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According to an April 2023 report from Statista, the NFT market revenue is expected to exceed 3
billion dollars by 2027 – the below image reflects anticipated yearly growth. With the NFT market
capitalization already nearing 3 trillion dollars, as we write, it is understandable that NFTs are poised Blockchain App Factory
for a better future. While new user adoption is a reason for such a meteoric rise in NFTs’ popularity,
We are a leading NFT Development
NFT marketing strategies have their fair share of this in hindsight. Note that most people enter this
Company providing end-to-end NFT
new-age space to get their favorite NFT item they most probably heard from a promotional campaign
development solutions for our clientele
of some kind.
worldwide. We have unlocked the
milestone of launching 100+ NFT
marketplaces globally for eminent market
players, such as Zircap, Woonkly,
CryptoCorns NFT, DSFR, etc.

Our development team understands your

business needs and crafts unique solutions
to create your own NFT ecosystem. Apart
from our comprehensive NFT services, we
provide an assorted range of web3
development services, including DeFi,
Cryptocurrency, Gaming, and Metaverse.
Get a quote from our experts today!

What Will We See Here?

Our focus here will essentially be on NFT marketing, where we discuss the topic from all possible
angles. Our aim is to give you a comprehensive perspective of how advertising NFTs should be done
and how an experienced NFT marketing services team like us can come in handy.

Table of Contents

1. NFT Marketing: A Primer

2. Benefits NFT Advertising Offers

3. Things to Keep in Mind Before Advertising NFTs

4. How Can NFT Marketing be Non-Intrusive?

5. The Need to Conducting Thorough Market Research

6. Prominent NFT Marketing Strategies in 2023-2024

Community Building & Management

Social Media Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Public Media Relations
Content Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Video Marketing
Website Design
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Paid Advertising
Email Marketing
Real World Participation
NFT Listing
Affiliate Marketing
Business Partnerships
7. The Importance of Marketing NFT Businesses Post Launch

8. The Steps in NFT Advertising

9. Ways to Promote Your NFT Business

10. How Can an NFT Marketing Agency Offer Help?

11. What is the Cost to Advertise an NFT Business?

12. Conclusion

NFT Marketing: A Primer

NFT marketing refers to the process of promoting NFT-based businesses to the intended people.
These promotions include traditional, digital, and new-gen marketing techniques that can be tapped
into according to a project’s nature. Ever since NFTs first slid into the space in the mid-2010s,
promotional efforts can be observed.
With NFTs being a new asset class and still awaiting widescale recognition from regulatory bodies,
businesses need to concentrate on how they promote. As the space gets bigger, the competition
becomes stiffer, making it challenging for marketers to gain the community’s attention, irrespective
of their novelty.

Benefits NFT Marketing Offers

NFT promotions come with a plethora of benefits, and some include the following:
NFT businesses can benefit from increased exposure and awareness, helping them to build their own
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brand effortlessly.
NFT  Marketing  ICO/IDO  Crypto  NFT marketing
Blockchain  can be a vital way
AI Solutions to ensure
Metaverse  community
Web 3.0  engagement
DeFi  through various ways, allowing

businesses to gain a foothold in the space.

Having full-fledged promotional campaigns for NFT ventures can help in driving mass adoption of
Web3 technology by tapping into relevant channels.
NFT advertising efforts can lay the foundation for customer loyalty for businesses by serving as
exclusive utility tokens.
With time, promotional efforts can prove worthy for NFT ventures as they can gain partnering
opportunities with major real-world brands.
“Instead of interrupting, work on attracting.” — Dharmesh Shah, CTO & Co-Founder, HubSpot.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Advertising NFTs

As we continue exploring the importance of NFT marketing strategies, we should also remember to
keep in mind some points that can transform your NFT promotions from good to brilliant. Firstly,
ensure that your project comes within the regulatory provisions in the region(s) you plan to operate.
You should also ensure that your works are unique or have the necessary rights if derived from an
existing work. Do not forget to consider the market trends at the time of promotions to be more
relevant and appealing to your target audience. There is more to tell, which we will reflect in the
appropriate places down the blog.

How Can NFT Marketing be Non-Intrusive?

As we had discussed earlier, NFT marketing is special as it does not intrude into a user’s experience.
While this might look difficult in the era of extremely information-based Web2 marketing, things are
changing gradually. Many Web3-native applications have begun establishing themselves, such as
marketplaces and social media platforms.
Such processes can be made possible by deriving data by incentivizing users, which can lead to
increased encouragement among people to share information for marketing purposes. As most NFT
marketing efforts include crypto coins, NFTs, and wallets, the level of sensitive information exposed
online will be reduced.

The Need for Conducting Thorough Market Research

Market research plays an important role in any NFT marketing campaign. It is even one of the NFT
marketing strategies that form the basis for any business promotion. Thoroughly researching the
current market before an NFT advertising campaign can give a treasure of information to marketers.
Business analysts excelling in various research methodologies should be used to derive insights from
the current market. Research can be conducted in a combination of ways, such as communication,
web searches, predictive analytics, and statistical derivations. Using the resultant data, marketers can
devise a highly-efficient strategic campaign that can provide optimal results.

Prominent NFT Marketing Strategies in 2023-2024

Community Building & Management

For any NFT business, building and managing a community is one of the fundamental NFT marketing
strategies. Since communities form the backbone of an NFT project, extreme efforts are put into
creating and engaging them at all times. Platforms like Discord, Telegram, Reddit, and even voice-
based apps like Clubhouse are popular for this purpose.
Nevertheless of what mediums you use, it is necessary to indulge in fair engagement practices, as
one will be involved with real people. For example, many brands have dedicated Discord servers
where they indulge in various kinds of engagement and release exciting announcements. Even the
newest of projects create a community following as it will keep them running in the long term.

Social Media Marketing

We know how important social media has become in our current lives. The same applies to NFT
businesses, as social media marketing has been a lifeline holding projects together at all times. The
power of applications like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn lies in the fact that they drive
more engagement and traffic to projects.
Any good social media promotion should have powerful words and intriguing visuals that compel
users toward action. Sometimes, emotions can be tapped too, which lets users associate an NFT
project on a personal level – something that is incredibly important in this era of seconds of attention

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is not going anywhere, with numerous celebrities like Snoop Dogg and blue-chip
NFT owners like Punk659 influencing enthusiasts with their optimistic take on NFTs. Based on the
business size, one can utilize influencers with various follower counts that categorize them into nano,
micro, macro, and mega.
Red Bull Racing partnered with top NFT influencers for its NFT collection based on the 2021 Mexican
GP. The campaign tapped into the followers of these influencers alongside Red Bull Racing’s own
followers to accelerate its mission of being at the forefront of Web3 innovation.

Public Media Relations

Public Media has been a prominent marketing channel for so long that it finds relevance even in this
age of decentralization. NFT businesses can create quality and concise press releases that can be
posted by media outlets focused on Web3 and technology.
Additionally, brands utilizing NFT PR marketing can make use of mainstream media like television
and radio to spread the word to the public. For instance, the NFT gaming company Limit Break
marketed its DigiDagaku NFT collection through a QR code displayed during the 2023 Super Bowl,
which resulted in the collection’s prices skyrocketing. Such examples show the need to use
mainstream media for NFT marketing.

Content Marketing

Content marketing has been one of the mainstay NFT marketing strategies that have elevated
numerous NFT projects’ profiles in the long run. This strategy’s relevance before and after launch
makes it a powerful way to remain in the eyes of the community.
Greatly-written blogs explaining the project, added with ample research and case studies, can place
an NFT venture on the top. They can even serve as quality educational materials for newbie NFT
enthusiasts. Many NFT project run their blogs on either their websites or a blogging portal like
Medium, where they announce new platform upgrades and significant milestones.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has long been a pivotal digital marketing strategy that stormed its
way through NFT promotions. With numerous projects emerging with their own websites, gaining
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online visibility, especially on search engines like Google, becomes crucial. Good SEO practices
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ensure the project gets ranked higher in the search engine page results (SERPs).
NFT  Marketing  ICO/IDO  Crypto  Blockchain  AI Solutions  Metaverse  Web 3.0  DeFi  Contact 
Almost every NFT project had experts who optimized its website to get a higher position on search
results for relevant keywords. SEO goes well with most NFT marketing strategies, such as content and
social media marketing, as backlinks are built to generate content and the project’s website.

Video Marketing

With access to the internet becoming easy as ever, videos have occupied most people’s time.
Applications like YouTube, TikTok, and Reels on Instagram and Facebook have become highly popular
among the public. NFT marketers utilize the power of these applications to create insightful and
educational videos that contain emotions with a tinge of promotion.
Quality should be ensured in the visual and audio aspects of the videos to intrigue users in your NFT
project. User-generated content (UGC) can be tapped via videos which you can share on your social
media handles to gain support and community trust in the long run.

Website Design

The official website is the first point of direct contact for a person to learn about an NFT project. Such
a precarious position makes it vital for a business’s website to look, feel, and exist accordingly to
convince people the project is not another grass on the lawn.
A website should be designed using the appropriate frameworks for appearance and actions
empowered by powerful content. The user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) should be directly
related to the project’s nature. For example, an NFT collection based on planets can have space-
themed content and a mouse pointer looking like a spacecraft.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

As one of the original internet-based paid marketing techniques, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) has
evolved over the years. Currently, SEM serves as a great tool for NFT projects looking to achieve
higher traffic during the last phase before launching. This can come in handy for businesses that
could not rank highly due to heavy competition for relevant keywords.
Google, the most popular search engine, offers paid advertising services priced based on clicks. One
should note here that SEM coupled with good website design, SEO practices, and impeccable content,
could throttle an NFT project to the next level.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising as we know it today evolved much later, but the fundamentals are the same as SEM.
A striking difference is that entrepreneurs would use social media, email portals, and other
established websites here as opposed to search engine result pages. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Pay-Per-
Mile (PPM) are key tools used in such promotions.
Keywords here also play an essential role in displaying the NFT project. While usage history-based
suggestions are commonplace, long-tail keywords that reflect people’s thoughts can pull in more
audience to an NFT venture’s website. There have been instances where small-profile projects have
gained considerable traction due to their investment in paid ad networks.

Email Marketing

Emailing has become common among creators, collectors, investors, enthusiasts, and entrepreneurs
in the NFT world. With sufficient Email promotions, one can remind their community to take the next
step toward the project. This strategy is primarily used by projects to stay in touch with their
community outside of Discord servers.
Mails with inspiring content based on the project with something highlighted can aid a business in
encouraging its users to take action. Newsletters, promotional offers, seasonal greetings, and other
personalized emails can be sent to users, and metrics like unique opens and unique clicks can be
tracked and analyzed.

Real World Participation

Real-world events have been havens for businesses forever, and NFT entrepreneurs realized it a bit
late – mostly due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. But things have normalized ever since, and many
Web3 conferences have sprung up in popularity, where projects can showcase themselves to global
NFT enthusiasts.
NFT.NYC, Eth.Denver, NFT Paris, Consensus, and NFT Tallinn are examples of prominent NFT-focused
conferences that occur yearly. Most regions of the world have these events as awareness of NFTs
grows. Businesses can utilize these conventions to soft-sell and gain valuable insights from the
industry’s best – establishing themselves as an active player in the emerging NFT space.

NFT Listing

NFT listing is an extremely useful promotional strategy if one has a collection to sell. While putting an
NFT collection for sale is much easier, presenting it as an opportunity to be visible to people is a bit
challenging. NFT listing platforms try to ease such hardships by listing projects on their websites.
These serve similarly to informative dashboards with necessary descriptions of the project, links to
social media handles, and the sale listing. NFT Calendar, NFTiming, and NFT Evening are popular
NFT listing platforms where interested people can view upcoming NFT drops. Doing so is a powerful
way to create quality backlinks, as these websites typically receive huge traffic.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an underrated NFT marketing strategy that can drive a project to immense
success. As we know from the old days, this tactic involves incentivizing users to talk about the
business or refer others to the project. In the NFT space, incentives can include NFTs, crypto rewards,
and even POAP (Proof-Of-Attendance-Protocol) badges.
According to AuthorityHacker, some top NFT affiliate marketing programs include, AI
Art Shop, and Sorare. These programs offer commissions of various forms for fixed periods to active
users to drive people to use the application and buy NFTs from the collection.

Business Partnerships

As one of the understated NFT marketing strategies, business partnerships can involve multiple
entities tapping into each other’s customers. Collaborations can either be business-business or
business-individual (such as an influencer or a creator). Partnerships are typically used by established
brands, although there is nothing preventing newbie ventures from creating collaborations.
Adidas X Prada and Gucci X SuperPlastic serve as examples of high-profile NFT business partnerships.
The German automotive giant Mercedes partnered with multiple artists to create NFTs based on its G-
class vehicles. The collaboration between Chiru Labs and IPX is an example of an NFT brand
partnering with an established venture – in this case, to bring a spin-off NFT collection from Azuki to
pair up with the famous Line app stickers “Line Friends.”

Execute Your Promotions with a

Plethora of Time-Tested NFT Explore More
Marketing Strategies!
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The Importance of Marketing NFT Businesses Post Launch
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While it might look weird to promote NFT businesses after launch, promotions should go full throttle
at that phase for various reasons. Some include the following:
A continued NFT strategic marketing campaign can help a business build awareness to emphasize its
value to the community.
Executing post-launch promotions can be instrumental in expanding an NFT project’s user base,
which will be vital in the long run.
Such promotional campaigns can be helpful to unleash new collections and upgrades to the project,
which keeps the buzz around the business running.
Using user-generated content post the NFT project’s launch can be powerful in painting a successful
image of the venture.

The Steps in NFT Advertising

Every NFT advertising campaign should be executed systematically to have the maximum effect that
propels the project to success. The below image represents a step-by-step chart an NFT marketing
campaign can use.

Define Advertising Objectives

Identify Target Audience

Select Advertising Channels

Craft Compelling Ad Content

Leverage Social Media

Explore Influencer Marketing

Run Targeted Ad Campaigns

Monitor and Optimize

Utilize Email Marketing

Run Limited-Time Offers and


Collaborate with NFT


Measure Success and Adjust

Ways to Promote Your NFT Business

When it comes to promoting your NFT business, there are two ways you can do it – Through an in-
house team and outsourcing to external entities. Both come with their own benefits and tradeoffs.
While an in-house marketing team can look easier to control, associated expenses would be higher
than anticipated, and hiring professionals with the necessary expertise could be challenging.
On the other hand, external agencies have experts in hand whose services you can tap into while
concentrating on other aspects of your business. In our view, as a pioneering NFT marketing agency,
we would go with hiring an experienced team and work with them externally.

How Can an NFT Marketing Agency Offer Help?

You might have the question, “How such an NFT marketing agency can help me?” It is our duty to
answer you as we had established doing so to be ideal in the previous section. In the case of our NFT
marketing company, we present comprehensive services to businesses that can tailor their campaigns
to fit their business requirements.
Our NFT marketing services also come with ample industry experience, making it easy for you to
stitch collaborations with brands, media outlets, creators, and influencers from over the world. If you
want to know more, we are just a message away!

What is the Cost to Advertise an NFT Business?

While generalizing the cost to advertise an NFT business is not possible, we can say that it depends
on multiple factors. Some include the quality of strategies employed, time duration, and team size. As
a leading provider of NFT marketing services, our team at Blockchain App Factory offers multiple
packages – Basic, Standard, and Premium, which you can use to promote your business. We also
provide tailored services by customizing your promotional campaign by picking the best NFT
marketing strategies suiting your venture. Anyway, we strive to offer top-notch services at
competitive prices for NFT businesses of all sizes.

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Thus, we have seen everything related to NFT promotions, including the top gun NFT marketing
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strategies that connect creators, businesses, brands, collectors, traders, and enthusiasts. It is
NFT  Marketing  ICO/IDO  Crypto  important
Blockchain for AI
any upcoming
Solutions  NFT business
Metaverse  to conduct
Web 3.0 extensive
DeFi promotions
Contact from some front to build

a community and obtain web visibility. Having these not only helps the project financially but also
morally, as ventures can gain trust from the wider community, hence increasing their chances of
long-term success. Want to be a starring NFT business among the competition? Get in touch with one
of our seasoned NFT marketers to discuss the prospects of promoting your business!

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 NFT Development Chuo-ku Roose Tower 3F, New York, NY 10017, Centre - Trade Centre 2 - Dubai -
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Tamil Nadu, Chennai -600035.
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