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”Must-have” DVDs: Cinema Paradiso:1989

Tim Hudson reviews a DVD which every film lover should own.

Cinema Paradiso was directed by Guiseppe Tornatore. It stars Philippe Noiret

as Alfredo, and Salvatore Cascio, who plays the part of the boy. The film won an
Oscar in 1989 for Best Foreign Language film.

The film is set in an Italian village in the 1940s and 50s. It was filmed on
location in Sicily.

The film is about a little boy called Salvatore who ends up becoming a famous
film director. At the beginning of the film, he goes back to his village for the
first time in thirty years for the funeral of an old friend, Alfredo. The rest of the
film is a “flashback” about his childhood. In his village there is only one cinema,
called Cinema Paradiso. Salvatore is crazy about films so he spends all his time
there. He becomes friends with Alfredo, the man who shows the films, and
later he works as his assistant. But when he is a teenager he leaves the village
and goes to work in Rome, and at the end he becomes a famous director. He
never sees Alfredo agian.

I strongly recommend Cinema Paradiso. It makes you laugh and cry, it has a
memorable soundtrack, and it is a moving tribute to the magic of the early days
of cinema.
”Must-have” DVDs: Matilda:1996
9EKny12 reviews a DVD which every film lover should own.

Matilda was directed by ______________. It stars ____________ as Matilda

Wormwood, _______________, who plays the part of Miss Trunchbull, and
_______________ who is Matilda’s father, Harry. The film is based on the novel
of the same name by Roald Dahl.

The film is set in ___________________________. It was filmed on location in


The film is about a little ______ called ______________who

_______________________________. At the beginning of the film, she
___________________________________________________. The rest of the
film is about ____________________________________________________
During the film Matilda discovers___________________________, so
__________________________________. At the end Matilda

I strongly recommend Matilda. It makes you ________ and

________________. The film has a memorable soundtrack, and it makes you
realise ______________________________ .

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