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1.What is the basis for good manners?

The basis for good manners as stated in the module is consideration for others.
Consideration is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Wherever different personalities and characters
meet or have to work together, different ideas, behaviors or values collide. An enormous
challenge for our social behavior .
Without consideration, no cooperation in the group. It is not only important to consider
different opinions, strengths and weaknesses , but also to compare your own (current) wishes
with those of others. Such considerate behavior is at the same time an expression of integrity,
emotional maturity and high social skills .

2.From your reading of the module, in which areas do you see room for
improvement in your life?

From what I have read in the module , since I am still growing physically,
emotionally, mentally and spiritually, improving myself on all the areas of how to
become a better person everyday would be a better option because it can also serve as
a reminder for me to always be kind and look for the good in every person or situation
I am faced with. This way, step by step,I can improve not just my mentality but my
wholeness as a human being.

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