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You should talk to him

What, who? I mean, IDK what are you talking about

Hey Mr Duck

Wait wait wait no

Why not, you have been watching him all night

No im not

Yes you do


Mr. Duck over here!

Wait okok, Ive been curious just not what you think, stop.

Oook, are you telling me why you have been looking to Mr Duck so intense tonight

Im curious about him

I knew it! We can go on a double date, im sure Della will want to go…

NO!, not like that

Don’t be shy

Pff me shy, no! Im fine, is not that

He … he is handsome but

BUT? I don’t judge, you know Im bi.

Is uncle Scrooge mad with uncle Donald

Why do you think that

When Fantomious said uncle Donald was his inheritor he was furious, now that uncle Donald is
here the silence is really loud.

Im sure is nothing honey, you better go to sleep

Sure mom, good night

Drake was close enough to hear the interchange - Is really nothing?- Della got startled – excuse

Your uncle is mad, that’s obvious, but I´m not sure exactly why

Della sighed loudly – Follow me- they went to a private office close the stairs

Uncle Scrooge is a single man, when our parents died Grandma took me and Donald with her and
Uncle Scrooge did it too later.

-the woman with Donald right now

Yes, but before that, as we were really little, mom got problems and she got sick, taking care of 2
kids was hard for her so

She has to left you both?

No, they choose one, and since I was “well behaved” compared to Donald, we left him with
Grandma, we were babies, and Uncle Scrooge visited her regularly so

He saw Donald more

Yes, since he was a baby, and since then they kind of got attached to each other. And people knew
it, uncle Scrooge changed his schedule so he could be in the farm more often, as a single man with
no kids, for those who knew about it assumed Donald was his heir.

He was obviously the favorite, that’s why there were some kidnaping attempt when he was a kid,
most of them were just that, attempts from his silly enemies, but one time he really got kidnaped,
he was with his classmates when it happened.
-They wanted money

Yes, but uncle Scrooge never gives money to anyone

-Not even for him?!

Grandma got mad, really mad, she was about to sell the farm, mom and dad felt guilty too, Donald
was restrained for weeks and uncle scrooge never showed to help, we never knew who was the
kidnaper, and the police helped to save him. Grandpa Coot helped with the ransom but at the end
it wasn’t necessary.

The moment they gave us Donald it was obvious something was bad with him, too skinny and
unconscious. Doctors told my parents that he was going to sleep for some days, they used some
narcotics. My mind is blurry, we were so young.

But if my conclusions are correct, all the kidnaping was a secret to the rest of the world, since
uncle Scrooge didn´t want to help at first, my family choose not to ask him any more and not to
talk to him.

- No one told him Donald was free?-

No, A couple of days later my parents had to go out and we leave him in the farm with grandma,
Donald was still sleeping. Just grandma and cousin Gus were there.

Cousin Gus told me years later that uncle Scrooge went to the farm, he was in the front porch
when it happened. He asked for grandma or any adult and Gus told him “Only cousin Donald is
sleeping inside”

AAAnd everything was a mess after that, Uncle scrooge got inside almost broke some doors, Gus
got scared and went for Grandma, grandma took a rifle not knowing who was inside. Only to find
uncle Scrooge crying and holding Donald

“why is he not waking up?”

-No one explained it to him?-

I guess no, grandma asked him to leave, and me and my parents arrived just in time to watch how
they were fighting.

And Duckworth was taking a bag from the car

A bag?

With the money… for the ransom


Yes, as incredibly as it sounds, he was giving money, I know how this sounds but its just how he is,
or was, now he is different.

Different how?

He took us, and later he took the kids.

Launchpad told me they didn´t grow up here.

No, and I know Donald still pays his part of the bills. I know how all of this sounds but is something
between them

You think is fair?

Of course not, but I don’t want to… I know im avoiding the topic, Im not proud of it but it’s the
only way to stop them from falling apart again, when I got lost they stoped talking to each other
for years, but that wasn’t the only time they did, I just want my family to be together.

but you are telling me that your uncle changed, how is this even good

He did, he is different.

Donald deserves better

I know, I try.

But it seems you already made your mind, you choose, choose your uncle over your brother.

That’s not true,

It is, and he knows it. He knows in his heart that you would choose to leave him, that’s why he
always goes first.

But since it was not necessary, he left with his money, so only cousin Gus and me know this. We
kind of erased it from our memory until years later and connected the dots.

My parents never talked to him again and my parents took us both with them, grandma was sad
but she said it was the best for Donald to be with us. And I stayed with him, grandma and Gus for
the summer.

In a way our family and the family from dad´s side got closer after that incident, but not with mom
´s family.

She constantly fought with aunt Matilda because she wanted to fix her relationship with Scrooge,
but mom was so mad.

And Scrooge never tried to got close again?

No, for him family was nothing but trouble.

But, when we were 10 mom sent us with uncle scrooge for a few days, maybe trying to reconnect
again. We went for two or three trips with him before they died, mom and uncle scrooge never
spoke to each other again.

---its really.. sad, Im sorry

Thanks. When we came to live with uncle Scrooge everything was fine, or I assumed that was the
truth, until we were getting ready for college.

By the time Donald was being a rebel and having troubles here and there.

I have heard about it

Im sure you have, Donald run away from home and Scrooge thought he was with grandma, so he
never went to look for him

(in a way he abandoned him again)

Until he saw the news… Angus something was framing Donald, saying he and Duck avenger were
making a mess in down town, and he received a call from grandma, she asked what was all that
about and demanding to talk to Donald.

So Donald wasn’t with her

No, so Scrooge remembered again all the kidnaping episode, not knowing where he was.

---So that’s why he hated Duck avenger?

That and the pranks, when Donald got back to the mansion to see me, uncle scrooge intercept him
and they fought, really bad, they thought I wasn’t listening but I was close. And when uncle
Scrooge told him he better quit that friendship with DA because him and his money wouldn’t be
there to help him.


And Donald was really calm, so I assume he was more furious than anything, he said “Of course I
know that! since I was a kid I know you never give your money or treasures for me, how could I
ever forget it, I know!”

I thought he did not remember, but he did, and the kidnapers told him Scrooge didn´t want to pay.

Uncle scrooge was speechless, Donald left and I just saw how Duckworth went to uncle Scrooge

Days later Duckworth took me to Ducklair tower were Donald was working for channel 00. I guess
uncle scrooge found him and sent me there.
Gosalyn on the otehr hand wanted to go with Drake but was having some doubts about it – “why
are you still living here?” Gosalyn was a little startled by the sudden question, but she was getting
used to Dewey´s manners ( or how blunt he was) – “Because the state asigned me to this foster
home since my granpa dissapeared”-

Is drake going to adopt you? –

What? Why do you ask that? Did he tell you something? Or Launchpad?

No, but… I thought that since he is comming here lately

How you know that?

You ask so many questions you know that?

Is been a while since it happened but my uncle Donald adopted us too

Really? But your mom?

She wasnt here, she got stuck in the moon for 10 years and

Your family is really weird

I know (he said it with a smile) so uncle Donald adopted us years ago

And is your mom ok with it?

… I never asked her

So your uncle is still your legal guardian

I guess, but mom helps and said she wants to made up for all the lost years

And your uncle?

He is just happy to have her back too, we all are and he now can rest more, his Friends are visiting
more often, uncle Scrooge is not that happy to have them but when he sees uncle Donald happy
he relax.

Why are you worried about a posible adoption?

Because I dont want to forgot my grandpa

But you are not forgetting him just getting more family

Its not like your uncle, he was already your family

No, he is more than that

Gosalyn was silently procesing everything – so you are not gonna search for your father like you
did with your mom?
I already have a father


Sooo if he ask?

Im gonna say yes!

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