be on the classical degree of freedom, where the subscript S indicates the Schrödinger represen-
then it becomes subsumed by Eq. (A1). From Kraus’s tation, and H the Heisenberg representation. Using this and
theorem, we know that this implies that Λαβ ðzjz0 ; tÞ in Eq. (14) for the evolution of ρ̂S ðzÞ leads to the Heisenberg
Eq. (34) needs to be positive semidefinite in α, β for all z, z0 . evolution equation for the operator Âðz; tÞ over phase space

dÂH ðz; tÞ ∂ÂH ðz; tÞ

¼ þ i½ĤðzÞ; ÂH ðz; tÞ
dt Z ∂t
þ dΔW αβ ðz þ ΔjzÞL̂†β ÂH ðz þ Δ; tÞL̂α − W αβ ðzÞfL̂†β L̂α ; ÂH ðz; tÞgþ
∂ÂH ðz; tÞ αβ † 1 †
¼ þ i½ĤðzÞ; ÂH ðz; tÞ þ W ðzÞ L̂β ÂH ðz; tÞL̂α − fÂH ðz; tÞ; L̂β ðxÞL̂α gþ
∂t 2
− L̂†β fhαβ ; ÂH ðz; tÞgL̂α  þ    ; ðB2Þ

where we use cyclicity of operators under the trace and integration by parts. We include the purely classical term in W 00 , but
for deterministic evolution, it would be −fHðzÞ; ÂH ðz; tÞg. For a field theory, and in general relativity, we are usually
interested in the evolution of diffeomorphism-invariant operators such as
ÂH ðzÞ ¼ dx gÂðz; xÞ; ðB3Þ

where Aðz; xÞ is a local scalar operator. In such a case, we have

dÂH ðz; tÞ ∂ÂH ðz; tÞ

¼ þ i½ĤðzÞ; ÂH ðz; tÞ
dt ∂t
αβ † 1 †
þ dx dΔW ðz þ Δjz; x; yÞL̂β ðyÞÂH ðz þ Δ; tÞL̂α ðxÞ − Wðz; x; yÞfL̂β ðyÞL̂α ðxÞ; ÂH ðz; tÞgþ
∂ÂH ðz; tÞ αβ † 1 †
¼ þ i½ĤðzÞ; ÂH ðz; tÞ þ W ðz; x; yÞ L̂β ðyÞÂH ðz; tÞL̂α ðxÞ − fL̂β ðyÞL̂α ðxÞ; ÂH ðz; tÞgþ dx
∂t 2
− dxL̂†β ðxÞfhαβ ðz; xÞ; ÂH ðz; tÞgL̂α ðxÞ þ    : ðB4Þ

Note that care must be taken here. The Heisenberg representation allows one to compute the change of the expectation value
of an observable  with time. However, if the evolution is nonunitary, then it is not necessarily the case that
hÂn ðtÞi ¼ hÂðtÞin . For example, if there is dispersion, than typically hp̂2 i − hp̂i2 will increase with time. Thus, knowing
ÂðtÞ does not necessarily allow one to deduce the expectation value other moments of the operator.


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