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Visualizing interaction effects: A proposal for presentation and interpretation

Article in Journal of Clinical Epidemiology · May 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2012.02.013 · Source: PubMed


24 9,635

4 authors:

Claudia Lamina Gisela Leierer

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck Medizinische Universität Innsbruck


Barbara Kollerits Florian Kronenberg

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck Medizinische Universität Innsbruck


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Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 65 (2012) 855e862

Visualizing interaction effects: a proposal for presentation

and interpretation
Claudia Lamina*, Gisela Sturm, Barbara Kollerits, Florian Kronenberg
Division of Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Medical Genetics, Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, Innsbruck Medical University,
Sch€opfstr. 41, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Accepted 15 February 2012; Published online 30 May 2012

Objective: Interaction terms are often included in regression models to test whether the impact of one variable on the outcome is modi-
fied by another variable. However, the interpretation of these models is often not clear. We propose several graphical presentations and
corresponding statistical tests alleviating the interpretation of interaction effects.
Study Design and Setting: We implemented functions in the statistical program R that can be used on interaction terms in linear,
logistic, and Cox Proportional Hazards models. Survival data were simulated to show the functionalities of our proposed graphical visu-
alization methods.
Results: The mutual modifying effect of the interaction term is grasped by our presented figures and methods: the combined effect of
both continuous variables is shown by a two-dimensional surface mimicking a 3D-Plot. Furthermore, significance regions were calculated
for the two variables involved in the interaction term, answering the question for which values of one variable the effect of the other variable
significantly differs from zero and vice versa.
Conclusion: We propose several graphical visualization methods to ease the interpretation of interaction effects making arbitrary
categorizations unnecessary. With these approaches, researchers and clinicians are equipped with the necessary information to assess
the clinical relevance and implications of interaction effects. Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Interaction; Visualization; Categorization; Cox models; Linear models; Logistic models

1. Background researchers are interested in interaction between two con-

tinuous variables, the interpretation is less clear. It seems
In epidemiology, interaction terms are often incorpo- that interaction terms between continuous variables are
rated into multivariable regression models to test whether
avoided or continuous variables are categorized before-
the impact of one variable on the outcome is modified by
hand. If significant P-values of continuous interaction terms
another variable. However, the interpretation of interaction
are reported, most authors switch to categorizations of these
effects is often not clear. It depends on the scale of the vari-
former continuous variables for interpretation purposes. In
ables included in the interaction term (continuous and/or
general, categorizations of continuous variables are often
categorical) and the scale of the model (linear regression,
done rather arbitrarily by choosing percentiles of the re-
logistic regression, Cox Proportional Hazards model). The spective interacting variables, for example, by dichotomiz-
interpretation is rather straightforward, if interaction effects ing using the median [2]. Categorization of continuous
between the two categorical variables or between one con-
variables leads to significant loss of information and power,
tinuous and one categorical variable are considered. One
though [3]. Sometimes, clinically recognized and prede-
such example would be an effect that can only be seen in
fined cutpoints are chosen, such as a body mass index of
men, but not in women, in Europeans but not in Asians
O30 kg/m2 for the definition of obesity. Even in this case,
etc. For such situations, there are also graphical solu- information is lost because the definition of these cutpoints
tions implemented in standard statistical programs [1]. If has been designed for a totally different purpose. This ap-
proach can lead to considerable bias. The problem even
worsens, if both continuous variables that constitute to an
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ43-512-9003-70565; fax: þ43-512-
interaction term are categorized [4].
9003-73561. In other cases, regression coefficients and P-values of inter-
E-mail address: (C. Lamina). action terms are shown, but the reader is left alone with the
0895-4356/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2012.02.013
856 C. Lamina et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 65 (2012) 855e862

including interaction terms between two continuous vari-

What is new? ables (see Appendix on the journal’s Web site at www. It revealed that only one study group used
1. Epidemiological publications on interaction ef-
the complete range of both continuous variables to interpret
fects in survival analyses mostly use categoriza-
the interaction effects: The authors presented interaction
tions of variables for the ease of interpretation.
plots, showing the modifying effect of waist circumference
This approach might lead to considerable bias,
on the relationship between several parameters (cholesterol,
leptin, and adiponectin) and mortality [6,7].
2. To ease the interpretation of interaction effects be- The lack of such forms of presentations is certainly be-
tween two continuous variables, we propose cause of unfamiliarity with the methodological background
a graphical visualization approach which we im- and lack of easy to use methods. Therefore, such methods
plemented in functions in the statistical program are required in the clinical epidemiological setting to avoid
R. They can be used on Generalized Linear common misinterpretations in interaction models.
Models and Cox Proportional Hazards models. To ease the interpretation of interaction effects between
two continuous variables, we propose several possibilities
3. The mutual modifying effect of both variables
for graphical presentation, which we implemented in func-
constituting the interaction effect can be shown
tions in the statistical program R: These functions have
by a two-dimensional twisted surface and interac-
been implemented for linear regression, logistic regression,
tion plots showing the effect estimator of one vari-
and Cox Proportional Hazards models. To demonstrate the
able for varying values of the other variable.
functionalities, one data set including survival data has
been simulated and analyzed in Cox models including lin-
ear interaction effects between two continuous predictors.

interpretation. The effects and P-values of the main effects

are also not interpretable without taking into account the 2. Methods
concurrent levels of the other constituting variable [5].
By including multiplicative interaction terms, condi- 2.1. Formulating and interpreting multiplicative
tional hypotheses are tested: An increase in one variable interaction terms in linear, logistic, and Cox models
is associated with an increase in the outcome variable,
For explanatory purposes, a linear regression model is
when the second interacting variable is equal to a specific
assumed first. Interaction terms between two continuous
value. Inevitably, all constitutive terms of an interaction
variables x1 and x2 on the continuous outcome variable Y
term should be included in the regression model also indi-
can be modeled in the following way:
vidually. With the inclusion of an interaction term, these
former average effects are conditional effects then and EðYjx1 ; x2 Þ 5 Xb 5 b0 þ b1 x1 þ b2 x2 þ b3 ðx1  x2 Þ
change just by definition. Therefore, changes in effects ð1Þ
and/or P-values after including interaction terms cannot
be interpreted usefully. The conditional nature also applies with b0 being the intercept, b1 and b2 the conditional ef-
for the P-values of the conditional effects, which are given fects of x1 and x2 and b3 being the interaction effect on
in the output tables of statistical programs: they test, the outcome Y. The linear combination on the right side
whether the slope of one variable is significantly different of the equation is the linear predictor Xb, to which further
from zero, if the other constituting variable is zero. In most covariates can be added. The regression coefficients for x1
cases, this test is not very useful, depending on the scale of and x2 are conditional effects because they depend on the
the variable. values of the other constituting variable:
The typical reader will not make the necessary linear A one unit change of x1 corresponds to a change of
combinations to calculate the effect of the first variable b1 þ b3x2 on Y.
for specific values of the second variable. It would be pos- A one unit change of x2 corresponds to a change of
sible, though, given the typical output table of a regression b2 þ b3x1 on Y.
model, including effect estimates, standard errors, and This means that b1 itself is the effect of x1 on Y, if x2 is
P-values. However, it is not possible to conclude on the sta- equal to zero and vice versa. Thus, the interpretation of re-
tistical significance of such a linear combination. gression coefficients cannot be done without taking the
Therefore, it is hardly possible to interpret interaction levels of the interacting variable into account. According
effects simply by looking at the output table from regres- to Rothman [8], the statistical term ‘‘ interaction’’ is used
sion models. The results of interaction terms have to be pre- to refer to departure from the underlying form of a statistical
sented in a different, more reader-friendly way. model. For a linear model, a significant interaction term
Such examples can only rarely be found. We conducted thus implies deviation from additivity, meaning the additive
a literature search on survival analyses publications effect of the individual effects b1 x1 þ b2 x2 on the outcome.
C. Lamina et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 65 (2012) 855e862 857

The interpretation based on the direction of effect estimates effects in a linear model, which shows departure from
is only unambiguous, if both the conditional effect, for ex- additivity.
ample of x1, and the interaction effect have the same effect The Cox Proportional Hazards model [10] models the
direction. In this case, the absolute value of the overall x1 time to a specific event such as death accounting for cen-
effect increases for increasing values of x2. If all effect es- sored observation. The hazard function h(t) is the instanta-
timates are positive, this implies that the interaction leads to neous probability of an event at time t given that the
more than an additive effect. If the interaction effect and individual has survived until time t and is defined as
conditional effect have opposing algebraic signs, the condi- follows:
tional effect is attenuated by increasing values of the other
hðtÞ 5 h0 ðtÞexpðXbÞ ð5Þ
interacting variable and can even be switched into the other
direction, depending on the size of the corresponding esti- with h0(t) being the underlying baseline hazard, which can-
mates. Obviously, interpretation of interaction effects based not be estimated. For each of the covariates in the linear pre-
on the table of regression coefficients alone is hard to ac- dictor, the factor exp(bi) gives the so-called hazard ratio
complish and requires at least some linear combinations (HR), which is a measure of relative risk. It characterizes
to be made. the shift in the hazard function as a result of a shift of one
The corresponding P-values are interpreted accordingly: unit in the corresponding variable xi. The interpretation on
They also reflect the x1 effect on Y for x2 5 0 and vice ver- interaction effects on the linear predictor Xb in a Cox model
sa. This may or may not be useful depending on the scale can be done analogical to the linear regression model. For
and ranges of the variables. One may want to test, however, Cox models, it might be more meaningful to look at the
whether the effect of x1 significantly differs from zero given change in HR, though. As for logistic regression models,
a specific value of x2. The equation for this ‘‘simple slopes on the scale of the relative risk estimate, the inclusion of in-
test’’ requires the regression coefficients to be known and teraction terms tests the deviation from multiplicativity.
the corresponding variance-covariance matrix [5], which
can be given by the estimated regression model.
If you want to test the effect of x1 for a specific x2 value, 2.2. Description of the simulated survival data set
the slope to be tested would be given by: including interaction effects
slopeðx1 Þ 5 b1 þ b3 x2 ð2Þ We simulated survival data to explain the interpretation
of interaction effects and show the utilities of our graphical
and the corresponding standard error by
presentations in a Cox model. One thousand right-censored
seslopeðx1 Þ 5 s11 þ 2  x2 s13 þ x2 s33 ð3Þ observations were generated with three continuous and nor-
mally distributed variables with mean 0 and variance 1. In
with s11 being the variance of b1, s33 the variance of b3, and addition, one N(0,1)-distributed nuisance parameter has
s13 the covariance of b1 and b3. been included, that is ignored in the following Cox model.
Given the slope and its standard error, a t-test can then Therefore, the linear predictor was constructed as follows:
be constructed:
Linear predictor Xb 5  2  x1 þ 0  x2 þ 1  ðx1  x2 Þ
slopeðx1 Þ þ 1  x3 þ Nð0; 1Þ
t5 |tðn  k  1Þ ð4Þ
seslopeðx1 Þ
The effect estimates were chosen to represent two possi-
with n being the number of cases and k the number of vari- ble interaction scenarios: a strong main effect that attenu-
ables not including the intercept. The simple slopes test of ates for increasing values of the other interacting variable
x2 effects for specific x1 values can be derived likewise. is reflected by b1, whereas b2 5 0 reflects an effect, that
The interpretations and formulas on effect estimates would not be observed in a model not including an interac-
given in this paragraph can be generalized to logistic re- tion term because the x2 effect even changes direction for
gression or Cox models by substituting the expectation of varying values of x1.
the outcome variable by a general function. The linear The simulation was performed using function ‘‘Sim-
predictor Xb5b0 þ b1 x1 þ b2 x2 þ b3 ðx1  x2 Þ is then mod- surv’’ of the library ‘‘prodlim’’ in R [11]. For each observa-
eled by a monotone link function as the logit function tion, a Weibull distributed survival time was generated with
lnðp=ð1  pÞÞ for logistic regression models, with p being baseline risk set to 0.2. The censoring time was simulated
the probability of the outcome. In this case, the intuitive to follow an exponential distribution with a baseline censor-
effect measure is the odds ratio (OR), which is estimated ing risk set to 3. The baseline risks for censoring and sur-
by ORi 5 exp(bi) for variable xi. Thus, the regression func- vival were chosen to yield a high censoring rate. The
tion can be rewritten to p=1  p5expðb0 Þ  expðb1 x1 Þ minimum of the two simulated times was taken as observa-
expðb2 x2 Þ  expðb3 ðx1  x2 ÞÞ. On this scale, a significant tion time. The event indicator was set to 1, if the survival
interaction effect would imply a deviation from multiplica- time was shorter than the censoring time, otherwise the in-
tivity of individual effects [9], in contrast to interaction dicator was set to 0.
858 C. Lamina et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 65 (2012) 855e862

2.3. Implementation of the graphical utilities and and corresponding confidence intervals are plotted for vary-
calculations in R ing values of x2 over their complete range. For logistic and
Cox models, OR or HR can be given alternatively by expo-
Several functions have been implemented in R to allevi-
nentiating the effect estimates and the corresponding confi-
ate the interpretation of multiplicative interaction effects.
dence intervals. Thus, two figures, one for each of the two
They can be downloaded from
interacting variables, are sufficient to summarize the inter-
genepi/ under ‘‘Analysis tools.’’ First, a generalized linear
action effect over the complete range of both continuous
model (GLM) or Cox model has to be fitted using the
function glm or cph (from the Design library). Then, the
function PlotInteraction3D (or PlotInteraction3DCox) cal-
culates predicted values of the linear predictor for either
3. Results
the GLM or Cox model for given ranges of both variables
constituting the interaction term. Additional covariates and Eighty-two percent of the simulated observations are
also factor variables can be included in the models. By de- censored. The results of the simulated Cox model are given
fault, mean values are chosen for continuous covariates. For in Table 1. The risk experiencing an event is significantly
the factor variables, one factor level has to be chosen, for decreasing for increasing values of x1 (HR 5 0.1521,
which predicted values should be calculated. The resulting P ! 0.001), if x2 5 0. If x1 5 0, x2 does not have an effect
matrix of predicted values is spanned as a two-dimensional on the hazard. Other implications that can directly be drawn
surface into a three-dimensional grid. Alternatively, a col- from the numbers in the table, are that there is a significant
ored contour plot can be given out. Consecutively, two- interaction effect, meaning, that the effects of x1 and x2 vary
dimensional slices can be cut out of this plot for specific for varying values of the other variable. Other slopes can be
values of one of the constituting variables (function ‘‘Plo- calculated by linear combinations of the effect estimates:
tInteraction2D’’). Each slice is the linear predictor of the The effect estimate of x2 for specific x1 values can be cal-
regression model for varying values of one variable keeping culated by 0.0227 þ 1.0378*(x1 value). For x1 5 0.6456
the other variable fixed. Assuming a linear model, for ex- (525% quantile), this would be 0.6473, for x1 5 1.772
ample, this corresponds to the predicted outcome. Setting (595% quantile), it is 1.862. For the calculation of
x2 to the fixed value c, it can be derived from formula (1) P-values, however, specific covariances are needed from
by y5b0 þ b1 x1 þ b2 c þ b3 cx1. The function ‘‘PlotInterac- the output of the model. Thus, they cannot be derived
tion2D’’ uses the R-function ‘‘predict,’’ which gives out directly from Table 1, but can be given out by applying
these fitted values and the corresponding standard errors the test given in formula (4) implemented in the function
( In addition, point-wise 95% confidence intervals ‘‘getRegionCox’’: P 5 4.4e  14 (for x1 5 0.6456) and
are calculated for each value of, for example, x1 by P ! 10e  20 (for x1 5 1.772).
y6z0:975  se:fit, which are plotted for the complete range A rough overview of the impact of the interaction can be
of x1 values, with z0:975 being the 97.5% quantile of the nor- given by the twisted surface in Fig. 1: The highest risk can
mal distribution (|1.96). It is recommended to look at those be found at consecutive low values of both variables. The
plots for a set of values spanning the range of the variable, variable x1 does have a negative impact on the risk for
for example, for the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 95th quantile. low values of x2. For increasing values of x2, the x1 effect
By means of the functions ‘‘getRegion’’ or ‘‘getRegion- is attenuated. For low values of x1, the variable x2 is posi-
Cox,’’ significance regions can be calculated. For a given tively associated with the outcome variable, which is time
range of values for x1, for example, the slope of the x2 vari- to event in this example (increasing slope), whereas x2 is in-
able with the corresponding P-value is printed. An interac- versely associated for high values of x1 (decreasing slope).
tion effect plot [12] is also given out, which shows how the The surface is twisted, indicating that the direction of the x2
effect of one variable changes with the changing values of effect even changes direction for varying values of x1. Al-
the other variable. This corresponds to plotting the ternatively, a colored contour plot (Fig. 2) can depict the
effect estimate of one variable (slopeðx1 Þ) for a given value same information: The highest risk can be found in areas,
of the other variable as in formula (1). The respective which are displayed in pink (both x1 and x2 low), whereas
point-wise 95% confidence intervals for the x1 effects the risk decreases for darkening blue color.
for given values of x2 are derived from (1) and (2) by Fig. 3 shows slices through the three-dimensional plot
slopeðx1 Þ6z0:975  seslopeðx1 Þ . Both, effect estimates for x1 for specific values of x1 or x2. The left panel shows the x1
Table 1. True and estimated effect estimates of the conditional and interaction effects in the simulated Cox model
Variable True effect, b ^
Estimated effect, b ^
se ðbÞ HR 95% CI of HR P-value
x1 2 1.8834 0.1092 0.1521 [0.1228; 0.1884] !0.001
x2 0 0.0227 0.0976 1.023 [0.8449; 1.2386] 0.816
x 1 * x2 1 1.0378 0.0883 2.823 [2.3744; 3.3564] !0.001
x3 1 0.8826 0.0777 2.417 [2.0757; 2.8148] !0.001
Abbreviations: HR, hazard ration; CI, confidence interval.
C. Lamina et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 65 (2012) 855e862 859

Fig. 1. Interaction surface plot on the linear predictor of the hazard Fig. 2. Contour plot displaying the linear predictor of the hazard func-
function. The z-axis shows the linear predictor of the hazard function tion. The linear predictor of the hazard function for varying values of
for varying values of x1 and x2, illustrating their interacting effect on x1 and x2 is displayed in different colors, ranging from blue (low risk)
the simulated event variable. to pink (high risk).

effect, given x2 is equal to the 5th, 25th, 75th, and 95th interpretation of an interaction effect: we observed a signif-
quantile with its corresponding confidence intervals. The icant interaction between time-varying values of albumin
right panel shows the x2 effects for the same given values and phosphorus on overall mortality in our cohort [13]:
of x1. These plots give the impression of flipping through for high albumin values, increasing phosphorus concentra-
a flip book, showing the twisting of effects in mutual de- tions were significantly associated with an increased mor-
pendence of the other constituting variable. Significance re- tality risk, whereas the beneficial effect of increasing
gions can be given out by the function ‘‘getRegionCox.’’ albumin values was only observed for low phosphorus
The x1 effect is significantly different from zero for x2 levels. We concluded that decisions about phosphorus-
values 1.55 (594.1% quantile). The x2 effect is signifi- lowering therapy should also take albumin values into ac-
cantly different from zero with a negative slope for x1 count and epidemiological studies and guidelines should
values !0.19 (542.16% quantile) and significantly dif- consider this interplay. The proposed graphical presentation
ferent from zero with a positive slope for x1 values and the calculation of the significance regions helped in the
O0.17 (555.9% quantile). The interaction plots in Fig. 4 discussion with clinicians and interpretation of results.
show the HRs for x1 for varying x2 values with point-
wise confidence intervals for each plotted value. It can be
seen that the HR is significantly lower than 1 for the vast 4.1. Categorizing continuous variables in interaction
majority of x2 values. The significance region can also be terms: pros and cons
read from this plot. The x2 effect changes from an HR that
is smaller than 1 to higher than 1 almost exactly at the Most of the interaction models between continuous vari-
median of x1 values. This plot can be printed for the linear ables that are reported are broken down to subgroup analysis
predictor, which is the default option, but also for the HR, and/or categorizations of at least one of the two continuous
which has been chosen here in this example. variables. A qualitative assessment of epidemiological pub-
lications [2] found that 86% of papers evaluating continuous
risk factors on health outcomes categorize these risk factors.
4. Discussion Most of them use quantiles, others equally spaced categories
(e.g., 10-year-age categories) or external criteria, such as
We have implemented functions in R providing several clinically respected cutpoints. The reasons for the catego-
different graphical presentations and corresponding statisti- rization approaches were not mentioned in most of the pub-
cal tests to ease the interpretation of interaction effects be- lications. There seems to be a gap between statistical
tween continuous variables. We have successfully applied capabilities and the ability to interpret interaction effects
one of these approaches in a prospective study on inci- in a meaningful way. Therefore, simplicity of interpretation
dent dialysis patients, which was very useful for the might be the most crucial point. However, this simplicity is
860 C. Lamina et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 65 (2012) 855e862

Fig. 3. Slices through the interaction surface plot for specific values. The y-axis shows the linear predictor of the hazard function for varying values
of x1, holding x2 fixed at specific values (5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 95% quantiles; left panel) and the linear predictor of the hazard function for
varying values of x2, holding x1 fixed at specific values (5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 95% quantiles; right panel).

gained at the cost of power loss. Dichotomization of data is and conservative. Considerable variability in the categories
even equal to discarding one third of the data [3]. Using cut- is lost and artificial steps in risk are created. In regression
point models in epidemiology is in best cases just unrealistic models where both originally continuous variables are
C. Lamina et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 65 (2012) 855e862 861

Fig. 4. Interaction plot. The y-axis gives the hazard ratio (HR) with point-wise 95% confidence intervals for x1 on mortality for varying values of x2
(on the left) and for x2 for varying values of x1 (on the right).

dichotomized, however, there is not only the chance for P-Splines [20]. These methods, however, are statistically
a conservative error (i.e., power loss), but the probability more complex and this may limit their widespread use in
of false positive findings might also be increased dramati- clinical epidemiology. There is also the problem of overin-
cally [4]. In situations, where both explanatory variables terpretation and uncertainties introduced by model instabil-
are correlated with each other, but the partial correlation be- ities. In conclusion, if the linearity assumption holds, the
tween one variable and the outcome conditioning on the highest statistical efficacy can be reached by modeling in-
other continuous variable is close to zero, dichotomization teraction terms continuously.
leads to bias: the effect of this variable, which would not
be associated in a regression model including both variables
4.2. Understanding and interpreting interaction effects
continuously, is then overestimated. Spurious significant in-
teraction can also occur in such a situation. An additional As already stated, regression models including multipli-
nonlinear effect in one of the explanatory variables creates cative interaction terms cannot be interpreted usefully just
the illusion of interaction after dichotomization. by looking at the typical output table as in Table 1. Mean
The extent of bias worsens the higher the continuous centering of the variables has been proposed to make this
variables are correlated. In epidemiological studies, there interpretation easier. This does not alleviate the problem
is hardly a situation, where two explanatory variables in that the effect estimate and P-value only refers to one spe-
one model are not correlated with each other. These find- cific value of the other interacting variable, which is the
ings are also true for categorizations with more than two mean value in that case. Mean centering has also been said
groups [14] or if only one of the continuous variables is cat- to reduce the multicollinearity problem in interaction
egorized. This was shown for building categorized age models. However, centering is just an algebraic transforma-
groups [15], an often-observed analysis in epidemiological tion and alters nothing important, not even multicollinearity
studies. The more groups are chosen for categorization, issues [12,21]. It does result in different coefficients and
however, the less bias is likely to occur. standard errors, but the only difference is the following:
As there are graphical methods available for interpreta- Not centering means: b1 is the effect of x1, when x2 is zero.
tion purposes (see Figs. 1e4) categorization of continuous Centering means: b1 is the effect of x1, when x2 is at its
data is not necessary, anyway [16]. Another reason for cat- mean. The latter does also not help with the interpretation
egorizations might be to detect nonlinear effects. To check of interaction effects. In our example, the conditional effect
for nonlinearity, however, many groups are needed. Never- for x2 was simulated to be 0 and estimated as |0.02. This is
theless, the real underlying structure can be missed. There- the effect for x1 equal to 0. As this is also the mean of x1,
fore, flexible smoothing techniques should be preferred for this is equal to the conditional effect after mean centering.
this purpose. Linear and logistic regression models can be However, Fig. 4 and the output of our proposed functions
generalized to generalized additive models incorporating reveal that the effect of x2 is significantly different from
smooth functions in the R-package ‘‘mgcv’’ [17]. For inter- 0 for 98.1% of the observed data. In conclusion, presenting
action effects, tensor products of smooth functions can be such a table as Table 1 at all is not very useful for interpre-
constructed [18] leading to interaction surfaces reflecting tation purposes, no matter if centering was performed or
the nonlinear relationship. For survival models, this tech- not. One needs methods spanning the complete range of
nique is, to our knowledge, not implemented in common values for proper interpretation of effects on variables,
statistics programs. However, this can be done using Bayes- which are involved in interaction effects.
ian adaptive regression in the program BayesX [19], ap- For this purpose, we propose different graphical visual-
proximating the surface by a tensor product of Bayesian ization methods, which can be used for GLMs or Cox
862 C. Lamina et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 65 (2012) 855e862

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online at doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2012.02.013. 2007;26:438e45.

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