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Serial No. Content Page no.

1 Library Management System 2-5

o Use case Diagram 2

o Data Flow Diaram 3
o ER Diagram 4
o Activity Diagram 5
o Sequence Diagram 5

Loan Management System 6-10

2 o Use Case Diagram 6

o Data Flow Diagram 7
o Activity Diagram 9
o ER Diagram 8
o Sequence Diagram 9-10

3 Certificate Reimbursement Tracker 11-13

o Use Case Diagram 11

o Data Flow Diagram 11-12
o Activity Diagram 12
o ER Diagram 13
o Sequence Diagram 13

4 ATM System 14-17

o Use Case Diagram 14

o Data Flow Diagram 15
o Activity Diagram 17
o ER Diagram 16
o Sequence Diagram 17

5 E-Commerce Ordering Site 18-22

o Use Case Diagram 18

o Data Flow Diagram 19
o Activity Diagram 20
o ER Diagram 21
o Sequence Digram 22

Library Management System:
o Use-Case Diagram:
A brief description of each component in your library management system use-case diagram:
1. Authenticate (User): Users provide their username and password to authenticate themselves. If the entered
credentials are invalid, the system excludes the user from accessing further functionalities.
2. Request New Book, reserve a Book, renew a Book, Pay Fine, Feedback (User): Users have access to
various functionalities including requesting a new book, reserving a book, renewing a book, paying fines, and
providing feedback through a feedback form.
3. Fill up Registration Form (User): Users can initiate the registration process by filling up a registration form.
This process includes registering new users and obtaining a library ID card.
4. Register New User (Librarian): The librarian can register new users by processing the filled registration
forms. This step includes generating a library ID card for the registered user.
5. Get Library ID Card (Included in Register New User): Obtaining a library ID card is included in the
process of registering a new user. This step ensures that registered users have a unique identifier for library
6. Feeling a Feedback Form (Included in Register New User): Providing feedback is included in the
registration process. Users can express their opinions and experiences through a feedback form.
7. Renew a Book (Excluding Invalid Renewal): Users can renew books, but if the renewal is invalid (e.g., due
to exceeding renewal limits), it is excluded from the process.
8. Add Record, Search and Update Database, Delete Book Record, Update Book Record, Update the
Record ID (Librarian): Librarians have access to functionalities related to managing the library database.
This includes adding records, searching and updating the database, deleting book records, updating book
records, and updating the record ID.
9. Prepared a Library Database (Accessed by Library Database): The library database is prepared and
maintained by the system, and it is accessed by the librarian to manage and update information related to
books and users.

o Data Flow Diagram:
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) depicts the flow of information and the transformation applied when data moves in and out
of a system. The overall system is represented and described using input, processing, and output in the DFD. The
inputs can be:
• Book request when a student requests for a book.
• Library card when the student has to show or submit his/her identity as proof.
The overall processing unit will contain the following output that a system will produce or generate:
• The book will be the output as the book demanded by the students will be given to them.
• Information on the demanded book should be displayed by the library information system that can be used by
the student while selecting the book which makes it easier for the student.
Level 0 DFD –

Level 1 DFD – At this level, the system has to show or exposed with more details of processing. The processes that
are important to be carried out are:Book delivery, Search by topicList of authors, List of Titles, List of Topics, the
bookshelves from which books can be located are some information that is required for these processes. Data store is
used to represent this type of information.

Level 2 DFD –

o ER Diagram:
ER Diagram is known as Entity-Relationship Diagram, it is used to analyze the structure of the Database. It shows
relationships between entities and their attributes. An ER Model provides a means of communication.
The Library Management System database keeps track of readers with the following considerations –
• The system keeps track of the staff with a single point authentication system comprising login Id and
• Staff maintains the book catalog with its ISBN, Book title, price(in INR), category(novel, general, story),
edition, author Number and details.
• A publisher has publisher Id, Year when the book was published, and name of the book.
• Readers are registered with their user_id, email, name (first name, last name), Phone no (multiple entries
allowed), communication address. The staff keeps track of readers.
• Readers can return/reserve books that stamps with issue date and return date. If not returned within the
prescribed time period, it may have a due date too.
• Staff also generate reports that has readers id, registration no of report, book no and return/issue info.

o Activity Diagram:A Library Management System Activity Diagram is used to help software developers
when creating new systems. It diagrams the various activities and tasks required to manage a library system. It
highlights the processes, roles and timelines of different staff members and patrons, in order to optimize the
efficiency of the library. It is an important tool in the software development process, as it helps to ensure
accuracy, data security, and adherence to best practices. It makes it easier to see the overall big picture while
understanding the complexity of processes involved in library management.

o Sequence Diagram: The diagram illustrates the interactions between a member, librarian, book, and
transaction in a library management system. The sequence diagram includes interactions such as a member
requesting a book, the librarian checking the availability of the book, and the librarian issuing the book to the

Loan Management System:
o Use-Case Diagram:
A brief description of each component in your loan management use-case diagram:
1. Identify and Financial Needs, Compile Loan Application (Loan Applicant): The loan applicant
initiates the process by identifying their financial needs and compiling a loan application. This
involves providing necessary information to request a loan.
2. Verify Loan Application (Loan Officer): Loan officers have the responsibility to verify the loan
application. This step ensures that the information provided is accurate and meets the necessary
criteria for further processing.
3. Extend to Offer Collateral (Loan Applicant): Upon successful verification, the loan applicant may
be extended a loan offer. This step may also involve discussions about collateral requirements to
secure the loan.
4. Prepare Loan Write-Up (Credit Analyst): The credit analyst is responsible for preparing a
comprehensive loan write-up. This document includes a detailed analysis of the applicant's
creditworthiness and provides insights for the decision-making process.
5. Inform Decision (Loan Officer and Loan Applicant): After the credit analysis, the loan officer
communicates the decision to both the loan applicant and, if approved, provides details on the terms
and conditions of the loan.
6. Produce a Loan Document (Loan Administration, Card, and Loan Applicant): The production
of the loan document involves collaboration between the loan administration team, the card system,
and the loan applicant. This document outlines the formal agreement between the lender and the
7. Verify Loan Application (Included in Produce a Loan Document): The verification of the loan
application is a sub-process included in the production of the loan document. It ensures that the
details in the document align with the information provided in the initial application.
In summary, the loan management use case diagram outlines the steps involved in the loan application and approval
process, involving interactions between the loan applicant, loan officer, credit analyst, and loan administration, among
others. Each step is crucial for ensuring a thorough and transparent process in managing loans.

o Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
A thorough explanation is provided for the example data flow diagram for loan management system. This example
emphasizes the three DFD levels (DFD Levels 0, 1, and 2).
0 Level DFD-The context diagram is an alternative name for the Level 0 DFD Diagram for Loan Management
System. Users, the main process, and data flow make up its parts. Also, the project concept is demonstrated using the
single process visualization.

Level 1 DFD –The “detonated view” of the context diagram is Loan Management System DFD Level 1. Its function
is to deepen the concept derive from the context diagram. Specifically, level 1 shows the broader details of Loan
Management System DFD Level 0. This is to clarify the paths (flow) of data and its transformation from input to

Level 2 DFD –Level 2 DFD for Loan Management System is also the highest abstraction of the data flow diagram.
This level also broadens the idea from the DFD level 1. It includes the sub-processes from level 1 as well as the data
that flows.

o ER Diagram:

The ER diagram for a loan management system typically includes entities such as Loan Request, Loan
Request_Lender, Repayment, Lender_Borrower, Borrower, Loan, and others. These entities have attributes like Loan
RequestData: DateTime, LenderID: int, Amount: numeric, BorrowerID: int, Deadline: DateTime, Amount: numeric,
Description: varchar, BorrowerID: int, LenderID: int, LoanDate: DateTime, LoanDate: DateTime, Percentage: int, and
others. The ER diagram provides a snapshot of how these entities relate to each other and can help determine
information system requirements throughout an organization. The ER diagram for loan management system shows the
relationships of the loan management entities within its database, describing the logical structure of the system's
database or data storage. The database design is sketched out using loan management system ER diagrams, which
become the actual basis of the system's data storage that will serve as data destination and source. The ER diagram is
used to build and troubleshoot relational databases, working best with DFD (Data Flow Diagram), which is
responsible for data movement. Developing the loan management system database design is much easier with the help
of ER diagram.

o Activity Diagram:

o Sequence Diagram:
1. Admin Sequence Diagram:

2. Customer Sequence Diagram:

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Certificate Reimbursement System:
o Use-Case Diagram:
A brief description of each component in your certificate reimbursement tracker use-case diagram:

1. Login (Admin): The admin has access to the system through the login functionality. This is the initial step to
gain access to administrative features.
2. Payment for Certificate Exam Details, Make Approval (Student): Students use this system to provide
payment details for certificate exams and seek approval. After making the payment, they can initiate the
approval process for reimbursement.
3. Make Approval (Manager): Managers have the responsibility to approve reimbursement requests made by
students. They assess the validity of the claim and ensure it aligns with the organization's reimbursement
4. Extend and Includes (Claim Reimbursement of Amount): The claim reimbursement process is extended
from the "Make Approval" step and includes the necessary actions to process the reimbursement amount. This
may involve further verification and documentation.
5. Claim Reimbursement of Amount (Student): After receiving approval, students can proceed to claim the
reimbursement of the approved amount. This step involves the actual reimbursement process.

In summary, the certificate reimbursement tracker use case diagram outlines the steps involved in tracking and
managing reimbursement requests for certificate exam payments. It involves interactions between the admin, students,
and managers to ensure a smooth and transparent reimbursement process within the organization.

o Data Flow Diagram:

Based on the provided sources, the data flow diagram of the Certificate Reimbursement System involves various data
flows and interactions between different entities within the system. The diagram includes processes like creating new
customers, loaning videos, stock control, and other essential functions related to managing certificates and

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o Activity Diagram:
This is the Login Activity Diagram of Certificate Reimbursement System, which shows the flows of Login Activity,
where admin will be able to login using their username and password. After login user can manage all the operations
on Students, Certificate, Certificate Type, Issue Certificate, Subject. All the pages such as Certificate Type, Issue
Certificate, Subject are secure and user can access these pages after login. The diagram below helps demon- state how
the login page works in a Certificate Management System. The various objects in the Issue Certificate, Students,
Certificate, Certificate Type, and Subject page-interact over the course of the Activity, and user will not be able to
access this page without verifying their identity.

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o ER Diagram:
Based on the provided sources, the ER diagram of a Certificate Reimbursement tracker would involve entities related
to tracking certificate reimbursements, managing data associated with reimbursements, and capturing the relationships
between these entities. The ER diagram serves as a visual representation of the database schema, illustrating how
different entities are connected and the attributes associated with each entity.

o Sequence Diagram:

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ATM System:
o Use-Case Diagram:
A brief description of each component in your updated ATM system use-case diagram:

1. Withdraw Checking and Withdraw Savings (Accessed by Withdraw Cash): Customers can access the
functionality to withdraw cash from both checking and savings accounts. This is a part of the overall
"Withdraw Cash" feature.
2. Deposit Cash (Customer): Customers can deposit cash into their accounts using the ATM. This allows for
convenient and quick additions to their account balance.
3. Transfer Fund (Customer): Customers have the ability to transfer funds between accounts (e.g., from
checking to savings) using the ATM. This provides flexibility in managing their finances.
4. Pay Bill (Customer): The ATM system allows customers to pay bills directly through the machine. This
includes utilities, credit card payments, or any other bills supported by the system.
5. Print Statement (Customer): Customers can request and receive a printed statement of their recent
transactions directly from the ATM. This provides a physical record of their account activity.
6. Insufficient Funds (Extends from Withdraw Cash): If a customer attempts to withdraw cash but has
insufficient funds, the system extends to the "Insufficient Funds" scenario. This helps handle situations where
the withdrawal cannot be completed due to a lack of funds.
7. Authenticate User (Customer): Customers must authenticate themselves to access various functionalities,
including withdrawing cash. This step ensures security and authorization for transactions.

In summary, the ATM system use case diagram now includes additional repair scenarios, such as repairing the cash
dispenser, printer, and card reader. This provides a more comprehensive overview of the functionalities accessible by
customers and maintenance representatives in the ATM system.

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o Data Flow Diagram:
The data flow diagram (DFD) of an ATM system involves the flow of data from external entities to the system and
vice versa. The DFD of an ATM system typically includes the following components:
1. External Entities: These are the entities or systems that interact with the ATM system. These may include the
user, the bank server, and the ATM machine.
2. Processes: These are the actions performed by the ATM system. These may include verifying the user's login
details, dispensing cash, and updating the bank server.
3. Data Flows: These are the data inputs and outputs of the ATM system. These may include the user's login
details, the amount of cash withdrawn, and the updated account balance.
4. Data Stores: These are the repositories where data is stored. These may include the user's account information
and the bank server's database.

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o Activity Diagram:
The activity diagram for an ATM system typically includes major actions like user authentication, cash
withdrawal, deposit check, and fund transfer. The user inserts their card and enters their PIN, which is then
authorized by the bank. If the PIN matches, the user can withdraw cash, deposit a check, or transfer funds to
another account. The system flow involves checking the card, authorizing the PIN, checking the account
balance, and dispensing or transferring funds. The diagram also includes error handling, such as insufficient
funds or incorrect PIN, and system responses, such as displaying an error message or prompting for a new
action. The activity diagram is a useful tool for visualizing the user interactions and system responses in an
ATM system, aiding in system design and development.

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o ER Diagram:

o Sequence Diagram:

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E-Commerce Site:
o Use Case Diagram:
A brief description of each component in your e-commerce site use-case diagram:
1. Login (Seller and User): Sellers and users can log in to the e-commerce site using their credentials. This
allows them to access personalized features and perform actions specific to their roles.
2. Modify Product Category and Delete Product Category (Seller): Sellers have the ability to modify existing
product categories or remove them entirely. This is crucial for maintaining an organized and up-to-date
product catalog.
3. Modify Product Details and Delete Product Details (Seller): Sellers can edit the details of existing
products, ensuring accurate and relevant information. Additionally, they can delete products that are no longer
available or needed.
4. Modify Shopping Cart and Taxes (Admin): The admin has control over modifying shopping carts, allowing
them to assist users and sellers in case of issues. They also handle tax-related functionalities, ensuring
accurate taxation on products.
5. Logout (User and Seller): Users and sellers can log out of their accounts, ensuring the security of their
information and ending their active sessions.
6. Browse Product, Add to Cart, Modify Cart, Place Order, Make Payment (User): Users can browse
through the available products, add items to their shopping cart, modify the cart as needed, place orders for
selected items, and make payments through the integrated payment gateway.
7. Logout (Admin): Similar to users and sellers, the admin can also log out of their account to secure
administrative access.
8. Logout (Seller): Sellers, in addition to other roles, have the ability to log out after completing their tasks or
for security reasons.
9. Order Details and Confirm (Delivery Person): Delivery persons have access to order details, enabling them
to prepare for deliveries. They can also confirm orders as they are processed and delivered to the customers.
10. Logout (Delivery Person): Similar to other roles, delivery persons can log out after completing their delivery
tasks or for security reasons.
In summary, the use case diagram outlines the various actions and access points for different roles within the e-
commerce system, ensuring that each user type has the necessary functionalities to perform their tasks efficiently.

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o Data Flow Diagram:
Here is a brief outline of what a DFD for an e-commerce site might include:
1. External Entities:
• Users: Customers browsing the site, adding items to the cart, and making purchases.
• Admin: Site administrators managing products, orders, and user accounts.
2. Processes:
• User Registration/Login: Process for users to create accounts or log in.
• Product Search/Browse: Process for users to search for products or browse categories.
• Add to Cart: Process for users to add items to their shopping cart.
• Checkout: Process for users to review their cart, enter shipping/payment details, and place orders.
• Order Processing: Process for the system to handle orders, update inventory, and send confirmation
• Admin Management: Process for administrators to manage products, orders, and user accounts.
3. Data Flows:
• User Information: Flow of user data during registration and login.
• Product Data: Flow of product information from the database to the user interface.
• Order Information: Flow of order details from the user to the system for processing.
• Payment Data: Flow of payment information to the payment gateway for processing.
4. Data Stores:
• User Database: Stores user account information.
• Product Database: Stores product details, prices, and inventory.
• Order Database: Stores order history and status.
• Payment Gateway: External system for processing payments securely.
While this outline provides a general idea of what a DFD for an e-commerce site might entail, creating a detailed DFD
would involve mapping out the specific processes, data flows, and interactions unique to the particular e-commerce
platform being analyzed.

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o Activity Diagram:

The activity diagram for an eCommerce site typically includes major sections like login/security, education, sales, and
service. It provides a high-level overview of the site's functionality. Users can browse or search items, view specific
items, add them to the shopping cart, view and update the cart, and proceed to checkout. The diagram also includes
user registration and login processes. The system flow involves actions such as checking the cart, updating it, and
proceeding to checkout. Payment success redirects users to a success page, while payment failure allows for re-
entering information or trying again. The diagram helps visualize user interactions and system responses, especially in
error scenarios, aiding in system design and development.

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o ER diagram:
The ER diagram for an eCommerce website typically includes entities such as users, products, orders, payments, and
addresses. Users are the customers who create accounts on the website, and their attributes may include name, email,
and password. Products are the items available for purchase, and their attributes may include name, description, price,
and quantity. Orders are the records of the items purchased by the users, and their attributes may include order
number, date, and total price. Payments are the records of the transactions made by the users, and their attributes may
include payment method, date, and amount. Addresses are the records of the shipping and billing addresses associated
with the users, and their attributes may include street, city, state, and zip code. The relationships between the entities in
the ER diagram for an eCommerce website are crucial for understanding how the database is structured. For example,
a user can have multiple orders, but each order is associated with only one user. Similarly, a product can be associated
with multiple orders, but each order is associated with only one product. These relationships help ensure data integrity
and consistency in the database.

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o Sequence Diagram:
A sequence diagram for an e-commerce order booking system would involve several objects and messages being sent
back and forth. The user is the first active object and sends a message to the order booking system to place an order.
The order booking system then sends messages to the inventory system to check for product availability, and to the
payment system to process the payment. The inventory and payment systems send messages back to the order booking
system with the results of their checks. The order booking system sends a message to the shipping system to deliver
the order, and the shipping system sends a message back to the order booking system with the delivery status. Finally,
the order booking system sends a message to the user with the order confirmation and delivery status.
Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the sequence diagram for an e-commerce order booking system:
1. The user sends a message to the order booking system to place an order.
2. The order booking system sends a message to the inventory system to check for product availability.
3. The inventory system sends a message back to the order booking system with the product availability status.
4. The order booking system sends a message to the payment system to process the payment.
5. The payment system sends a message back to the order booking system with the payment status.
6. The order booking system sends a message to the shipping system to deliver the order.
7. The shipping system sends a message back to the order booking system with the delivery status.
8. The order booking system sends a message to the user with the order confirmation and delivery status.
The sequence diagram would depict these objects and messages, showing the interactions between the user, order
booking system, inventory system, payment system, and shipping system. The diagram would also show the order in
which the messages are sent and received, as well as any conditions or loops that may occur during the order booking

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