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Hakim La Bella 3076

Unit 8: Human resources

To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 03/03/2023
Title: P1 Describe the key responsibilities of the human resources function within a
I have been offered a placement by Graham at Brockden Wood Ltd to persuade the other
shareholders of the need for the introduction of a separate HR (Human Resources)
department. As In this unit I will produce a report for the shareholders which describes the
key responsibilities of the HR function within a business/Brockden Wood Ltd where this is a
separate function. While Brockden Wood Ltd have increased in size, they have considered
how they will plan for their human resource requirements. This unit will also describe (for
the shareholders the internal and external factors) which a business/Brockden Wood Ltd
needs to consider when planning human resource requirements. In this unit I will use my
business knowledge to aid Brockden Wood LTD understanding of the importance of human
resources management, but before we start planning on how to reboot the business, we
need to know what the human resource's function is first.
Human resource (or commonly known as HR) function is defined as the
design/implementation and maintenance of strategies to manage people/employees to
remain at peak motivation/performance during business/working hours. This is necessary
because if the employees aren't motivated then this can affect attitude towards work and
then this can cause them to become demotivated which that will end up towards them not
working at their apex level, which can cause a decrease in revenue levels and can cause the
reputation of Brockden Wood LTD to deteriorate, which that will lead to other competitors
gaining a competitive advantage over them.

There are key responsibilities of the Human Resource Function, the first functions is to link
functions towards other functions of a business to contribute to the success of a business,
Brockden Wood LTD must check on staffing requirements with each function, and their staff
as well, they also have to support the function in recruiting staff to fill any gaps within these
functions (in case a staff member is off sick or has left). When linking other functions of a
business to contribute to the success of a business (examples being operations/production,
marketing, and accounting/finance), Brockden Wood LTD needs to:
♦ Regularly check on staffing requirements with each function/check the function is
regularly checking on their staff (so that way no staff members are slacking which
can cause less work/effort being done, which that can cause the reputation to
decrease, which that can cause less levels of customers which that will cause less
levels of revenue and profit).

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♦ Support the function in recruiting staff to fill any gaps within these
functions/support the function in dealing with any staff issues (in case any staff
members are off sick, have been let go, maternity leave, or for any other reason so
that way maximum effort/work can be kept, which secures the reputation of the
♦ Ensure there is clear training supported each staff member when proper. That way
staff members aren’t blind that they end up making lots of mistakes (because if they
do then the reputation to decrease, which that can cause less levels of customers
which that will cause less levels of revenue and profit).
♦ Work with the finance function to check on affordability of the staffing
structure/work with the operations/production function to check on labour
productivity rates. So, they don’t end up making huge mistakes (which will lead to
smaller levels of profit and revenue if they do (potentially closing), this will also
cause them to look unprofessional to everyone which will cause the reputation to
decrease, which that can cause less levels of customers which that will cause less
levels of revenue and profit).
♦ Suggest ways to motivate staff within the distinct functions. That way staff
members are motivated to work, which will seal all the effort and work being put
through which will improve the reputation of the business. Brockden Wood LTD did
tried this but didn’t work the way they predicted it.
The finance department will work with the Human resources department because the
finance department handles how much a business (Brockden Wood Ltd) will spend on other
departments (examples being human resources).
The human resources department will help the marketing department to aid them
complete certain tasks (examples being training, recruiting in a marketing analyst/manager).

Payroll and benefits (the list of employees that is entitled to receive payments as well as
other work benefits and the amount that each employee should receive), the Human
resources function will make sure that every employee within the business (Brockden Wood
LTD) is paid in the best way (done in the correct way at the correct date and paid with the
correct amount). Some employees will be paid a wage which they’re probably paid weekly
but more likely monthly. The human resource function will ensure the amount of hours the
employers have worked are logged, checked and then will pay the employee the amount
they worked for (because if employees have done no work, then they’re being paid for
nothing which can damage the business (Brockden Wood LTD) and its reputation since it
would look very unprofessional and unprepared to other competitors). For full time salary
workers however, they will receive their pay on the same day every month. The HR function
will handle calculating and paying of any bonuses offered to employees (for anything they
have done extra (example being harder tasks, more hours been put in, sale bonuses, and
production bonuses)).

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Ensuring compliance with employment legislation, employee relations, Health and Safety,
skills audit (the process of assessing the employee’s skill/level (examples/tests can be
questionnaires, one to one talks or training tests)). The HR function will certify that the
business (Brockden Wood LTD) follows every current employment legislation of the country
they are working in. Some key employment legalisations to follow are:
Equality Act 2010 (treat everyone fairly no matter how different they are (examples
being different religions, different races, different genders, different sexuality etc.)).
Working Time Act.
Maternity and Paternity Rights.
Holiday Time (when employees want/are given a break from work for a set amount
of time).

Skills audit, the human resource's function will try to fix any disputes/arguments between
employees or between employees and their management. The human resource's function
may try to mediate arguments between employees to prevent them from arguing than
working (which if seen by anyone outside can severely damage the company's reputation
(since it could make Brockden Wood LTD look unprofessional towards customers and other
competitors)). On rare occasions employees get upset/frustrated with the rules and
restrictions that the managers placed on them, so the human resource's function can be
utilised to help resolve any conflicts to ensure the workforce still is happy and productive.

Recruitment (recruitment process, checking eligibility for employment), the human

resources function will take responsibility for every aspect of the recruitment and selection
process. They will ensure that the job advert is correct and correct, afterwards they will
organise the selection phase before checking the employee is suitable to work in the
business. They will check the employee’s suitability by gaining references and checking their
qualifications (which is where (Brockden Wood LTD can hold interviews and meetings to see
if they’re qualified for the job).

Training and development (the expansion of efforts to a company to increase the

performance of its employees), the human resource function will organise all training and
development opportunities within the business (Brockden Wood LTD). This will secure all
employees to gain the same level of training where possible and if there isn’t one in
organisation that can offer the specific training required then the human resources will
source an external supplier to offer the specific training to the right employees of the
business (that way the employes cannot make a mistake or be unfamiliar with the methods,

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job roles, rules and regulation otherwise it can damage Brockden Wood LTD reputation
since it would look unprofessional).
Unit 8: Human resources
To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 03/03/2023
Title: P2 Describe the internal and external factors a business needs to consider when
planning human resources requirements
When looking at the internal and external factors in a business, Brockden Wood LTD needs
to consider the internal factors first these factors are:
Business growth: when Brockden Wood LTD grows it needs to employ more staff and in
some cases staff with a specific skill set (examples being marketing, advertising, or social
media activity. This will cause the human resources to change in multiple ways.
When Brockden Wood LTD is growing it can be difficult for employees with rumours,
competitiveness, insecurity fears, unsuitability, HR infrastructure and uncertainty about the
future, these factors can all affect Brockden Wood LTD staff to start looking somewhere else
(including competitors) which can cause less work to be done in Brockden Wood LTD, which
can lead towards less customers (since they would prefer to work with a business that has
more employees that can work with them), which can lead towards less revenue and profit

Diversification into new sectors: when Brockden Wood LTD diversifies into a new
sector, it needs to employ more staff and in some cases staff with a unique skill
set/level (examples being marketing, advertising, and social media). This will affect
the Human resources who will need to find and recruit unfamiliar staff. New Human
resources departments may need to be set up as new industries need
experienced/trained to survive (otherwise they’ll have to file up for bankruptcy)

Employee skill sets: employee skill sets are the skills and talents of employees are
especially important and vital towards a business (Brockden Wood LTD) as they can
add value to the organisation. These skills however may be hard to find or priced at a
much higher salary. Human resources departments need to ensure that staff are
adequately paid (that way they don’t end up leaving (since they might think that
they’re working for nothing)), but also so that no other employees feel discriminated
against (which might cause conflicts against with each other which can cause
Brockden Wood LTD to look unprofessional to other businesses which can affect the

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reputation (since it will look unprofessional to other businesses and customers),

which that will lead towards less customers and which that will lead towards less
levels of profit and revenue).

Finance available: finance available is an effective running human resources

department cost, paying, and keeping an effective workforce is the biggest expense
for any company (Brockden Wood LTD). If Human resources is looking to recruit
more employees/staff or offer any sort of extra training, then the money to fund
must be available or these activities will not take place (no training or expansion on
Brockden Wood LTD). This will prevent Brockden Wood LTD from growing,
diversifying or improving its employees' skills, so before Brockden Wood LTD can
improvise on expanding on anything they need to make sure that they have the
funding first before doing anything otherwise this might leave them in debt which
can lead to bankruptcy.
Human resources need to consider how it will be able to fund/finance its activities in
any planning it does so that the finance needed to undertake these activities is
understood. Human resources need to check with the finance function to see if the
money is available. This is usually done by setting a yearly Human budget (a limited
amount can be spent on that year depending on the situation they’re in (in record
profits or on the ropes (debt))) where human resources meet with the finance
function to share its plans for the year and agree how much money will need to be

The final internal factor is restructuring/retirement rates: restructures may provoke

sudden departures of employees or management. It is the human resource's role to
develop retention strategies to complete filling in the remaining employees to stay
with the organisation. Human resource and Brockden Wood LTD managers need to
do some research and discover the greatest and most proper retention tactics.
Brockden Wood LTD however need to also consider External factors as well so that
way they’ll be able to plan what to do with the human resources requirements,
these factors are:
Access to finance from external sources: if Brockden Wood Ltd has access to a huge
amount of finance from outside of the business, then the human resource function
can plan accordingly as the business grows, this would then mean that they’re more
likely to grow as a business so the HR function would have to plan how to
recruit/employ more staff. If they’re limited to finance from external sources, then
the best thing the human functions to do is to try to plan to meet the needs of
Brockden Wood Ltd from its current staff it has. Brockden Wood Ltd however are
unlikely to have any sort of large amounts of external finance so this would
significantly affect their human resource plans (for the future/long term) as they will
have to ensure the current staff are working at their best in the most
effective/efficient way possible before recruiting/hiring new/additional staff (which
will decrease levels of revenue if done incorrectly).

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Advances in technology: technology is evolving at every moment and now machines

are now replacing human workers which this will affect human resources plans of
Brockden Wood Ltd, this is because of the workers/employees being replaced by
machines. There is also an increasing reliance on technology as well so the human
resources department will need to plan on how they will be able to keep all their
employees to use the technology. Brockden Wood Ltd will need to plan any changes
in technology on how it will affect their business and their employees. They will need
to plan how to train employees on the new/advanced technology and how it will
affect their potential job roles.

Demographic changes: demographic changes are changes to make up of the

population, so things like age, genders, religions, and cultures. This will cause the
human resources to plan and to ensure that Brockden Wood Ltd need to ensure that
they plan their recruitment to attract all different demographic groups as well as
ensure that their workplace is suitable for all demographic groups (an example can
be for them to include a prayer room so that way other religions can utilise the room
(they will also need to consider the layout of the room (making sure that they’re
praying in the right direction)), Brockden Wood Ltd need to also ensure that the
whole business is equal to all employees no matter their demographic group.

Economic growth: if the economy is growing then it is more likely that Brockden
Wood Ltd is growing (or will be) as well. So therefore, the human resources will need
to plan how they will recruit enough employees to cover the business growth. It is
also more likely that Brockden Wood Ltd would have to place out more orders to
increase sales, this will cause the human resources function to plan on how they will
ensure they employ staff to keep with the orders being placed as the economy grow.

Legalisation: there are many laws that will affect all employees and Brockden Wood
Ltd. So, it's vital for the human resources stays aware of the laws and any changes to
ensure that Brockden Wood Ltd still is legal (otherwise it can severally damage the
company (to the point of closing)). The human resource's function will have to take
account of these laws and any changes made will have to plan on how Brockden
Wood Ltd will follow these laws by supplying more training (or posters of what's
allowed and not allowed) where necessary. The human resource function would
need to plan to follow every employment law (equality act, minimum wage etc.)
which then would lead to Brockden Wood Ltd to be aware of any modifications that
happens to these laws.

Unit 8: Human resources
To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 20/03/2023
Title: P3 Assess the effectiveness of methods of training and development
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In this part of the unit, I will draft a report for Brockden Wood Ltd and the other
shareholders about what the distinct types of training there is and how effective/efficient
they are.
There are three distinct types of training, those types are:

Induction training
Induction training is the training that an employee receives when they first join a business or
organisation. Induction training is vital as it introduces new recruits to become productive as
quickly as possible. This sort of training can avoid costly mistakes by recruits not knowing
the protocols, procedures and techniques of their new jobs. The length of induction of
training will vary from job to job and will depend on the complexity of the job, the size of
the business and the level or position of the job within the business (Brockden Wood Ltd).
The following areas may be included in induction training, these areas are:
♦ Learning about the duties of the job (what tasks must be performed)
♦ Meeting new colleagues (new employees)
♦ Seeing the layout of the premises (to have a board amount of knowledge around
the place (in case of emergencies as well))
♦ Learning about the values and aims of the business (to see how they can
increase the businesses overall performance)
♦ Learning about the internal workings and policies of the business (what is
allowed and what is not allowed during working hours)
♦ Health & Safety
♦ Tour of the business

For Brockden Wood LTD not to have this training it can cause them to make mistakes which
will make them look unprofessional towards employees, customers, and competitors, this
will make their reputation decrease, as well as it will also make their levels of customers
decrease as well as their revenue, and profit levels, it will also prevent potential great staff
members from considering working for Brockden Wood LTD, so Brockden Wood LTD needs
to have this form of training as soon as possible.
There’s no formal induction programme at Brockden Wood Ltd (this should prevent conflicts
between employees and managers). Any inexperienced/unfamiliar staff are expected to be
shown on how to carry out their duties/tasks by their manager/team leader (since there is
no formal induction programme). Overall, this form of training is effective to a certain level
(since some costs are avoided, however if inexperienced employes don’t know what to do
they might/can affect Brockden Wood Ltd reputation (since it would look unprofessional)).
Without induction training, employees might not know the aims/objectives that Brockden
Wood Ltd want to reach. Unfamiliar staff are shown how to carry out procedures by their
managers or by a team leader because there is no informal induction training. If a manager

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or team leader is carrying out induction training, then it might cause a few problems these
problems are them:
♦ Not focusing on their employees
♦ They could be called away to do other alternative tasks that come up in the business

These factors might end up staining the reputation since it would cause some problems to
pile up, and it will make the business look unprofessional to other businesses which can
cause a decrease in customers, staff and levels of revenue/profit, and because of this new
employes might end up leaving since they don’t think their job isn’t going to be stable.
Overall, I think Brockden Wood LTD should invest and introduce induction training to all
new employees that join the business.

On the job training

On the job training is when employees receive training whilst staying in the workplace. It
can be delivered in a few ways, these methods are:
♦ Coaching: this involves a close working relationship between an experienced
employee and the trainee, this is where the experienced employee explains the job
and how to do it (if done correctly this can also prevent future conflicts with
♦ Job rotation: this is where the trainee is given several jobs in succession, this is used
to gain experience of a wide range of activities (examples being where graduate
management trainee might spend periods in several different departments).
♦ Mentoring: mentoring is when an experienced staff member is paired with a new
employee to mentee, advise, guide and support the new employee when they’re
doing their task (if done correctly this can build a good relationship between
employees and can also prevent future conflicts with employees).
♦ Observation: this is where an employee watches over an experienced employee in
their job role.
♦ Shadowing: this is where an employee watches and follows the experienced
employee and copies what the experienced staff member does. They will learn by
copying the job role.
♦ Role play where inexperienced staff are given different customer scenarios to
practice (I.e., - a rude customer, or unhappy customer)
Team leaders within the factory have been on external courses to introduce new candidates
to the new ultramodern machinery which has been installed. They have then trained their
teams on-the-job.
In my opinion I think it’s a great idea on one side since new employees can visualise/see
what their job will look like and what jobs will there be for them to counter it.

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However, for leaders going on external training courses it can be a bit hard to pull off, since
they would have to go through another course and not only this determines on how
motivated/determined they are but as well as it can be expensive and are taking away team
leaders from the business, and because of this it can decrease productivity/motivation
(since this is mentioned in the case study as well (which will obviously impact Brockden
Wood Ltd in its productivity (which that is its biggest weakness))).
Brockden Wood Ltd employs a part time ICT specialist to oversee their electronic/computer
systems. He spends time with any office staff who feel that their ICT skills need to be
refreshing and requires one hour of optional evening training session whenever software is
This form of training is quite efficient since new candidate/employees are learning while
working, as well as they are also being watched by employes with more experience, and
because of that not only they can guide employees and correct them (if they make
mistakes), but they can also bond/work together, hence preventing any sort of future
conflicts with each other. However, on the other side, this form of training might be
inefficient since some staff members might not turn up for the training after hours, as well
as they should get paid for going through the training program (to tackle this method this
should be given to staff members who applied for a higher job role/status in the company),
does these sessions run through earlier in the day (potentially depending on the open hours
of the company). Depending on the job role and if they need to use ICT (they should
mention that when describing what the job role needs/requires) and during the interview
process, they could test potential employees on their ICT skills to see what they’re capable
of which they can see whether they’re trustworthy or not at first and to also see if they’re
suited for the job as well.
Off the job training
Off the job training occurs when employes are taken away from their place of work to be
trained, this can include:

♦ Conference: this is where groups of employees from different organisations usually

in the same industry come and listen to industry experts.
♦ External training courses: these will be specific courses delivered by experts to gain
external qualifications, or to gain new experiences from industry experts.
♦ Simulation exercises: this is a form of practice, training, monitoring or evaluation of
capabilities involved during certain exercises. (Examples include fire drills, health and
safety checks etc.)
I think that off the job training is remarkably effective since this teaches fresh staff members
skills that could be utilised in every job they approach after their training, as well as this
provides them with extra qualifications which helps them with alternative jobs as well. The
only downside is the cost of this form of training

Hakim La Bella 3076

With this team leaders within the factory have been on external courses to introduce new
candidates the new ultramodern machinery which have been installed.
Graham recognises the need for sales staff to speak a foreign language as the business is
beginning to receive other customers in Europe or around the world. The business has been
paid for four of the sales team to attend foreign language lessons at a local college, however
one of the employees has recently handed their notice over to Brockden Wood Ltd.
This form of training is efficient to an extent, since team leaders are there to advise/help
new employees get an idea of what they must do, as well as they can bond/work together,
hence preventing any sort of future conflicts with each other.
For those employees who are handing their notice and leaving the Brockden Wood Ltd they
should prepare to promote employees who worked there for so long to take over their roles
and replace their spots with new employees which can increase levels of motivation and
productivity (which that leads to higher levels of customers, revenue and profit). This should
work out if they are able to either speak the language needed (which if they don’t might be
a minor problem since they must either find someone else that can speak the language or
give the employee time to learn the language).
Brockden Wood Ltd can measure how efficient/ the effectiveness of training and
development in multiple ways such as:

Performance ratios
Performance ratios is where a business will check the following ratios to see how
well its performing overall, it also checks at a couple of factors such as:
Labour Productivity: Labour Productivity is concerned with the amount of output
(volume) that is obtained from each employee. Brockden Wood Ltd level of labour
productivity right now is falling which is a clear sign that their training is not being as
effective as it once was.
Labour Cost per Unit: Labour Cost per Unit is the proportion of the cost of
production of a product accounted for because of its labour costs. At Brockden
Wood Ltd this will be increasing because they are producing less profit/revenue and
have employed more people, therefore it clearly shows the training is not
influencing/effecting productivity.
Labour Turnover: Labour Turnover is the proportion of a firm's workforce that leaves
during the year. At Brockden Wood Ltd this is increasing because and especially for
skilled production staff, which shows that the staff are annoyed/enraged by the lack
of quality training, and because of this they are leaving to work for other companies
Absence and Sickness rates: this is where a business (Brockden Wood Ltd) will check
the level of absence for its employees (days off work (either for being sick or for any

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other reasonable alternative reason)). At Brockden Wood Ltd the sickness and
absenteeism rate has increased over the last decade, which potentially shows that
employees are not very motivated to come and work, this could be because of a lack
of formal training. This has increased at Brocken Wood over the last 10 years.
Monitoring performance
This is where a business (Brockden Wood Ltd) will check/see the performance the
business (Brockden Wood Ltd) on a year-to-year basis.
Brockden Wood Ltd have set many production targets, but in the last two years they
haven't been able to reach/pass those targets. This could show that a lack of quality
of training is preventing the production department from reaching those targets.
Office staff are set performance targets to achieve, so this is a way to check if staff
are performing the way Brockden Wood Ltd want them to perform, and to see if the
training they receive is affective or not.
Employee surveys
Brockden Wood Ltd’s office staff must fill out a self-appraisal every 6 months and
this is an incredibly effective way to understand how effective any training they have
received has been. This also activates Brockden Wood Ltd to discover what training
the employees would like and therefore finds areas that needs work by including
new/longer periods of training.
Employee/customer feedback (with internal and external methods)
This is when Brockden Wood Ltd monitors how effective their training is by looking
at employee and customer feedback. If the customers are satisfied with the products
and services, they are receiving then it is most likely that the training is being
At Brockden Wood Ltd there is no evidence of any negative feedback yet but that
doesn’t mean that the training is good enough/efficient, because there may be no
easy system for employees or customers to leave their feedback.

Quality of products/services
The better the quality and service provided by a business is usually a sign that the
training provided by the business is highly affective.
At Brockden Wood Ltd it does not show if there is a fall in quality, but it is likely
because of the lack of formal training offered in all areas of the business. This is likely
to mean that the products and service offered to customers will begin to be lower

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Unit 8: Human resources
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 28/04/2023
Title: P4 the benefits of training and development to Brockden Wood Ltd
In this part of the unit, I will explain the benefits of training and development and will
execute that into how Brockden Wood Ltd can use this
The Benefits of training and development and how can this impact Brockden Wood Ltd:
♦ A pool of employees is ensured to replace staff who may leave or be promoted.
♦ Having a more efficient/effective productive workforce. It improves Brockden Wood
Ltd’s employee performance and motivation since it could start to get busy quickly
which might require everyone's work and effort
♦ Having employees familiar with advances in technology. Since in Brockden Wood Ltd
could start moving forward into communicating with customers digitally which can
make motivation/production rates increase since it’s a new step for Brockden Wood
Ltd. As they have upgraded their machinery then obviously staff would need training
on this, this may increase productivity and production of the business, they will also
become more competitive with their competitors.
♦ Increases employee motivation. Since that is one of Brockden Wood Ltd biggest
goals in the business. Brockden Wood Ltd employee productivity is low, and this is
linked to low motivation. Improving/reinventing training will improve
motivation/productivity for the employees, which will lead to increased levels of
sales and profits, and improved employee retention. All of this will cause Brockden
Wood Ltd to not to have to spend substantial amounts on recruiting and selecting
new employees.
♦ Improves employee retention (the ability of an organization to keep its employees
and ensure sustainability), since employees are less likely to leave, as well as this is
another big problem that Brockden Wood Ltd are trying to overcome, as well as
employee retention has been the highest at Brockden Wood LTD in 10 years.
♦ Enables the business (Brockden Wood Ltd) to address any areas of weakness that
need to be worked on/improved. Productivity levels at Brockden Wood Ltd have
severely decreased because of the lack of the labor turnover that employees are
Unit 8: Human resources
To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD

Hakim La Bella 3076

From: Hakim La Bella

Date: 01/05/2023
Title: P5 why and how a business motivates employees with reference to motivational
Motivation is the desire or willingness to do something with full enthusiasm. Motivation is
key and important for Brockden Wood Ltd to motivate their employees, if they don’t then
this can cause productivity to decrease (which already the productivity in Brockden Wood
Ltd is low in the case study), which lead towards less sales, which that can lead towards less
levels of revenue/profit. Brockden Wood Ltd can motivate its employees by using two
methods these methods are:
Financial methods used at Brockden Wood LTD
Finacial methods are used at new employees so this can cause an increase
♦ Sales staff are rewarded with bonuses for meeting individual sales targets.
♦ After three years staff will be rewarded with bonuses for meeting individual sale
targets, however Brockden Wood Ltd have done that but it has only fueled
the staff needs and competitiveness with other staff members to try and get the sale
with the customer instead of working together.
♦ Production staff on the main production line are set production targets and annual
bonuses of up to £5000 per employee (only if the targets have been met).

♦ If office staff achieve their individual goals/objectives each year, then this will lead to
an annual pay rise, which increases motivation, which increases productivity from
staff members.
This method relates to Taylors scientific Theory to an extent, since the more the workers
work, the more they’ll be paid (a paying rate), this also includes:
♦ Maternity/paternity schemes (employees who need to leave for a short notice due
to parenthood).
♦ Performance-related pay (a salary system that’s based on positioning the individual,
or team on their band according to how well they perform (this can increase levels of
♦ Company cars, private healthcare
♦ Profit-sharing (the system in which employees receive a direct share of the profits
(this could potentially prevent any forms of conflict).
♦ Workplace creche (a nursery provided by an employer for their employees to use)
♦ Pensions (employees set up pensions to save money for retirement.)

Non-financial methods

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Non-financial methods can increase/start levels of motivation to new employed staff by:
♦ Giving the team an opportunity to work within many departments of the company.
Internal chances of promotion at Brockden Wood Ltd have evolved over the years.
This relates to the safety needs of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, if employees get a
promotion, they have security needs. It could also relate to the esteem needs on Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs, as they have been given a promotion and recognition for their hard
♦ Handing the team opportunities to work with in the production department of
Brockden Wood Ltd.
♦ Some training and development have been supplied for some staff in Brockden
Wood Ltd
This method relates to Herzberg hygiene factors and Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory to
an extent since they would need to focus on the workers needs first.
Other non-financial methods can also include:
♦ Delegation (employees passing on the responsibility of completing a job/task (this
can prevent employee conflicts).
♦ Empowerment (employees taking ownership of their own work and giving
employees the access to contribute to important decisions)
♦ Flexible working (the work environment that is suitable to the employee's needs)
♦ Job rotation (when all employees transition to different jobs entirely, this will ensure
they gain a higher knowledge on how each different department works from
Brockden Wood Ltd (this also improves all employee's skill set)
♦ Team working (when a group of employees work together towards a goal/target in
an efficient manner (this prevents all conflicts between employees))
♦ Promotion (the advancement of an employee’s position (this can increase levels of
motivation from the employees that get promoted from their work))
For Brockden Wood Ltd to motivate their new employees they need to also need to be
aware of the different motivation theories, these motivation theories are:

Theory one Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs separates into several aspects/categories of what employees

need for them to become/stay motivated in their work, these factors are:
Physiological needs:
Physiological needs are needed to sustain life, such as:
♦ Air
♦ Water
♦ Food
♦ Sleep

These needs are also known as the basic needs that people/employees need when working.
Safety needs
When physiological needs are met, Brockden Wood Ltd can focus on safety and
security needs, this is needed so that this can prevent any form of physical and
emotional harm. Such needs might need to be fulfilled such as:

♦ Living in a safe area

♦ Medical insurance
♦ Job security
♦ Financial reserves

If a person feels threatened, needs further up the pyramid will receive no attention
until that need/issue has been resolved.
Social needs
Once safety needs have been resolved Brockden Wood Ltd can focus on the higher
levels of motivation, the first level of motivation is social needs. Social needs are
those related to interaction with others may include:
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♦ Friendship
♦ Belonging to a group
♦ Giving and receiving love

Self-Actualisation is the second higher level of motivation. Self-Actualisation is also
the summit of Maslow’s motivation theory. It's about the quest of reaching one’s full
potential as a human being, as a person. Self-Actualisation people tend to become
motivated such as:
♦ Truth
♦ Justice
♦ Wisdom
♦ Meaning


Theory 2 Taylor’s Scientific Management

Taylor felt that her workers in a steel production plant were not working at their
best. He decided on a new way of working for his employees by:
♦ Devising a set procedure for workers to complete their jobs which they had to
stick to.
♦ He broke the jobs down into simpler tasks.
♦ He paid workers a piece rate (the more work they produced the more they
would get paid)
The only counter to this method/theory would be that the only motivating factor
was pay which not everyone is motivated by. This also prevented workers
from choosing their working style as they were told exactly what they had to do. I
think that this method might work for Brockden Wood Ltd since this could motivate
employees to work harder (if they choose not to work hard then they won’t get paid,
and the harder they work the more reward/pay they receive).

Theory 3 Herzberg hygiene factors

Herzberg believed that motivation was vital, but he believed that the basic needs had to be
met first before motivation, those needs are called hygiene factors:

Hygiene Factors Motivation factors

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Salary Achievement
Security Recognition of achievement
Working conditions Interest in work
Position in the business Level of responsibility
Company terms/conditions/policies The chance of career progression
Interpersonal relationship


Theory 4 David McClelland's Motivational Needs

McClelland believed that there are three factors and that they could be learned, however
one of the factors has the highest priority/factor, these factors are:

Level Dominant Characteristics of this person

factor motivator
Achievement  Has a strong need to complete any challenging
3 goals.
 Takes calculated risks to complete their aims.
 Likes to receive updates on their progress and
Affiliation  Wants to belong to the group.
2  Wants to be liked and will often go along with
whatever the rest of the group wants to do.

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 Favors teamwork than competition.

 Dislikes high risks.
Power Wants to control and influence others.

 Likes to win in arguments
 Relishes competition and winning
 Enjoys status and recognition


Theory 5 Expectancy by Victor Vroom

Victors' theory suggested that although employees may have different goals, they can be
motivated if they believe that:
♦ There is a positive correlation between efforts and performance.
♦ Favourable performance will lead towards a desirable reward.
♦ The want to satisfy the need is strong enough to make effort worthwhile
♦ The theory is based upon the following beliefs

Valence is the emotional orientations people hold respect to outcomes (rewards
(pay)). The depth of the want of an employee for extrinsic (money, promotion, time
off, benefits) or intrinsic (satisfaction (rewards)). Management must be utilised to
see what employees value/want.

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Employees have different expectations and levels of confidence about what they’re
capable of doing. Management must be used to find what resources, training, or
supervision employees need.

The feeling of employees as to whether they will truly earn what they want
even if it has been promised by a manager. Management must ensure that
promises of rewards are fulfilled to those employees are aware of that.
Victor also suggested that an employee's beliefs about expectancy, instrumentality, and
Valence interact psychologically to create a motivational force that employees act in ways
that brings pleasure and avoid pain in work.

Theory 6 &7 by Mayo Mcgregor

Mayo believed that workers aren’t just concerned with money but could be motivated more
by having their social needs met whilst at work (a factor Taylor ignored).
Mayo proposed that workers are at their best when they’re:
♦ Communicating better with managers and workers
♦ Greater manager involvement in employees working lives
♦ Working together in teams

His theory is the closest one that fits in with a paternalistic style of management
Mayo developed two theories of human behaviour at work. He didn’t imply that workers
would be one type or the other. Rather he saw the two theories as two extremes with a
whole spectrum of possible behaviours in between

Theory 6 Theory X by Mayo Mcgregor

With theory X workers could be described as:
♦ Individuals who lack ambition, dislike responsibility and prefer to be led.
♦ Individuals who dislike work avoid it whenever its possible.
♦ Individuals who want security.

With theory X implication workers were to achieve organisational goals, a

business would need to impose a management system of coercion, control
and punishment.

Theory 7 Theory Y by Mayo Mcgregor

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With theory Y workers could be described as:

♦ Considered effort in work like rest or play.
♦ Normal people who didn’t dislike work (depending on the working conditions
they’re given; work could be considered as a source of satisfaction or
♦ Individuals who want and look for responsibility are motivated

The management implications for Theory X workers are that, to achieve

organisational aims, rewards of varying kinds that are likely to be the most
popular motivator. The challenge for management with Theory Y however,
workers are to create a working environment (or culture) where workers can
show their creativity and develop on that as well.
This is important for Brockden Wood Ltd to follow these theory's and utilise it on their
employees since this could:
♦ Improved productivity (since in the case study productivity and motivation is a big
problem in Brockden Wood Ltd, and if employees are motivated then the effort and
productivity will increase, which will lead to higher numbers of customers, which
that will lead to higher levels of revenue and profit).
♦ Lower levels of absenteeism (when employees are skipping out in work without a
good reason) (since many employees in the case study are absent, this could lead to
less employees skipping out on work, and if employees are motivated then the effort
and productivity will increase, which will lead to higher numbers of customers, which
that will lead to higher levels of revenue and profit).
♦ Lower levels of labour turnover (the net departure of employees over a defined
period.) (Brockden Wood Ltd are continuously releasing employees after an extent
of time in the case study) Employees from the business are leaving to go and work
elsewhere. Brockden Wood Ltd could save money on recruitment and selection cost
if the employees wouldn’t leave since they would feel very motivated to work in
Brockden Wood Ltd
♦ Lower recruitment costs (recruitment is also an issue for Brockden Wood Ltd in the
case study) Brockden Wood Ltd could save the money on recruitment costs and
utilise it on different areas of the business (wages, revenue, profit, expansion on the
business etc.)
♦ Improved reputation (since Brockden Wood Ltd’s productivity and motivation would
increase) More people would want to go and work for them, as they have a good
reputation of looking after their employees. More customers will want to buy the
products and services from the business.
♦ Improved product quality (due to Brockden Wood Ltd’s motivation increasing which
causes the productivity to increase as well). As well as customers may be willing to
pay higher prices, which the customers could recommend to their friends and family,

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which can increase levels of customers, revenue, profit and their reputation.
Improved customer service (this will result in Brockden Wood Ltd customer
satisfaction increasing, repeat and loyal customers would increase. The Business may
spend lesson on advertising and promotion costs.)
♦ Improved company loyalty (since many internal and external customers will become
loyal and they’re satisfaction levels have increased). Repeat purchases, improved
brand loyalty and image.
♦ Improved employee engagement (since in the case study Brockden Wood Ltd has
had a problem that their employees have always worked against each other trying to
get a sale with customers). Giving employees more challenging tasks and internal
promotion, makes the employees feel valued and appreciated. This leads to high
productivity and efficiency.

Unit 8: Human resources
To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 04/05/2023
Title: P6 How a business can measure the success rate from employee motivation.
Brockden Wood Ltd can measure the success rate of employee motivation by:
♦ Increasing customer satisfaction (examples being regular customers, positive
feedback/reviews from customers, and the reputation improving (these factors can
increase productivity and motivation levels from staff, which can lead to more
customers, which can lead to higher levels of revenue and profit (since Brockden
Wood Ltd has been quiet for some time in the case study))).
♦ The market position being improved (increasing levels of market share, profitability
and revenue (with this Brockden Wood Ltd can use this to prevent employees from
having competition from each other (with the higher levels of profit they can pay off
each employee their fair share amount (this also can increase levels of motivation to
everyone who works in Brockden Wood Ltd)))
♦ Employee turnover rate (Employee turnover is the percentage of employees that
leave your organization during a given period (since there is a substantial number of
employees that end up leaving (or don’t come in because of the lack of motivation).
♦ Internal staff mobility (the movement of employees within an organization).

In this report I will be using the retail company Ikea as an example to see how they measure
the success rate from employee motivation.

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Ikea’s policy is to put customers first before anything else, because of this new policy Ikea
focuses on improving customer service every year

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With this article this shows that Ikea have been recognised as providing top customer
loyalty and one of many reasons is because of how motivated the staff are to help the
customer with anything. Ikea makes their equipment/furniture affordable; they also make
the customers experience great (by making it like a journey (you’ll start off walking in a

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yellow trail guiding you passing room after room with different and unique items all used at
their ability, and while you’re there if there is anything you want to take just note the items
number ID on a slip of paper you have that the worker will grab for you at the end)). This
was all achievable by the training the employees must do.

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This article proves how much the customers are satisfied with Ikea because of the work of
the employees/staff are doing. Their market share has increased by:
♦ 46.3m visitors to IKEA stores +34% from FY21.
♦ doubled online sales compared to before the pandemic.
♦ £2.20 bn total sales in the UK +13% compared to FY21.
♦ Their sales have doubled
♦ 30% in the Gross margin


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Using these links above, it shows that Ikeas market position has increased by an enormous
rate, and by looking on their gross profit levels they have increased every year exponentially
(excluding 2019-2021 because of Covid 19), this is because of the amount of productivity of
all staff members put into, this is all because of the motivation they have with in them, this
is what Brockden Wood Ltd needs in order for them to succeed, they need their employees
to feel empowered to work in order for them to achieve high goals/objectives.

Employee turnover rate

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Using these two links this shows that because of the work environment Ikea gives to their
employees they’re really motivated to work, and for those that really work hard will earn
rewards (or treats said from the article), because of this the rate of employee turnover has
decreased and 65% of the employees (who worked in Ikea) will recommend working in Ikea,
as well as they have helped their staff members with the cost-of-living crisis which is
another factor why the turnover rate has decreased as well. They have given them financial
help as well; they increased their discount by 15% to 30% since they got flexible working
practice this might be a reason why the employee turnover rate has decreased as well;
employees can start at their base and get promoted over time (not too long) another reason
why they decided to stay in Ikea (the turnover rate decreased as well. This is truly
something that Brockden Wood Ltd needs to look at to see how they can make their
employees feel motivated to work.

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With these links it shows that the employees all work together, and because of this it
improved the staff’s mobility and motivation which lead towards their productivity in sales
which that lead to higher numbers of employees, revenue, profit and more. Another reason
the turnover rate has decreased could be because of the paying wages has increased as well
to £10.90 (£11.95 in London) per hour. There are even apprenticeships for anyone to try out
in Ikea. Since Brockden Wood Ltd has struggled to make their employees work together
(since in the case study they’re continuously working against each other to try and get a sale
with the customer) they weren’t able to improve anything at all, for Brockden Wood Ltd to
succeed they need to observe how Ikea works with their employees so that they can
implement the same method to them so they get along and can become motivated to work
(so their productivity levels increase so they can improve their sales).

Unit 8: Human resources

To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella

Hakim La Bella 3076

Date: 17/05/2023
Title: P7 how employee performance is monitored and managed within a business and what
Brockden Wood LTD can learn from.
Brockden Wood LTD can monitor its employees by using a few techniques, these techniques
Formal appraisal techniques:
Results-based Appraisals: this is where a manager will look at the performance of an
employee, usually observing causes the results to be achievable, this could be in sale
results/targets, or production levels/targets
Self-appraisal: this is where the employee will self-evaluate on their job performance
Upward appraisal: this is where the employee can evaluate the performance of their
Grading: where an employee will be graded in terms of their attendance, punctuality
and sometimes performance.
360-degree feedback: this gathers feedback from numerous sources, this includes
peers, direct reports, more senior colleagues and customers. The variety of feedback
can offer line managers a wide range of perspectives and it could potentially help
them in making performance management more of an objective and a fair process.

Other alternative methods

Ongoing monitoring of performance: this will include checking labour productivity

rates, absenteeism rates (the rate of workers with absences to total full-time wage
and salary employment), sickness records, labour turnover rates for every employee.
Performance management by objectives: These objectives are aggreged by both
management and employees. Brockden Wood LTD will have to assess how well they
must meet these objectives and therefore how well they’re performed (so they can
determine the motivation levels of employees and they can also monitor how much
productivity is done).

What should Brockden Wood Ltd do to monitor its employee's performance

There are three performance management systems that Brockden Wood Ltd can take place
these methods are:

Method 1 Production staff

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Employees meet with their line manager bi-annually (every 6 months) for a results-
based appraisal. This is based on whether team targets have been met. Discussions
will also be held during meetings regardless the employees time keeping and
Method 2 Office Staff
Employees have an annual appraisal with their line manager to figure out whether the
objectives set for the previous year have been met and to set objectives for the
following year. As part of this process each employee must complete a self-appraisal
which is then discussed at the next meeting they have.
Method 3 Senior management
Managers from every department has an annual appraisal with Graham. 360-degree
feedback is gained prior to the meeting. Graham also discusses during the appraisal
whether department objectives have been met (examples being whether the
production teams have met their production targets, or the sales team has met their
target sale targets).

Unit 8: Human resources
To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 17/05/2023
Title: P8/M3 the benefits to employees and businesses of the use of different performance
management tools, and the benefits and drawbacks of a specific performance management
tool that Brockden Wood LTD can use.

There are four performance management tools that Brockden Wood LTD can use (although
they do use three of them (Grievance and disciplinary policies, Probationary periods, SMART aims
for office staff)), these tools are:

Tool 1 and 2 Disciplinary procedures and Grievance procedures

Disciplinary procedures are to put in place once an employee performing at an unacceptable
or improper behaviour/behaviour performance (this could be done by breaking into
confidential areas that they’re not allowed to enter, or by just not doing any sort of
productivity in the work environment they have).

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Grievance procedures however is to set out the process for dealing with an employee’s
concerns, problems and complaints (the work environment they have, or the behaviour of
other workers/employees).
Benefits to employees:
♦ By having clear rules, it sets out clear and professional standards of conduct and
performance at work, that way employees will have a stronger understanding of
what is expected from them.
♦ Employees will understand there is a set procedure to work through before the
employee is asked to leave. Because of this it allows them an opportunity to improve
their performance.
♦ This allows employees to give out any concerns, problems, quarries, or complaints
they may have about the staff or business.
♦ This provides employees with a set procedure of how the grievance should be
♦ This makes employees feel safe with in their role.
♦ Improves morale for other employees, as if an employee is not pulling their weight,
they will then be given disciplinary actions to improve or leave.
Benefits to employees/Brockden Wood Ltd:
This allows them to get rid of staff that aren’t meeting the level requirements of their
performance/productivity (since many of them are not in without a reason).
Improves efficiency in Brockden Wood Ltd.
If carried out correctly then it can improve the morale and motivation of other staff.
Senior managers will gain a stronger understanding of what is happening with in Brockden
Wood Ltd.
If staff fall below their expected performance, then it provides them with notice to improve,
that way staff members can improves aiding Brockden Wood Ltd.

Tool 3 probationary period:

The purpose of a probationary period is to allow a specific period for the employee and
employer to assess suitability of the role having firsthand experience.
Benefits to employees:
♦ This allows time for the employee to settle into the job and understand the full
demands of the job role they signed up to be.
♦ Clear training is supplied to ensure the employee understands the job role.
♦ This can motivate employees if they have successfully passed their probationary

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♦ Gives time for the employee to assess the job role and the business to ensure
they’ve believed it’s the right job for them.
♦ This aids the introduction that the new employee has got to the organisation which
may potentially mean the employee remains in the job for longer.
Benefits to employees/Brockden Wood Ltd:
♦ Ensures that all staff reach the required level expected by Brockden Wood Ltd.
♦ It makes it easier for Brockden Wood Ltd to lose any employees that don’t achieve
the required level and fails the probationary period.
♦ This enables Brockden Wood Ltd to hold any regular reviews with the employee
therefore finding out what is going on within their business.
♦ Remarkably effective way of monitoring employee's performance
♦ Brockden Wood Ltd employee is struggling, additional support can be added during
the probationary period to ensure they can reach the targeted level and therefore
making employees more effective in Brockden Wood Ltd.

Tool 4 Smart objectives for office staff

This can be used to set employees clear and effective targets and goals to try to achieve, this
is done by using the following term SMART which stands for:
Time Constrained
Benefits to employees:
♦ Gives them clear goals to try to achieve, this will motivate them to work harder and
smarter towards these goals.
♦ They will earn a financial reward (pay rise) if they achieve these aims.
♦ If the employee completes their objectives, then it’s likely they will get praised which
will make them more motived and willing to stay at the business.
♦ This can help them identify a clear career path for the employees.
♦ Gives the employees a sense of purpose for the year, as they have a set of goals to
Benefits to employees/Brockden Wood Ltd:
♦ Improves efficiency and employee performance within the Brockden Wood Ltd.
♦ Helps to improve the productivity of the employees (since in the case study that has
been a problem since most aren’t motivated).

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♦ Employees will stay with the business if they achieve their aims because they
become loyal and feel part of Brockden Wood Ltd.
♦ It enables Brockden Wood Ltd to regularly check on employees' performances and
specify areas of training if it’s needed (this will help Brockden Wood Ltd since it’ll
become more cost effective because they’re not and will not waste training on
employees that are doing well in terms of their goals).
♦ If an employee continually does not meet their aim, then Brockden Wood Ltd can
use this as evidence to dismiss that employee
Unit 8: Human resources
To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 17/05/2023
Title: P9 methods that Brockden Wood Ltd can use to maintain confidentiality within the
human resources function
There are three methods that Brockden Wood Ltd can use to maintain confidentiality with
the HR function these methods are:

Hierarchical access rights

The access rights to sensitive employee information will be managed depending on the
position of the company (for example Graham (you the managing director) will be able to
have complete access to all the information held on the employees, where as a production
worker will only be able to see their information and no one else’s.
This is done to ensure that confidential information is handled correctly and that only those
staff that have the access rights will be able to see the information. Essentially the higher up
the hierarchal structure the employee is then given more access to the information.
This prevents anyone with a lower level of authority to investigate anyone else's personal
information as well.
The higher up you are in a business the more access rights you will have.
The disadvantages of this however is that even if another employee with a higher level of
authority cannot be always trusted (they might end up leaking/breaching some confidential
information despite having a higher level of authority).

Password protection for digital files

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Every employee at Brockden Wood Ltd will have their own username and password to all
computers within the business. This will allow the employees to access their own
documents and any documents shared on a shared drive.
All HR documents and any other confidential information will be saved on a secure server
and all files will be protected by a password.
Since it’s a password requirement this prevents anyone from breaking in the files and
breaching every confidential information.
However, if the password is breached (because of its length being weak or predictable (or
both)) then they can instantly reveal/leak all employees personal information. It’s vital that
Brockden Wood Ltd has a strong password to protect their employee's personal

Secured filing cabinets

Any physical/paper documents that may have sensitive/personal/confidential information
on any employee are locked in filing cabinets in a separate office/room which is locked.
Only certain people within the organisation will have access to this room and a key to unlock
the filing cabinets (that include the employees' personal information, contacts, family,
health issues etc.).
Filling cabinets will be in a locked office, will have a lock that only employees who are
further up in the organisation can access (not fresh/new employees for example).
This method is good since no one else can access these cabinets without a key, and no one
else would have that key other than the owner of Brockden Wood Ltd
If the owner loses the key to the cabinets, then someone else with lower authority/access
can access these cabinets and could end up stealing all confidential information and this
could lead to them leaking the information, which can severely damage Brockden Wood Ltd

All employees will be given training in terms of how to handle confidential information.
Employees at Brockden Wood Ltd will get special training to ensure they handle and secure
all employee documents and confidential information. This would include how to store
confidential information and dispose any paper waste not needed anymore by shredding
the documents. If any of the following act are broken (Health & Safety at Work Act, also the
Data Protection Act) then this can severely cost the business it’s reputation, look towards
customers, competitors and the best/potential inexperienced staff.
This method gives employees a stronger understanding of what they must do when dealing
with confidential information.
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The downside of this is that not every employee can be trusted (they might end up
leaking/breaching some confidential information despite being told not to).
Unit 8: Human resources
To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 17/05/2023
Title: P10 The consequences of failing to maintain confidentiality information in the HR
If Brockden Wood Ltd needs to ensure that the information they keep confidential/private is
kept secured otherwise it can destroy the business itself.
They need to know the legal requirements, these requirements are:
Data protection Act
The Data protection Act 1998 controls how an individual's personal information is used by
organisations, businesses or the government. Any business documents must follow data
protection by only including relevant personal data. Breaking the Data protection Act can
cost the business. For the individual who leaked/broke the Data protection Act will most
likely will face disciplinary action from the business, usually being dismissed/fired from the
business and then arrested for two years (at minimum). For the business such as Brocken
Wood LTD however, they will most likely face legal action leading to financial
penalties/fines, as well as their reputation will be severely damaged (meaning they will lose
customers, less levels of revenue and profit, and will give their competitors a competitive
An example of a business that broke the Data protection Act is Facebook, Facebook’s owner
Meta was fined $275 million (or €264 million) by the Irish regulator (a Data protection
commissioner) for breaching/breaking the rules of the Data protection Act because
Facebook personal data had been made available on an online hacking forum, this included
all the accountants’ full names, phone numbers, date of birth, and locations of the users
using the site since 2018-2019. So, it is mandatory that Brockden Wood Ltd does not break
the Data protection Act, otherwise it can severely cost the business in the long term.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the legal framework that sets out guidelines
for the collection and processing of personal data/information from individuals who live in
and outside the European Union (EU). GDPR prevents the sharing of personal information
without permission/consent. For the individual who leaked/broke the GDPR will most likely
will face disciplinary action from the business, usually being dismissed/fired from the
Hakim La Bella 3076

business and then arrested for two years (at minimum). For the business however, they will
most likely face legal action leading to financial penalties/fines, as well as their reputation
will be severely damaged (meaning they will lose customers, less levels of revenue and
profit, and will give their competitors a competitive advantage. This may affect Brockden
Wood are looking to expand to other countries in the future.
An example of a business that broke the GDPR is Amazon, Amazon was fined $877 million
(or €746 million) because in July 2021 earnings report, it was nearly 15 times bigger than
their earlier record, the reason behind was because of the cookie consent feature (not
completely confirmed though). As well as in 2020 Amazon was also fined $37.7 by France
because of them not getting the cookie consent on its website. So Brockden Wood Ltd
needs to be extremely cautious with the GDPR otherwise it can ruin the business
Ethical responsibility
Every business has a moral responsibility to ensure that sensitive and confidential
information is not shared between employees of the whole organisation (an example being
if a Brockden Wood Ltd employee was diagnosed with a serious illness or the employee has
a disability, it would be very unethical to share this information with every other employee).
This will lead to employee's morale and trust deteriorating in Brockden Wood Ltd, this leads
to employees being unhappy, less motivated and less productive.

Trust between employer and employee

If sensitive and confidential information is shared between all employees about another
employee personal information, then this would lead to a lack of trust quickly. It would lead
to employees not telling Brockden Wood Ltd everything and not willing to share any form of
personal information
This could cause friction between employees and their managers, as well as the lack of trust
destroying staff morale and motivation to do a decent job, this could potentially cause
damage to Brockden Wood Ltd reputation (employees might give a bad word of mouth to
other people (potential customers and fresh employees)).

Reputation of business
If Brockden Wood Ltd break these confidentiality rules, then it’s reputation will deteriorate.
Employees will be concerned about their personal information and therefore potential good
new employees will not apply for jobs at the business because of their poor information.

Maintain credibility for the HR function

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If a confidential data leak was to happen about staff, this would damage the credibility of
the HR function and other functions in Brockden Wood Ltd wouldn't trust their HR function.
It could cause severe disputes between the business functions and time would be wasted
trying to resolve these disputes (this could cause potential new employees to find out about
the loss of confidential information (it may make them wary of accepting the job or trusting
the HR function)).

Risk of confidential information being exposed

Information being exposed can lead towards:
♦ Identity theft: if employees' information has been lost, then it could be used to set
up fake accounts (examples being getting ID purposes, or simply someone
pretending to be that employee).
♦ Fraud: the information could be used to commit fraud for that person's financial gain
(examples being if personal email addresses are lost then phishing emails could be
sent and if successful, then Brockden Wood Ltd employees could lose out financially.
♦ Used by competitors: the information could be used by competitors to gain a
competitive advantage over Brockden Wood Ltd as they would know confidential
information about their business.

Failing to comply with legislation

For Brockden Wood Ltd it could mean that the owners or any relevant employees could face
legal action in the following ways:
♦ Court action (civil and criminal courts).
♦ Fines.
♦ Sued.
♦ Prison time.

it is mandatory that Brockden Wood Ltd does not leak, lose or breach any sort of
confidential information, otherwise it can severely cost the business in the long term.

Sources Used

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Unit 8: Human resources
To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 18/05/2023
Title: M1 the effect on a business of reducing training and development opportunities.
If Brockden Wood LTD reduces their training and development opportunities, they would
end up saving money and time, however there are several prohibitive costs if they perform
this action such as:
♦ Staff will have less skills and if a staff member leaves then they might replace that
member with a less skilled/experienced member of staff (since the training
opportunities have decreased the fresh member of staff might not be completely
aware of all of the policies around the facility, this could lead to mistakes, which
could lead to looking unprofessional to customers and other companies, which could
lead the reputation being damaged, which that could lead to less customers, which
that could lead to less levels of revenue/profit).
♦ Reduce the morale of staff in the business (this is already a problem in Brockden
Wood LTD since many staff aren't motivated to work, this can overall lead to less
productivity and less sales being made).
♦ The business reputation will be damaged, and it won’t attract the best
hardworking/motivated employees (since there aren’t too many training
opportunities, fresh staff will make mistakes and because of that, the best
employees will end up not considering this job since Brockden Wood LTD would look
unprofessional to them, so they would end up going to another area/job a
competitor which will end up giving them a competitive advantage).
♦ Staff will leave and work for competitors who offer better training and development
(this is because of how unprofessional Brockden Wood LTD would look to them, this
could also lead to higher levels of staff members turnover (and potentially work for
the competitors instead)).
♦ Staff will be less productive (because of them making mistakes (due to the lack of
training) and losing motivation because of that) and because of that the costs will
increase because Brockden Wood LTD won’t be too efficient.
♦ Relationships with existing customers might become more difficult if the staff leave
(since Brockden Wood LTD would look unprofessional to the staff they’ll end up
leaving, and because of that existing customer might end up leaving since the
relationship with that staff member might have been positive since they’ve helped
them in a situation, and now they’re aren’t there it could be hard for them to
interact with other staff members, so they might end up leaving).

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♦ Brockden Wood LTD won’t be able to keep up to date with the latest skills and
techniques and therefore this will reduce their competitiveness with other
competitors (since their reputation has declined and many staff members and
customers are leaving and heading towards Brockden Wood LTD competitors
instead, then it will completely reduce their competitiveness with their competitors).
♦ Brockden Wood LTD may get behind technologically because no staff understands
how to use the machinery or innovative technology that comes into the business
(this is all because of the lack of training and development opportunities).
♦ The work environment may become unsafe because staff aren’t professionally
trained, and this could lead towards the injury of an employee (which would mean
they miss work and therefore productivity falls severely. It also means that they may
be sued or fined for the injury (due to the lack of training the employee receives).
Brockden Wood LTD shouldn’t by any chance reduce the amount of training or development
opportunities otherwise it can affect the following:
♦ Their overall competitiveness of Brockden Wood LTD (since they would lose several
employees and customers (which the productivity rate will decrease)).
♦ The ability to produce the products in time to meet the orders (since the productivity
has decreased massively).
♦ The efficiency of making the products will fall (which will take longer and costing
more money because of the lack of unmotivated employees and lack of training and
development opportunities).
♦ Morale of staff will fall, and no one will want to work for Brockden Wood LTD
(because of the lack of staff, productivity, revenue and profit, customers, (and most
importantly) the amount of training and development opportunities).
♦ Unsafe work environments (since accidents will occur more often (because of the
lack of training) this will build up a bad reputation for Brockden Wood LTD.
♦ Staff members won’t be able to learn another language, not only this stops them
from learning something new, but Brockden Wood LTD won’t be able to help foreign
customers who needs help as well (the business is starting to encounter customers
from Europe) this causes the business to lose a competitive advantage that they
won’t be able to help those customers in need (as well as they’re going to end up
purchasing more faulty products (which will bring a bad reputation towards
Brockden Wood LTD and because of this they’ll lose those customers).
♦ If Brockden Wood LTD doesn’t employ a part time ICT specialist to oversee the
computer system can cause employees to lack working (which severely decreases
productivity and that will prevent sales from happening, and because of that this will
cause the Brockden Wood LTD to look very unprofessional towards their competitors
and customers (and even potential best staff members), which will detract them
from Brockden Wood LTD (which will decrease levels of revenue and profit).


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Unit 8: Human resources

To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 18/05/2023
Title: M2 the advantages and disadvantages of the methods of employee motivation used in
a business.
Although Brockden Wood LTD uses both financial and non-financial methods (discussed in
P5), they do need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the motivational
methods they utilise, the benefits of using these methods are:
Advantages of employee motivation
Better/higher levels of productivity (amount produced per employee). This can lead to lower
unit costs of production, and it can also enable a firm to sell Brockden Wood LTD’s products
at a much lower price (or have a higher profit margin).
Lower levels of absenteeism, since the employees are content with their working lives and
are therefore more willing to work (since they’re motivated (as well as this is one huge
major problem Brockden Wood LTD is having with their employees)).
Lower levels of staff turnover, this can lead towards lower training and recruitment costs
which can/will save Brockden Wood LTD money (as well as this is another major problem
they’re trying to resolve).
Improved industrial relations with trade unions as the employees are happy (this can lead to
an increase in their motivation levels, as well as their productivity in Brockden Wood LTD).
Contented workers give the firm a good reputation as an employer, this makes it easier to
recruit the best workers.
Motivated employees are likely to improve product quality (or the customer service
associated with a product (this also leads to better performance as well as better
productivity from the employees (which increases their motivation levels as well))).
Better teamwork, co-ordination and communication ensures the quality of work is better
and staff are happier (this is another major problem that Brockden Wood LTD was
desperately trying to solve in the case study), staff will be happier, and this would also stop
the employees, this would stop the employees from being less productive (from being
absent most of the time, labour turnover increasing as well in the case study (by having
better coordination it can prevent/decrease the levels of labour turnover as well)).
Bonuses can cause an increase in job satisfaction, motivation, teamwork and
communication (these are major problems that Brockden Wood LTD are trying to resolve in
the case study), of course they would have to meet their targets first before receiving their
bonuses, or at the very least hand over to them if they noticed how hard they’ve been

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working. Instead of giving them towards each employee they can hand the bonuses out
towards the entire team (this prevents the employees from competing each other).
Using a quality circle it can increase teamwork, employees' positive attitudes, increases
levels of quality and productivity from employees and creates a positive working
environment for workers, if a new employee tries it then they will feel more responsible as
well as they would feel that Brockden Wood ltd cares for them as well.
Once employees receive their Production targets and annual bonuses, this can increase
their level of motivation and productivity, this also increases their productivity before
reaching their targets as well.
Staff members will be offered a workplace after working three years (this could increase
their levels of motivation, which that could increase their levels of productivity).
Working in different departments can be exhilarating for the employees this can increase
their productivity and can increase their interactivity with other employees (which builds on
their teamwork).
Promotion to an employee can cause them to become more motivated to work (which can
increase levels of production).
Training can give staff members a stronger understanding of the rules and regulations
around Brockden Wood LTD, as well as this will make the employees have a sense of
responsibility (which can increase their motivation and productivity around Brockden Wood
A team of employees working in the production department can cause them to become
motivated to reach the targets they need to achieve, and once they do achieve it, they’ll
become more motivated to work harder (increases productivity as well).
Delegation (the transfer of authority or responsibility for specific activities and tasks within a
business from one individual to another) can give employees motivations since it’s a new
task that their dealing with, delegation can also improve the relationship with employees as
well (this can also increase their productivity as well.
Empowerment (authority or giving an employee power to do harder/new task (something
new)) can give the employee a sense of motivation since they have been tasked with harder
tasks, the employee will feel responsible to try and complete those tasks.
Introducing flexible working employees can come in at a certain time and work the number
of hours they’re supposed to and then they’ll leave (An example of this is that if they come
in and work from 9AM they’ll finish at 5PM, if they start at 8AM they’ll finish at 4PM, if they
start at 10AM they’ll finish at 6PM) this could increase the productivity in work as well.
Recognition (the act of showing appreciation and acknowledgement for employee for
contributions to the business purposes) by using employee of the month is a great
concept/idea Brockden Wood LTD could do, since it can increase their employee's
motivation, and productivity will increase at a significant amount.

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Performance related pay (a method of managing pays by linking salary progression to an

assessment of individual performance) increases productivity rate, it will also prevent
employees from having conflicts from each other (since they must work together),
performance related pay also creates a hard-working environment around Brockden Wood
If Brockden Wood LTD were to give their own company cars then it can cause employees to
have no financial ties, and no unexpected costs this will improve the employee's relationship
with Brockden Wood LTD and will also cause them to become motivated to work in
Brockden Wood LTD (which also increases productivity as well).
Profit sharing (a system in which people who work for a company receive a direct share of
profits) can cause employees to work together and prevent conflicts (as well as once they
reach their targets it can motivate them and work harder (productivity increases)).
Workplace crèche ensures all parents that their children are being looked after by a decent
childcare provider, this helps them focus on their job in Brockden Wood LTD (that way the
parents can continue working the full hours in Brockden Wood LTD).
Despite there being advantages there is always a disadvantage to these methods, these
disadvantages to these methods are:
Disadvantages of employee motivation
These methods cost money and that money could be spent on something better (other
areas of the Brockden Wood LTD, new development ideas/concepts, innovative technology
Motivational rewards may become expected by staff, so when employees achieve them, it
ends up not motivating them (and if they weren’t able to achieve them it can be demotivate
May be demotivating for other employees if they do not have access to the same motivation
methods (examples being office staff aren’t awarded bonuses, this can demotivate them
even more when sale and production workers receive their bonuses (while they don’t)).
Due to targets being set for production workers, this then goes to the quality of
production/products may decrease because they’re rushing just to meet the deadline and
meet their target levels.
Non-financial motivation such as internal promotes can cause employees to become upset
in Brockden Wood LTD (because if an employee doesn’t get the promotion they may applied
for, this may interrupt the teams' working opportunities because staff don’t agree with the
promotion decisions made within Brockden Wood LTD.
Another disadvantage is that if given bonuses then it could cause employees from Brockden
Wood LTD to feel pressured to achieve goals that might not be achievable and this could

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lead to their behaviours changing (less motivation, less productivity (which causes less sales
done towards Brockden Wood LTD which could lead to less levels of revenue and profit))
Using a quality circle can create some disadvantages such as employees not being sure of
what they must do (the purpose of the goal they’re working for), not enough relevant
training, and very little management is done towards employees (this can cause the
managers not knowing what to be done, as well as employees might not be using the time
to work towards their targets. Employees may have disagreement with management if
there point of views are not listened too.
If staff however don’t meet their targets and don’t receive their annual bonuses then it can
cause their motivation to decrease exponentially (since they failed to reach their targets and
they don’t receive their annual bonuses and production targets), this also decreases their
productivity as well.
Staff members have to wait/work for three years to have their workplace offered in a
pension scheme (could potentially decrease motivation and productivity).
Working in different departments/different environments/ different job roles can feel a bit
alienating for the employees (they might prefer to work in open spaces, or work alone)
which can decrease their productivity
Once the employee has been promoted there has to be a fresh/less experienced employee
to take that position/job role over.
Training to some staff can cost the business some expenses.
The team not achieving their targets in the production departments can cause them to get
demotivated, or at the worst it could cause conflicts between them.
Depending on the amount of work delegation can lead to frustration between employees
that are working, this can lead to their motivation decreasing.
Empowerment can lead to employees not being able to complete those tasks since it might
be too hard for them to accomplish and achieve their targets.
Employees might not like the change of flexible working, because of this it can cause them
to lose motivation (not to mention that they would notice other employees leave earlier
than them, which can cause relationships to deteriorate and more chances of conflicts
Employees might be confused at what job roles they’re supposed to do, this can cause them
to make mistakes which will make the business look unprofessional, this will lead to their
competitor gaining a competitive advantage (since Brockden Wood LTD would look
Employees might feel down/upset that they’re not chosen to be the employee of the month
(decrease their motivation and productivity). This can be sorted by them adding more than
one employee per monthly (employees of the month).

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Performance related pay is a short term feature and because of that it’ll cause Brockden
Wood LTD to set goals that are impossible to achieve from employees (this can cause
demotivation which also causes a decrease in productivity as well), and because of this
employees might be expecting to have more payments or higher payments for the hard
work they’re doing (If Brockden Wood LTD doesn’t do this then it could cause them to leave
and potentially work in their competitors).
Company vehicles also come with restrictions to the employee (examples being that there
has to be a camera in the vehicle at all times (to prevent any activity) however this intrudes
the employee’s privacy and could make them feel uncomfortable, another thing is that if the
employee leaves Brockden Wood LTD then the vehicle becomes theirs to keep (this can be
expensive for Brockden Wood LTD to do).
Profit sharing doesn’t allow employees see how they have affected the business; this could
lead to the employees feeling demotivated. This could increase the costs of Brockden Wood.
Workplace crèche will have fixed schedules unfortunately, this means that the parents' child
might not be given the attention when it’s needed. This could increase costs as they would
have to employ inexperienced staff and build a creche.
Unit 8: Human resources
To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 23/05/2023
Title: D1 Evaluating the training and development offered in Brockden Wood LTD, while
making improvements/recommendations of what they could do
In the case study Brockden Wood LTD has introduced a basic training and development
programme this program introduces:
♦ Team leaders within the factory have been on external courses to introduce them to
the new state-of-the-art machinery which has been installed. They have then trained
their teams on-the-job.
♦ Brockden Wood Ltd employs a part-time ICT specialist to oversee their computer
systems. He spends time with any office staff who feel that their ICT skills need
refreshing and runs a one-hour, optional evening training session whenever software
is updated.
♦ Any new staff are shown how to carry out their duties by their manager/team leader
as there is no formal induction programme.
♦ Graham recognises the need for sales staff to speak a foreign language as the
business is starting to receive enquiries from customers in Europe. The business has
paid for four of the sales team to attend foreign language lessons at a local college,
however one of these employees has recently handed in their notice.

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The advantages of this method

Team leaders have on external courses/training state-of-the-art machinery new state of
which means they’ll have a higher understanding of how the machines will work in their job
roles now, they can obviously train staff that are lower down now (since they now know
how the machinery works
Any staff member that is inexperienced with ICT/computers can receive training in the
evening to improve their ICT skills, and afterwards they’ll be able to help/teach others that
are inexperienced with ICT as well.
Three members of staff will be able to learn a new language this will make Brockden Wood
LTD reputation increases since they’ll be able to help customers that might only speak a
foreign language.
Saves money on the induction training.
The disadvantages of this method
Brockden Wood LTD must pay cost of the variety of training and language courses they have
given to the employees
Some members of staff might not want to go to the optional ICT training course for one
hour since they might not be motivated enough to work in Brockden Wood LTD
Brockden Wood LTD has paid for one member of staff for language courses, and they have
already handed their notice (paying for nothing overall).
For Brockden Wood LTD not to have induction training it can cause them to make mistakes
which will make them look unprofessional towards employees, customers, and competitors,
this will make their reputation decrease, as well as it will also make their levels of customers
decrease as well as their revenue, and profit levels, it will also prevent potential great staff
members from considering working for Brockden Wood LTD.

Brockden Wood LTD current method of training is effective to an extent (since they do want
to aid staff members at improving their skills, however it has several problems that it
overweighs their current training program that they put in place (making it ineffective)
(since that their productivity has decreased severely, which has made staff members very
unmotivated, and absent without a reason, as well as many staff members are leaving
Brockden Wood LTD in the case study).
The most impactful event is probably Team leaders within the factory have been on external
courses to introduce them to the new state-of-the-art machinery which has been installed,
because aside from costs being the only disadvantage fir this, in case a less experienced
employee is having technical difficulties with the machines that Brockden Wood LTD have
the team leaders can come over and resolve any problems the employees have with the
machine, as well as the team leaders can teach the unexperienced employee how to use the

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machines (this also improves their relationship as well instead of them competing against
each other in the case study).
Overall recommendations on how I would improve the training and development at
Brockden Wood LTD
Induction training
Induction training is the training that an employee receives when they first join a business or
organisation. Induction training is vital as it introduces new recruits to become productive as
quickly as possible. This sort of training can avoid costly mistakes by recruits not knowing
the protocols, procedures and techniques of their new jobs. The length of induction of
training will vary from job to job and will depend on the complexity of the job, the size of
the business and the level or position of the job within the business (Brockden Wood Ltd).
The following areas may be included in induction training, these areas are:
♦ Learning about the duties of the job (what tasks must be performed)
♦ Meeting new colleagues (new employees)
♦ Seeing the layout of the premises (to have a board amount of knowledge around
the place (in case of emergencies as well))
♦ Learning about the values and aims of the business (to see how they can
increase the businesses overall performance)
♦ Learning about the internal workings and policies of the business (what is
allowed and what is not allowed during working hours)
♦ Health & Safety
♦ Tour of the business

Employees will know and will have a stronger understanding of the aims/objectives that
Brockden Wood Ltd want to reach.
Fresh staff are expected to become productive as quickly as possible; this will increase the
productivity in Brockden Wood LTD (since in the case study it has been quite quiet for some
Prevents any employees from not knowing the protocols procedures and techniques of their
new jobs, this will prevent Brockden Wood LTD from looking unprofessional (and will
prevent competitors from gaining a competitive advantage).

Not focusing on their employees, in case the employees might need help with anything at

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They could be called away to do other alternative tasks that come up in Brockden Wood
Overall impact
For Brockden Wood LTD not to have this training it can cause them to make mistakes which
will make them look unprofessional towards employees, future best employees, customers,
and competitors, this will make their reputation decrease, as well as it will also make their
levels of customers decrease as well as their revenue, and profit levels, it will also prevent
potential great staff members from considering working for Brockden Wood LTD (since the
turnover rate is increased massively and that employees sick absences have increased as
well), so Brockden Wood LTD needs to have this form of training as soon as possible.
Employee surveys
Brockden Wood Ltd’s office staff must fill out a self-appraisal every 6 months and this is an
incredibly effective way to understand how effective any training they have received has
been. This also activates Brockden Wood Ltd to discover what training the employees would
like and therefore finds areas that needs work by including new/longer periods of training.
Employees can give their opinion on what is good and what is bad, what changes need to be
made for them to work effectively and efficiently (this can increase their productivity and
motivation at Brockden Wood LTD).
This increases the relationship between the employees and Brockden Wood LTD as well,
with this it can prevent them from having conflicts with each other in the long run/term.
If the survey isn’t properly handled, then it can make the employee’s trust decrease with
Brockden Wood LTD, which could lead to a lower reputation.
If their recommendations aren’t carried out/considered, then it can cause them to feel less
valued to Brockden Wood LTD (this can cause their trust to decrease or cause them to end
up quitting in Brockden Wood LTD (which is a problem Brockden Wood LTD is trying to stop
(or decrease)).
Overall impact
Brockden Wood LTD to use this method it can overall help employees feel trusted/heard out
from Brockden Wood LTD (making it look like Brockden Wood LTD cares about their
employees), as well as if they implement these changes, it can potentially decrease the
absent rate from employees, as well as it can increase their motivation and productivity
towards Brockden Wood LTD, so this is a great method Brockden Wood LTD can implement.
Monitoring performance
This is where a business (Brockden Wood Ltd) will check/see the performance the business
(Brockden Wood Ltd) on a year-to-year basis.
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Brockden Wood Ltd have set many production targets, but in the last two years they haven't
been able to reach/pass those targets. This could show that a lack of quality of training is
preventing the production department from reaching those targets.
Office staff are set performance targets to achieve, so this is a way to check if staff are
performing the way Brockden Wood Ltd want them to perform, and to see if the training
they receive is affective or not.
Employees will understand there is a set procedure to work through before the employee is
asked to leave. Because of this it allows them an opportunity to improve their performance.
Improves morale for other employees, as if an employee is not pulling their weight, they will
then be given disciplinary actions to improve or leave.
This allows Brockden Wood Ltd to get rid of staff that aren’t meeting the level requirements
of their performance/productivity (since many of them are not in without a reason).
Improves efficiency in Brockden Wood Ltd since in case any employees aren’t too sure what
they're doing they can help and guide them as well.
If the training isn’t affective then Brockden Wood Ltd can see what changes need to
implement to make the productivity more effective, busy and efficient.
Monitoring the employee can cause them to feel invaded/violated in their working
environment/privacy (this can make them less motivated, which leads to less productivity).
Overall impact
Brockden Wood LTD to use this method it can help them get rid of any employees that
aren’t helping them since they’re not motivated to help at all (it saves them from paying
employees for nothing) as well as keeping an eye on them can help any employees aren’t
too sure what they're doing they can help and guide them as well, as well as if they see the
training they’re doing isn’t too efficient they can revamp it entirely to make it efficient.

In conclusion, I would first recommend that Brockden Wood LTD needs to include induction
training first, because without it, this can cause employees to make mistakes, this will make
Brockden Wood LTD look unprofessional towards employees, future best employees,
customers, and competitors, this will make their reputation decrease, as well as it will also
make their levels of customers decrease as well as their revenue, and profit levels, it will
also prevent potential great staff members from considering working for Brockden Wood
LTD (since the turnover rate is increased massively and that employees sick absences have
increased as well).
I would recommend next to include employee surveys, because with this method it can
cause employees to become open and honest towards Brockden Wood LTD of what works
Hakim La Bella 3076

well and what doesn’t, and once they make those changes it can cause the employees to
become more motivated and because of that it can cause the absent sickness rates,
turnover rates to decrease, as well as it can cause the productivity and the reputation to
increase as well.
Finally I would recommend monitoring performance, that way they’ll be able to see any
employees aren’t too sure what they're doing they can help and guide them, as well as it
allows Brockden Wood Ltd to get rid of staff that aren’t meeting the level requirements of
their performance/productivity (since many of them are not in without a reason), as well as
it helps to see if any employees are worth keeping around (since some might not be pulling
their act together with the amount of absences Brockden Wood Ltd have received.
Unit 8: Human resources
To Graham and the shareholders of Brockden Wood LTD
From: Hakim La Bella
Date: 24/05/2023
Title: D2 Recommend and justify tools that Brockden Wood LTD could implement to
improve employee performance
Brockden Wood LTD already has three performance management tools implemented, these
tools are:
Method 1 Production staff
Employees meet with their line manager bi-annually (every 6 months) for a results-based
appraisal. This is based on whether team targets have been met. Discussions will also be
held during meetings regardless the employees time keeping and attendance.
Method 2 Office Staff
Employees have an annual appraisal with their line manager to figure out whether the aims
set for the previous year have been met and to set goals for the following year. As part of
this process each employee must complete a self-appraisal which is then discussed at the
next meeting they have.
Method 3 Senior management
Managers from every department has an annual appraisal with Graham. 360-degree
feedback is gained prior to the meeting. Graham also discusses during the appraisal whether
department aims have been met (examples being whether the production teams have met
their production targets, or the sales team has met their target sale targets).
However, I recommend they implement another three tools that they don’t use, these tools
New Method 1 Grading
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Grading is where an employee will be graded in terms of their attendance, punctuality and
sometimes performance (if an employee is always on time, very formal, works very hard,
then they will be graded very high, where as if they don’t work hard, unhelpful to
employees, not present at points without a good reason, then they’ll be graded very low
(gives Brockden Wood Ltd to see who the best working employees are they have in their

Advantages/benefits to Grading and how it can affect Brockden Wood LTD

Retain valued employees, with this system Brockden Wood LTD can find who are the best
working employees (always show up to work (if they’re not present gives a reasonable
reason, works extremely hard, very motivated, kind and helpful to customers etc).
This allows Brockden Wood Ltd to get rid of staff that aren’t meeting the level requirements
of their performance/productivity (since many of them are not in without a reason and
aren’t very motivated in the case study). This also set Brockden Wood Ltd ambitious
standards, that they expect employees to work hard and not mess around in their business.
Since Brockden Wood Ltd sets out high standards this could also attract the best employees
who are willing to work for Brockden Wood Ltd, and if they do then they can help increase
the amount of production inside of Brockden Wood Ltd, this can increase the amount of
sales in Brockden Wood Ltd (as well as the relationships between employees, and Brockden
Wood Ltd will improve as well), which will increase the reputation status and awareness,
with this it will have higher levels of profit and revenue.

Disadvantages to Grading and how it can affect Brockden Wood LTD

Less collaboration between employees and higher chances of conflicts happening, once all
employees have been graded and kept (from best to worst) they might see each other as
different and not the same at all (this could also lead to them having disagreements and
arguments just because some employees might be ranked higher than others (this could
lead to those employees not communicating entirely and never getting along which is a big
problem that Brockden Wood Ltd is trying to fix)).
Arguments from employees will also lead to Brockden Wood Ltd looking unprofessional
towards customers, the potential staff members and competitors (reputation decreases),
this gives the competitors a competitive advantage (leads to less customers and lower levels
of revenue and profit).
Overall impact
With this method it can overall help Brockden Wood LTD see who are the best working
employees they have, and they can also see which employee is worth keeping as well (since
in the case study the absence rates have been high and motivation and productivity have
been very low), this also sets out high standards for Brockden Wood Ltd which can be used

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attract the best employees who are willing to work for Brockden Wood Ltd (this can
increase the amount of production inside of Brockden Wood Ltd as well).
New method 2 Ongoing monitoring of performance
Ongoing monitoring of performance will include checking labor productivity rates,
absenteeism rates, sickness records, labour turnover rates for every employee.

Advantages/benefits of Ongoing monitoring of performance and how it can affect

Brockden Wood LTD
Employees will understand there is a set procedure to work through before the employee is
asked to leave. Because of this it allows them an opportunity to improve their performance
(this will increase productivity in Brockden Wood LTD since employees are expected to work
hard in Brockden Wood LTD (and since in the case study productivity has been low).
Improves morale for other employees, as if an employee is not pulling their weight, they will
then be given disciplinary actions to improve or leave (since in the case study the absent
rate has increased and because of that productivity and motivation from employees have
severely dropped).
This allows Brockden Wood Ltd to get rid of staff that aren’t meeting the level requirements
of their performance/productivity (since many of them are not in without a reason).
Improves efficiency in Brockden Wood Ltd (since productivity has been very low recently in
Brockden Wood LTD).
If the training isn’t affective then Brockden Wood Ltd can see what changes need to
implement to make the productivity more effective, busy and efficient (since in the case
study Brockden Wood LTD has recently become quiet for some time in business, and
productivity from employees have been very low and absent and turnover rates have
increased drastically).
Brockden Wood LTD can help any employees that are struggling/unsure of what they must
be doing to achieve their aims and targets.
Disadvantages/benefits of Ongoing monitoring of performance and how it can affect
Brockden Wood LTD
Monitoring the employee can cause them to feel invaded/violated in their working
environment/privacy (this can make them less motivated, which leads to less productivity).

Overall impact
With this method it can overall help Brockden Wood LTD in terms of being productive and
efficient, this method also will help Brockden Wood LTD see what employees are truly worth
keeping (since the productivity rates have been low and absent rates have been very high),
this method can help Brockden Wood LTD see if their training methods need to be

Hakim La Bella 3076

revamped (to improve productivity and efficiency in Brockden Wood LTD), this will also see
if any employees need any help/guidance with any targets and aims they’re trying to
achieve (it could improve productivity, making it more efficient).
New method 3 Performance management by objectives
Performance management by goals are aims that are agreed by both management and
employees. Brockden Wood Ltd will then assess how well they have met those aims and
therefore how well they’ve performed overall.

Advantages/benefits of Performance management by objectives and how it can affect

Brockden Wood LTD
Better communication between the employees and Brockden Wood Ltd (this is an issue that
they’re trying to resolve in the case study).
Employes will have a higher understanding of what goals and targets they must achieve.
Increase levels of motivation, employees will feel more responsible for Brockden Wood Ltd
than before and because of that they’ll become more motivated to achieve those
goals/targets they have been given, as well as this increases levels pf productivity and will
increase Brockden Wood Ltd reputation, because of this as well this will increase their levels
of revenue and profit as well.

Disadvantages/benefits of Performance management by objectives and how it can affect

Brockden Wood LTD
This might cause stress towards the employees since they have to complete the targets they
have been given, as well as they’re pushing themselves to the limit to achieve these goal
(stressfully working in something can either end up making mistakes or not being
accomplished, this will make Brockden Wood Ltd looking unprofessional towards customers,
the potential staff members and competitors (reputation decreases), this gives the
competitors a competitive advantage (leads to less customers and lower levels of revenue
and profit)).
If employees can’t achieve their targets, then it can cause them to become demotivated,
and because they’re demotivated it can cause their productivity to decrease as well.

Overall impact
With this method it can overall help Brockden Wood LTD since it could improve the
communication between the employees and Brockden Wood Ltd (this is an issue that
they’re trying to resolve in the case study since many employees are competing with each
other rather than working together), as well as this method will fill employees with
motivation, since they will feel more responsible for Brockden Wood Ltd than before and
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because of that they’ll become more motivated to achieve those goals/targets they have
been given, as well as this increases levels of productivity (since in the case study employees
motivation and productivity has been very low and by using this method it can resolve those
issues, making it effective and efficient).
Using these methods is a fantastic way to figure out which employee is best to keep, how to
increase their understanding what they must do to complete the targets they are given,
motivated to complete their targets (which increases their productivity at work), and for the
employees to stop competing/working against each other and instead work together. These
performance management tools are used to aid Brockden Wood Ltd in the biggest issues
they have (since the methods they’re utilising isn’t working like they hoped for), so utilising
these methods can help Brockden Wood Ltd succeed in looking professional, becoming very
productive in business with all their employees working together and completely motivated.
The first method I would recommend to Brockden Wood LTD is Performance management
by objectives because with this method it can improve the communication between the
employees and Brockden Wood Ltd, as well as this method will fill employees with
motivation, since they will feel more responsible for Brockden Wood Ltd than before and
because of that they’ll become more motivated to achieve those goals/targets they have
been given, as well as this increases levels of productivity. This method will help Brockden
Wood LTD solve their problems with their employee's motivation and productivity levels (it
will increase), their communication and relationship levels will increase (since they must
work together now), and their absent and turnover rates will decrease.
The next method I would recommend to Brockden Wood LTD is Grading because it can
overall help Brockden Wood LTD see who are the best working employees they have, and
they can also see which employee is worth keeping as well, this also sets out high standards
for Brockden Wood Ltd which can be used attract the best employees who are willing to
work for Brockden Wood Ltd. This method will help Brockden Wood LTD solve their
problems with their productivity rates, absent rates, and their turnover rates.
The final method I would recommend to Brockden Wood LTD is Ongoing monitoring of
performance because this will help Brockden Wood LTD see what employees are truly worth
keeping, this method can help Brockden Wood LTD see if their training methods need to be
revamped, this will also see if any employees need any help/guidance with any targets and
aims they’re trying to achieve. This method will help Brockden Wood LTD solve their
problems with their productivity rates, and absent rates.

Sources Used

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