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I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have

been possible without the kind support and help of many

individuals. I would like to thanks my principal Mrs.KRITHIKA

and school for providing me with facilities required to do my

project. I am highly indebted to my computer science teacher, Mr.

SATHIQ BASHA, for his invaluable guidance which has sustained

my efforts in all the stages of this project work. I would also like to

thanks my parents for their continuous support and

encouragement. My thanks and appreciation also go to my fellow

classmates in developing the project and to the people who have

willingly helped me out with their abilities.

This is to
o certify that VIZHAL student of classXIIth(CS).
Has successfully prepared the report on the Project entitled-
Ecommerce Management
Management”” Under the guidance of Mr.SATHIQ
BASHA(PGT computer science)
The report is the result of his efforts &
&endeavours.. The report is
found worth of acceptance as final Project report for the subject
Computer science of class XIIth (CS).

Signature of computer science Signature

ignature of external examiner
_________________________ ____________________________

Signature of principal

 Certification of excellence
 Acknowledgement
 Brief Overview of Project
 Software and Hardware requirement
 Advantages of Project
 Limitations of Project
 Source Code of Project
 Output Screens
 Future Enhancement of Project
 Bibliography
Brief Overview of the project
“Ecommerce Management”

1. Database Connection and Initialization:

 The script begins by establishing a connection to a

MySQL database, utilizing the 'MySQL. Connector'

 It initiates the database setup by attempting to create

the 'ecom_db' database if it does not already exist.

 Database configuration details, such as the host,

username, password, and database name, are

conveniently stored in a 'db_config' dictionary for
streamlined management.

2. Product and Customer Tables:

 The program proceeds to create the 'products' and

'customers' tables within the 'ecom_db' database,

essential for storing crucial information about the
products offered and the customers engaging with the
eCommerce platform.
 The 'products' table includes fields for product_id,

name, price, and description, ensuring a

comprehensive representation of each product.
 The 'customers' table, on the other hand, captures

customer details like customer_id, username,

password, email, full_name, address, and phone.

3. User Interaction - Product Input:

 Users are prompted to input product details, fostering

an interactive and dynamic system.

 Input data is securely inserted into the 'products' table
using parameterized queries, safeguarding against
potential SQL injection vulnerabilities.
 The script allows users to continue entering product
information iteratively, enhancing the flexibility of the
data input process.

4. User Interaction - Customer Input:

 A similar user interaction model is extended to

customer details, ensuring a seamless experience for

capturing and storing customer information.
 The 'customers' table is populated with user-provided

data, emphasizing the script's versatility in handling

diverse data input scenarios.

5. Order Management:
 The script introduces an 'orders' table to manage

order-related information, featuring fields such as

order_id, customer_id, product_id, order_date, quantity,
total_price, status, shipping_address, payment_method,
and payment_status.
 Users are prompted to input order details, and the

script computes the total price based on the selected

product's price and the desired quantity.
 The order details are then securely inserted into the

'orders' table, ensuring the integrity of the transaction


6. Data Retrieval and Display:

 To provide users with a comprehensive view, the script

fetches and displays information about products and

customers from their respective tables.
 The presented data serves not only as a confirmation of
successful data input but also as a transparent display
of the current state of the eCommerce system.

7. Error Handling:
 A robust error-handling mechanism is implemented

using a try-except block, capturing any potential errors

that might arise during MySQL database operations.
 The script gracefully prints error messages, ensuring

that users receive informative feedback in case of any

unexpected issues.

8. Resource Cleanup - Finally Block:

 Regardless of the script's execution outcome, the

'finally' block takes care of essential resource cleanup.

 It closes the database cursor ('c') and connection

('mydb'), promoting efficient resource management

and preventing potential resource leaks.

In essence, this E-Commerce management script not only

provides a functional framework for handling product, customer,
and order data but also exemplifies best practices in database
management, user interaction, and error handling.
Hardware and Software requirements
Hardware required:
A computer with a modern processor and sufficient RAM is
suitable for running Python and a MySQL database. Adequate
storage space for the MySQL database and the Python program
In essence, this E-Commerce management script not only
provides a functional framework for handling product, customer,
and order data but also exemplifies best practices in database
management, user interaction, and error handling.
Software required
Need to install python on the system. Ensure that a Python
version is installed that is compatible with the libraries and
packages you plan to use. Install the MySQL database server.
MySQL is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Ensure the
server is up and running. Then need to Install the "MySQL-
connector-python" library to interact with the MySQL database.
You can install it using pip: `pip install MySQL-connector-python`.
To manage a MySQL database, install an SQL client like MySQL
Workbench or use command-line tool.
Advantages of Project

 Database Management:

o Efficiently manages the eCommerce database, creating

and configuring the necessary tables for products,
customers, and orders.
o Simplifies database interactions, ensuring data
integrity and structured storage.
 User-Friendly Input:

o Facilitates user input for product and customer details

through a user-friendly interface, improving the ease of
data entry.
 Dynamic Table Creation:

o Dynamically creates tables for products, customers,

and orders, adapting to changes in the eCommerce
system's requirements without manual intervention.
 Data Validation:

o Incorporates data validation measures during user

input, preventing incorrect or inconsistent data from
entering the system.
 Modular Structure:
o Adopts a modular structure, dividing the code into
sections for creating databases, tables, and handling
user input. This enhances code readability and
 Foreign Key Constraints:

o Utilizes foreign key constraints in the 'orders' table,

establishing relationships with the 'customers' and
'products' tables for relational database integrity.
 Real-time Product and Customer Display:

o Retrieves and displays real-time information about

products and customers, enhancing the system's
responsiveness and providing up-to-date details.
 Order Processing and Calculation:

o Streamlines the order creation process, automatically

calculating total prices based on product prices and
quantities, minimizing manual errors.
 Structured Order Details:

o Presents detailed order information, including order

date, product details, customer details, quantity, and
total price, providing a comprehensive overview of
each transaction.
 Error Handling:

o Implements error handling mechanisms to gracefully

manage exceptions, ensuring that the system remains
robust and can recover from unexpected errors.
 Security Measures:

o Secures sensitive information such as passwords and

ensures that the database connections are made with
proper credentials, enhancing overall system security.
 Database Connectivity:

o Establishes and manages connections to the MySQL

database, optimizing database interactions and
ensuring seamless communication between the
program and the database.
 User Interaction:

o Enhances user interaction by prompting for input,

guiding the user through the data entry process, and
seeking confirmation for continued input.
 User Input Flexibility:

o Offers flexibility in user input by accepting a variety of

data types, allowing users to input different data
formats without constraints.
 Consistent Coding Style:

o Adheres to a consistent coding style, promoting

maintainability and readability for developers who may
need to review or extend the code in the future.
 Structured Closure:
o Implements a structured 'finally' block for closing the
cursor and database connection, ensuring that
resources are released properly, regardless of the
program's execution outcome.
 Scalability:

o Supports scalability by creating tables that can

accommodate the growth of product listings, customer
registrations, and order transactions over time.
 System Integrity:

o Ensures system integrity by using primary keys and

foreign key constraints, preventing data inconsistencies
and maintaining relational integrity across tables.

These advantages collectively contribute to the reliability,

flexibility, and maintainability of the E-Commerce management
system, laying the foundation for further enhancements and

Project Limitations for the eCommerce Management System


 Limited Error Handling:

o The error handling is basic and may not provide

detailed information about the nature and cause of
errors, making it challenging to troubleshoot issues
 No User Authentication:

o The system lacks user authentication mechanisms,

which poses a security risk as any user can access and
manipulate the data without proper authorization.
 Simplified Data Validation:

o The data validation is minimal, leading to potential

issues if users input incorrect or unexpected data types,
which may compromise the integrity of the database.
 Manual Table Creation:

o Tables are created manually within the script, limiting

the program's adaptability to changes in database
structure without manual intervention.
 Limited Product and Customer Information:
o The program retrieves and displays basic information
about products and customers, lacking more detailed
features such as order history or comprehensive
customer profiles.
 No Input Sanitization:

o Input sanitization measures to protect against SQL

injection or other malicious attacks are not
implemented, leaving the system vulnerable to security
 No Transaction Rollback:

o The program lacks transaction rollback mechanisms in

case of failures during data insertion, which may result
in incomplete or inconsistent data in the database.
 No Logging Mechanism:

o There is no logging system to capture events or

transactions, making it challenging to trace the history
of changes or identify potential issues.
 Limited User Guidance:

o The program provides minimal guidance to users

during the input process, potentially leading to
confusion or errors in providing required information.
 No Concurrent User Handling:

o The system does not account for concurrent user

access, and multiple users interacting with the system
simultaneously may face issues related to data
consistency and integrity.
 No Support for Unique Constraints:

o The program does not enforce unique constraints on

certain fields, such as usernames or product IDs, which
may lead to duplicate entries and data inconsistencies.
 No Batch Processing:

o Lack of batch processing capabilities may impact the

efficiency of handling a large volume of data entries,
especially during initial database setup.
 Limited System Status Reporting:

o The program does not provide comprehensive

reporting on the overall health and status of the E-
Commerce management system, hindering proactive
issue identification.
 Limited Order Processing Features:

o The order processing is basic, and the system lacks

features like order status tracking, order history, or
notifications to users.
 No Separation of Concerns:

o The program lacks a clear separation of concerns, and

functionalities are interwoven, making it challenging to
modify or extend specific features independently.
Addressing these limitations would contribute to the overall
robustness, security, and functionality of the eCommerce
management system.
Source Code of Project

import mysql.connector

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

c = mydb.cursor()
c.execute("create database if not exists ecom_db")

# Database configuration
db_config = {
'host': 'localhost',
'user': 'root',
'password': 'svps',
'database': 'ecom_db',

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

c = mydb.cursor()

# Create the tables if they don't exist

c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS products ("
"product_id INT PRIMARY KEY, "
"name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "
"price DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, "
"description VARCHAR(255))")

print("Products table was created")

response = input("Do you want to enter product input (Y/N)")

while response in "Yy":

product_id = int(input("Enter product_id: "))
name = input("Enter name: ")
price = input("Enter price: ")
description = input("Enter description: ")
# Use placeholders and provide the values as a tuple
insert_query = "INSERT INTO products (product_id, name, price,
description) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
values = (product_id, name, price, description)

c.execute(insert_query, values)

r = input("Do you want to continue entering product input

if r not in "Yy":
response = "N"

c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customers ("

"customer_id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "
"username VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "
"password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "
"email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "
"full_nameVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "
"address VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, "
"phone VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL)")

print("Customers table was created")

response = input("Do you want to enter customer input (Y/N)")

while response in "Yy":
customer_id = int(input("Enter customer_id: "))
username = input("Enter username: ")
password = input("Enter password: ")
email = input("Enter email: ")
full_name = input("Enter full_name: ")
address = input("Enter address: ")
phone = input("Enter phone number: ")

# Use placeholders and provide the values as a tuple

insert_query = "INSERT INTO customers (customer_id, username,
password, email, full_name, address, phone) VALUES (%s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s)"
values = (customer_id, username, password, email, full_name,
address, phone)

c.execute(insert_query, values)

r = input("Do you want to continue entering customer input

if r not in "Yy":
response = "N"

# Now create the 'orders' table

c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders ("
"customer_id INT NOT NULL, "
"product_id INT NOT NULL, "
"order_date DATETIME NOT NULL, "
"quantity INT NOT NULL, "
"total_priceDECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, "
"status VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, "
"shipping_addressVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "
"payment_methodVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, "
"payment_statusVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, "
"FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers
(customer_id), "
"FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES products

print("Orders table was created")

c.execute("SELECT product_id, name, price FROM products")
products = c.fetchall()
for product_id, name, price in products:
print(f"Product ID: {product_id}, Name: {name}, Price: {price}")

c.execute("SELECT customer_id, username FROM customers")
for customer_id, username in c:
print(f"Customer ID: {customer_id}, Username: {username}")

# Ask for order details

product_id = int(input("Enter product_id: "))
customer_id = int(input("Enter customer_id: "))
quantity = int(input("Enter desired quantity: "))
order_date = input("Enter order date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS):

# Calculate the total_price based on product price and quantity

product_price = next((price for (p_id, _, price) in products if p_id
== product_id), 0.0)
total_price = round(product_price * quantity, 2)

# Use placeholders and provide the values as a tuple for

creating an order
insert_order_query = "INSERT INTO orders (customer_id,
product_id, order_date, quantity, total_price, status,
shipping_address, payment_method, payment_status) VALUES
(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 'Processing', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'Unpaid')"
order_values = (customer_id, product_id, order_date, quantity,

c.execute(insert_order_query, order_values)
# Print the saved order
print("\nOrder Details:")
print(f"Order Date: {order_date}")
print(f"Product ID: {product_id}")
print(f"Customer ID: {customer_id}")
print(f"Quantity: {quantity}")
print(f"Total Price: {total_price:.2f}")

except mysql.connector.Error as err:

print(f"Error: {err}")

# Close the cursor and database connection in the 'finally' block
to ensure it's done regardless of success or failure
if 'c' in locals() and c is not None:
if 'mydb' in locals() and mydb is not None:

import mysql.connector
mydb =
c = mydb.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT orders.order_id, customers.username,, products.price, orders.quantity FROM orders "
"INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
customers.customer_id "
"INNER JOIN products ON orders.product_id =
orders = c.fetchall()
for order_id, customer_username, product_name, product_price,
quantity in orders:
total_price = product_price * quantity
print(f"Order ID: {order_id}")
print(f"Customer: {customer_username}")
print(f"Product: {product_name}")
print(f"Price: {product_price}")
print(f"Quantity: {quantity}")
print(f"Total Price: {total_price}")

# Database configuration
db_config = {
'host': 'localhost',
'user': 'root',
'password': 'svps',
'database': 'ecom_db',

def create_connection():
connection = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
return connection
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
print(f"Error: {err}")
return None

def get_order_info(order_id):
connection = create_connection()
if connection:
cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
cursor.execute("SELECT orders.order_id, customers.username,, products.price, orders.quantity "
"FROM orders "
"INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
customers.customer_id "
"INNER JOIN products ON orders.product_id =
products.product_id "
"WHERE orders.order_id = %s", (order_id,))
order_info = cursor.fetchone()
return order_info
return None

def print_invoice(order_id):
order_info = get_order_info(order_id)
if order_info:
print("Order ID:", order_info['order_id'])
print("Customer:", order_info['username'])
print("Product:", order_info['name'])
print("Price:", order_info['price'])
print("Quantity:", order_info['quantity'])
total_price = order_info['price'] * order_info['quantity']
print("Total Price:", total_price)

order_id = int(input("Enter Order ID: "))

Output Screen for E-Commerce
Management System:

Create products table and customers table and insert values into
both tables.
Create orders table, insert values intotable to create an order.
To print invoice

Future Enhancements of Project

Here are future enhancement suggestions for an E-Commerce
management system project:

 Integration of Emerging Technologies:

o Explore the integration of emerging technologies such
as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
to enhance product recommendations, optimize pricing
strategies, and predict customer behaviour for
personalized shopping experiences.
 Mobile App Development:
o Develop a dedicated mobile application to extend the
reach of the eCommerce platform, allowing users to
shop conveniently from their smartphones, receive
push notifications, and stay engaged with promotions.
 Augmented Reality (AR) for Product Visualization:
o Implement AR features to enable customers to visualize
products in their real-world environment before
making a purchase, enhancing the online shopping
experience and reducing product return rates.
 Voice Commerce Integration:
o Explore voice commerce capabilities, allowing users to
search, browse, and make purchases using voice
commands, fostering a hands-free and seamless
shopping experience.
 Enhanced Product Search and Filters:
o Improve the search functionality with advanced filters,
sorting options, and predictive search suggestions to
help users quickly find the products they are looking
 Dynamic Pricing Strategies:
o Implement dynamic pricing algorithms to adjust
product prices based on factors like demand, inventory
levels, and customer behaviour, optimizing revenue and
 Subscription Services:
o Introduce subscription-based services for products,
allowing customers to subscribe to regular deliveries,
access exclusive content, and enjoy loyalty perks,
enhancing customer retention.
 Social Media Integration:
o Enhance social media integration to facilitate social
sharing, customer reviews, and social proof, leveraging
social platforms for marketing and customer
 Customer Loyalty Programs:
o Implement a comprehensive customer loyalty program
with rewards, discounts, and personalized incentives to
encourage repeat purchases and brand loyalty.
 Real-time Inventory Management:
o Integrate real-time inventory tracking to provide
accurate stock information, prevent overselling, and
improve order fulfilment efficiency.
 Multi-Channel Selling:
o Explore selling on multiple channels, such as online
marketplaces and social media platforms, to expand the
reach of the eCommerce business and attract a broader
 Personalized Recommendations:
o Utilize customer data and behaviour analysis to offer
personalized product recommendations, improving the
relevance of suggestions and increasing the likelihood
of conversion.
 User-generated Content and Reviews:
o Encourage and showcase user-generated content,
including reviews, ratings, and testimonials, to build
trust and credibility among potential customers.
 Chatbot Assistance:
o Implement AI-powered chatbots to assist customers
with inquiries, provide real-time support, and guide
them through the shopping process, enhancing
customer service.
 Enhanced Checkout Experience:
o Optimize the checkout process by offering multiple
payment options, one-click checkout, and guest
checkout features to streamline the overall purchasing
 Global Ecommerce Considerations:
o Prepare the system for international expansion by
incorporating multi-currency support, language
localization, and compliance with diverse regulatory
 Automated Marketing Campaigns:
o Integrate automated marketing tools to create targeted
campaigns, send personalized offers, and re-engage
customers through email marketing, improving
customer retention.
 Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency:
o Explore blockchain technology to enhance supply chain
transparency, allowing customers to trace the origin
and journey of products, fostering trust and
 Progressive Web App (PWA) Development:
o Develop a Progressive Web App to provide a fast,
reliable, and app-like experience for users across
various devices, improving accessibility and user
 Data Security Measures:
o Strengthen data security measures to protect customer
information, adhere to data protection regulations, and
ensure secure online transactions.
 Continuous Performance Optimization:
o Implement continuous performance monitoring and
optimization strategies to ensure the eCommerce
platform remains fast, responsive, and scalable as user
traffic grows.
 Voice Search Integration:
o Incorporate voice search functionality, allowing users
to search for products using voice commands,
providing a convenient and hands-free browsing
 Automated Customer Support:
o Explore the use of AI-powered chatbots and automated
responses to handle routine customer support
inquiries, providing immediate assistance and freeing
up human resources for more complex issues.
 Integration with Third-party Services:
o Explore partnerships and integrations with third-party
services such as shipping carriers, payment gateways,
and analytics platforms to enhance overall functionality
and analytics.
 Customer Feedback Mechanism:
o Include a robust feedback mechanism to collect
customer opinions, reviews, and suggestions, enabling
continuous improvement and fostering a customer-
centric approach.
 Advanced Analytics and Reporting:
o Enhance analytics and reporting capabilities to provide
merchants with in-depth insights into customer
behaviour, sales trends, and overall business
 Automated Social Media Marketing:
o Implement tools for automated social media posting,
scheduling, and monitoring to streamline social media
marketing efforts and maintain an active online
 Dynamic Content Personalization:
o Utilize machine learning algorithms to dynamically
personalize website content, including product
recommendations, banners, and promotional messages
based on individual user preferences.
 Integration with IoT Devices:
o Explore integration with Internet of Things (IoT)
devices to enable smart features such as connected
home shopping, IoT-based recommendations, and
personalized experiences.
 Automated Order Fulfilment:
o Streamline order fulfilment processes by automating
tasks such as order processing, shipping label
generation, and inventory updates, reducing manual
effort and improving efficiency.
 Voice-enabled Shopping Experience:
o Integrate voice recognition technology to enable users
to place orders, track shipments, and interact with the
eCommerce platform using voice commands.
 Personalized Email Campaigns:
o Implement personalized email campaigns based on
customer preferences, previous purchases, and
browsing history to increase the effectiveness of email
marketing efforts.
 Dynamic Promotions and Flash Sales:
o Implement dynamic promotions and flash sales
triggered by specific events, user behaviour, or
inventory levels, creating a sense of urgency and
driving sales.
 Integration with Virtual Reality (VR):
o Explore Virtual Reality (VR) integration to create
immersive shopping experiences, allowing users to
virtually explore products and environments before
making a purchase.
 Enhanced Fraud Detection:
o Strengthen fraud detection measures by incorporating
advanced algorithms and machine learning models to
identify and prevent fraudulent activities in real-time.
 Customizable User Dashboards:
o Provide users with customizable dashboards where
they can track order history, manage preferences, and
receive personalized recommendations, enhancing the
overall user experience.
 APIs for Third-party Integration:
o Develop robust APIs to facilitate seamless integration
with third-party applications, services, and
marketplaces, allowing for increased flexibility and
 Predictive Inventory Management:
o Implement predictive analytics for inventory
management to forecast demand, prevent stockouts,
and optimize inventory levels, ensuring a consistent
supply of products.
 Smart Retargeting Strategies:
o Utilize smart retargeting strategies, such as abandoned
cart reminders

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