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Epistemic Limits of Empirical Finance: Causal Reductionism and

Daniel Polakow1,2,* , Tim Gebbie3 , and Emlyn Flint2,4
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Stellenbosch
School of Actuarial Science, University of Cape Town
Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town
Peresec, Cape Town
Corresponding author:
arXiv:2311.16570v2 [q-fin.GN] 5 Dec 2023

December 6, 2023

‘Everything that is born is necessarily born through the action of a cause’

Timaeus, Plato c. 360 BCE

‘I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people’
Sir Isaac Newton, 1720 CE

The clarion call for causal reduction in the study of capital markets is intensifying. However, in self-
referencing and open systems such as capital markets, the idea of unidirectional causation (if applicable) may
be limiting at best, and unstable or fallacious at worst. In this work, we critically assess the use of scientific
deduction and causal inference within the study of empirical finance and econometrics. We then demonstrate
the idea of competing causal chains using a toy model adapted from ecological predator/prey relationships.
From this, we develop the alternative view that the study of empirical finance, and the risks contained therein,
may be better appreciated once we admit that our current arsenal of quantitative finance tools may be limited
to ex post causal inference under popular assumptions. Where these assumptions are challenged, for example
in a recognizable reflexive context, the prescription of unidirectional causation proves deeply problematic.

Keywords— Causal Investing; Reflexivity; Empirical Finance; Epistemology; Risk Management; Spuriosity

1 Introduction Harvey and Liu, 2014; Bailey et al., 2014, 2017; López
de Prado, 2015, 2023a,b).
There is an obvious resurgence of interest in causal The uptake of defensible statistical methods is a pro-
inference. For good reason; causality is arguably the gressive movement within QF that, along with more
holy grail of any scientific enquiry (Little, 1998) and cautious distillation of causal pathways, supports sci-
has been deliberated since the time of Hume (1739). entific realism as well as positive economics. However,
Existing coverage on causality in the philosophy liter- while explaining economic phenomena is the intended
ature is comprehensive and, for brevity, we will not be result1 , the movement also has the potential to in-
reviewing this in detail here. correctly totalize disparate phenomena. In particular,
Rigor and a prescription of causal relevance has compared with prescriptive normative economics, such
also pervaded finance and economics disciplines; in- an approach can become uncoupled from market on-
cluding econometrics (Angrist and Pischke, 2010; Chen tology, leading to a disconnect between the reality of
and Pearl, 2013; Ahmed, 2022) and investment man- capital markets and the assumptions – and thus output
agement (Wilcox and Gebbie, 2014; López de Prado, knowledge – of its reductionist studies.
2023a). Concurrently, Quantitative Finance (QF), This contribution has foci on financial risk, specifi-
which generically includes the investment and econo- cally model risk in relation to a single common assump-
metrics disciplines, is embarking on a purge of ‘incor- tion pervasive in QF studies; namely, that markets,
rect’ statistical methodologies. Such flawed statisti- being social systems, adhere sufficiently to epistemic
cal approaches have resulted in a proliferation of false 1 Sensu the positive economics of Friedman (1953) and the

claims and charlatanism (Ziliak and McCloskey, 2008; apparent rise of economics as a ‘cyborg science’ (Mirowski, 2001).

norms. These epistemic norms carry with them a pri- Returning to Eqn. [1], unidirectional causality does
ori the necessity of unique, well-defined causal chains not permit B to cause A and it does not facilitate A
that can be meaningfully extracted from data in a pos- being limited by its subsequent impact on B via self-
itive economics framing and a reductionist scientific limiting feedback. While causal graphs are typically
sense. linear and unidirectional, self-limiting processes with
dampening feedback are commonly tolerated without
being fatal to ex post inference. Importantly, contem-
2 Causal chains porary QF is already suitably cognizant of this ‘adap-
tation’ of the market to new information (López de
To understand epistemic norms in markets, first we
Prado, 2015; McLean and Pontiff, 2016; Falke et al.,
note that there are some important assumptions un-
derpinning economic thinking. Of course, there exist
More generally, adaptation is a feature common to
several different economic schools of thought. The di-
‘reflexive’ systems; namely, systems that refer to them-
chotomy between neoclassical, or orthodox, and hetero-
selves. While proponents of causal rigor recognize
dox economics (arguably, everything else) is frequently
that markets are adaptive, the fact that they are,
made to smooth over and sometimes smother the prag-
more broadly, self-referential is commonly overlooked.
matic importance of these assumptions as a binary
Specifically, markets may be possessed by dynamics
framing that casts idealisms and normative approaches
that extend further than simply adaptation.
in opposition to positivist perspectives.
While orthodox approaches idealize an economic sys- A self-referential system is reflexive in nature. This
tem in which the rationality of participants is key, is a surprisingly pervasive idea: the ‘Oedipus effect’ of
heterodox economics emphasizes inefficiencies and im- Popper (1957), the ‘self-fulfilling prediction’ of Buck
balances generated by the system. Nonetheless, both (1963), or the ‘back-coupling’ of Morgenstern (1972).
modern orthodox and heterodox economic approaches MacKenzie (of performativity literature renown) noted
aim to incorporate a range of imperfections within their that the study of economics does more than simply de-
standard frameworks to render them more realistic. In scribe, but rather shapes and changes the conditions
this setting, realism is defined as the ability to provide of the economy, and society more broadly (MacKen-
narrative explanations that are cohesive within a given zie, 2006; MacKenzie et al., 2007). It thus possesses
ontology, or to make successful predictions. the ability to analyze, describe, and modify its own
At the heart of the positivist agenda, which resides structure, behavior, and properties. To say this phe-
within the broader scientific realist school of thought, nomenology of self-reference is well-known, recurring
is the goal of causal explanation; and unidirectional and deeply studied is an understatement.3
causation is the de facto supposition. In this regard, Lehmann-Waffenschmidt and Sandri (2007) char-
of contemporary relevance is the work spearheaded acterize two dynamics of reflexive systems: self-
by Pearl and co-workers (Pearl (1995, 2009a,b); Pearl reinforcing and destabilizing (via positive feedback
et al. (2016)) who have formalized empirical causal loop).4 Markets are thus not limited to preventative
modeling and hence laid the foundations of much of feedback loops; instead, such loops may also be desta-
modern artificial intelligence. bilizing. For example, predictions such as fundamental
Unidirectional causality refers to A causing B, for market value can persist or change solely due to par-
example the price action in B being caused by market ticipants’ beliefs. Furthermore, runs on banks, asset
interest A, ceteris paribus. In terms of the mathemat- bubbles, the volatility implied in option prices, booms-
ics of causality (Pearl, 1995), we express B as some and-busts and the allure of factor exposures are all
function of A: characteristic of a system possessed by self-referential
properties.5 Within such systems, sufficient conviction
P [A = a] do[B = b] > P [A = a]. (1) in an association can, in fact, result in (i.e. cause)
that same association (Polakow, 2010). The notion of
A diagrammatic representation of Eqn. [1] is provided
‘spuriosity’ thus also becomes ambiguous.
in Figure 1a.
Eqn. [1] and its associated framework accommo- Tony Lawson, the eminent heterodox economist, ex-
dates both neoclassical equilibria and heterodox dy- 3 Self-referential study originates from Spencer-Brown’s Laws
namics, depending on the size and term of the arbi- of Form (Spencer-Brown, 1969) and extends to the calculus de-
trageable phenomenon under consideration.2 Mathe- veloped by Varela (1975). The field finds parallels in philosophy
matician Robert Buck defined ‘self-frustrating’ predic- (radical constructivism; Von Glasersfeld (1984)), control theory
(e.g. second-order cybernetics; Von Foerster (2003)), and eco-
tions as forecasts that are initially true, but become
nomics (the Eigenform of markets; Kauffman (2009)). Daniel
false on public dissemination (Buck, 1963). Moreover, Hofstadter discusses self-reference systems extensively in his pop-
Popper (1957) in his writings on social sciences refers ularist book (Hofstadter, 1999).
4 Goodhart’s law (Goodhart, 1984): any observed statistical
to ‘self-limiting’ predictions influencing the predicted
regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it
event in a preventative sense. Markets are similarly for control purposes. Campbell (1979)’s law prior and the ‘Lu-
understood to adapt as the outputs of scrutiny are as- cas Critique’ (Lucas, 1976) are further examples of reflexive re-
similated. This understanding is accommodated within sponses.
5 Such examples may also, however, characterize systems that
the idealized neoclassic theory of economics.
are not self-referencing. Discerning a parsimonious likelihood
2 The “do” operator is forcing B = b by intervention. function is therefore not trivial.

plains why markets ultimately cannot adhere to epis- ing longer-term disequilibrium. For example, Farmer
temic norms. Lawson (2003) defines closed systems to and colleagues demonstrate how simple ecological mod-
refer to a situation in which a correlation (an event els result in endogenous inefficiencies and deviations
regularity) occurs. In the absence of conditions sup- from notional fundamental values (Galla and Farmer,
porting such correlations, the system is then deemed 2013; Scholl et al., 2021; Sanders et al., 2018). Hirsh-
to be ‘open’. Markets, being a social system, are de- leifer et al. (2023) examine the extent to which hetero-
scribed as an ‘open system’. geneity of investment styles can co-exist in the long-
“. . . modern mainstream economics is awash with term, in contrast to the predictions wrought from tra-
assumptions of perfect foresight or rational expecta- ditional theory, and in response to social contagion.
tions, of efficient markets, and of market equilibrium, The study builds on the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis
all, at least in the manner they are typically employed, (Lo, 2004, 2017), under which market participants be-
essentially premised on the successful predictability of have (mostly) rationally using a set of natural-selection
future outcomes; all supposing that in an open system heuristics. Such heuristics can become maladaptive
actual outcomes can be effectively anticipated. Indeed during exogenous shocks.
all such endeavour in effect treats open systems as if
there are actually closed” – Lawson (2003).
Markets are unequivocally an open system.6 Such
a system often involves recursive or circular relation-
ships, where the system’s components interact or define
themselves in terms of other components within the -
same system. Of relevance here, self-referential sys-
tems are possessed of unusual properties, highly com- A 1 B
plex and challenging to understand or analyze, espe-
cially using traditional reductionist approaches and as- (a) Conventional causal graph
sumptions of causation (Soros, 2013).
The dynamics of causal chains within self-referential A 3 B
systems are often paradoxical. Umpleby (2010) notes
that in self-referencing systems we transition from a
- +
classical paradigm of inferring A causes B, to higher-
order dynamics with very different notions of stabil- 4
ity, independence, structure and temporality. The
very idea of model building and usage becomes nu- (b) Alternative (dual) causal graph
anced. The presence of reflexivity will frequently result
in circular reasoning – deemed fallacious by contem- Figure 1: A conventional unidirectional causal graph of
porary academic standards.7 The problem of causal A causing B (path 1) is shown in Fig. 1a; here with the
emergence will frequently present itself in the form addition of a negative (self-limiting feedback loop, de-
where multiple competing versions co-exist and com- noted “-”), and a positive (destabilizing feedback loop,
pete (Hoel, 2017). denoted “+”), both of the latter dependencies along
Markets comprise a system of interacting actors, path 2. Fig. 1a (path 1 only) graphically represents
with multiple levels of causation (Wilcox and Gebbie, Eqn. [1]. This can be compared to the alternative
2014). The debate is not whether markets, being an ob- unidirectional causal graph shown in Fig. 1b (path 3
vious social system, are self-referential or not. Rather, only), which represents Eqn. [2], where B is shown
we believe the controversy revolves around two points. causing A along path 3, with the addition of negative
Firstly, to what extent does such a self-referential sys- (self-limiting feedback loop, denoted “-”); and positive
tem differ ontologically from the closed system we com- (destabilizing feedback loop, denoted “+”), the latter
monly assume? Secondly, can such a self-referential both along path 4. Feedback dynamics between these
system produce behaviors and inefficiencies that are causal chains, 1a and 1b, may be indistinguishable un-
persistent and non-arbitrageable? less intervention is involved.
Neoclassical economic thought, arguably the dom-
inant paradigm, is premised on the basis that imbal-
ances are only temporary and so the existence of short-
Yet, it appears that both schools of thought – neo-
term market imperfections are tolerated in the system.8
classical and heterodox – retain the view that unidi-
Heterodox thinking is more permissible to tolerat- rectional causality remains relevant as a formalism,
6 Here, a closed system means a closed system of regular even if these linear cause-effect or circular dampening
events, and implies predictability. An open system is then one graphs exist only as component processes enmeshed in
in which prediction is itself not regularly achievable. an ensemble of interactions of a more complex system
7 Reflexivity further violates the ad hominem informal fallacy

and the fallacy of accent: markets operate at both ‘observing’

(Hardy, 2001; Hommes, 2021).
and ‘participating’ levels (Umpleby, 2010).
8 In this vein was Soros’ view of reflexivity rebuffed by the If causality is in fact more malleable in a reflexive
economic establishment as ‘merely stating the obvious’ (Soros, system (perhaps to the point of being wholly subjec-
2009). tive) there is a competing reality that requires admis-

sion as a hypothesis: B causes A (ceteris paribus):9 where the dot represents a time derivative. The fea-
ture x could be taken to represent the number of in-
P [B = b] do[A = a] > P [B = b] (2) dividuals in a population, or the log-price of an asset,
or the wealth associated with the accumulated profit-
A diagrammatic representation of Eqn. [2] is provided
and-loss of some trading strategy conditioned on vari-
in Figure 1b. It is critical to realize that the feedback
ous information sources. This model can be randomly
dynamics embedded in Eqn. [1] will effectively be indis-
perturbed, although we keep the argument determin-
tinguishable from those of Eqn. [2] unless intervention
10 istic.
is invoked.
Once discretized, the model demonstrates the well-
Lehmann-Waffenschmidt and Sandri (2007) note
understood bifurcation phenomena shown by May
that within economics, it is not possible to draw con-
(1976). This is shown by replacing the feature deriva-
clusions on the logical legitimacy of any reflexive mech-
tive with the derivative of a logarithm of the feature
anism. Shaikh (2013) noted that even heterodox eco-
from Eqn. [3] and converting it into a difference equa-
nomics maintains the notion of an equilibrium and that
tion: ln xn+1 − ln xn = r(K − xn ). By taking the
different economic foundations are required for ade-
exponential of the log-difference equation we find the
quately dealing with reflexivity. The scientific fallibil-
Logistics Difference Equation (LDE)13 :
ity of economics was identified and discussed compre-
hensively in the early 1980s (McCloskey, 1983). Soros xn+1 = xn er(K−xn ) . (4)
(2013) argued plainly that markets did not benefit from
the same epistemic norms of science. In particular, if We now progress the metaphor, but for coupled fea-
financial models operate within a self-referential frame- tures that include an interaction term. For simplicity
work they can be non-causal, resulting in an inability we restrict ourselves to two features x(t) and y(t), with
to predict (De Scheemaekere, 2009). constant causal couplings14 :
In summary, the presence of reflexivity poses a
clear challenge to the epistemology of QF since it is ẋ(t) = rx(t) (K − x(t) − ayx y(t)) ,
not accommodated within a unidirectional causality ẏ(t) = ry(t) ((K − y(t) − axy x(t)) . (5)
paradigm. The reason why reflexivity does so is sim-
ply stated: chains of causality are ostensibly malleable There are two coupling parameters ayx and axy . If
by the actors within markets. For guidance (and illus- the two features were correlated then this parameter
tration) we turn to a well-understood set of complex would be symmetric. The argument can be generalized
systems: ecology.11 to many such features. To generate causal chains, we
discretize the coupled differential equations (Hastings,
1993; Sugihara et al., 2012) and find the causal chain
3 Causal predation update equations:
Extending ecology metaphors within finance has prece- xn+1 = xn erx (Kx −xn −ay→x yn ) ,
dent (Scholl et al., 2021). Contemporary empirical
yn+1 = yn ery (Ky −yn −ax→y xn ) . (6)
views provide examples of predator-prey models ex-
plaining, for example, S&P500 dispersion in terms of This model has two different growth rates, two differ-
contrarian and trend-following agents competing with ent carrying capacities, and two dependency variables.
and predating upon each other (Lux, 2021). As a useful With ay→x ̸= 0, but ax→y = 0 this would be unidi-
metaphor, we explore the co-existing dynamics of two rectional, from y to x. These are now situated as part
competing causal chains within a similar self-referential of a sequence of unidirectional causal relationships in
system, adapted from ecology (May, 1976; Sugihara a chain, where each iterate xn , can be thought of as a
et al., 2012). This forms an illustrative toy model of realization of one node, and similarly, yn for the other,
simple reflexive causal chains that can generate com- as a realization of the graph in Fig. 1.
plicated dynamics.12 We can simulate the chain of unidirectional causal
Consider a single self-dependent and time-dependent graphs and visualize key features of the resulting dy-
feature x(t) that can be well modeled by a logistics namics by considering iterations of the coupled LDE.
function, here with rate of change parameter r, and The resulting coupled bifurcation map is shown in Fig.
carrying capacity K 2. This renders our key points concrete.
We see that even if we explicitly know, with cer-
ẋ(t) = rx(t)(K − x(t)). (3)
tainty, the deterministic and non-stochastic causal re-
9 e.g. the price action in B causes the market interest A.
lationship between chains xn and yn (or even if we
10 B impacting A via path 2 may be indistinguishable from B
know the causal relationships between the underlying
causing A via path 3, unless by control (intervention), and then
only under certain conditions. This intervention is inevitably causal features x(t) and y(t)) we cannot easily predict
top-down in nature (Craver and Bechtel, 2007; Auletta et al., xn at all values of r (nor K) even if yn is known with
2008). certainty itself.
11 Ecosystems are usually thermodynamically open, but
13 The Logistics Map (LM) x
causally closed with some regularity and predictability. t+1 = rxt (1 − xt ) is the first order
12 The concept of ‘regularity’ can be further restricted – e.g. approximation to the LDE using ex ≈ 1 + x − 12 x2 + . . ..
Granger causality as the measure of predictability (Sugihara 14 The Lotka-Volterra (LV) model has the form, for two chains

et al., 2012) – this does not change our argument. S1 and S2 : S˙1 = aS1 − bS1 S2 , and S˙2 = cS2 − dS1 S2 .

and should be encouraged. However, even if causal
chains are unique and can be reliably extracted, this
does not imply that the representation can faithfully
render the dynamic properties of the system itself.
In an open system, causality ultimately remains phe-
nomenological. Markets are reflexive, adaptive and
saturated with agents responding strategically to each
other. It is thus understood that coherence of percep-
tion around a common cause will often lead to forms
of tight coupling with high cohesion, and thus fragility,
being written into the financial system itself.

4 Conclusion
Research may retrospectively support unidirectional
chains of causality and their corresponding inference.
However, the conditions in which ex post understanding
can be extended to support ex ante prediction are lim-
ited. This is caused by the market’s adaptation mech-
anism combined with the understanding that chains of
causality are malleable by market actors. This neces-
Figure 2: A model of the iterative stability of sampled
sitates a distinction of practical significance between
sequences of unidirectional causal graphs. This models
“model estimation”, wherein the model is presumed
the causal predation of the system using the Logistics
to be normatively true and the data representative of
Difference Equations (LDE) from Eqn. [6]. The model
the future, and “model calibration”, where one rather
includes self-interactions and cross-interactions where
seeks to facilitate reliable decision-making under un-
a feature x has a unidirectional causal dependency on
certainty using a model that may be misspecified or
another feature y, but where y is not dependent on
simply incorrect. This theme – a default necessity for
x. The discretized features represent realizations from
calibration despite the presence of ex post confidence –
causal chains. The couplings introduce further insta-
is well-known from derivative pricing (Schoutens et al.,
bility and complexity. The y-axis is the feature value
2004). It is unlikely that these chains can be used
(population size, strategy price, or accumulated profit-
without considerable risk for prediction or control in a
and-loss) and is dependent on the growth factor r given
forward-looking way.
on x-axis, and the carrying capacity K. In this exam-
If reflexive, the degree to which markets behave as
ple rx = r, ry = 0.95r, Kx = 0.95, Ky = 1.00 and
a closed system is likely to be a function of only teleo-
ay→x = −0.1; any variety of combinations can be cho-
logical conviction. This means that there may well be
sen. The rounding significance is ϵ = 10−4 .
nothing tangible that supervenes various model repre-
sentations. To the extent that certain QF actors dom-
As a simple representation for causal chain competi- inate markets, a causal chain supporting their partic-
tion and predation, Eqn. [6] and Fig. 2 have the fur- ular narrative will become established. The risk then
ther benefit of making clear the role of randomness.15 exists of other actors benefiting from distinct causal
For example, either r (or K) can be changed to be chains coming to bear. The system is therefore prone
uniformly distributed, and then sampled at exponen- to instability even in the absence of exogenous shocks.
tially distributed waiting times; perhaps representing In the age of hyperconnectedness, the shifting of per-
exogenous shocks from top-down causal sources from ception and sentiment has never been as fungible, or as
the broader environment, either changing r, or K. We inexpensive.16 It should be anticipated that without a
can also randomly change the interaction terms, and so more complete theory of complexity, QF will remain
on. These introductions of randomness do not improve lost in a spiral of tautological self-reference.
the situation and can undermine attempts to close the As scientists, and as academics of QF, we naturally
system using additional filtering. In this framework, aspire to high standards of critical thinking. Despite
it is unreasonably optimistic to assume that one can markets exhibiting unusual epistemic dynamics, scien-
meaningfully infer stable causal graphs uniquely from tific reductionism in QF is deployed as an inviolate pre-
the data. scription. However, the assumption of unidirectional
That is not to say causal graphs are not useful. causation will not always lead to the appropriate causal
In fact, for exploratory data analysis, or visualizing inference. In contrast, within a highly reflexive system,
the hypothesized system state, or rendering assump- the pursuit of causality may, in fact, be doomed to fail-
tions transparent, causal graphs can be informative ure.
Empirical finance may frequently find itself searching
15 Difference equations can be thought of as filters, this implies
incorrectly for answers under the only epistemological
that erratic behavior due to sampling could be ameliorated using
filtering e.g. low pass filtering. 16 Baudrillard (1981) called this the ‘precession of simulacra’.

light within which it can navigate. To the extent that the risk of causal predation (and conditions of causal
markets closely proxy closed systems, the risk of violat- chain co-existence) are not satisfactorily assimilated in
ing directional causal assumptions is arguably limited. current thinking. It is clear that QF (and economics
Yet, if markets do have the proclivity to ‘switch’ be- more broadly) would benefit from a better understand-
tween different casual directions (as in Fig. 2), QF is ing of what knowledge is likely to be impacted by such
presented with an existential challenge. In such a sce- reflexivity, and consequently the risks of attaching pol-
nario of overt reflexivity, empirical finance is expected icy intervention, regulation or investment to the same.
to awaken within a deeply paradoxical associational rel-
ativity. Here, as in other contexts, realistic attempts
at hypothesizing more complex causal models will be- 5 Acknowledgements
come multifaceted and are less likely to give rise to
useful inference (Rasmussen et al., 2019; Saylors and We thank Diane Wilcox and Michael Jennions for en-
Trafimow, 2020). gaging conversations on the topic. The views expressed
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