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Brain plasticity and recovery from early cortical injury


Department of Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

Correspondence to Dr Bryan Kolb, Department of Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4, Canada. E-mail:

PUBLICATION DATA Neocortical development represents more than a simple unfolding of a genetic blueprint: rather, it
Accepted for publication 28th February 2011. represents a complex dance of genetic and environmental events that interact to adapt the brain
to fit a particular environmental context. Most cortical regions are sensitive to a wide range of
ABBREVIATION experiential factors during development and later in life, but the injured cortex appears to be
FGF2 Fibroblast growth factor 2 unusually sensitive to perinatal experiences. This paper reviews the factors that influence how nor-
mal and injured brains (both focal and ischemic injuries) develop and adapt into adulthood. Such
factors include prenatal experiences in utero as well as postnatal experiences throughout life.
Examples include the effects of sensory and motor stimulation, psychoactive drugs (including illi-
cit and prescription drugs), maternal and postnatal stress, neurotrophic factors, and pre- and post-
natal diet. All these factors influence cerebral development and influence recovery from brain
injury during development.

Over the past 25 years we have developed a model of early ple. When pregnant rats were given a moderate stressor
cortical injury in the rodent cortex.1 The underlying assump- (10 min sitting on a small platform in an open room) twice
tion of our experiments has been that there are critical periods daily during the second week of gestation, there was an
during development in which the brain is more able to reorga- increase in global methylation, altered gene expression, and
nize, and others where it is less able to reorganize, to allow modified synaptic organization throughout the cerebral cor-
restoration of function after neocortical injury. The critical tex.8 Curiously, if the rats were given a more severe stressor
periods are constrained by the ongoing developmental pro- (30 min on the platform) there was a decrease in methylation
cesses that are occurring at the time of injury. For example, and a different pattern of altered gene expression, suggesting
when there is proliferation of neurons (such as on embryonic that stress can produce dose-dependent epigenetic changes in
day 18 in rats) or astrocytes (such as on postnatal day 8), the cerebral function.
brain can recruit these proliferative processes to facilitate pro- Taken together, it has become clear that developmental
cesses leading to functional recovery. In contrast, if neurons experiences have profound effects on brain and behavioural
are migrating or the brain is shedding synapses or neurons, development and that these effects vary exquisitely with the
injury may lead to a disruption (or enhancement) of this pro- precise age and type of experience. These experiences are
cess, which may exacerbate the effects of injury. The challenge bound to influence the severity and outcome following cere-
is to identify pre- and postnatal treatments that will shift the bral lesions during development.
critical periods to make it possible partly to stimulate func-
tional restoration at times when it would not normally occur. MODULATING RECOVERY FROM EARLY INJURY
We began by searching for factors that can influence devel- Table II summarizes a range of factors that modulate recovery
opment in the normal brain of laboratory animals. It is now from early brain injury.9–18 We will consider these factors in
possible to identify a wide range of pre- and postnatal experi- three general categories: behavioural therapies, neurotrophic
ences that can produce significant changes in both brain and factor therapies, and drug therapies.
behavioural development (Table I).2–8 Several principles
emerged from these studies. First, both pre- and postnatal fac- Behavioural therapies
tors could influence brain and behavioural development. Sec- There have been surprisingly few laboratory studies that have
ond, early experiences led to changes in the organization of tried to identify treatments using animals with perinatal corti-
adult neural networks throughout the cerebral cortex. Third, cal injuries, and the few that are available have not reported
one clear mechanism of the brain and behavioural changes was any neural correlates. Our studies began by looking at the
epigenetic. Thus, early experiences could chronically alter effects of the perinatal experiential treatments that we had
gene expression, which in turn was presumably responsible, at found to influence cortical development in intact animals.
least in part, for the altered development. Consider one exam- There were two general results. First, nearly all treatments

4 DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2011.04054.x ª The Authors. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology ª 2011 Mac Keith Press
Table I: Modification of cerebral development by experience

Treatment Result Basic reference

Complex housing at weaning Increased dendritic growth; decreased spine density Kolb et al.2
Complex housing in adulthood Increased dendritic growth; increased spine density Kolb et al.2
Complex housing prenatally Decreased dendritic length; increased spine density R Gibb, C Gonzalez, B Kolb
Postnatal ‘handling’ Decreased dendritic length; spines unchanged Gibb and Kolb3
Postnatal tactile stimulation Decreased dendritic length; decreased spine density Kolb and Gibb4
Prenatal tactile stimulation Decreased dendritic length; increased spine density R Gibb, B Kolb3
Play behaviour Increased dendritic length in medial prefrontal cortex with more play partners Bell et al.5
Prenatal valium Increased dendritic length Kolb et al.6
Prenatal fluoxetine Decreased dendritic length Kolb et al.6
Perinatal antipsychotics Decreased dendritic length and spine density Frost et al.7
Prenatal stress Altered gene methylation, gene expression, and synaptic organization Mychasiuk et al.8

All experience-dependent changes were measured in adulthood with the exception of the effects prenatal stress, which were measured at
postnatal day 21. References without bibliography numbers refer to unpublished observations by the authors.

Table II: Modification of the effects of early cortical injury

Treatment Result Basic reference

Complex housing at weaning Enhanced recovery after P1–7 frontal injury Kolb & Elliott9
Complex housing in adulthood No functional recovery after P1–5 frontal injury Comeau et al.10
Complex housing prenatally Enhanced recovery after P4 frontal injury R Gibb, C Gonzalez, B Kolb
Postinjury tactile stimulation Enhanced recovery after P4 frontal, parietal, or motor injury Kolb and Gibb4
Prenatal tactile stimulation Enhanced recovery after P4 frontal injury R Gibb, B Kolb3
Postinjury FGF2 Enhanced recovery after P4 frontal or parietal lesions Comeau et al.10
Prenatal FGF2 Enhanced recovery after P4 frontal or parietal lesions Comeau et al.11
Postinjury FGF2 Enhanced recovery after P10 or P35 motor cortex lesions Monfils et al.12–14; Nemati and Kolb15
Postinjury FGF2 Enhanced recovery after P7 hypoxic–ischemic lesions Williams16
Prenatal diazepam Enhanced recovery after P7 frontal injury Kolb et al.6
Prenatal fluoxetine Blocked recovery after P7 frontal injury Kolb et al.6
Perinatal nicotine Facilitates recovery after P4 injury McKenna et al.17
Postinjury nicotine Facilitates recovery after P7 hypoxia–ischemia Williams16
Enhanced diet Enhanced recovery after P7 frontal injury Halliwell et al.18

All functional changes were measured in adulthood. References without bibliography numbers refer to unpublished observations by the authors.
P, postnatal day.

enhanced cognitive, and to a lesser extent motor, outcome the neural response varied with lesion location. Second, the
after perinatal cortical injuries. Second, there were neural cor- increased spine density in the tactile-stimulated frontal ani-
relates of the enhanced recovery in every case. mals was opposite to what was observed in the tactile-stimu-
Perhaps the biggest behavioural effect is seen in perina- lated control rats. Thus, the same treatment had opposite
tally brain-injured animals given complex housing either at effects in the control and frontal-injured rats but both showed
weaning or prenatally (and thus pre-injury). In both cases enhanced behaviour.
there is a reduction in the loss of adult brain weight and a
parallel increase in spine density in pyramidal cortical neu- Neurotrophic therapies
rons. In contrast, placing infant brain-injured rats into Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) is known to influence neu-
complex environments as adults failed to reverse the ral development both via its effects on neural mitosis and dif-
behavioural deficits. ferentiation. It also shows enhanced expression when animals
There is also a marked behavioural advantage to animals are placed in complex environments or given psychomotor
that receive tactile stimulation with a soft brush postinjury. stimulants.19 FGF2 levels also are increased in skin and brain
For example, when infant rats receive either medial prefrontal and the FGF2 receptor is increased in brain after tactile stimu-
or posterior parietal lesions followed by 10 days of tactile lation in infant rats. FGF2 also shows enhanced expression in
stimulation, they show enhanced performance in adulthood the second week of life in rats,20 which is the time of best func-
on tests of both spatial navigation and skilled reaching com- tional recovery from focal injuries. These findings led us to
pared with untreated lesion animals.4 The neural correlates in administer FGF2 directly as a therapy. It has the advantage
this study were unexpected, however, for two reasons (Fig. 1). that it passes the blood–brain barrier and thus can be given
First, whereas the tactile-stimulated rats with parietal lesions subcutaneously. In our first series of studies we gave animals
showed enhanced dendritic length, the rats with frontal lesions with perinatal medial frontal or posterior parietal lesions
did not. In contrast, the tactile-stimulated frontal animals FGF2 either prenatally, post injury, or both.10,11 All three
showed increased spine density but the parietals did not. Thus, treatment regimens proved to be beneficial, with the com-

Review 5
Male synapse number Female synapse number
25 35

Prenatal stress Prenatal stress
Average synapses (E7)

Synapse number (E7)

20 Control Control

15 20


5 5

Figure 1: Synaptic changes in medial prefrontal (Cg3), orbital frontal (AID), and hippocampus (CA1) after prenatal stress. The total number of synapses was
estimated by combining stereological measurement of neuronal number and Golgi analysis of dendritic length and spine density. Stress reduced synapse
number both in males and females in CA1 and produced a small change in male but not female Cg3. The effects of stress were sexually dimorphic in AID,
with a large decrease in males compared with a large increase in females. (Modified from Mychasiuk8.)

bined prenatal and postnatal treatments being the most advan- Drug therapies
tageous; furthermore, cognitive functions showed better We have administered prescription drugs (such as diazepam
recovery than motor behaviours. and fluoxetine) prenatally to animals that then received medial
In a second set of studies, rats with hypoxic–ischemic lesions prefrontal lesions on postnatal day 7.6,17 Valium stimulates the
on postnatal day 7 received FGF2 and again showed func- GABA (c-aminobutyric acid) receptor, which in turn plays an
tional benefits. In addition to showing more normal motor important role in cerebral plasticity,22,23 and is able to shift the
maps and less cortical atrophy than untreated lesion animals, critical period for ocular dominance plasticity (T Hensch, per-
their reaching performance with the contra-lesion forelimb sonal communication). We hypothesized that valium might
was restored.16 facilitate recovery from early injury. It did, and this was corre-
In a final set of studies we administered FGF2 to rats with lated with increased dendritic length in pyramidal cells in per-
focal motor cortex lesions on postnatal day 10. Although such ilesional regions. In contrast to diazepam, fluoxetine
animals normally show partial recovery of function, the recov- completely blocked any spontaneous recovery, which was cor-
ery is incomplete. We therefore wondered if the FGF might related by a parallel blockade of compensatory dendritic
further enhance the recovery. To our surprise, the FGF2 changes.
treatment not only improved motor recovery but that recov- We also did a series of studies with nicotine because we
ery was correlated with a regeneration of the lost tissue have found dramatic increases in dendritic length and spine
(Fig. 2).13–15 This tissue does not appear normal in lamination density in pyramidal cells in the prefrontal and motor cortex
but it does have functional connections with the spinal cord of rats given nicotine as adults.24 We reasoned that nicotine
and the cells have fairly normal patterns of spontaneous might be beneficial when given either prenatally or postinju-
discharge. Removing the regenerated tissue produces immedi- ry. It was. Although we have not yet completed our analysis
ate loss of the recovered functions. We subsequently made of neural correlates, we showed that rats given nicotine after
lesions in other, more posterior cortical regions and adminis- day 7 hypoxia–ischemia had both behavioural improvement
tered FGF2, but did not see any regeneration of lost tissue. and more normal motor maps compared with untreated
Perhaps the distance from the subventricular zone where the animals.16 Nicotine was not effective in the same way after
cells are generated is too far or there is some obstacle to their day 14 hypoxia–ischemia, which implies that age-at-injury
migration to more posterior regions. interacts with the treatment. In addition, we also showed that
In sum, FGF2 appears to play an important role both in nicotine did not have to be given immediately after the injury
spontaneous recovery and as an agent to enhance recovery. but was effective in animals with day 3 frontal injuries that
One minor worry in translating the use of neurotrophic factors received the drug in adulthood. Curiously, however, animals
to the clinic is their powerful action on the mitotic process, given the prenatal nicotine but not given the later lesions
which may produce risk of unwanted spontaneous tissue fared worse than saline controls.17 Once again, it appears that
generation (i.e. tumours). However, we have not seen any events can have different effects on the intact and injured
evidence of this in infant rats or in adult rats stimulated to brains.
regenerate neuronal tissue after stroke.21

6 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2011, 53 (Suppl. 4): 4–8

a Basilar dendritic length ence induces selective epigenetic effects in the injured brain
2200 remains a mystery. We do have preliminary evidence that
Non stroking
infant frontal lesions can increase (postnatal day 10) or
Stroking decrease (postnatal day 3) global gene methylation in the cor-
tex,8,25 but we are still ignorant as to how gene methylation
might be translated into changes in spine density. This is
Mean dendritic length (µm)

1800 clearly grist for future studies.

Animal models of early brain injury have allowed us to identify
1400 some basic principles underlying recovery from early injury.
The application of rehabilitation strategies based upon the
1200 laboratory animal studies has yet to be realized, but the
laboratory animal studies should give rehabilitation specialists
and families cause for optimism. There appears to be far more
capacity for functional recovery than had previously been
Control Frontal Parietal
recognized. Non-invasive treatments such as tactile stimula-
b Apical spine density tion would be easy to implement and without any obvious
risks. In fact, there is a general consensus that tactile stimula-
tion is important in normal human development and especially
Non stroking
in cases in which the infants are compromised such as from
6 Stroking premature birth. The application of complex housing in rats
can be translated into the use of a wide range of games and
Mean spines per 10 µm

activities to stimulate the infant’s brain, and especially the use

5 of reading to infants and young children. Older children
may benefit from Web-based treatment programmes. The
advantage of reading is that it can provide tactile, cognitive,
4 and social stimulation simultaneously.
One of the problems with generalizing from animal studies
to children relates to the validity of rodent models for perina-
3 tal injury in children. There are several issues here including
rodent ⁄ human brain comparisons, injury etiology, and the
practicality of using invasive or pharmacological treatments in
2 children. We consider each in turn.
Control Frontal Parietal Corrected for body size, the human brain is about 12 times
larger than the rat brain. Although the rat brain is not a minia-
Figure 2: Dendritic measures on layer III pyramidal cells from Zilles' Par ture version of the human brain, its organization is remarkably
1. (a) Both frontal and parietal lesions reduced dendritic length. Tactile similar, with the exception of language-related regions (see, for
stroking significantly reversed this effect in parietal but not frontal rats. (b) example, the review by Krubitzer and Kaas26). Perhaps the
Both frontal and parietal lesions significantly reduced spine density. Tac- most important difference is in the ratio of grey to white matter:
tile stroking significantly decreased spine density in neurons in control the human brain has more connections and thus more white
animals but increased spine density in cells frontal lesion animals. Data matter. This difference presents a ‘double-edged sword’. Thus,
are mean € SE the mean (Kolb and Gibb4). the additional connections may provide the human brain with
more plastic potential; however, at the same time, injury to
POTENTIAL MECHANISMS OF PLASTICITY IN THE white matter may lead to more disconnection syndromes in
INJURED BRAIN humans than in rodents. It is our view that the grey ⁄ white mat-
Our demonstration of plastic changes in the normal and ter difference does not impugn the usefulness of rodent models
injured brain clearly show the remarkable capacity of the but it is a factor that we should be mindful of. Furthermore, the
developing brain to form novel neural networks, either chang- principles that underlie brain plasticity appear surprisingly con-
ing existing circuits or making new ones, which can be stant across diverse animal nervous systems.27
inferred from changes in dendritic morphology. A key
question, however, is how this happens. At this point our Injury etiology
understanding of how morphological changes are produced is There are many ways to injure the perinatal brain, including
clearly only in its infancy. It seems likely that the common hypoxia–ischemia, teratological agents, and trauma. Most ani-
molecular event will prove to be a change in gene expression, mal models of perinatal injury use either hypoxic–ischemic
either directly or through epigenetics, but exactly how experi- injury, teratological agents such alcohol, or surgical removal of

Review 7
brain tissue. Most of our experiments have used surgical injuries identifiable mechanisms that account for the beneficial effects
because it is easier to control the locus of injury with this tech- of many rehabilitation regimes. The importance of under-
nique. Although a surgical etiology would be uncommon in standing the mechanisms underlying recovery from early brain
perinatal injury in humans, there is little reason to believe that injury cannot be understated. Understanding how the brain
effectiveness of treatments is etiology dependent. For example, can compensate for early injury will allow a more rationale
Williams16 showed that both FGF2 and nicotine are as effective choice of novel rehabilitation strategies that are targeted to
in treating animals with perinatal hypoxic–ischemic injuries as stimulating recovery. It is our hunch that as we continue to
they are for surgical injuries. Similarly, Saucier et al.28 and Chou study the molecular underpinnings of rehabilitation treat-
et al.29 had similar findings with complex housing and tactile ments we will have a better understanding of how to shift criti-
stimulation, respectively, in animals with ischemic injuries. cal periods after brain injury. This would allow us selectively
As noted above, most of the treatments discussed here are to target mechanisms that will stimulate regenerative processes
easily implemented with human infants, including especially and reduce the parallel degenerative processes. This may
tactile stimulation and diet (see Dabydeen et al.30). There is lit- prove especially important for those infants who may be pre-
tle likelihood of negative side effects from such treatments. The sumed to be at risk either because of poor prenatal care,
stimulation of endogenous stem cells with neurotrophic factors maternal distress or other maternal health issues, disadvan-
or pharmacological agents is not practical, however, given the taged socioeconomic status, and so on.
uncertainty over the long-term risks with such treatments. It is
our hypothesis, however, that the behavioural treatments are ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
acting to increase the endogenous production of neurotrophic We thank Cathy Carroll, Dawn Danka, and Kehe Xie for technical
factors, which provides a mechanism of action. assistance with the anatomical analyses. This work was supported by
Perhaps the major contribution of the animal studies so far Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
is to demonstrate that a wide range of rehabilitation pro- grants to BK and RG, and a Canadian Institutes of Health Research
grammes can work after early brain injury and that there are grant to BK.

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