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Name: Shahieza M. Madiral Date: Oct.

16, 2023
Grade & Sec: V - MARCOS


In a faraway land lived a very wealthy merchant along with his daughter,
Beauty. A merchant got lost in the woods one day, and wandered into a
castle. He was getting ready to leave the next day when he saw beautiful
flowers and picked one for his daughter. The Beast caught him and the
merchant, begging for his life, said the flower is for his daughter, Beauty.
The Beast agreed to forgive him and let him go under the condition of
sending his daughter to the castle.

Beauty decided to go to the Beast. As time passed, both of them started

enjoying each other’s company. The Beast gifted her a magic mirror which
showed the people she cared about. She saw in the mirror that her father
was ill. Seeing that Beauty was sad, the Beast allowed her to go to her
father. Under Beauty’s care, her father recovered in no time.

One day Beauty saw in the magic mirror that the Beast was ill and ran to
the castle, realizing that she loved the Beast. She told the Beast the same
and kissed him. The Beast turned into a charming prince and said that he
was under a witch’s spell, which Beauty broke with her sweet and loving
words and restoring the castle and its inhabitants to their original forms.
Beauty and the Beast got married and lived happily ever after.



 The character of the story are Beauty, Merchant father, and the

 The setting of the story is in the beast’s castle, and in the woods.

 A young prince is cursed by a witch and transformed into a beast.
The cursed only be broken if he learns to love someone and earn
their love in return.

 The problem of the story is the curse on the Beast, which can only
broke if he learns to love someone and earn their love in return.

 Beauty realized that she falls in love with the beast, breaking the
curse and restoring the castle and its inhabitants to their original
forms. And they lived happily ever after.
 It doesn’t matter what you look like, important is what or who they
really are inside.

Submitted to:
Mrs. Mary Ann Garcia
Teacher in English

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