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Serial Date Problem Statement Page Teacher’s

no: no: Signature:
1 31/07/2023 Implement Merge Sort algorithm to sort a
given set of elements and determine the time 1-4
required to sort the elements

2 07/08/2023 Implement Quick Sort algorithm using divide

and conquer approach and implement the 5-6
randomised version of Quick Sort

3 14/08/2023 Write a program to find out max and min

element of a given array using divide and 7-8
conquer approach

4 21/08/2023 Write a program to implement Activity 9-10

Selection Problem using Greedy method

5 28/08/2023 Write a program to implement 0/1 Knapsack 11-12

problem using dynamic programming

6 04/09/2023 Write a program to find out minimum

number of multiplications required for a 13-14
chain of matrices by dynamic programming

7 25/09/2023 Write a program to implement N-Queen 15-16

problem using Backtracking problem

8 30/10/2023 Write a program to implement Breadth First 17-19

Search to traverse all nodes of a graph

9 06/11/2023 Write a program to implement Depth First 20

Search to traverse all the nodes of the graph

10 04/12/2023 Finding out the minimum cost spanning tree 21-22

of a graph using Kruskal’s algorithm

11 04/12/2023 Finding out the minimum cost spanning tree 23-24

of a graph using prim’s algorithm

Serial Date Problem Statement Page Teacher’s

no: no: Signature:

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