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Anatomy Assignment # 1

DPT- Sem IV- Sec B

Group members:
Bismah Mudassar (70126686)
Taqweem Ijaz Ismail (70129777)
Tehreem Javed (70126860)
Nigarish Shakeel (70129255)
Minahil Amir (70129073)
Clinical notes for spinal cord

1. Tabes Dorsalis
Usman presents to the ER with an abnormal gait and has decreased muscle tone. He complains about stabbing pain in his
legs along with hypersensitivity to touch.
2. Chronic Compression of the Spinal Cord
Atir fell down during a football match about 2/3 weeks ago, he showed up to the hospital when the injury had reached
chronic stage. He complains that he has been partially losing all his motor and sensory function. Upon examination it is
seen that the arteries, veins and nerves roots of his spinal cord are being compressed due to lesion outside the dura
matter. The white and grey matter of the spinal cord are also being compressed.
3. Complete Cord Transection Syndrome
While going to office, Abbas met an accident which caused the dislocation of his vertebral column. There is atrophy of the
muscles at the point of lesion and paralysis below the point of lesion. He also complains that he has lost control of his
bladder and bowel movements.
4. Anterior Cord Syndrome
Sajid was involved in a car accident where he suffered a severe neck injury. The crash dislocated his vertebral column
and his spinal cord was injured. It caused damage to the anterior part of the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis and loss of
sensation below the level of his injury. He also experienced a loss of pain and temperature sensation, while his ability to
discriminate touch and proprioception remained intact.
5. Central Cord Syndrome
Talha was driving while he was drunk. He was also over speeding which caused him to lose control and crash his car. The
the spinal cord causing damage. This resulted in loss of pain, temperature, light touch and pressure sensation below the
level of that injury.
6. Brown-SE’quard Syndrome/ Hemi section of the Cord
Jahanzeb is in the army, he recently got shot in the back and suffered a spinal cord injury. He had weakness on his right
side of the body and loss of sensation on his left side. Upon thorough examination it was found that he damaged one half
of his spinal nerve causing hemi section of the cord.
7. Syringomyelia
Minahil was born with a rare abnormality in her spinal cord that caused the development of a fluid-filled cavity, known as
a syrinx. Over time, the syrinx grew larger, putting pressure on her spinal cord specifically the cervical region and
causing symptoms such as pain, weakness, and loss of sensation. Some of her hand muscle function was also
8. Poliomyelitis
Saifullah, a 15-year-old boy from rural area reported to the ER due to difficulty in breathing and swallowing. His
lower limb muscles are completely wasted as he is presented on a wheelchair. Upon history taking it is revealed that
he didn’t get any vaccinations during his childhood. After examination it is seen that the anterior grey columns of his
spinal cord are damaged. A patient presents to the ER with an abnormal gait and has decreased muscle tone. He
complains about stabbing pain in his legs along with hypersensitivity to touch.

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