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Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem

The two theorems are used to be able to solve complex circuits easily.
In Thevenin’s equivalent circuit, Thevenin voltage source is
connected in series with Thevenin resistor. The voltage and resistance
values are calculated by using source transformation technique. Finally,
when we get simple Thevenin equivalent circuit, we can calculate
necessary values by using appropriate circuit law, such as voltage
division law, etc.
Norton’s theorem is also similar to the Thevenin’s theorem. In
Norton's theorem, Norton current source is connected in parallel to
Norton resistor. We can find Norton resistance value by changing
voltage sources to short circuit, current sources to open circuit first,
and then summing the resistance values. To get Norton current value,
we need to find Thevenin voltage source value first. Then, Norton
current value can be calculated by using Ohm’s law. When we get these
two values, we can calculate necessary value of load resistor.
Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits are interchangeable by
using source transformation method.

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