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Let’s know ourselves first...

Let’s value our selves first
Please get a piece of paper.

Take your time with this and you will be amazed

Just answer 4 questions and the answers will

surprise you.


A Warning!
Answer the questions as you go along.
There are only 4 questions.

This is an honest questionnaire which will tell

you a lot about your true self.
Give an answer for each item.
The first thing that comes to mind is usually
your best answer.
Remember – no one sees this but you.
(1) Put the following 5 animals in the order of your

(2) Write one word that describes each one of the
(3) Think of someone, who also knows you and
is important to you, which you can relate them
to the following colors.
Do not repeat your answer twice.
Name just one person for each color:

Finally write down your favorite number, and
your favorite day of the week.

Please be sure that your answers are what you

This will define your priorities in your life.

Cow signifies CAREER

Tiger signifies PRIDE
Sheep signifies LOVE
Horse signifies FAMILY
Pig signifies MONEY
Your description of DOG implies your own
The CAT implies the personality of your
The RAT implies the personality of your
COFFEE is how you interpret sex.
The SEA implies your own life.
Yellow: Someone you will never forget
Orange: Someone you consider your true
Red: Someone that you really love
White: Your twin soul
Green: Someone that you will remember for
the rest of your life
You have to DO THE SAME to as many persons as
your favorite number and your wish will come
true on the day that you recorded.

0-4 times: your life will improve slightly

5-9 times: your life will improve to your liking
9-14 times: you will have at least 5 surprises in
the next three weeks
15 or more: your life will improve drastically and
all that you wish will come true.



The Demands of Society from the Teacher as a

Topics of Discussion :

Profession – A vocation or occupation requiring advanced education

and training and involving intellectual skills. The work is based on
unique knowledge and skills grounded in research and practice in the

Professional – has completed higher education, usually at the advanced

level, and engages in and is worthy of the high standards of a

Professions and Professionals answer to a written code of ethics.

“Teaching is a profession laden with risk and
responsibility that requires a great deal from
those who enter into it”

- John I. Goodlad
A Professional Educator Should:
WORK in a collegial manner with colleagues
ASSOCIATE with and learn from positive mentors
JOIN a professional organization
CONTINUE TO LEARN through classes, workshops,
conferences, in-service meetings, books, journals,
tapes, and advanced degrees.
The Four Beliefs of an Effective Teacher

- It is the teacher who makes the difference in

the classroom.
- By far the most important factor in school
learning is the ability of the teacher.
- There is an extensive body of knowledge
about teaching that must be known by the
- The teacher must be a decision maker able to
translate the body of knowledge about
teaching into increased student learning.
“Students will forget most of what you teach
them, but will remember HOW you made them
FEEL in your class!
The effective teacher dresses appropriately as a
professional educator to model success.

As you dressed , so shall you be perceived;

and as you are perceived, so shall you be

The Demands of Society from the Teacher as a

Qualities of a Teacher
There are two distinct characteristics of an effective and
efficient teacher:

1. Personal qualities – refer to the qualities that stem

from the teacher’s personality, interests, attitudes, and
beliefs; and his/her behavior and working relationships
with his/her students and peers.

2. Professional qualities – refers to the teacher’s

knowledge of the subject matter, his/her understanding
of the psychological and educational principles and
his/her understanding of the teaching profession.
As a Person

1. Innate Qualities
a. Aptitude
A saying goes “Teachers are born”. This refers
to the inborn characteristics of individuals such as
aptitude, often defined as strong inclination for some
tasks together with corresponding skills.
b. Mental ability
A mental ability that is above average and
higher equips a teacher to carry on her multiple tasks.
After hurdling a 4 year bachelor’s degree, she can
easily continue to a masteral degree. Mentally gifted
and bright teachers are capable of demonstrating
higher order thinking skills.
2. Personal qualities
In the chosen career of teaching, personality could
serve as an inspiration or otherwise to the student whom
she pledge to lead by the hand.
-A teacher must essentially possess the following personal

1. Presentable appearance, good manners, courtesy, and a

pleasant voice.
2. Intelligent, emotional, stability, and self-control
3. Sympathy, kindness, helpfulness, and patience
4.Integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, and loyalty
5. Sociability, friendliness and cooperativeness
6. Flexibility, creativity, and resourcefulness
7. fairness impartiality, and tolerance
8. Sense of humor, cheerfulness, and enthusiasm
As a Professional
Professional qualities include:

1. A mastery of the subject matter.

2. An understanding of the learners. This pertains to
the teacher’s knowledge about the learners and the
principles of human growth and development.
3. Liking and loving learners. A teacher who has a
genuine and sincere love for learners can imbue them
with love for learning.
4. knowledge of the teaching principles and skills. A
teacher must know the WHATS and HOW’S of teaching
including the needed skills and teaching methods.
5. General understanding of the different branches of
knowledge along with their interrelationship and
interdependence – to solve life’s problem. Knowledge
and background study of arts, languages, math,
literature, and physical science are deemed
necessary. A teacher must also be knowledgeable of
information and communications technology (ICT) as
in the use of computers.

6. An appreciation of the teaching profession

You, the Teacher, as a Person in Society

• John Donne said in Meditation XVII:

“No man is an island…”
Lesson learned…
-the idea that people are not isolated from one
another, but that mankind is interconnected.

-We don’t live in a vacuum. We live in a society. We

are part of society. Our thoughts, values, and actions
are somehow shaped by events and people we come
in contact with. We, in turn, help shape society- its
events, its people, and its destiny.

- In the next context of your life as a teacher, we

would say: “No teacher is an island. No teacher
stands alone”, indeed , You can’t become a TEACHER
Why do you want to become a Teacher?
What is a Teacher for you?
Teachers are expected to…

- Not to sCARE
- Look straight in the eyes

-gentle touch/pat on the back

- acknowledgement
- Name calling

- Ignoring one’s capacity

- Belittling students
Your Philosophical Heritage
Five Philosophies of Education

- Essentialism



- Existentialism

Existential Questions (in the world of teaching)

• Why do I teach
-What should I teach?
-How should I teach?
What is the nature of the learner?
-How do learners learn?
5 Philosophies of Education
1. Essentialism – fundamental, necessary or required
- William Bagley
-Why teach?
=To acquire basic knowledge, skills and values
=Transmission of the traditional moral values and
intellectual knowledge that students need to became
model citizens.

-What to teach?
=Fundamental R’s: reading , ‘riting, ‘rithmetic,
right conduct.
=Traditional citizens: mathematics, natural
science, history, foreign language and literature
-How to teach?
=Subject – centered
=memorization, rely to prescribed textbook, drill
method and other methods that enables mastery of
the subject.
Progressivism – receptive to fresh ideas and concepts
- John Dewey
- Why teach?
= to develop learners into becoming enlightened and
intelligent citizens of a democratic society.
= to live life fully NOW
= “Education is life, not a preparation for life”

- What to teach?
= Respond to student’s needs and that relates to
student’s personal lives and experiences.
= skills to cope with changes
= natural and social science
- How to teach?
= experiential method
= problem- solving method
= hands-on-minds-on
=thought-provoking games and puzzles

3. PERENNIALISM – Robert Hutchins

- Why teach?
= to develop the student’s rational and moral
= According to Aristotle, if we neglect the students
reasoning skills, we deprive them of the ability to use
their higher faculties to control their passions and
- What to teach?
= all human beings possess the same essential nature.
= heavy on humanities and general education
=less emphasis on vocational and technical education
=great books of ancient and medieval as well as
modern times

-How to teach/
=centered around teachers
=apply whatever creative techniques and methods
which are believed to be most conducive to disciplining
the students minds
=students engaged in Socratic dialogues
Existentialism – Jean Paul Sartre
- Why teach?
=help students understand and appreciate themselves
as unique individual who accept complete thoughts ,
feelings, and actions
=help students define their own essence
=demands the education of the whole person, not just
the mind

- What to teach?
=wide variety of options from which to choose
=humanities are given tremendous emphasis
=encourages individual creativity and imagination
more than copying and imitating established models.
-How to teach?
=learning is self-paced, self-directed
=employ values clarification strategy

5. BEHAVIORISM- John Watson

-why teach?
=concerned with the modification and shaping of
students behavior by providing for a favorable
environment, since they believe that they are a
product of their environment

-what to teach?
=teach the students to respond favorably to
various stimuli in the environment.
-how to teach?
=ought to arrange environmental conditions so
that students can make the response to stimuli
=ought to make the stimuli dear and interesting to
capture and hold the learners attention
=ought to provide appropriate incentives to
reinforce positive responses and weaken or eliminate
negative others.
Formulating your philosophy of education
Your philosophy of education is your “window” to
the world and “compass” in life.

-Your philosophy of education is reflected in your

dealings with students, colleagues, parents and

- Your attitude towards problems and life as a whole

has an underlying philosophy.
Philosophy of education includes your concept about:

- The human person, the learner in particular and the

educated person.
- what is true and good and therefore must be taught
-how a learner must be taught in order to come close to
the truth.
- what is true and good and therefore must be taught
- how a learner must be taught in order to come close
to the truth.
The Foundational Principles of Morality and You
What is Morality?
“the quality of human acts by which we call them
right or wrong, good or evil.

-Meaning of Foundational Moral Principle

-Principle – “princeps” which means a beginning,
-a foundational moral principle is the universal norm
upon which all other principles on the rightness or
wrongness of an action are based.
-it is the source of morality
Teacher as a person of good moral character

-As laid down in the preamble of our code of ethics of

Professional teachers , teachers are duly licensed
professionals who possess dignity and reputation
with high moral values as well as technical and
professional competence.

-being fully human

-being a loving person
-being a virtuous person
-being a morally mature
Values Formation and You
- Transcendent value
=according to idealist group ,transcendent values are
values remained unchanged amidst changing time.
Examples of these are values of love, care, concern for our

- Values are caught and taught

=Values are both caught and taught. The living examples
of good men and women at home, school and society have
far greater influence on our value formation than those
well-prepared lectures on values excellently delivered by
experts who may sound like ‘empty gong and clanging bell.
Values have cognitive, affective, and behavioral
-values have a cognitive dimension. We must
understand the value that we want to acquire.
-affective domain of objectives, in themselves they
have an affective dimension.
-values have behavioral dimension. In fact, living by
the value this is true acid test if we really value like
Value formation includes formation in the cognitive,
affective, and behavioral aspects

-Since values are caught , it is up to you how to enrich

yourself with values that could help you to be a better
person. You have to grow in knowledge and wisdom

Value formation is training of the intellect and will

-your value formation in essence is training of your
intellect and will, your cognitive and rational appetitive
powers, respectively
Virtuous vs. vicious life and their effect on the will

-in short, virtuous life strengthens you to live by the

right values and live life of abundance and joy while a
vicious leads you to perdition and misery.
Max Scheler’s hierarchy of values
Max Scheler outlined a hierarchy of values. Our
hierarchy is shown in our preferences and decisions.
Scheler’s hierarchy of values arranged from lowest to

-Pleasure values- pleasant against the unpleasant

the agreeable against the
=sensual feelings
=experiences of pleasure or pain
- Vital values- values pertaining to the well-being either
of the individual or of the community

-Spiritual value’- values independent of the whole

sphere of the body and of the environment.
-grasped in spiritual acts preferring, loving and
-aesthetic values: beauty against ugliness

-Values of the holy- appear only in regard to objects

intentionally given as “absolute objects”
-belief, adoration, bliss
Teaching as vocation, mission, and profession

Teaching as your vocation- vocation comes from latin

word “vocare” which means to call. If there is a call,
there must be a caller and someone who is called.
The fact that you are now in college of education
signifies that you positively responded to the call.

Teaching as your mission- the word mission comes

from latin word “misio” which means “to send”. You
are called to be a teacher and you are sent into the
world to accomplish a mission, to teach.
Teaching as your profession
-teaching is also a profession. It is a way of
rendering service to humanity. The quality of our
professional service is determined to a very great
extent on the four elements of profession which are
as follows:
1. our long and arduous period of preparation
2. a striving for excellence
3. a dedication to the public interest, and
4. commitment to moral and ethical values.
If we give professionally quality service , then
mediocrity has no place. If we live up to our name as
a professional teacher, a meaningful and fulfilled life
will not be far behind.
Thank you for listening

 Prepared by: Renjie D. Oliveros 9-13-19

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