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Department of Education

Division of Bohol
Trinidad II District
Bongbong Elementary School

Date: December 12, 2023

Subject: Loss Cancelled Check


I am writing this letter to register a report regarding the loss of cancelled check that was in the hand of Mrs.
Fatima D. Polinar. The check was supposed to be given to Boheco II for the payment of their school electricity
bill but due to some error it was cancelled.

The incident happen in month of March 2023 when she was going to submit their February Liquidation Report
to the District but due to some errands she was not able to submit the cancelled check with the check number
0075960366. She forget to deliver and later on it was found out that the cancelled check is loss.

Despite the diligent efforts to locate the loss cancelled check it could not be found.

Respectfully Yours,

Gina R. Garcia

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