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Topic: Augmented reality marketing: A technology-enabled approach to situated customer experience

Research Objectives:

 we review the emerging literature and define ARM as a customer-facing interface for the
application of digital marketing technologies in physical settings
 This classification aims to help managers apply ARM as a customer-facing interface for a suite of
digital marketing technologies and to provide an encompassing framework for future research.

Research Questions: what is the role of enhancing ARM experiences across stages of the customer’s
purchase journey?

Gap: it is unclear whether certain types of embedding are more effective than others, and how
embedding might be compared across products or decision contexts.

Conclusion: Augmented Reality Marketing (ARM) is an emerging approach that directly enhances how
customers experience the real world. Unlike traditional marketing, which conveys product attributes
through various media, ARM utilizes digital tools to impact how customers perceive and interact with
their surroundings.

ARM emphasizes the importance of customer experiences within their environment, shifting marketing
from product features to contextual opportunities created by the technology.

In the nascent field of AR literature supporting ARM, we recognize limited research, making detailed
comparisons challenging. However, the fundamental distinction between ARM and traditional media lies
in the application of situated cognition in marketing. ARM maps the customer's physical environment in
real-time, classifying objects through adaptive algorithms, enabling real-time adaptation of digital
content and shared contextual experiences with customers.

Our article categorizes ARM affordances as embedded, embodied, adaptive, and shared experiences,
showcasing their unique value to customers compared to traditional marketing. While not exhaustive,
our research opportunities serve as a starting point for future investigations, guided by our conceptual
framework. These opportunities explore how different dimensions of customer experiences can
enhance ARM and offer novel research directions.

Future Recommendations:

 while the efficacy of educating customers about privacy implications in ARM may be limited,
situating privacy notifications (e.g., real-time alerts of privacy intrusions) might be one avenue
for future research.
 Another avenue is studying how customers deal with what can be termed a ‘computational
asymmetry’ when adaptive ARM algorithms process contextual information in the background
without direct customer knowledge or control.

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