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What historical developments in the US. stimulated immigration?

What problems in Europe stimulated emigration?

Immigration in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

- Rapid economic growth after the Civil War

- Immigrants moved to cities for factory and other industrial jobs


- Between 1870 and 1920, about20 million Europeans arrived in the

United States.
- Before 1890, most were from western & northern Europe.
After 1890, most came from southern & eastern Europe.
=> All were looking for opportunity

Immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe

- Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, seeking better economic
- Jewish immigrants from eastern Europe escaping religious persecution
- Many individuals came to work and later sent for their families
- Many intended to return home after earning some money

Emergency Quota Act

- Passed in 1921
- 3% of 1910 immigrant population from each country to be allowed into
the United States annually

During the last half of the twentieth century, the United States lifted
immigration restrictions from time to time to take in refugees and ease
suffering in other parts of the world.
( tìm dùm tui hình ở đây nhe , chỉ chiếu hình thôi , rùi tui đọc khúc ở
trên : during the last á / sau đó bà show 5 gạch dưới )

- In the late 1950s, thousands of Hungarians were admitted.

- In the early 1960s, be- cause of the Cuban revolution, more than
150,000 Cubans entered the US.
- To relieve crowded conditions in Hong Kong, several thousand non
quota Chinese were also permitted entry.
- In 1979, the US admitted more than 20,000 Vietnamese refugees per
- In the late 1970s and 1980s, hundreds of thousands of Russians (mostly
Jews) were also allowed to enter.
- By 1920, the population had reached 100 million. Fifty years later, it
had doubled. A higher birthrate, lower infant mortality, and longer life
expectancy all combined to cause this population explosion.
( nếu đc thì tìm cho tui tấm hình ở đây nhe)

Three years later, Congress passed an additional immigration restriction

that replaced the Emergency Quota Act of 1921. The Immigration Act of
1924 made immigration laws even stricter

Immigration Act of 1924

- 2% of 1890 immigrant numbers from each country to be allowed into

the United States annually
- Barred immigrants from outside the Western Hemisphere

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