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III Wa r h a m m e r Fa n ta s y R o l e p l ay

Halfling, High Elf, Human ‘I’ve carried this across countless leagues from the highest towers
of the Elves. See how it sparkles in the moonlight? Only magic can
Unscrupulous and charming, you separate fools from their money; cause this inner light! Unbelievable as it may be, I must grudgingly
thankfully, there is no shortage of fools… part with it. For such power, any price is but a trifle!’
– Wolmar Rotte, Con Man
A Charlatan traffics in trust, yet profits from treachery. By preying on
emotions and psychological weaknesses, Charlatans offer their ‘mark’ a ‘The last living heir of Lord Schwalb, you say? Hogwash! You’re the
prize that is too good to be true. Social privilege provides no protection, fifth ‘heir’ to call this afternoon! How much did you pay for that scrap
and even the loftiest citizens can fall victim to a skilled Charlatan. In of paper? Better yet, who’s the swindler what sold it to you?’
addition to a knack for lying, a lack of conscience is also of benefit to – Gerold Behn, Irritated Butler
To avoid rousing suspicion, Charlatans rarely stay in one area for
Charlatans include Swindlers, Con Artists, Gamblers, and other long. Few Swindlers openly admit to their calling, preferring instead
Scoundrels seeking to prey on the gullible. Halflings often operate to masquerade as anyone other than themselves. Because of this, there
distraction cons in small family groups. Young High Elves, slumming it is little stopping Charlatans from pursuing side-matters of interests;
with Humans, treat their cons as one big game, not motivated by profit, equally, afterwards, they can return to grafting anywhere with rich
but to prove their superiority. Some experienced Charlatans work with fools willing to part with coin on naught but a promise.
artists, who forge documentation for a cut of any profits.

charlatan Advance Scheme

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
h h h

Career Path
h Swindler — Brass 3
Skills: Bribery, Consume Alcohol, Charm, Entertain
(Storytelling), Gamble, Gossip, Haggle, Sleight of Hand
Talents: Cardsharp, Diceman, Etiquette (Any), Luck
Trappings: Backpack, 2 Sets of Clothing, Deck of Cards, Dice

Charlatan — Brass 5
Skills: Cool, Dodge, Entertain (Acting), Evaluate,
Intuition, Perception
Talents: Blather, Criminal, Fast Hands, Secret Identity
Trappings: 1 Forged Document, 2 Sets of Quality
Clothing, Selection of Coloured Powders and Water,
Selection of Trinkets and Charms

Con Artist — Silver 2

Skills: Language (Thief ), Lore (Heraldry), Pick Lock,
Secret Signs (Thief )
Talents: Attractive, Cat-tongued, Dealmaker, Read/Write
Trappings: Disguise Kit, Lock Picks, Multiple Forged

Scoundrel — Silver 4
Skills: Lore (Genealogy), Research
Talents: Gregarious, Master of Disguise, Nose for Trouble,
Trappings: Forged Seal, Writing Kit


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