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S.N Title DATE T.Sign/

1. Write a program to find root of 16/08/2023
Quadratic equation.
2. Write a program to find and delete 30/08/2023
repeating number in given list.
3. Write a program to input and print the 27/09/2023
element sum of user defined matrix.
4. Write a program to input and multiply 11/10/2023
two different matrices.
5. Write a program to compute eigen 18/10/2023
value and vector of a given 3*3 matrix
using Numpy.
6. Write a program to find a solution of 25/10/2023
linear equation (y - mx + c)
7. Write a program to draw line using 1/11/2023
equation (y = mx + c)
8. Write the program to determine the 8/11/2023
intersection point of two line.

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