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please apply to all pictures

1. Image 43

- would like to add a beautiful sunset in the back and roses covering the whole floor
- Make bride waist look smaller
- Make water and greenery a bit more vivid/pretty (more like right side of pic )
- - take away redness in bride ears
- Make viens in bride face/neck look less noticeable without looking too photoshop
- Make bride dress look more white like the veil

2. Image 56

- Add beautiful sunset

- Make all candles lit
- Make bride nose a little smaller
- Reduce redness on bride ear
- Make bride dress look more white like veil
3. Image 53

- Add beautiful sunset

- Fill the floor with flowers
- Make all candles lit
- Make bride dress look more white like veil
- Remove redness on bride ear
4. Image 148

- Make champagne splash more extravagant

- Replace dark background bbehhind the arc with sunset background or sky scrapers
- Make bride dress more white and show detail of dress more (specially back side)
- Make bride and groom nose smaller
- Remove redness of bride ear
- Smooth out groom face without looking too photoshoped
- Remove pole on the right
- Make grass/greenery nicer or remove and just have it look like concrete
- Remove tags from car that’s on windshield and visor
- Make car stand out slightly more (shiny grill/rolls Royce symbol)
5. Image 143

- Remove dirt and grass from the sides of the ground make it all pavement
- Make wheels/tire of car clean and not dirty
- Remove whiteness/gloss from groom lips
- Remove shine from bride neck
- Make bride back smooth
- Remove redness from bride ear
- Make dress more white and highlight detail of dress
- Change back ground to sunset instead of dark skies behind arc
- Make groom lips less white (he has make up on his lips from kissing me)
- - edit bride and groom face without make face look too smooth – remove bride redness
on face while still keeping face looking sharp
6. Image 107

- Remove groom mother from picture

- Add more flowers on columns and floor
- Make greenery and water stand out more and be more vivid
- Highlight the beautiful sunset in the back more
- Make bride dress look more white and less nude and highlight detail of dress
7. Image 234

- Remove grandma and all legs from picture

- Remove black stick on the right
- Add red flowers on floor and make flowers look fuller and going up along column
- Add sunset to the background
- make gazebo more detailed- it looks faded
- Make bride dress more white and have details of dress stands out more
- I know im asking for a lot lol but if possible- make bride and groom slightly more parallel
to floor. So the dip looks more flawless and less awkward
8. Image 85

- Special edit: Make background paris Eiffel tower

- Make bride dress details stands out more and shoes
- Make bride legs look even in color specially knees
- Make bride nose slightly smaller and remove shadow from her face
- Remove people from background
- Smooth groom face
9. Image 8

- Special edit: have Eiffel tower in the background if possible

- Make pavement same color and even throughout (no crack or wet dark black border on
the floor)
- Make bride waist smaller
- Make bride nose a lil smaller
- Remove sweat from groom face- slightly smooth
- remove redness from bride ear
- Smooth hands slightly
10. Image 64

- Add sunset to the sky- pretty color

- If possible, can we lower bride and groom hands to make it look less stiff and awkward
(not sure if we can possible add a bouquet there to make it look less awkward)
- Completely remove bride stomach – flatten
- Remove white lips from groom and smooth his face
- Make bride dress look more white like veil
11. Image 62

- Make bride nose smaller

- Fix dress around groom hand area which looks loose
- Make bride back/side tan look even- u can see white side tan lines from bikini top
- Make bride ears less red
- Make bride waist a tiny bit smaller and arm
12. IMAGE 64

- Special edit: Make background paris Eiffel tower

- Make bride dress details stands out more and shoes
- Make bride waist and arm smaller/skinnier
- Remove redness of feet of bride
- Make bride nose a little smaller
- Fix/remove tan line on bride back
13. Image 42

- Special edit: Make background paris Eiffel tower

- Make bride dress details stands out more
- Make bride waist a little smaller
- Slightly smooth groom face
14. Image 90

- Special edit: add Eiffel tower in the background

- Smooth groom face a little
- Smooth grooms belly
- Remove redness from bride feet
- Make bride waist a little smaller
- Remove redness from bride face / smooth make up slightly
15. Image 62

- Add sunset to the sky- pretty color

- If possible, can we lower bride and groom hands to make it look less stiff and awkward
(not sure if we can possible add a bouquet there to make it look less awkward)
- Completely remove bride stomach – flatten
- Remove white lips from groom and smooth his face slightly
- Make bride dress look more white like veil
16. Image 58

- Add beautiful sunset

- Make all candles lit
- Make bride nose a less squished if possible lol – maybe smooth out her nose more
- Reduce redness on bride ear
- Make bride dress look more white like veil
- Fill floor with red flower
17. Image 205

- Remove grandma from frame

- Add more red flower to floor and along columns
- Fix sky glare - Add sunset
- If possible remove lady marrying us
18. image 237

- Remove grandma and all people from frame

- Add more red flower to floor and up along columns pole
- Fix sky glare - Add sunset
- Remove black stick on right side
- If possible – straighten bride and groom slightly so they don’t look like they’re leaning
19. image 109

- Remove groom mother if possible

- Add more red flower up along columns pole
- Enhance the beautiful sunset
- Make bride and groom nose smaller
- Smooth groom forehead
- Make bride dress look more white and less nude. highlight detail of dress
- Remove redness from bride ear
20. Image 193

- Remove lady marrying us in the background if possible and hand on the right corner
- Add more red flower up along columns pole
- Fix sky glare - Add sunset
- Make bride stomach flat
- Make bride nose smaller and edit/facetune her face (make her look less like a witch lol)
- Remove sweat from groom forehead
- Make bride dress look more white and highlight the details

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