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Review Article Int J Clin Prev Dent 2020;16(4):149-153ㆍ


ISSN (Print) 1738-8546ㆍISSN (Online) 2287-6197

Proper Tooth-Brushing Technique According to

Patient’s Age and Oral Status
1 2
Hye-Jeong Bok , Cheon Hee Lee
Department of Dental Hygiene, Busan Women's College, Busan, 2Department of Dental Hygiene, Andong Science College,
Andong, Korea

Tooth brushing is a basic technique to prevent major oral diseases (e.g., dental caries and periodontal disease). Several meth-
ods of tooth brushing technique devised by some dental scholars have been introduced. However, some guidelines to select
the proper method are needed for an individual patient considering age and oral status. Methods such as rolling, Fones’,
Bass, Stillman, Charters, Watanabe’s tooth-pick, and other modifications have been introduced. The rolling technique was
recommended for general use, the Fones’ technique for preschool children, the Bass technique for the patient with gingivitis
with gingival sulcus problem, the Stillman technique for widespread gingivitis, and the Charters technique for bridge wearer.
Moreover, fixed-type orthodontic appliance wearer is recommended to use the mix-type methods as Bass, rolling, and
Charters. Moreover, the Watanabe’s technique would be available for patients with a dental implant or periodontal problem.
The denture wearer should clean the denture with a partial denture brush for a partial denture and a full denture brush for a
full denture with the rolling method or its modification. The selection of the proper tooth brushing method suggested in this
article would be one of the guidelines for clinical use of tooth brushing instruction for preventive measures.

Keywords: tooth brushing, oral status, simple plaque score, dental caries, periodontal diseases

Introduction circulation and increase the keratinization of the epithelial

cells at the gingiva [2]. It has been introduced many methods
Tooth-brushing is the basic method for prevention of dental of tooth-brushing technique as horizontal scrub, rolling, Bass,
caries and periodontal disease, through eliminating dental pla- Stillman, Charters, Fones’, Watanabe’s method, etc., sug-
que deposition at the tooth surface [1]. The aims of tooth- gested several scholars who were interested in the preventive
brushing has been known as 2 big things as removal of dental dentistry in clinical [3]. It would be different skill for techni-
plaque from the tooth surface and gingival massage to promo- que and objectives for tooth-brushing goals. So it had better to
tion of the early inflammatory gingiva to enhance the blood choose the proper method for individual dental patient as dif-
ferent age group and oral state, by using the different type of
tooth-brush and oral hygiene devices. Even though tooth-
Corresponding author Cheon Hee Lee
brushing is the fundamental and basic method of preventive
dental measures, lots of dental professions didn’t know the ex-
act method of each brushing method and the proper selection
Received December 3, 2020, Revised December 17, 2020, for individual patient. First of all, the training should be per-
Accepted December 26, 2020
formed for tooth-brushing technique exactly frequent exercise

Copyright ⓒ 2020. Korean Academy of Preventive Dentistry. All rights reserved.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Journal of Clinical Preventive Dentistry

would be needed to become habitual. This study could suggest method recommending for general peoples who have not spe-
the guide-line for selecting proper tooth-brushing method for cific oral problems. It had been once recommended by World
individual [4]. Health Organization as well as the Ministry of Health and
Welfare in Korean government for general people. It has been
Tooth-Brushing Method suggested the movement of rolling through wrist the hand
which had hold a tooth-brush. Sweep the tooth surface from
up to down movement with rolling the hand-wrist in upper
1. Horizontal scrub method
teeth, and from down to up in lower teeth. Insert the
It has been the most popular motion for tooth-brushing tooth-brush straight with obliquely at inner side of frontal
technique by uneducated people. It is a motion for scrub teeth, both in upper and lower teeth, and sweep the brush from
tooth-surface with horizontal movement as back and forth inside to outside and horizontal movement as back and forth
ward. It can be occurred the accumulation of micro-debris at for occlusal surface of posterior teeth, both upper and lower.
the inter-dental area and happen the cervical abrasion or hyper Rolling technique is known as comparatively easy for learn-
sensitive dentin through the using this motion for a long time ing and effective for removal of plaque even at proximal area
as 20 or 30 years (Figure 1). (Figure 2).

2. Rolling method 3. Bass technique

Rolling method of tooth-brushing is world-wide spread Bass technique of tooth-brushing has been recommended
for periodontal problem dental patient, even though it had
been some difficult to perform. It needed for soft and 1 or 2
lane tooth-brush to vibrate shortly and lightly with holding
tooth-brush handle with lightly. Short and light vibration
would be needed inserting one lane of tooth-brush into the gin-
gival sulcus or periodontal pocket which had been some in-
flammatory tissues. Vibratory action could induce the plaque
removal and gingival massage effect at the gingival sulcus, in
order to subsid the gingivitis. Recent years, the modification
of Bass method as adding the rolling motion together to Bass
method has been recommended for subsid gingivitis as well as
plaque removal effectively (Figure 3) [5].

4. Stillman method
Figure 1. Horizontal scrub method. Stillman method would be applied for gingival inflam-

Figure 2. Rolling method. Figure 3. Bass method.

150 Vol. 16, No. 4, December 2020

Hye-Jeong Bok and Cheon Hee Lee:Proper Tooth-Brushing Technique According to Patient’s Age and Oral Status

mation area with relatively wide spread. Short zig-zag move-

6. Charters method
ment with soft bristled and 3 or 4 lane tooth-brush holding
with lightly, from up to down ward sweep with short vibration This method of tooth-brushing is emphasize to clean the in-
on the gingiva at the upper jaw and from down to up at the low- terdental area especially. Insert tooth-brush tip with perpen-
er jaw. Gingival massage effect would be great to increase the dicular direction to longitudinal tooth axis at the proximal area
blood circulation on the inflammatory gingival area. Also or revers 45 degrees from the gingiva to tooth direction. And
modification would be performed by adding the rolling mo- then, short vibration would be needed focusing on the prox-
tion after zig-zag vibration at gingiva (Figure 4). imal area. But, this method is a little bit hard to perform at lin-
gual side of the tooth surface. This method is effective for
5. Fones’ method
bridge wearer and well done at the bottom of the artificial
Dr. Fones was a pediatric dentist and try to supply the prop- tooth on bridge area. Of course, it could be applied as modified
er and easy method for tooth-brushing for preschool child as method by adding the rolling motion (Figure 6) [7].
sweeping with small sized kids tooth-brush with motion as
7. Watanabe’s, tooth-pick method
drawing continues circle on the teeth with closing the mouth
slightly. It could be easier to change the rolling method after Dr. Watanabe has suggested that plaque removal and gin-
school aging than in horizontal scrub method. Horizontal gival massage would be very important for periodontal prob-
scrub action would be accomplished on brushing on occlusal lem patient or dental implant patient, and they should elimi-
site and lingual site (Figure 5) [6]. nate the plaque through the tooth-brushing movement of
pushing action from buccal side to lingual side with short vi-
bration, so we call as tooth-pick method. It might be some hard

Figure 4. Stillman method. Figure 6. Charters method.

Figure 5. Fones’ method. Figure 7. Watanabe’s, tooth-pick method. 151
International Journal of Clinical Preventive Dentistry

Table 1. Recommend tooth-brushing method according to patient age or oral status

Patient state Characteristic Recommended method Site Device tooth-brush Effect

General No specific problems Rolling Buccal/Lingual Medium hardness Plaq.Rem
over age 7 Horizontal scrub Occlusal G. Massa
Sweep in to out Inn.Front.Teeth Prev Calc
Preschool Under age 6 Fones’ (circular) Lab/Buccal Smal. size Easy
Horizontal scrub Occ/Lingual Habit Ch
Perio. Problem Local.Gingivi M. Bass Gingival sulcus 2-lane brush Sulcus cl.
Perio pocket Ging.Ma.
Gingivitis Wide gingivitis M. Stillmans Gingival Soft bru Ging. Ma
Hypersen. Premolar. Can Rolling Cervical abrasi. Soft des Desensit.
Bridge wearer Interdental M. Charters Br.tip -45 dege. Zig-zag B. Prox. Cle
Pontic bottom Bucc to Lingual Super fl. Pontic. C
Fixed Orthodo. Bracket site Horiz.+Charters Labial/Buccal Concave head. Bracket cleaning
appliance Gingival site Bass Labial/Buccal Proxa B.
Proximal Interd. Brush Interdent.area Wat. Pik Prox. Cle
Lingual Rolling Lingual
Implant. Interdental Watanabe, T.Pik Proximal 2lane Br Periimpl.
Denture wearer Partial denture Modif. Rolling Partial denture Part.Bru Denture
Full denture Full denture Full. Bru Cleaner
Perio.probl: periodontal problem patient, Orthodo: orthodontics, Gingiv.: Gingivitis, Perio pocet: periodontal pocket, Horiz.: horizontal scrub,
Interd. Br.: interdental brush, Inn. Front Tooth: inner site of frontal tooth, M: modification, Occ: occlusal surface, Br.tip: bristle tip, 45 dege.: 45
degrees, Interd.: interdental, Hardne.: hardness, Hypersen: hypersensitivity, Can: canine, Smal. Siz: small size, Bru: brush, Prox.B: proximal brush,
Part.b: partial denture brush, Full Bru: full denture brush, Plaq. Rem: plaque removal, Prev. calc,: prevention of calculus deposit, Abrasi: Abrasion,
Soft des.: soft brush, desensitization dentifrice, Desensit: desensitization effect, Habit Ch,: habit for child, Ging.Ma.: gingival massage, Prox cle:
proximal cleansing, Periimpl: peri-implantitis.

for patient to perform by oneself at the first without pro-

4. Gingivitis-wide area with periodontitis
fessional person aid., and it needed some trainings from the
dental professions (Figure 7). Modified Stillman’s method would be recommended with
short and soft zig-zag vibration by moving the vibration from
Clinical Application of Proper Method apical to coronal direction and then, the rolling movement
for Each Patient would be added (Table 1).

5. Bridge wearer
1. General dental patients
At bridge portion, Charters method would be available to
For the general dental patients age from over 7, and without clean the inter-proximal and the bottom of the pontic area, as
any special problems or wearing the special dental appliance, short vibratory action with inserting the bristle tip into the
rolling method is recommended to perform and to be habitual proximal or bottom of the pontic area by locating the head of
use (Table 1). tooth-brush with reverse 45 degrees from the long axis of the
tooth (Table 1).
2. Preschool age child
6. Fixed orthodontic appliance patient [8,9]
For preschool child, Fones’ technique is recommended for
easy learning to use and changing it with rolling technique in At first, horizontal scrub would be applied on the labial sur-
the later (Table 1). face to clean upper and lower of the bracket, and then short vi-
bration action would be applied at upper, lower and sub-
3. Gingivitis-gingival sulcus
gingival sulcus from 1 tooth by the other tooth, by use of con-
Modified Bass technique would be available for gingivitis cave form of the bristle head tooth-brush. Rolling motion
dental patient for cleansing in the gingival sulcus and gingival would be done at lingual surface and back and forth stroke at
massage (Table 1). the occlusal surface. It should be needed to use the interdental

152 Vol. 16, No. 4, December 2020

Hye-Jeong Bok and Cheon Hee Lee:Proper Tooth-Brushing Technique According to Patient’s Age and Oral Status

brush for cleaning the proximal area and around the bracket. Conflict of Interest
Water pick is also recommended to use to clean the interdental
area and around the bracket (Table 1). No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
7. Hypersensitive dentin [10]
Rolling technique should be educated for the hypersen- ORCID
sitive dentine with cervical abrasion, owing to habits for
tooth-brushing with horizontal scrub for a long time (Table 1). Hye-Jeong Bok,
Cheon Hee Lee,
8. Implant patient
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