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Aim of the Experiment: Create an excel spreadsheet and understand the syntax and usage of

hlookup(), vlookup(), text, count() and countif functions.

Software Required: Microsoft Excel 2023 version.

Syntax and Results:

1. Excel spread sheet for hlookup () function:

Sheet 1:

Months January February March April May June

Sale 240 180 310 445 650 700

Months April

Syntax to find sales in the month of April: =HLOOKUP(B7,A4:G5,2,0)



2. Excel Spread sheet vlookup () function:

Syntax to merge data of

Table 1: =VLOOKUP(A30,A6:B25,2,0)

Table 2: =VLOOKUP(A30,E6:F25,2,0)

Table 3: =VLOOKUP(A30,H6:I25,2,0)

3. Excel Spread sheet text function:

Syntax: =CONCAT(B5," ",C5) [Full Name]

=LEN(D5) [Length]
=SEARCH("A",D5) [First position of letter "a"]

4. Excel Spread sheet count, countif function:

Syntax: =COUNT(B6:B26) [Total no. of employees]

=COUNTIF(D6:D26,"SALES EXECUTIVE") [Total no. of employees in Sales executive]

=COUNTIFS(D6:D26,"SALES EXECUTIVE",E6:E26,"AMAZON") [Total no. of employees in Sales

executive in Amazon]

=COUNTIFS(D6:D26,"SALES EXECUTIVE",E6:E26,"MYNTRA") [Total no. of employees in Sales

executive in Myntra]

Conclusion: In this Excel spreadsheet, we learned how to use HLOOKUP(),

VLOOKUP(), TEXT, COUNT() and COUNTIF() functions.

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