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A little story "Andry Garung"

hy guys i'm mauricenus Andfryanto garung. you can call me Andry. i was born in
march 20 2003 on sunday.
Did you know guys,sometimes i thingking about my future when i was 10 years old.
thingking about why i'm not early mature,bacause honestly i want to get a lot
money quickly.
but, right now i'm 19 year old and also all things in my mind when stil child
exactly 10 years old ago,
that's all out of my mind, because this moment i fell like"oh my god" this"s
so hard for me.

And of course starting from there i get important somenting and also learn
every experince
and a little bit mistake i've do. now i know which the right mindset and wrong
mindset, and also i always
not forget learn any mistake from another peoples.

But Do you know guys,sometimes i feel weak,feel down, and always insecure. But
after that
i get a way out how to solving my problem is with always thankfull/gracefull.
what a lot things i have right now just temporary

next soon......

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