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ISSN: 2319-345X
Vol. 12, Issue. 3,July 2023



ABSTRACT This paper presents a smart wireless control system for pedestrian crossing
areas that can effectively manage traffic and ensure the safety of pedestrians, particularly
school children. The system uses smart sensing technology to detect the presence of
pedestrians and control the traffic lights accordingly. The system is portable, LED-based, and
cost-effective, making it easy to install and maintain. The system was successfully tested and
validated on a university campus, meeting all design criteria. In addition, the Intelligent
Traffic Signal Management and Control System is a software-based solution that uses a
scheduling algorithm to manage traffic on four-way junctions. The system allocates time to
each signal based on the number of vehicles waiting on that side, thereby reducing traffic
jams and improving traffic flow. To further enhance road safety and reduce noise pollution,
the two systems have been merged in this model. Stage 1 uses the smart traffic control system
to allow pedestrians to cross safely, while stage 2 employs smart sound sensing technology to
change the traffic lights from red to green when noise levels decrease, reducing noise
pollution and creating a safer environment. This project aims to raise awareness about
reducing pollution, following traffic rules, and promoting a better society. At junctions, the
system will operate in a loop, such as A-B-C-D.

Keywords—Servo motor, Gear motor, L293D motor driver

Frequently, people violate traffic rules at ambulances and government class one
signal points causing disturbance, traffic vehicles. India has seen significant growth
congestion, and accidents. To address this in the number of motor vehicles on the
issue, we have implemented a road blocker road, with a growth rate of almost 20%
that stops vehicles on respective paths over the past decade. To manage the
based on the traffic signal, preventing increasing traffic and number of speed
violations of traffic rules. Additionally, we breakers, we have developed an innovative
have installed speed breakers to control the device to channelize the energy wasted by
speed of vehicles, and the energy vehicles on speed breakers to some useful
generated by the speed breakers can be work. Traffic lights at intersecting streets
utilized to operate the road blocker. We require sophisticated control and
have also incorporated a voice-activated coordination to ensure smooth and safe
sensor for emergency vehicles like traffic flow.

For safety purposes, we have introduced a emergencies, physical traffic controllers
mechanism in which the signal turns red to will address the situation, as our project is
block the path through the signal and a an addition to the existing traffic system
series of rods with varying heights are FLOW CHART
used in place of speed breakers. When the
signal turns green, the rods are lowered,
and the path is opened. The battery is used
as a source and is charged through the
mechanism provided. The movement of
vehicles up and down the speed breaker
rotates the shaft of the alternator, and the
battery gets charged, making it available as
a source for the system. Electronic circuits
have replaced electromechanical
controllers in recent times, and they offer
high accuracy and fault tolerance. We have
also provided emergency call functionality
for ambulance and fire brigade vehicles
using a sensor. During an emergency, the
traffic is blocked based on the priority call Design and implementation The
levels. The project is developed to meet proposed traffic system includes an
the requirements of a solid-state traffic Arduino Mega connected to motor drivers,
light controller using a microcontroller as which control four gear motors. The Micro
the main controlling element and LEDs as Controller is also connected to an output
the indication of light. The microcontroller display and a four-way signal display. into
is programmed to adjust the timing and the system to monitor incoming traffic at
phasing to meet changing traffic the signals. To accommodate the four-way
conditions, and the circuit is reliable, servo motor setup, a second Arduino Uno
compact, and cost-effective. is added
PROPOSED Our project integrates both LITERATURE SURVEY By taking [1]
traffic control and road safety systems. It R. Methorst, R. Eenink, J. Cardoso, K.
consists of two stages. In stage 1, a smart Machata, and J. Malasek, ‗‗Single
traffic control system is used to regulate unprotected road user crashes: Europe we
pedestrian traffic. In stage 2, a smart sound have a problem!,‘‘ Transp. Res. Procedia
sensing setup is incorporated into the we get Unprotected Road Users (URU) are
traffic lights. When noise levels decrease, a subset of Vulnerable Road Users (VRU)
the traffic lights switch from red to green, who are not protected in their vehicles:
allowing people to cross. This approach pedestrians, cyclists and powered two-
not only reduces noise pollution but also wheelers.[1] EU statistics for 2014 show
improves safety by reducing accident rates. that their share in road traffic fatalities was
Our project aims to raise awareness of 22% for pedestrians, 8% for cyclists and
traffic rules, reduce pollution, and promote 18% for Powered Two-Wheelers, in total
a safer and more secure environment. At 47% of the fatalities. From explorative
junctions, traffic flow follows a loop studies regarding injured road traffic
pattern (A-B-C-D). When A is blocked, B casualties, it is found that about two thirds
is released, while C and D remain blocked. of the transportation casualties are
This loop ensures maximum traffic Unprotected Road Users, of which two
awareness and reduces accidents. In thirds are single accidents, i.e., crashes
where no other road user is involved.[2] control system & at stage 2 ,for reduction
Most of these single crashes are not (yet) of noise pollution we added smart sound
detected in the standard police reported sensing setup that are connected to traffic
accident statistics, but do represent costs to lights so whenever reduction of noise takes
society that probably exceed crash costs of place then the Red indication in traffic
car related crashes. It can be expected that lights will goes to Green and allows the
the shares of URU fatal and injury crashes people to go , by this 2 stages of work we
will increase, particularly because of the can conclude a better noiseless save &
ageing of the population, urbanization and secure environment and also reduce the
despite ICT/ITS developments. Some of accidents rate in a smart way. The ABCD
these crashes can be prevented by traffic management architecture shows a
relatively simple measures, others need high degree of adaptability leading to the
more investments e.g., infrastructure, least need for human intervention.
legislation or enforcement. From a policy CONLUSION In conclusion, this paper
point of view, it will be wise to address proposes a smart wireless control system
this issue, not only for road safety reasons, that effectively manages traffic and
but also because the elderly is getting more ensures pedestrian safety in crossing areas,
numerous and a serious economic and especially for school children. The system
political factor.[3] Then E. A. Mueller, uses smart sensing technology, is portable,
―Aspects of the history of traffic signals,‖ cost-effective, and easy to install and
IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology it maintain. Moreover, the Intelligent Traffic
explains about Emerging trends in Signal Management and Control System
software development has been changed optimizes traffic flow on four-way
due to the huge amount of data, growth of junctions using a scheduling algorithm that
internet, mobile, dynamic and smart allocates time to each signal based on the
applications. These applications consist of number of waiting vehicles. By merging
small, intelligent, flexible and distributed both systems, this model enhances road
components known as agents. This safety and reduces noise pollution, creating
research proposes agentbased autonomous a safer environment. This project aims to
controller (ABAC) architecture for promote awareness of reducing pollution
managing road traffic. It uses time series and following traffic rules for a better
of historical traffic intensity to estimate the society. The proposed system will operate
appropriate time allocation for each signal in a loop at junctions, such as A-B-C-D,
at a given intersection.[4] Our approach and meets all design criteria.
takes care of the exceptional appearance of REFRENCES
rescue vehicles (e.g., ambulance) in order [1] R. Methorst, R. Eenink, J. Cardoso, K.
to ensure a smooth flow of the traffic. The Machata, and J. Malasek, ‗‗Single
ABAC architecture counts on several AI unprotected road user crashes: Europe we
techniques germane to assessing the have a problem!‘‘ Transp. Res. Procedia,
intensity of the traffic using image vol. 14, pp. 2297–2305, Jan. 2016.
recognition algorithms. It also counts on [2] M. Casey, MPEG-7 Sound Recognition
environment sensors (sound sensors) in Tools, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs,
order to detect the advent of emergency Cambridge, MA, Unites States of America.
vehicles.[5] By talking all the measures we (2020)
designed project to overcome accidents [3] Road Traffic Injuries. [Online].
happing by traffic signals violations as In Available: https://www.who. int/news-
this model we have merged both traffic room/fact-sheets/detail/road-traffic-injuries
control system and road safety system VOLUME 8, 2020 106119 W. K. Saad et
together, as at stage 1 people will cross the al.: Design and Implementation of Portable
traffic at pedestrian with smart traffic
Smart Wireless Pedestrian Crossing calculate pedestrian crossing speeds in
Control System vehicle collisions (PCSC),‘‘ Accident Anal.
[4] E. A. Mueller, ―Aspects of the history Prevention, vol. 118, pp. 66–76, Sep. 2018.
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