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Characters: the beauty, her family, and the beast

Beginning: a young girl who

Setting Beauty’s house and lived with her father and two
sisters lived some unfortunate

Beast’s castle turn of events her father lost all

his money, they were forced to
move into a smaller house

Valeria Valentina
Middle: On his way home, the father got lost End: When she came back to the palace
and wandered into a castle. He was getting she found the beast ill in his bed. She
ready to leave when he saw beautiful roses and didn’t want him to die and she told him
he picked one. In that moment the beast caught AUTHOR:
him and the father, begging for his life, said
the rose was for his daughter. The beast let him
she’ll marry him Beast disappeared all of
the sudden and its place was taken by a
beautiful prince After her father got better JEANNE-MARIE LE Sánchez Gutiérrez 1F
go under the condition of him sending one of
his daughters to the castle but the daughter had they threw a wedding and then they all PRINCE DE BEAUM
to want to come. lived happily ever after

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