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What is the matter

about your study

why is the reason
because you are The livestock sector, NATIONAL LEARNING SERVICE SENA
studying this? which we also know as the
livestock sector , refers to COMPETENCE
all those economic INGLISH
I decided to study
activities related to
livestock production
livestock farming APRENDICE
because I like
for raising livestock with YULIETH SOFIA SALCEDO GOMEZ
everything that has
to do with the field the aim of producing meat
and derivatives of the INSTRUCTOR
and livestock also
highest quality for human CARLOS ANDRES GUTIERREZ
because my family
has a farm and with consumption
for me production is the TOKER NUMBRE
the little knowledge
planting, irrigation and 2714251
that I have obtained
in livestock and harvesting of food on
crops I would help arable land.
them on the farm.

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