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Sample Paper 1 01
CONTENT Sample Paper 2 07

Sample Paper 3 13

Sample Paper 4 19

Sample Paper 5 25

Sample Paper 6 31

Sample Paper 7 37

Sample Paper 8 43

Sample Paper 9 49

Sample Paper 10 55
Term - 01
Informa on Technology- 10 (SUBJECT CODE - 402)
Max. Time: 120 Minutes (2 Hour) Max. Marks: 50
General Instruc ons

1. Please read the instruc ons carefully.

2. This Ques on Paper consists of 21 ques ons in two sec ons: Sec on A & Sec on B.
3. Sec on A has Objec ve type ques ons whereas Sec on B contains Subjec ve type ques ons.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16) = 21 ques ons, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10) = 15 ques ons in the allo ed
(maximum) me of 2 hours.
5. All ques ons of a par cular sec on must be a empted in the correct order.
I. This sec on has 05 ques ons.
ii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.
iii. There is no nega ve marking.
iv. Do as per the instruc ons given.
7. SECTION B – SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (26 MARKS): This sec on has 16 ques ons.
i. A candidate has to do 10 ques ons.
ii. Do as per the instruc ons given.
iii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.

Sec on - A {Objec ve Type Ques ons}

Q1. Answer any four out of the given six ques ons on Employability Skills 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
i. Which communica on consists of speaking and listening?
a. Oral Communica on b. Wri en communica on
c. Group communica on d. None of these
ii. Stress is the body's response to anything experienced in:
a. Daily life b. Our immediate environment
c. Overwhelming situa ons d. All of these
iii. What kind of so ware can be downloaded from the Internet free of cost and can be modified?
a. Package so ware b. Custom so ware
c. Open source so ware d. Shareware
iv. Which of the following is not a quality of an entrepreneur?
a. Pa ent b. Crea ve
c. Learned d. Responsible

IT Code 402 1
v. With fewer interrup ons while working independently, you’ll find it easier to:
a. Do leisure ac vi es b. Do task efficiently and on me
c. Help others with work d. Focus on res ng
vi. Which type of resources generally takes millions of years to form and be available for human use?
a. Renewable resources b. Non-renewable resources
c. Both of these d. None of these

Q2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

i. ………………………………. is used to copy styles into the current document by loading them from a template
or other documents.
a. Load Style b. Page Style
c. Paragraph Style d. Table Style
ii. ………………………………. refers to the placement of an image on an imaginary ver cal axis.
a. Anchoring b. Text wrapping
c. Alignment d. Arrangement
iii. ………………………………. op on let the text flow around the image.
a. Parallel b. Op mal
c. Through d. Around
iv. Subtotal func on is listed under the ………………………………. category when you use the func on Wizard.
a. Mathema cal b. Sta s cal
c. Textual d. engineering
v. You can use ………………………………. feature to combine the data from two or more ranges of cells into a
new range while running the func ons on the data.
a. Consolidate b. Redundancy
c. Integrity d. Consistency
vi. A ………………………………. hyperlink is possible only when the document you are working on and the link
des na on are on the same drive.
a. Rela ve b. Absolute
c. None of these d. Both a & b

Q3. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
I. ………………………………. feature creates the mirror image of the picture horizontally or ver cally.
a. Rotate b. Flip
c. Styles d. Format
ii. ………………………………. places the image on top of any other image or object.
a. Send to Top b. Bring to Front
c. Forward One d. Send to Back

IT Code 402 2
iii. Posi oning of an image is controlled by ………………………………. .
a. Anchoring b. Text wrapping
c. Alignment and Arrangement d. All of these
iv. ………………………………. used to set the a ributes of the TOC.
a. Type b. Entries
c. Styles d. None of these
v. You can use ………………………………. levels of headings while building the table of contents.
a. 8 b. 9
c. 10 d. 11
vi. The default behavior of Calc is to insert the ………………………………. symbol to form an absolute sheet
reference while giving a rela ve cell reference.
a. $ b. #
c. * d. %

Q4. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
I. Press ………………………………. key to draw a shape from its center.
a. Shi b. Alt
c. Ctrl d. None of these
ii. Posture means ………………………………. .
a. Reflec on of our confidence.
b. Exudes interest.
c. The movements our body makes to express thoughts or ideas.
d. Used to express our feelings towards someone.
iii. Most Style names are available in the set Paragraph Style, which appears on the ……………………………….
Side of the forma ng toolbar.
a. Right b. Le
c. Centre d. Bo om
iv. An image always has an ………………………………. point.
a. Anchor b. Alignment
c. Arrangement d. None of these
v. The data source contains the ………………………………. of each recipient, to whom you want to send the
a. Name and address b. Name and e-mail
c. Name and Contact d. Only Name
vi. By selec ng ………………………………. op on, you can add more paragraph styles to the TOC.
a. Addi onal styles b. Add Paragraph
c. Index Marks d. None of these

IT Code 402 3
Q5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

i. ………………………………. tool from the Drawing toolbar is used to select the objects so as to group them
a. Select b. Assemble
c. Group d. Join
ii. You can use the ………………………………. tab to add background color to TOC.
iii. A ………………………………. is an informa ve paper document usually for adver sing, which can be folded into
a pamphlet or a leaflet.
a. Brochure b. Menu
c. Book d. None of these
iv. The shortcut key to insert comment is ………………………………. .
a. Ctrl+Alt+C b. Alt+C
c. Alt+Ctrl+C d. Ctrl+C+Alt
v. By default, a workbook contains ………………………………. worksheet.
a. One b. Two
c. Three d. Four
vi. Record is also known as ………………………………. .
a. Row b. En ty
c. Tuple d. All of these

Sec on - B {Subjec ve Type Ques ons}

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons on Employability Skills 2 x 3 = 6 Marks
Answer each Ques on in 20-30 Words.
Q.6. Why is feedback important?
Ans. Feedback is crucial to the communica on cycle. It helps the sender know whether the receiver has
successfully understood the message or not. Following are the reasons why feedback is important:
• It encourages us to improve our decision-making skills and performance.
• It completes the cycle of communica on.
• It validates effec ve listening.
• It broadens our knowledge.
• It helps us build be er personal and professional rela onships.
Q.7. What is stress? What are the three causing agents of stress?
Ans. Stress is the body’s response to anything that requires a en on or ac on. Everyone experiences stress
to some degree. It is a response caused by physical, emo onal, or psychological strain.
The three causing agents of stress are-
a. Physical stress: As children enter their adolescence, they undergo many hormonal changes. This is a
me for physical changes, awareness of self, health issues, self-esteem, peer-pressure, etc. They have
more desire for independence and may revolt against authority. School-related tasks, studies, tui on,
social life, play me, etc. also come under physical stress.
IT Code 402 4
b. Social stress: Social agents that add on to stress are peer pressure, comparison of students and their
performance, pressure from parents to do be er and match up to others, the expecta on of adults to
perform well, in academics as well as extra-curricular ac vi es, etc
c. Mental stress: Today’s world is so compe ve that a student is always under the stress of assignment
submission, performance in exams, etc. Over-expecta ons can make one anxious and distressed.
Become emo onally mature and permit others to differ from you. Rejoice in the success, promo on
and good fortune of others.
Q.8. What is an Opera ng system? What are the func ons of an Opera ng system?
Ans. An Opera ng System (OS) is a so ware that enables a computer system to work. This is the first
so ware to be loaded in a computer. The opera ng system recognises input from an input device such
as the keyboard, mouse, microphone or PC camera; coordinates the display of output on the monitor;
instructs a printer how and when to print informa on; and manages data and instruc ons in memory
and informa on stored on hard disk.
The func ons of Opera ng system are-
a. The opera ng system acts as an interface or link between the user and the computer hardware.
b. The opera ng system lets you give commands to the system. When you delete old documents or
move a file from one folder to another, you use the opera ng system.
c. It manages the structure of files and directories on a computer system.
d. It keeps track of the amount of disk space used by a specific file.
Q.9. What do entrepreneurs do for the society?
Ans. Entrepreneurs play a crucial role in the func oning of the society. They make profits through ac vi es
that benefit society. Some entrepreneurs work towards saving the environment, some give money to
build schools and hospitals. Many buy raw materials from local people or hire them to create refined
products. Hence, they create jobs and fulfill the needs of society. They also fulfill various types of
customer needs.
Q.10. List the reasons that create obstacles in achieving the objec ves of sustainable development.
Ans. Some of the issues that create obstacles in achieving ideal sustainable development are: lack of
financial resources, other priori es in war-torn countries, natural disasters, SKILLS government's
conflict between profit and investment towards sustainable technologies, lack of awareness, and lack
of efforts at the municipal level.

Answer any four out of the given six ques ons in 20-30 words each 2x4 = 8 Marks
Q.11. What is RDBMS? What do you understand by Rela onal Database?
Ans. RDBMS is an acronym for Rela onal Database Management System. It is similar to DBMS which stores
informa on in the form of related tables. It is a collec on of mul ple tables that could be related to
each other. A table consists of records, which give informa on about the items in the table. A record
consists of fields that contain informa on about the record.
Q.12. What is SQL?
Ans. Structured query language (SQL) is a programming language for storing and processing informa on in
a rela onal database. A rela onal database stores informa on in tabular form, with rows and columns
represen ng different data a ributes and the various rela onships between the data values. We can
use SQL statements to store, update, remove, search, and retrieve informa on from the database. We
can also use SQL to maintain and op mize database performance.

IT Code 402 5
Q.13. What is the use of the Consolidate feature?
Ans. The use of the consolidate feature is to combine the data from two or more ranges of cells into a new
range while running the func ons (such as Sum or Average) on the data.
Q.14. What is Hierarchical Data Model?
Ans. The Hierarchical Data Model represents the data in a tree-like structure in which there is a single
parent for each record. The data is stored in the form of records. A record is a collec on of fields and its
data values. All these records are linked to each other.
Q.15. What is peer to peer Network?
Ans. A peer-to-peer network is a simple network of computers. Here each computer acts as a node for file
sharing within the formed network. Here each node acts as a server and thus there is no central server
in the network. This allows the sharing of a huge amount of data. The tasks are equally divided
amongst the nodes. Each node connected in the network shares an equal workload. For the network
to stop working, all the nodes need to individually stop working. This is because each node works
Q.16. What do you understand by the term Ergonomics?
Ans. Ergonomics is the study of people, their physical characteris cs, and the ways in which they func on in
their working environment, the furnishings, and the machines they use.

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons in 50-80 words each 4x3 = 12 Marks
Q.17. What are the three types of Queries?
Ans. The three types of queries are: Simple query, Unmatched Query and Duplicate Query.
Simple Query: It is used to ask some par cular ques ons about data in the database.
Unmatched Query: It is used to find records from one table that do not have corresponding values in
the other table.
Duplicate Query: It is used to display the records that have same values for one or more of the specified
Q.18. Write down the features of RDBMS.
Ans. The features of RDBMS are:
a. In RDBMS, data is stored in the form of rows and columns.
b. It helps in crea ng rela onships between the different tables of a database.
c. It can accommodate mul ple users.
d. It provides great security mechanism.
Q.19. What are the advantages of E-commerce for buyers and sellers?
Ans. The advantages of E-commerce:
For buyers are:
a. They have the convenience of shopping at home.
b. They can compare the price of items easily.
c. They can read reviews of other users about the products.
d. They can also give instant feedback.
e. Doorstep delivery of the desired goods and services is available.
IT Code 402 6
For sellers are:
a. The web offers low overhead expenses.
b. It enabled free or low-cost marke ng ac vi es.
c. Poten al buyers can be millions of people.
Q.20. What are the features and Advantages of Base?
Ans. The features and Advantages of Base are:
a. It is an open-source so ware which means you do not need to purchase it.
b. It is a cross-pla orm so it can run on any opera ng system.
c. It is a powerful and flexible applica on.
d. It can also be integrated with other applica ons of Libre Office.
e. It possesses the ability to be a frontend for other database systems.
f. Libre Office Base has its own embedded database engine called Hyper SQL Database
Q.21. Write a note on TCP/IP and FTP.
Ans. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol): This is a network protocol that defines how
the informa on or messages are routed from one end of a network to the other, ensuring the data
arrives correctly. It has been used as a network standard for Internet communica ons.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol): This is a set of rules that allows file uploading to and downloading from
other computers on the Internet. Uploading is the process of transferring files from your computer to a
server on the Internet.

Answers (Sample Paper-1)

Q1. 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (b)

Q2. 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (a)
Q3. 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a)
Q4. 1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. Name and address 6. (a)
Q5. 1. (c) 2. Background 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (a)

IT Code 402 6
Term - 01
Informa on Technology- 10 (SUBJECT CODE - 402)
Max. Time: 120 Minutes (2 Hour) Max. Marks: 50
General Instruc ons

1. Please read the instruc ons carefully.

2. This Ques on Paper consists of 21 ques ons in two sec ons: Sec on A & Sec on B.
3. Sec on A has Objec ve type ques ons whereas Sec on B contains Subjec ve type ques ons.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16) = 21 ques ons, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10) = 15 ques ons in the allo ed
(maximum) me of 2 hours.
5. All ques ons of a par cular sec on must be a empted in the correct order.
I. This sec on has 05 ques ons.
ii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.
iii. There is no nega ve marking.
iv. Do as per the instruc ons given.
7. SECTION B – SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (26 MARKS): This sec on has 16 ques ons.
i. A candidate has to do 10 ques ons.
ii. Do as per the instruc ons given.
iii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.

Sec on - A {Objec ve Type Ques ons}

Q1. Answer any four out of the given six ques ons on Employability Skills 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
i. The Sun rises in the east. Here ‘rises in the east’ is
a. Subject b. Verb
c. Predicate d. Adjec ve
ii. The ability to control and guide oneself in the right direc on in every walk of life is:
a. Stress management b. Self-management
c. Inherent d. Unachievable
iii. Which of the following opera ng systems has been developed by Apple?
a. Windows b. MacOS
c. Linux d. UNIX
iv. Over what percentage of entrepreneurs in high-growth industries have at least a bachelor’s degree?
a. 95% b. 87%
c. 73% d. 41%

IT Code 402 7
v. Everyone has their own favourite working style that:
a. Suits their temperament b. Suits their lifestyle
c. Is financially more lucra ve d. They find difficult
vi. In which year did the Brudtland Report give a defini on for sustainable development?
a. 1985 b. 1986
c. 1987 d. 1988

Q2. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. LibreOffice Writer has ………………………………. style categories.
a. 4 b. 7
c. 6 d. 5
ii. By default, a workbook contains ………………………………. worksheet.
a. One b. Two
c. Three d. Four
iii. Record is also known as ………………………………. .
a. Row b. cell
c. field d. All of these
iv. The default length for Text field is ………………………………. .
a. 100 b. 125
c. 150 d. 175
v. The field or fields on which the records are sorted is called the ………………………………. .
a. Sort key b. Major key
c. Minor key d. None of these
vi. The result we get from a Query is called a ………………………………. . (Dataset)

Q3. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
I. ………………………………. is used to copy styles into the current document by loading them from a
template or another document.
ii. A file created in Writer is saved with the extension.
a. .dot b. .odt
c. .doc d. .tdo
iii. You can turn on high contrast by pressing ………………………………. .
a. Le Alt + Le Shi + Print Screen b. Right Alt + Right Shi + Print Screen
c. Alt + Shi + Print Screen d. None of these
iv. You can write macro and use it as a ………………………………. .
a. func on b. Pass Arguments
c. Access cells directly d. All of these

IT Code 402 8
v. ………………………………. key acts as a link between two tables of a database.
a. Composite key b. Foreign key
c. Primary key d. None of these
vi. The default length for number field is ………………………………. .
a. 10 b. 20
c. 30 d. 40

Q4. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. You can apply special effects to your image by using the filter effects from the Image toolbar.
ii. ………………………………. shortcut key to remove direct forma ng from selected text.
a. Ctrl + N b. Ctrl + M
c. Ctrl + Z d. F11
iii. The cell reference formula consists of parts, when ………………………………. done though keyboard.
a. 2 b. 5
c. 3 d. Both a and c
iv. Under which menu is the Track Changes op on located?
a. Edit b. Format
c. Insert d. Tools
v. You should apply ………………………………. factor authen ca on to all your online accounts.
a. Two b. Five
c. Three d. Six
vi. ………………………………. refers to sending unsolicited e-mails in bulk which serve no purpose and
unnecessarily clog up the en re system.
a. Spamming b. Networking
c. Downloading d. Trashing

Q5. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. ………………………………. feature creates the mirror image of the picture horizontally or ver cally.

a. Rotate b. Flip

c. Styles d. Format

ii. Under which menu is the Subtotals op on located?

a. Edit b. Format

c. Insert d. Data

iii. ………………………………. is a feature in Calc that allows arranging of data in a specific order. (Sor ng)

IT Code 402 9
iv. How many types of compound criteria are there?

a. two b. three

c. five d. seven

v. ………………………………. is a feature in Windows that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated

a. Filter Keys b. S cky keys

c. Sound sentry d. both a and b

vi. ………………………………. refers to the people who program, design, or operate a computer.

a. Humanware b. Ergonomics

c. Evacua on d. None of these

Sec on - B {Subjec ve Type Ques ons}

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons on Employability Skills 2 x 3 = 6 Marks
Answer each Ques on in 20-30 Words.
Q.6. What are the uses of visual communica on?
Ans. The uses of visual communica on are-
a. Shapes and lines are used to outline processes, flows and rela onships between people or things.
b. Symbols and icons are used to make informa on more memorable.
c. Visuals are used to tell stories.
d. Colours are used to indicate importance and draw a en on.
Q.7. What are the benefits of working independently?
Ans. The benefits of working independently are-
a. Increases Self-confidence: Comple on of work makes us reflect and appreciate our own abili es as
we are the one comple ng the whole task with our own efforts.
b. Emo onal Independence: We can make decisions without involving others. We only have to focus
on our perspec ve without being emo onally influenced by others, which also enhances our
judgment-making skills and decisiveness.
c. Showcases our Strength: The best side of us, including all our quali es is more visible and it makes us
eager to be accountable for our responsibili es.
Q.8. Explain Package so ware and Custom so ware.
Ans. Package so ware: It is a copyrighted so ware that is available in retail stores or on the web.
Custom so ware: If we want a par cular so ware as per our need then we may ask programmers to
develop and design custom so ware for us, which usually costs more.
Q.9. Explain any two quali es of an Entrepreneur.
Ans. The four quali es of an entrepreneur are-
a. Crea ve: It is one of the most important quali es of an entrepreneur. Crea ng things as per the
requirements of people needs crea vity.
b. Responsible: when we are running a business that involves taking risks, we have to be responsible
leader, since a lot of people- our employees, vendors, clients, etc. depend on us for various reasons.

IT Code 402 10
Q.10. What are the steps to be taken for sustainable development?
Ans. The steps are-
a. Proper use of means and resources that eliminates wastage.
b. Holis c approach towards conserva on of resources and non-renewable energy.
c. Development and u liza on of renewable energy along with equable distribu on, and affordable

Answer any four out of the given six ques ons in 20-30 words each 2 x 4 = 8 Marks
Q.11. What are S cky and Filter keys?
Ans. S cky Keys is a feature in Windows that allows modifier keys like Ctrl and Shi to remain ac ve even
when we are not pressing them. This can help users with physical impairments, who have trouble
pressing two keys at a me.
Filter Keys is a feature in Windows that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes. This
makes typing easier for users with hand tremors. We can turn on Filter Keys by pressing and holding
right Shi key from the keyboard for eight seconds.
Q.12. What are the safety rules for fires that maintain workplace safety?
Ans. The safety rules for fires that maintain workplace safety are-
a. Proper fire escapes and evacua on plans must be posted at every level of the organiza on.
b. Every employee should be provided with regular fire safety drills.
c. Installa on and maintenance of safety equipment must be done with utmost care.
d. Smoke alarms must be installed at proper places.
Q.13. What is the use of Goal seek.
Ans. Goal seek is used to find the correct input value when only the output is known. It is the ability to
calculate backward to obtain an input that would result in the given output.
Q.14. Define the term brochure.
Ans. A brochure is an informa ve paper document usually for adver sing, which can be folded into a
pamphlet or a leaflet. You can print a document with two pages on each side of a sheet of paper
arranged so that when the printed pages are folded in half, the pages are in the correct order to form a
booklet or brochure.
Q.15. What are the clauses comes under SELECT command in SQL?
Ans. The SELECT statement has many op onal clauses:
• WHERE specifies which rows to retrieve.
• ORDER BY specifies an order in which the rows are to be retrieved.
Q.16. What is Anchoring and Text wrapping?
Ans. Anchoring refers to the reference point for the images. This point could be the page or frame where the
object is, a paragraph, or even a character. An image always has an anchor point.
Text wrapping refers to the rela on of images to the surrounding text.

IT Code 402 11
Answer any three out of the given five ques ons in 50-80 words each 4 x 3 = 12 Marks
Q.17. Write the advantages of Base.
Ans. The advantages of Base are-
a. It is an open source so ware which means you do not need to purchase it.
b. It is cross-pla orm so it can run on any opera ng system.
c. It is a powerful and flexible applica on.
d. It can also be integrated with other applica ons of LibreOffice.
e. It possesses the ability to be a frontend for other database systems.
Q.18. Write some rules of First-Aid.
Ans. Some rules are-
a. Keep track of stock availability of first aid items and replenish supplies when required.
b. Check the expiry date of all the medical items.
c. Appoint one person to take the charge of first-aid arrangements.
d. Assure the injured to remain calm and not to panic.
e. Keep them warm if they are under shock.
f. Do not move the vic m in case of back/neck injury.
Q.19. Write the steps to edit a hyperlink.
Ans. The steps
a. Click on the cell containing the hyperlink.
b. Click on the Insert menu.
c. Click on Hyperlink.
Hyperlink dialog box will appear, enabling you to modify the characteris cs of the hyperlink.
d. Edit or change the hyperlink as required.
e. Click on OK.
Q.20. Define SQL Commands. Write the types of SQL commands.
Ans. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard language used to communicate with a rela onal
database. The prototype was originally developed by IBM using Dr. E.F. Codd’s paper as a model in
1979, not long a er IBM’s prototype was created. The first SQL product, ORACLE, was released by
Rela onal So ware, Incorporated (which was later renamed Oracle Corpora on).
The basic categories of commands used in SQL to perform various func ons are:
a. Data Defini on Language (DDL)
b. Data Manipula on Language (DML)
c. Data Query Language (DQL)
d. Data Control Language (DCL)
e. Data Administra on Commands
f. Transac onal Control Commands

IT Code 402 12
Q.21. Write the advantages of Base.
Ans. The advantages of Base are-
a. It is an open source so ware which means you do not need to purchase it.
b. It is cross-pla orm so it can run on any opera ng system.
c. It is a powerful and flexible applica on.
d. It can also be integrated with other applica ons of LibreOffice.
e. It possesses the ability to be a frontend for other database systems.

Answers (Sample Paper-2)

Q1. 1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (c)

Q2. 1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. Dataset
Q3. 1. Load Style 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (a)
Q4. 1. filter 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (a)
Q5. 1. (b) 2. (d) 3. Sor ng 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (a)

IT Code 402 12
Term - 01
Informa on Technology- 10 (SUBJECT CODE - 402)
Max. Time: 120 Minutes (2 Hour) Max. Marks: 50
General Instruc ons

1. Please read the instruc ons carefully.

2. This Ques on Paper consists of 21 ques ons in two sec ons: Sec on A & Sec on B.
3. Sec on A has Objec ve type ques ons whereas Sec on B contains Subjec ve type ques ons.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16) = 21 ques ons, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10) = 15 ques ons in the allo ed
(maximum) me of 2 hours.
5. All ques ons of a par cular sec on must be a empted in the correct order.
I. This sec on has 05 ques ons.
ii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.
iii. There is no nega ve marking.
iv. Do as per the instruc ons given.
7. SECTION B – SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (26 MARKS): This sec on has 16 ques ons.
i. A candidate has to do 10 ques ons.
ii. Do as per the instruc ons given.
iii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.

Sec on - A {Objec ve Type Ques ons}

Q1. Answer any four out of the given six ques ons on Employability Skills 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
i. A feedback that is construc ve, works on building a person’s strength and has posi ve undertones, is
known as a ………………………………. feedback.
a. Posi ve b. Nega ve
c. No feedback d. Descrip ve
ii. Stress being experienced in an overwhelming amount for a long period of me is:
a. Useful b. Harmful
c. Refreshing d. Manageable
iii. Which of the following is a virtual assistant that acts as per your verbal instruc ons?
a. Siri b. FaceTime
c. Chrome d. iCloud
iv. Independent working skills, when nurtured and integrated into your own personality are founda onal
a. Extrinsic mo va on b. Extra-curricular learning
c. Life-long learning d. Short-term task comple on
IT Code 402 13
v. Which of the following is not a quality of an entrepreneur?
a. Pa ent b. Crea ve
c. Learned d. Responsible
vi. Which of these is not a primary objec ve of sustainable development?
a. Economic growth b. Environmental protec on
c. Social inclusion d. Deple on of resources

Q2. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. Posi oning of an image is controlled by Anchoring, Text Wrapping, Alignment and Arrangement.
True False
ii. A style is a collec on of forma ng a ributes that you can apply to any text in a document.
iii. By default, the Writer sidebar is located on the ………………………………. side of the window.
iv. A ………………………………. checks where your packet (your data) goes and decides in which direc on to
send it.
a. Repeater b. Hub
c. Bridge d. Router
v. Some servers perform a specific task and are called ………………………………. servers.
a. Special b. Dedicated
c. Client d. Web
vi. There are five e-commerce business models. True False

Q3. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. In which menu will you get Templates
a. File b. View
c. Design d. Reference
ii. ………………………………. can contain predefined text, which can be used while crea ng a new document.
iii. Which e-commerce system started in February 2010.
a. b.
c. d.
iv. Online shopping is not secure and reliable. True False
v. A ………………………………. is a website that consists of a frequently updated collec on of informa on and
a. Blogger b. Blog
c. Blogging d. microblog
vi. How many types of Queries are there?
a. two b. one
c. three d. five

IT Code 402 14
Q4. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
I. ………………………………. refers to the rela on of images to the surrounding text.
ii. The term ………………………………. refers to the worldwide collec on of blogs.
a. Microblog b. blogosphere
c. pos ng d. vlog
iii. The result of the query appears in ………………………………. view.
a. Query Design b. Form
c. Result d. Wizard
iv. ………………………………. criterion is true provided either of the individual criterion is true.
a. OR b. AND
c. Both and b d. None of these
v. ………………………………. clause is also used in commands like UPDATE, DELETE, etc.
c. SELECT d. None of these
vi. A ………………………………. server manages network traffic.
a. print b. network
c. database d. web server

Q5. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. ………………………………. tool from the Drawing toolbar is used to select the objects so as to group them
a. Select b. Assemble
c. Group d. Join
ii. ………………………………. is the most popular open-source spreadsheet program.
iii. Which among the following is not an an virus?
a. Quick feel b. Kaspersky
c. McAfee d. Botnet
iv. The main database window contains ………………………………. sec ons.
a. Five b. Four
c. Three d. Two
v. You can insert an image in Writer using ………………………………. .
a. Clipboard b. Gallery
c. Scanner d. All of these
vi. Which e-commerce is also called an intra business e-commerce?
a. B2E b. B2B
c. C2C d. None of these
IT Code 402 15
Sec on - B {Subjec ve Type Ques ons}
Answer any three out of the given five ques ons on Employability Skills 2 x 3 = 6 Marks
Answer each Ques on in 20-30 Words.
Q.6. Write any two types of an Opera ng system.
Ans. The two types of an Opera ng systems are-
a. A single-user/single-tasking opera ng system allows only one user to run one program at a me. It
is the most common system used for home computers. It is also used in offices and other work
environments. MS DOS and Palm OS (for Palm handheld computers) are good examples of a
modern single-user, single-task opera ng system.
b. A mul user opera ng system enables two or more users on different computers to access a system
for running a program simultaneously. Users on the system are connected through a network. The
OS shares resources between users, depending on what type of resources the users need. Some
examples of a mul user OS are UNIX, Linux and mainframe OS.
Q.7. What are the benefits of descrip ve feedback?
Ans. The benefits of descrip ve feedback are-
a. Supports learning by providing elaborate sugges ons.
b. Aids self-assessment and se ng of goals accordingly.
c. Fills the gap between the current achievements and future goals.
Q.8. Write some techniques to manage stress.
Ans. Some techniques to manage stress are-
a. Refresh: Find me to refresh, re-energize and re-mo vate ourselves. Have a posi ve a tude
towards stressful situa ons in life.
b. Manage our Postures: Never be complacent. Sit straight and try deep breathing exercises.
c. Take a Break: Every once in a while, it is perfectly fine to take a break from our daily rou ne. You can
u lise this me to do whatever we like, or even nothing at all.
Q.9. What are the five principles of Sustainable Development?
Ans. The five principles of sustainable development are-
a. Living with in environmental limits
b. Achieving a sustainable economy
c. Promo ng good governance
d. Using sound science responsibly
e. Ensuring a strong, healthy and just society
Q.10. What are the following ways in which a society assists an entrepreneur?
Ans. The following ways in which a society assists an entrepreneur are-
a. Providing raw materials
b. Assis ng in building infrastructure
c. Providing human and non-human resources
d. Crea ng needs and demands
e. Enabling financial support
f. Facilita ng networking

IT Code 402 16
Answer any four out of the given six ques ons in 20-30 words each 2 x 4 = 8 Marks
Q.11. What do you mean by DDL?
Ans. Data Defini on Language (DDL) is the part of SQL that enables a database user to create and
restructure database objects, such as the crea on or the dele on of a table. Some of the most
fundamental DDL commands are CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE and DROP TABLE.
Q.12. What are the types of accidents that occur at workplaces?
Ans. Some common types of accident at workplace are:
1. Slip, trips and falls
2. Muscle strains
3. Injuries due to falling objects
4. Overexer on and repe ve stress injury
5. Walking into objects
6. Manual li ing of heavy objects
Q.13. Write a note on PAN.
Ans. A Personal Area Network (PAN) is a network that connects personal devices like laptops, smartphones,
digital cameras, printers etc. in an individual’s workspace using wired or wireless technology. A PAN
may connect devices through a router using network cables or by using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi technology.
Q.14. Write a note on computer communica on.
Ans. Computer Communica on is described as a process in which one computer transfers data,
instruc ons, and informa on to another computer. Some communica ons involve cables and wire’s
others are sent wirelessly through the air.
Q.15. List the types of SQL Commands.
Ans. The basic categories of commands used in SQL to perform various func ons are:
1. Data Defini on Language (DDL)
2. Data Manipula on Language (DML)
3. Data Query Language (DQL)
4. Data Control Language (DCL)
5. Transac onal Control commands
6. Data administra on commands
Q.16. What is Libre Office Writer?
Ans. Libre Office Writer is a word processor program that is especially meant for crea ng and edi ng text. It
is a part of Libre Office Suite. Writer helps us to create books, le ers, reports, memos, newsle ers etc.

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons in 50-80 words each 4 x 3 = 12 Marks
Q.17. How can you create a Hyperlink into a Calc Spreadsheet?
Ans. We can create a hyperlink into a Calc spreadsheet by several methods:
a. Place the text cursor at the point where we want to insert the hyperlink, or select the text that we put
the hyperlink on. Then, select the Insert menu and choose Hyperlink.
b. From the Navigator in the Sidebar, drag-and-drop an item to the point where we want to insert the
hyperlink (for example, a sheet or cell name)
c. Type the target web address or URL at the point where we want to insert the hyperlink. When we
type the text that can be used as a hyperlink (such as a website address or URL), Calc formats it
automa cally, crea ng a hyperlink.
IT Code 402 17
Q.18. What do you mean by Web applica on and Mobile applica on?
Ans. Web applica on is an applica on so ware that allows users to access so ware from any computer
that is connected to the Internet.
A Mobile applica on is an applica on so ware designed to run on a mobile device. New phones
usually come with some pre-installed applica ons. Many mobile apps are free while others have a
minimal cost.
Q.19. What are the features and Advantages of Base?
Ans. The features and Advantages of Base are:
a. It is an open-source so ware which means you do not need to purchase it.
b. It is a cross-pla orm so it can run on any opera ng system.
c. It is a powerful and flexible applica on.
d. It can also be integrated with other applica ons of Libre Office.
e. It possesses the ability to be a frontend for other database systems.
Q.20. What are some common types of accidents that occur at workplaces?
Ans. Some common types of accident that occur at workplaces are:
a. Slip, trips and falls. b. Muscle strains.
c. Injuries due to falling objects. d. Overexer on and repe ve stress injury.
e. Walking into objects. f. Manual li ing of heavy objects.
Q.21. Write some Electrical Safety Rules.
Ans. Some of the Electrical Safety Rules are as under:
a. Periodic checking and a proper employee training program is helpful in avoiding injuries due to
faulty electrical appliances at work.
b. Make sure to unplug or switch off electrical appliances while cleaning, repairing or when they are
not in use.
c. Use electrical equipment approved by a na onal tes ng laboratory.
d. All worn off or hazardous electrical equipment should be immediately replaced and taken out of
e. Heat emana ng equipment should be kept away from the electrical equipment.
f. Make sure that the outlets/circuits are not overloaded.

Answers (Sample Paper-3)

Q1. 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d)

Q2. 1. True 2. Style 3. Right-side 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. False
Q3. 1. (a) 2. Template 3. (b) 4. False 5. (a) 6. (c)
Q4. 1. Text Wrapping 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (b)
Q5. 1. (c) 2. LibreOffice Calc 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (d)
6. (a)

IT Code 402 18
Sample Paper 04
Term - 01
Informa on Technology (Code - 402)
(Based on the latest CBSE sample paper)

Max. Time: 120 Minutes (2 Hour) Max. Marks: 50

General Instruc ons

1. Please read the instruc ons carefully.

2. This Ques on Paper consists of 21 Ques ons in two sec ons: Sec on A & Sec on B.
3. Sec on A has objec ve type ques ons whereas Sec on B contains Subjec ve type Ques ons.
4. Out of the given (5+16=)21 Ques ons, a candidate has to answer (5+10=)15 ques ons in the allo ed
(maximum) me of 2 hours.
5. All ques ons of a par cular sec on must be a empted in the correct order.
i. This sec on has 05 ques ons.
ii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.
iii. There is no nega ve marking.
iv. Do as per the instruc ons given.
i. This sec on has 16 ques ons.
ii. A candidate has to do 10 Ques ons.
iii. Do as per the instruc ons given.
iv. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.

Sec on - A {Objec ve Type Ques ons}

Q1. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 ques ons on employability skills. 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
1. Communica on is a process by which informa on is exchanged between individuals through a common
system of:
a. Symbols b. Signs
c. Behaviour d. All of these
2. Over what percentage of entrepreneurs in high-growth industries have at least a bachelor’s degree?
a. 95% b. 87%
c. 73% d. 41%
3. One of the symptoms of stress is:
a. Proficient judgement b. Ac ve mental strength
c. Being energe c d. Overwhelming amount of anger
4. What is the keyboard shortcut to the Se ngs app? .
a. Ctrl + S b. Windows + S
c. Tab + Ctrl + S d. Windows + I

IT Code 402 20
5. Extrinsic mo va on is the behaviour that a person indulges in for the sake of receiving:
a. Internal sa sfac on b. Mental peace
c. External rewards d. Long-term success
6. How many sustainable development goals are given by the United Na ons?
a. 17 b. 34
c. 26 d. 19

Q2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

1. ………………………………. is an index which gives you easy access to any loca on in the document.

2. Rotate feature creates a mirror image of the picture either horizontally or ver cally. (True/ False)

3. A ………………………………. tool allows users to copy, or backup selected files or the contents of an en re
storage medium to another storage loca on.
a. Fragment b. Restore
c. Backup d. None of these
4. A network of two or more computers that uses the same type of programs to communicate and share
data is called ………………………………. network.
a. Storage b. Peer-to-peerr
c. Client/Server d. System
5. You can use the ………………………………. clause with the select SQL command to display the records
containing the same type of values.
a. Insert b. Order By
c. Update d. Where
6. ………………………………. provides high-speed Internet connec on, using regular telephone lines..
a. DSL b. FTTP
c. Wi-Fi d. Cellular Radio Network

Q3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

1. ………………………………. is a process of combining or merging the main document with the data source.

2. Which style affects a block of text inside a paragraph?

a. Frame styles b. Character styles
c. Page styles d. Table styles
3. A ………………………………. is a readymade format that is used for crea ng documents.
4. Online shopping is not secure and reliable. (True/False)
5. A ………………………………. is a column in a table that contains a specific piece of informa on.
a. Record b. Field
c. Cell d. None of these

IT Code 402 21
6. ………………………………. server manages network traffic.
a. Network b. File
c. Database d. Web

Q4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

1. A single person who maintains many blogs is known as a blogger. (True/False)
2. You should apply ………………………………. factor authen ca on to all your online accounts.
a. Two b. Five
c. Three d. Six
3. What does the word ‘spoof’ means on Internet Security?
a. Hoax b. copy
c. deceive d. both (a) and ©
4. A ………………………………. is a collec on of web pages.
a. Web browser b. Web page
c. Website d. Web server
5. You can use the ………………………………. tab to add background color to TOC
6. You should ac vate ………………………………. mode of your browser to make sure your browsing and
search history is private and clean.
a. Incognito b. Public
c. Secure d. Sleep

Q5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

1. ………………………………. tool from the Drawing toolbar is used to select the objects so as to group them
a. Select b. Assemble
c. Group d. Join
2. An organiza on must formulate an emergency evacua on plan. (True/ False) .
3. ………………………………. is a feature in Windows that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated
a. Sort Keys b. Toggle Keys
c. S cky Keys d. JFilter Keys
4. LibreOffice Writer has ………………………………. style categories.
a. 4 b. 7
c. 6 d. 5
5. Which network connects the computers in a limited geographical area.
a. LAN b. WAN
c. PAN d. MAN
6. An ………………………………. is a special wildcard that represents a collec on of characters.
a. * b. @ c. # d. &
IT Code 402 22
Sec on - B {Subjec ve Type Ques ons}
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 Ques ons on Subject Employability Skills 2 x 3 = 6 Marks
Answer each Ques on in 20-30 Words.
Q.6. What do you understand about self-management?
Ans. Self-management is the ability to control and guide oneself in the right direc on that would take a
person towards a successful and produc ve life. To perform well in school and in society in general, one
must grasp the ability to develop and supervise oneself in various skills such as discipline and
meliness, goal se ng, problem-solving, teamwork, produc vity, etc.
Q.7. Write the types of Internal Varriers.
Ans. The five types of Internal Barriers are-
1. Interpersonal Barriers 2. Psychological Barriers
3. Cultural Ignorance 4. Prejuidice
5. Different Viewpoints
Q.8. Write three func ons of an entrepreneur.
Ans. The three func ons of an entrepreneur are-
a. Managerial role: Entrepreneurs perform several managerial roles to keep their venture thriving
Some of these roles include planning, organising, leading, advising, etc.
b. Organising resources: Organising increases produc vity, distributes and supervises work and
responsibility, and removes barriers to work. The resources include human and non-human resources.
c. Iden fying prospects and opportuni es: Entrepreneurs need to iden fy new socio-economic
opportuni es which have profitable prospects.
Q.9. What are the unique features of Google Android?
Ans. The features of Google Android are-
a. Google Play Store provides access to apps, games, songs, etc.
b. Google Drive provides access to e-mail, contacts, calendar, photos, files and more.
c. Google Assistant enables users to give verbal instruc ons.
Q.10. Explain two principles of sustainable development.
Ans. The two principles of sustainable development are-
a. Living Within Environmental Limits: We have to be conscious of exactly how much we can take
from nature and set limita ons on the use of resources we extract from the environment. The society
cannot a ain balance ll we do not become more sensi ve and conscious towards the ecosystem.
b. Achieving a Sustainable Economy: A long-term, successful economy needs to be achieved wherein
people are treated equally in terms of pay, health-care u lisa on, job protec on, etc. There is a need
for social cohesion and investment in community-led response systems.

Answer any four out of the given six ques ons in 20-30 words each 2 x 4 = 8 Marks
Q.11. How many types of Query Design Window’s are there? Explain them.
Ans. Query Design Window is divided into two panes- top pane and bo om pane.

IT Code 402 23
The top pane displays the result tables selected for the query.
The bo om pane displays a design grid where we can add fields to the query and specify the
Q.12. What is the use of Flip and Rotate Images?
Ans. Flip feature will create a mirror image of the picture either horizontally or ver cally. We can use the
following steps to either flip or rotate the image.
Q.13. What is a computer network?
Ans. A computer network is a collec on of computers and other devices connected by various
communica on channels. People connect computers to a network for a variety of reasons,
including the ability to share hardware, so ware, data and informa on, as well as to facilitate
communica on.
Q.14. Define Data valida on rules.
Ans. Data valida on rules verify that the data a user enters in a record meets the standards we specify
before the user enters the record.
Q.15. What is the use of ORDER by clause? Write its syntax.
Ans. We can use the ORDER BY clause with the Select SQL command to display the records in ascending
or descending order.
Q.16 Define Client/Server.
Ans. A network in which one or more computers are designated as the server(s), and the others are
clients, is called a Client/Server network. A client can request services from the server.

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons in 50-80 words each ( 4x3 = 12 marks)
Q.17. What is SQL? Write the types of SQL commands.
Ans. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard language used to communicate with a rela onal
database. The prototype was originally developed by IBM using Dr. E.F. Codd’s paper as a model in
1979, not long a er IBM’s prototype was created. The first SQL product, ORACLE, was released by
Rela onal So ware, Incorporated (which was later renamed Oracle Corpora on).
The basic categories of commands used in SQL to perform various func ons are:
a. Data Defini on Language (DDL)
b. Data Manipula on Language (DML)
c. Data Query Language (DQL)
d. Data Control Language (DCL)
e. Data Administra on Commands
f. Transac onal Control Commands

Q.18. Write the ways to encourage healthier living among employees

Ans. some ways to encourage healthier living among employees:
a. Provide medical care whenever required
b. Encourage healthy ea ng habits
c. Encourage physical ac vi es
d. Monitor working hours
e. Stress-management

Q.19. Difference between LAN and MAN.

Ans. A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network that connects the computers and the devices in a limited
geographical area, such as home, school computer lab, office building or closely posi oned group
of buildings. These computers are usually within 100 to 300 metres away from each other.
MAN is a network that connects the Local Area Networks in a metropolitan area such as a city or a
town. A MAN typically includes one or more LANs but covers a smaller geographical area than a
WAN. Telephone companies, cable television operators, and other organiza ons use MAN network.

IT Code 402 24
• Document: The hyperlink points to a loca on in either the current document or another exis ng
• New Document: Opening the hyperlink creates a new document.

Q.21. How do we create a table on database?

Ans. The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table in a database.
CREATE TABLE table_name (
column1 datatype,
column2 datatype,
column3 datatype,
The table_name specifies the name of the table.
The column parameters specify the field names in the table.
The datatype parameters specify the type of data the column can hold (e.g. varchar,
integer, date, etc.).

Answers (Sample Paper-4)

Q1. 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (a)

Q2. 1. Table of content 2. False 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (a)
Q3. 1. Mail Merge 2. (b) 3. template 4. False 5. (b) 6. (a)
Q4. 1. True 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (c)
5. Background 6. (a)
Q5. 1. (c) 2. True 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a)

IT Code 402 25
Term - 01
Informa on Technology- 10 (SUBJECT CODE - 402)
Max. Time: 120 Minutes (2 Hour) Max. Marks: 50
General Instruc ons

1. Please read the instruc ons carefully.

2. This Ques on Paper consists of 21 ques ons in two sec ons: Sec on A & Sec on B.
3. Sec on A has Objec ve type ques ons whereas Sec on B contains Subjec ve type ques ons.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16) = 21 ques ons, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10) = 15 ques ons in the allo ed
(maximum) me of 2 hours.
5. All ques ons of a par cular sec on must be a empted in the correct order.
I. This sec on has 05 ques ons.
ii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.
iii. There is no nega ve marking.
iv. Do as per the instruc ons given.
7. SECTION B – SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (26 MARKS): This sec on has 16 ques ons.
i. A candidate has to do 10 ques ons.
ii. Do as per the instruc ons given.
iii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.

Sec on - A {Objec ve Type Ques ons}

Q1. Answer any four out of the given six ques ons on Employability Skills. 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
1. ………………………………. is the reflec on of our confidence.
a. Space b. Posture
c. Facial Expression d. Eye Contact
2. Talking about what is bothering you or wri ng it down is a:
a. Self-management technique b. Stress management technique
c. Way of adap ng d. Self-awareness trait
3. Which le er does a path always start with?
a. First le er of the file/folder name b. Drive le er
c. Le er X d. None of these
4. Which of the following is a func on of an entrepreneur?
a. Crea ng innova ve ideas b. Taking ini a ves
c. Organising resources d. All of these

IT Code 402 26
5. In which year did the Brudtland Report give a defini on for sustainable development?
a. 1985 b. 1986
c. 1987 d. 1988
6. Everyone has their own favourite working style that:
a. Suits their temperament b. Suits their lifestyle
c. Is financially more lucra ve d. They find difficult

Q2. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

1. A ………………………………. is an informa ve paper document usually for adver sing, which can be folded
into a pamphlet or a leaflet.
2. ………………………………. allows to change the tab and indent se ngs of your documents.
a. Ruler b. Mouse Pointer
c. Scroll bar d. Sidebar
3. ………………………………. menu is used to apply data valida on rule in a cell.
a. Insert b. Data
c. Data d. Windows
4. A ………………………………. is a collec on of tables.
a. Fields b. Internet Download
c. Records d. Database
5. Rubika has opened a small company consis ng of 5-6 employees. She has arranged 6 computers and 1
printer. Which network architecture should she opt for so that all the computers can avail the u lity of
the printer?
a. Peer-to-peer network b. client-server network
c. WAN d. none of these
6. ………………………………. is a feature in Windows that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated
a. Sort Keys b. Toggle Keys
c. S cky Keys d. Filter Keys

Q3. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
1. Table of Contents is an ………………………………. which gives you easy access to any loca on in the document.
a. Style b. Pointer
c. Index d. Link
2. ………………………………. is a feature in Calc that allows the arranging of data in a specific order.
a. Sor ng b. What-if Scenario
c. Goal seek d. Filtering

IT Code 402 27
3. The DBMS enforces data by allowing the entry ………………………………. of only one correct and consistent
data in the database.
a. Redundancy b. Integrity
c. Standard d. Execu on
4. A ………………………………. is a small text file that a web browser stores on your computer to keep track of
a. Cookie b. Spoof
c. SMS d. Script
5. The result of the query appears in ………………………………. view.
a. Query Design b. Form
c. Result d. Wizard
6. Name box shows entered formula in an ac ve cell. True False

Q4. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
1. The ………………………………. is an informa ve paper document usually for adver sing, which can be
folded into a pamphlet or leaflet.
a. Brochure b. Envelope
c. Report d. Label
2. ………………………………. is displayed on the right side of the document area.
3. The cell reference formula consists of parts, when ………………………………. done through keyboard.
a. 2 b. 5
c. 3 d. Both a and c
4. Some servers perform a specific task and are called ………………………………. servers.
a. Special b. Dedicated
c. Client d. Web
5. A ………………………………. key acts as a link between two tables of database.
a. Primary b. Foreign
c. Composite d. Alternate
6. The default name of a worksheet is ………………………………. .

Q5. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
1. ………………………………. bar is used to move the display up, down, right and le .
2. The ………………………………. shortcut key is used to a open a hyperlink dialog box.
a. Ctrl+H b. Ctrl+L
c. Ctrl+K d. Ctrl+O
3. The file extension of LibreOffice Base is .odb. True False

IT Code 402 28
3. ………………………………. refers to sending unsolicited e-mails in bulk which serve no purpose and
unnecessarily clog up the en re system.
a. Spamming b. Networking
c. Downloading d. Trashing
4. The data in a ……………………………… key is unique to a specific record.
a. Composite b. Foreign
c. Primary d. Default
5. Rohan wants to sell his bike through an online auc on. Which e-commerce model based website should
he use to invite a bid for his bike?
a. B2C b. B2E
c. C2C d. B2B

Sec on - B {Subjec ve Type Ques ons}

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons on Employability Skills. 2 x 3 = 6 Marks
Answer each ques on in 20 -30 words
Q.6. What are the advantages of non-verbal communica on?
Ans. The advantages of non-verbal communica on are-
a. It complements verbal messages with added meaning.
b. Retaining informa on is easy.
c. It is helpful for illiterate and handicapped people.
d. It makes presenta ons a rac ve.
e. e. It is quicker than verbal communica on.
Q.7. Write some of the major outcomes of stress.
Ans. Some of the major outcomes of stress are-
• It can suppress our immune system, upset our diges ve system, increase the risk of heart a ack and
stroke, and make us experience never-ending redness no ma er how much we rest.
• It can cause many chronic physical ailments such as migraines, back problems, and insomnia that
affect our daily rou ne.
• It affects diet and metabolism, resul ng in loss of appe te or over-ea ng which adds on to other
Q.8. What is Stand-alone Opera ng system?
Ans. An opera ng system that works on a desktop computer, notebook computer, or a mobile compu ng
device is called a stand-alone opera ng system. Some stand-alone opera ng systems are called client
opera ng systems. Client opera ng systems can operate with or without a network. Examples of
currently used stand-alone opera ng systems are Microso Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
Q.9. What do entrepreneurs do for the society?
Ans. Entrepreneurs play a crucial role in the func oning of the society. They make profits through ac vi es
that benefit society. Some entrepreneurs work towards saving the environment, some give money to
build schools and hospitals. Many buy raw materials from local people or hire them to create refined
products. Hence, they create jobs and fulfill the needs of society. They also fulfill various types of
customer needs.
IT Code 402 29
Q.10 . Explain the term Sustainable Development.
Ans. Sustainable development is a way of assis ng society to exist in the long term. It means that we will
have to take into considera on the requirements of both the present and the future genera ons. The
idea that humans must take care of their needs without compromising the ability of future genera ons
to meet their own is known as sustainable development. The first official defini on of sustainable
development was developed in the Brundtland Report in 1987.

Answer any four out of the given six ques ons in 20-30 words each. 2 x 4 = 8 Marks
Q.11. What is blogging? Write the uses of blogging?
Ans. Blogging is an exci ng and dynamic medium by which us can publish our ideas, opinions, and stories
online. It is a place to express ourself to the world; a place to share our thoughts and our passion.
Q.12. What is the use of Alter table? Write its syntax.
Ans. The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an exis ng table.
The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add and drop various constraints from an exis ng table.
To add a column in atable, the syntax is –
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD column_name datatype;
To delete a column in a table, use the following syntax (no ce that some database systems don’t allow
dele ng a column):
ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP COLUMN column_name;
Q.13. Write the features of RDBMS.
Ans. The features of RDBMS are-
1. In RDBMS, data is stored in the form of rows and columns.
2. It helps in crea ng rela onships between the different tables of a database.
3. It can accommodate mul ple users.
4. It provides great security mechanism.
Q.14. What is Mail Merge? Write the benefits of it.
Ans. Mail Merge is a process of combining or merging the main document with the data source. The data
source contains the name and address of each recipient, to whom we want to send the document.
Benefits of Mail Merge:
a. It becomes easy to make a change to a single le er and for that change to happen in every le er,
e.g., to change the date.
b. Once the merge is done, hundreds of le ers can be sent very quickly.
c. It gets much easier to proof-read just one le er rather than hundreds of le ers.
d. You can save the main document and re-use it in the future.

IT Code 402 30
Q.15. What do you mean by Peer-to-Peer network?
Ans. A network of two or more computers that uses the same type of programs tocommunicate and share
data is called a Peer-to-Peer network. Each computer orpeer is considered equal in terms of
responsibili es, and each acts as a serverto the others in the network. Peer-to-Peer networks work
best in a small environment.
Q.16. What is Scenario in terms of Spreadsheets?
Ans. A scenario is essen ally a saved set of cell values for our calcula ons. We can easily switch between
these sets using the Navigator or a drop-down list which can be shown beside the changing cells.

Answer any four out of the given six ques ons in 20-30 words each. 2 x 4 = 8 Marks
Q.17. Write the advantages of E-commerce.
Ans. The advantages of E-commerce are-
For Buyers:
a. They have the convenience of shopping at home.
b. They can compare the prices of items easily.
c. They can read reviews of other users about the products.
d. They can also give instant feedback.
e. Doorstep delivery of the desired goods and services is available.
For Sellers:
a. The web offers low overhead expenses.
b. It enabled free or low-cost marke ng ac vi es.
c. Poten al buyers can be millions of people.
Q.18. What is Query? How many types of Queries are there? Explain them.
Ans. Query is a request for a specific data from a database. The capability of querying a database is one of
the most powerful database features.
There are mainly three types of query: Simple query, Unmatched query and Duplicate query.
Simple Query: It is used to ask some par cular ques ons about data in the database.
Unmatched Query: It is used to find records from one table that do not have corresponding values in
the other table.
Duplicate Query: It is used to display the records that have same values for one or more of the specified
Q.19. Explain all the six categories of Style in Writer.
Ans. LibreOffice Writer has six style categories:
1. Paragraph Styles: It affects all paragraphs represented with those styles.
2. Character Styles: It affects a block of text inside a paragraph.
3. Frame Styles: It affects frames and graphics.
4. Page Styles: It affects page forma ng like page size, margin, etc.
5. List Styles: It affects outlines, numbered lists, and bulleted lists.
6. Table Styles: It affects outlines and forma ng of tables.

IT Code 402 31
Q.20. How can you posi on an image in the text? Explain.
Ans. Posi oning of an image is controlled by Anchoring, Text Wrapping, Alignment, and Arrangement.
• Anchoring refers to the reference point for the images. This point could be the page or frame where
the object is, a paragraph, or even a character. An image always has an anchor point.
• Text wrapping refers to the rela on of images to the surrounding text.
• Alignment refers to the ver cal or horizontal placement of an image in rela on to the chosen anchor
• Arrangement refers to the placement of an image on an imaginary ver cal axis. It controls how
images are stacked upon each other or rela ve to the text
Q.21. Explain all the different keys in the database.
Q.17. Write the advantages of E-commerce.
Ans. The different keys in a database are-
Ans. The advantages of E-commerce are-
A primary key is a field that uniquely iden fies each record in a table. The data in a primary key is unique
to aBuyers:
specific record.
a. They have
A composite key,the
in convenience
the context ofofrela
shopping at home. is a combina on of two or more columns in a
onal databases,
b. that
Theycancanbe used to the
compare uniquely
pricesiden fy each
of items row in the table.
A foreign
c. Theykey
a link between
of othertwo
a database.
products.A foreign key is a column of a table that
references a column (most o en the primary key) of another table.
d. They can also give instant feedback.
e. Doorstep delivery of the desired goods and services is available.
For Sellers: Answers (Sample Paper-5)
a. The web offers low overhead expenses.
Q1. 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (a)
b. It enabled free or low-cost marke ng ac vi es.
Q2. c. Poten
1. brochure 2. (a) of people.
al buyers can be millions 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (d)
Q.18. Q3.
What is1.Query?
(c) 2. (a)
How 3. (b)
many types 4. (a)
of Queries 5. Explain
are there? (a) 6. False
Ans. Q4.
Query 1.
is a(a)request2.for
Side 3. (a)
a specific 4. a(b)
data from 5. (b)
database. 6. Sheet
The capability of 1querying a database is one of
the most powerful database features.
Q5. 1. Scroll bar 2. Ctrl+K 3. True 4. (a) 5. ( c) 6. (a)
There are mainly three types of query: Simple query, Unmatched query and Duplicate query.
Simple Query: It is used to ask some par cular ques ons about data in the database.
Unmatched Query: It is used to find records from one table that do not have corresponding values in
the other table.
Duplicate Query: It is used to display the records that have same values for one or more of the specified
Q.19. Explain all the six categories of Style in Writer.
Ans. LibreOffice Writer has six style categories:
1. Paragraph Styles: It affects all paragraphs represented with those styles.
2. Character Styles: It affects a block of text inside a paragraph.
3. Frame Styles: It affects frames and graphics.
4. Page Styles: It affects page forma ng like page size, margin, etc.
5. List Styles: It affects outlines, numbered lists, and bulleted lists.
6. Table Styles: It affects outlines and forma ng of tables.

IT Code 402 31
Term - 01
Informa on Technology- 10 (SUBJECT CODE - 402)
Max. Time: 120 Minutes (2 Hour) Max. Marks: 50
General Instruc ons

1. Please read the instruc ons carefully.

2. This Ques on Paper consists of 21 ques ons in two sec ons: Sec on A & Sec on B.
3. Sec on A has Objec ve type ques ons whereas Sec on B contains Subjec ve type ques ons.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16) = 21 ques ons, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10) = 15 ques ons in the allo ed
(maximum) me of 2 hours.
5. All ques ons of a par cular sec on must be a empted in the correct order.
I. This sec on has 05 ques ons.
ii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.
iii. There is no nega ve marking.
iv. Do as per the instruc ons given.
7. SECTION B – SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (26 MARKS): This sec on has 16 ques ons.
i. A candidate has to do 10 ques ons.
ii. Do as per the instruc ons given.
iii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.

Sec on - A {Objec ve Type Ques ons}

Q1. Answer any four out of the given six ques ons on Employability Skills. 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
i. ………………………………. is a sign of decep on or a sign of decep on or resistance.
a. Touching your face b. Eye Contact
c. Fidge ng d. Slouching
ii. Talking about what is bothering you or wri ng it down is a:
a. Self-management technique b. Stress management technique
c. Way of adap ng d. Self-awareness trait
iii. Which of the following is not correct regarding cleaning a computer?
a. Wiping the system unit with a dry cloth
b. Cleaning the monitor using cleaning spray and a cloth
c. Cleaning the keyboard with water and a cloth
d. Cleaning the mouse using rubbing liquid and a cloth

IT Code 402 26
iv. Everyone has their own favourite working style that:
a. Suits their temperament b. Suits their lifestyle
c. Is financially more lucra ve d. They find difficult
v. How many sustainable development goals are given by the United Na ons?
a. 17 b. 34
c. 26 d. 19
vi. Over what percentage of entrepreneurs in high-growth industries have at least a bachelor’s degree?
a. 95% b. 87%
c. 73% d. 41%

Q2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

I. What is the extension of saving a document in Writer?
a. .ods b. .odt
c. . ovs d. none of these
ii. Rotate feature creates a mirror image of the picture either horizontally or ver cally. (True/ False)
iii. A ………………………………. tool allows users to copy, or backup selected files or the contents of an en re
storage medium to another storage loca on.
a. Fragment b. Restore
c. Backup d. None of these
iv. ………………………………. provides high-speed Internet connec on, using regular telephone lines.
a. DSL b. FTTP
c. Wi-Fi d. Cellular Radio Network
v. You can use the ………………………………. clause with the select SQL command to display the records
containing the same type of values.
a. Insert b. Order By
c. Update d. Where
vi. A network of two or more computers that uses the same type of programs to communicate and share data
is called ………………………………. network.
a. Storage b. Peer-to-peer
c. Client/Server d. System

Q3. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
I. ………………………………. tool from the Drawing toolbar is used to select the objects so as to group them
a. Select b. Assemble
c. Group d. Join
ii. An organiza on must formulate an emergency evacua on plan. True False

IT Code 402 33
iii. ………………………………. is a feature in Windows that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated
a. Sort Keys b. Toggle Keys
c. S cky Keys d. Filter Keys
iv. LibreOffice Writer has ………………………………. style categories.
a. 4 b. 7
c. 6 d. 5
v. Which network connects the computers in a limited geographical area.
a. LAN b. WAN
c. PAN d. MAN
vi. An ………………………………. is a special wildcard that represents a collec on of characters.
a. * b. @
c. # d. &

Q4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

i. Which style affects a block of text inside a paragraph?
a. Frame styles b. Character styles
c. Page styles d. Table styles
ii. A ………………………………. is a readymade format that is used for crea ng documents.
iii. Online shopping is not secure and reliable. True False
iv. A ………………………………. is a column in a table that contains a specific piece of informa on.
a. Record b. Field
c. Cell d. None of these
v. ………………………………. server manages network traffic.
a. Network b. File
c. Database d. Web
vi. ………………………………. aims to provide immediate medical care to the injured person ll the arrival of
proper medical help.

Q5. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
I. A single person who maintains many blogs is known as a blogger.
ii. You should apply ………………………………. factor authen ca on to all your online accounts.
a. Two b. Five
c. Three d. Six
iii. What does the word ‘spoof’ means on Internet Security?
a. Hoax b. copy
c. deceive d. both a and c

IT Code 402 34
iv. A ………………………………. is a collec on of web pages.
a. Web browser b. Web page
c. Website d. Web server
v. Which among the following is a wildcard used in a query?
a. * b. ?
c. @ d. Both a and b
vi. You should ac vate ………………………………. mode of your browser to make sure your browsing and search
history is private and clean.
a. Incognito b. Public
c. Secure d. Sleep

Sec on - B {Subjec ve Type Ques ons}

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons on Employability Skills 2 x 3 = 6 Marks
Answer each ques on in 20 -30 words
Q.6. Write the need of importance of Self-regula on.
Ans. Self-regula on is the process by which students monitor and control their cogni on, mo va on, and
behaviour to achieve certain goals. Self-regulated learners monitor their own progress regardless of
adult supervision. Individuals can monitor their own understanding, mo va on, feelings, and
behaviour towards a goal with the assistance of self-direc ng skills.
Q.7. Name the six main folders in Windows 10.
Ans. The six main folders in Windows 10 are- Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Music, videos, and Downloads.
Q.8. What are the benefits of a maintenance Schedule?
Ans. The benefits of a maintenance schedule are-
a. Frees hard disk space from unnecessary files.
b. Improves your computer’s speed.
c. Resolves internet browser problems.
Q.9. Explain any two principles of Sustainable development.
Ans. The two principles of Sustainable development are-
a. Achieving a Sustainable Economy: A long-term, successful economy needs to be achieved wherein
people are treated equally in terms of pay, health-care u lisa on, job protec on, etc. There is a
need for social cohesion and investment in community-led response systems.
b. Ensuring a Strong, Healthy and Just Society: Jus ce and equality in society is a consequen al
component that goes hand in hand with the agendas of sustainable development. Fair
enforcement of sustainable goals is not possible ll there is a bilateral effort to develop the current
social structure along with preserving the ecosystem.
Q.10. What are the myths about Entrepreneurship?
Ans. Some myths about Entrepreneurship are-
a. Every business is unique
b. We require a lot of money

IT Code 402 35
c. All business start big
d. Entrepreneurs are born, not made

Answer each Ques on in 50-80 Words. 2 x 4 = 8 Marks

Q.11. What are the safety rules for fires that maintain workplace safety?
Ans. Guidelines for becoming a Successful Entrepreneur are:
a. Proper fire escapes and evacua on plans must be posted at every level of the organiza on.
b. Every employee should be provided with regular fire safety drills.
c. Installa on and maintenance of safety equipment must be done with utmost care.
d. Smoke alarms must be installed at proper places.
Q.12. What are S cky and Filter keys?
Ans. S cky Keys is a feature in Windows that allows modifier keys like Ctrl and Shi to remain ac ve even
when we are not pressing them. This can help users with physical impairments, who have trouble
pressing two keys at a me.
Filter Keys is a feature in Windows that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes. This
makes typing easier for users with hand tremors. We can turn on Filter Keys by pressing and holding
right Shi key from the keyboard for eight seconds.
Q.13. What are the clauses comes under SELECT command in SQL?
Ans. The SELECT statement has many op onal clauses:
• WHERE specifies which rows to retrieve.
• ORDER BY specifies an order in which the rows are to be retrieved.
Q.14. What is the use of Goal seek.
Ans. Goal seek is used to find the correct input value when only the output is known. It is the ability to
calculate backward to obtain an input that would result in the given output.
Q.15. Define the term brochure.
Ans. A brochure is an informa ve paper document usually for adver sing, which can be folded into a
pamphlet or a leaflet. You can print a document with two pages on each side of a sheet of paper
arranged so that when the printed pages are folded in half, the pages are in the correct order to form a
booklet or brochure.
Q.16. What is Anchoring and Text wrapping?
Ans. Anchoring refers to the reference point for the images. This point could be the page or frame where the
object is, a paragraph, or even a character. An image always has an anchor point.
Text wrapping refers to the rela on of images to the surrounding text.

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons in 50-80 words each 4 x 3 = 12 Marks
Q.17. Write some rules of First-Aid.
Ans. Some rules are-
a. Keep track of stock availability of first aid items and replenish supplies when required.
b. Check the expiry date of all the medical items.
c. Appoint one person to take the charge of first-aid arrangements.
d. Assure the injured to remain calm and not to panic.
e. Keep them warm if they are under shock.
f. Do not move the vic m in case of back/neck injury.
IT Code 402 36
Q.18. Write the advantages of Base.
Ans. The advantages of Base are-
a. It is an open source so ware which means you do not need to purchase it.
b. It is cross-pla orm so it can run on any opera ng system.
c. It is a powerful and flexible applica on.
d. It can also be integrated with other applica ons of LibreOffice.
e. It possesses the ability to be a frontend for other database systems.
Q.19 . Write the steps to edit a hyperlink.
Ans. The steps
a. Click on the cell containing the hyperlink.
b. Click on the Insert menu.
c. Click on Hyperlink.
Hyperlink dialog box will appear, enabling you to modify the characteris cs of the hyperlink.
d. Edit or change the hyperlink as required.
e. Click on OK.
Q.20 . Explain term Rela ve and Absolute hyperlink.
Ans. Rela ve hyperlink is possible only when the document we are working on and the link des na on
are on the same drive. Rela ve links locate the file within the same directory or subdirectory that
can be defined from the current posi on such as /Store/books.jpg. A rela ve link will stop working
if the start and target loca ons change rela ve to each other.
An absolute link is a hyperlink containing a full URL like " ", which includes all the
informa on needed to find a par cular site, page or document or other addressable item on the
Internet. An absolute link will stop working if the target is moved.
Q.21. Define SQL Commands. Write the types of SQL commands.
Ans. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard language used to communicate with a rela onal
database. The prototype was originally developed by IBM using Dr. E.F. Codd’s paper as a model in
1979, not long a er IBM’s prototype was created. The first SQL product, ORACLE, was released by
Rela onal So ware, Incorporated (which was later renamed Oracle Corpora on).
The basic categories of commands used in SQL to perform various func ons are:
a. Data Defini on Language (DDL)
b. Data Manipula on Language (DML)
c. Data Query Language (DQL)
d. Data Control Language (DCL)
e. Data Administra on Commands
f. Transac onal Control Commands
Answers (Sample Paper-6)

Q1. 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (a)

Q2. 1. (b) 2. False 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (b)
Q3. 1. (c) 2. True 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a)
Q4. 1. (b) 2. A template 3. False 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. First Aid
Q5. 1. True 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a)
Term - 01
Informa on Technology- 10 (SUBJECT CODE - 402)
Max. Time: 120 Minutes (2 Hour) Max. Marks: 50
General Instruc ons

1. Please read the instruc ons carefully.

2. This Ques on Paper consists of 21 ques ons in two sec ons: Sec on A & Sec on B.
3. Sec on A has Objec ve type ques ons whereas Sec on B contains Subjec ve type ques ons.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16) = 21 ques ons, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10) = 15 ques ons in the allo ed
(maximum) me of 2 hours.
5. All ques ons of a par cular sec on must be a empted in the correct order.
I. This sec on has 05 ques ons.
ii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.
iii. There is no nega ve marking.
iv. Do as per the instruc ons given.
7. SECTION B – SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (26 MARKS): This sec on has 16 ques ons.
i. A candidate has to do 10 ques ons.
ii. Do as per the instruc ons given.
iii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.

Sec on - A {Objec ve Type Ques ons}

Q1. Answer any four out of the given six ques ons on Employability Skills 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
i. ………………………………. signs are the most widely used type of visual communica on.
a. Road b. Plus
c. # d. both b and c
ii. One of the symptoms of stress is:
a. Proficient judgement b. Ac ve mental strength
c. Being energe c d. Overwhelming amount of anger
iii. Which of the following malware hides in a computer and allows someone from a remote loca on to take
full control of the computer?
a. Trojan horse b. Virus
c. Sleeper d. Rootkit
iv. Extrinsic mo va on is the behaviour that a person indulges in for the sake of receiving:
a. Internal sa sfac on b. Mental peace
c. External rewards d. Long-term success

IT Code 402 38
v. How many sustainable development goals are given by the United Na ons?
a. 17 b. 34
c. 26 d. 19
vi. Which of the following is a func on of an entrepreneur?
a. Crea ng innova ve ideas b. Taking ini a ves
c. Organising resources d. All of these

Q2. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

i. ………………………………. affects outlines and forma ng of tables.

a. Table styles b. Frame styles
c. Page styles d. List styles
ii. Arranging is only relevant when objects are overlapping. True False
iii. The default name of a worksheet is ………………………………. .
iv. In a/an ………………………………. criteria, each individual criterion must be true in order for the compound
criterion to be true.
a. AND b. OR
c. NOT d. None of these
v. The por on at the top of the report is called ………………………………. .
a. Report header b. Header
c. Page header d. View header
vi. Which query is used to ask some par cular ques ons about data in the database?
a. Simple b. Mul ple
c. Unmatched d. Duplicate

Q3. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. By default, the Writer sidebar is located on the right side of the window. (True/False)
ii. A ………………………………. is a collec on of tables.
a. Fields b. Data
c. Records d. Database
iii. Which query is used to find the records from the first table that do not have corresponding values in
the second table?
a. Simple b. Mul ple
c. Unmatched d. Duplicate
iv. Which among the following is not an an virus?
a. Quick Heal b. Kaspersky
c. McAfee d. Botnet

IT Code 402 39
v. The main database window contains three sec ons: ………………………………., Tasks and List.
vi. A er the query is created, you need to click on ………………………………. bu on to run the query to
produce results.
a. Run and compile b. Run Query
c. Execute d. Execute Query

Q4. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. ………………………………. feature changes the posi on of the picture to different angles.
ii. The ………………………………. shortcut key is used to a open a hyperlink dialog box.
a. Ctrl+H b. Ctrl+L
c. Ctrl+K d. Ctrl+O
iii. Name box shows entered formula in an ac ve cell. (True/ False)
iv. A er the query is created, you need to click on ………………………………. bu on to run the query to
produce results.
a. Run and compile b. Run Query
c. Execute d. Execute Query
v. A ………………………………. checks where your packet (your data) goes and decides in which direc on to
send it.
a. Repeater b. Hub
c. Bridge d. Router
vi. The term ………………………………. the refers to the method by which personal informa on can be stolen
and misused by a ackers.

Q5. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. Press the ………………………………. key to draw a shape from its center.
a. Shi b. Alt
c. Ctrl d. None of these
ii. ………………………………. refers to the reference point for the images.
a. Text wrapping b. Arrangement
c. Alignment d. Anchoring
iii. ………………………………. feature is used to combine the data from two or more ranges of cells into a new
a. Filtering b. Data Valida on Rules
c. Hyperlink d. Consolidate
iv. Which among the following is a wildcard used in a query?
a. * b. ?
c. @ d. Both a and b

IT Code 402 40
v. Which view is used to create a table structure and design?
a. Design b. Data
c. Pivot d. Primary
vi. Every me you surf the Internet, you leave a trail behind, known as a digital trail. True False

Sec on - B {Subjec ve Type Ques ons}

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons on Employability Skills
Answer each Ques on in 20-30 Words. 2 x 3 = 6 Marks
Q.6. What are the types of message forma on barriers?
Ans. The types of message forma on barriers are-
a. Linguis c Issues: When one single language is not understood by the people par cipa ng in a
communica on process, it is known as a linguis c barrier. The sender and receiver need to find
common ground and build communica on on it.
b. Inconsistent Tone & Gestures: The message being encoded might have an incorrect, mismatched
tone, in verbal communica on and inappropriate gestures, in the case of non-verbal communica on,
which confuses the receiver about what is being conveyed.
c. Complicated Messages: The encoding of the message might be too difficult due to complicated
vocabulary, intricate intona ons, and syntac c structures, which could be the reason the
communicators are unable to understand each other.
Q.7. Write the skills of a self-regulated person.
Ans. The skills of a self-regulated person are-
Control on reac ons: A person who can control reac ons to an emo onal s mulus, avoids ge ng
overwhelmed beyond ra onal func oning, and can assist others in doing so as well.
Focus on work: A person with strong work ethics, who is honest about their abili es and maintains
integrity, who believes in managing me and staying organised to priori se the comple on of
responsibili es.
Time management: Keeping a tab on various ways of managing me limita ons with the help of
planning, experience, and common sense.
Q.8. Explain three components of the Windows 10 screen.
Ans. The three components are-
a. Desktop Screen: It is the final screen that appears a er switching on the computer. It is an area
where you work with your programs and documents.
b. Desktop Icons: The small pictures on the desktop are called icons. An icon on the desktop
represents a program or Windows 10 feature. Programs can be opened quickly by double-clicking on
c. Mouse Pointer: Mouse Pointer helps us to point, click, or double-click the various items on the
desktop. When we move our mouse, this pointer moves along with it.
Q.9 . What do Entrepreneurs need?
Ans. Some of the ways in which a society assists an entrepreneur:
a. Providing raw materials
b. Assis ng in building infrastructure
c. Providing human and non-human resources

IT Code 402 41
d. Crea ng needs and demands
e. Enabling financial support
f. Facilita ng networking
Q.10 . Write some necessary steps needed for effec ve implementa on of sustainable development.
Ans. Some necessary steps needed for effec ve implementa on of sustainable development are-
1. Proper use of means and resources that eliminates wastage.
2. Holis c approach towards conserva on of resources and non-renewable energy.
3. Development and u lisa on of renewable energy along with equable distribu on, and affordable

Answer any four out of the given six ques ons in 20-30 words each 2 x 4 = 8 Marks
Q.11. How many clauses are there for SELECT statement ?
Ans. The SELECT statement has many op onal clauses:
• WHERE specifies which rows to retrieve.
• ORDER BY specifies an order in which the rows are to be retrieved.
Q.12. What are the components of RDBMS?
Ans. The components of RDBMS are-
a. Table: Tables are the places where all the informa on in your database is stored.
b. Record: A is a row in a table that contains informa on about a given record person, product, or
event. It is also known as row, en ty or tuple.
c. Field: A field is a column in a table that contains a specific piece of informa on within a record. It is
the smallest unit of data. It is also known as a column or a ribute.
Q.13. What is a LibreOffice Writer?
Ans. LibreOffice Writer is a word processor program that is especially meant for crea ng and edi ng text. It
is a part of LibreOffice Suite. Writer helps us to create books, le ers, reports, memos, newsle ers, etc.
Q.14. What is a database?
Ans. A database is a collec on of related informa on. For example, an address book is a database list of
names and addresses of your contacts.
Q.15. What are the types of emergencies?
Ans. The types of emergencies are-
i. Fires ii. Major power failure iii. Chemical or other hazardous material spills
iv. Radiological accidents v. Explosions vi. Medical emergencies vii. Earthquakes
Q.16. What do you mean by alignment and arrangement?
Ans. Alignment refers to the ver cal or horizontal placement of an image in rela on to the chosen anchor
Arrangement refers to the placement of an image on an imaginary ver cal axis. It controls how images
are stacked upon each other or rela ve to the text.

IT Code 402 42
Answer any three out of the given five ques ons in 50-80 words each 4 x 3 = 12 Marks
Q.17. What are the common symptoms associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders?
Ans. The common symptoms associated with this are:
1. Aching and s ffness
2. Burning sensa ons in the muscles
3. Fa gue
4. Muscle twitching
5. Worsening of pain without movement
6. Sleep disturbances
Q.18. Write the various op ons to wrap the text around an image.
Ans. The various op ons to wrap the text around an image are-
None: This op on allows the text to be placed above or below the image but not to either side of it.
Parallel: This op on lets the text flow around the image. When you move the image around the page,
the text will be rearranged to fill the space to the le and right of it.
Op mal: This op on prevents the text from being placed to the side of the image if the spacing
between the image and the margin is less than 2 cm.
Before: This op on lets the text flow before the image.
A er: This op on lets the text flow a er of the image.
Through: This op on puts the image in front of the text.
In Background: This op on puts the image behind the text. You will get this op on in Format menu.
Q.19. What are the preven on measures for computer vision syndrome?
Ans. The steps to prevent these symptoms are-
a. Every 15 to 30 minutes, take an eye break. Look into the distance and focus on an object for 20 to 30
seconds. Roll your eyes in a complete circle. Close your eyes and rest them for at least one minute.
Blink our eyes every five seconds.
b. Place our display about an arm’s length away from our eyes with the top of the screen at or below
eye level.
c. Use large fonts and adjust the brightness of the display.
Q.20. Write the features of DBMS.
Ans. The features are-
a. Database controls data redundancy as storage, retrieval and manipula on of data occur at one
b. It facilitates data sharing which gives users an ability to generate more informa on from a given
amount of data.
c. Database backup and recovery is one of the best features of database that protects data from loss
in case of power or hardware failure.
d. It also protects data from unauthorized or restricted access by se ng accessing privileges
Q.21. What are the benefits of Mail Merge?
Ans. The benefits of Mail Merge are-
a. It becomes easy to make a change to a single le er and for that change to happen in every le er,
e.g., to change the date.
b. Once the merge is done, hundreds of le ers can be sent very quickly.
c. It gets much easier to proof-read just one le er rather than hundreds of le ers.
d. We can save the main document and re-use it in the future.

Answers (Sample Paper-7)

Q1. 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (d)

Q2. 1. Table styles 2. True 3. Sheet1 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (a)
Q3. 1. True 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. Database 6. (b)
Q4. 1. Rotate 2. (c) 3. False 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. iden ty
Q5. 1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. True

Term - 01
Informa on Technology- 10 (SUBJECT CODE - 402)
Max. Time: 120 Minutes (2 Hour) Max. Marks: 50
General Instruc ons

1. Please read the instruc ons carefully.

2. This Ques on Paper consists of 21 ques ons in two sec ons: Sec on A & Sec on B.
3. Sec on A has Objec ve type ques ons whereas Sec on B contains Subjec ve type ques ons.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16) = 21 ques ons, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10) = 15 ques ons in the allo ed
(maximum) me of 2 hours.
5. All ques ons of a par cular sec on must be a empted in the correct order.
I. This sec on has 05 ques ons.
ii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.
iii. There is no nega ve marking.
iv. Do as per the instruc ons given.
7. SECTION B – SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (26 MARKS): This sec on has 16 ques ons.
i. A candidate has to do 10 ques ons.
ii. Do as per the instruc ons given.
iii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.

Sec on - A {Objec ve Type Ques ons}

Q1. Answer any four out of the given six ques ons on Employability Skills 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
i. Which communica on saves me and money?
a. Verbal b. Non- Verbal
c. Visual d. Both a and c
ii. Stress being experienced in an overwhelming amount for a long period of me is:
a. Useful b. Harmful
c. Refreshing d. Manageable
iii. Which of the following is a source of virus?
a. E-mail b. Internet download
c. Distribu on of so ware d. All of these
iv. Independent working skills, when nurtured and integrated into your own personality are founda onal to:
a. Extrinsic mo va on b. Extra-curricular learning
c. Life-long learning d. Short-term task comple on

IT Code 402 44
v. Which of these is not a primary objec ve of sustainable development?
a. Economic growth b. Environmental protec on
c. Social inclusion d. Deple on of resources
vi. Which of the following is a func on of an entrepreneur?
a. Crea ng innova ve ideas b. Taking ini a ves
c. Organising resources d. All of these

Q2. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. ………………………………. feature creates the mirror image of the picture horizontally or ver cally.
a. Rotate b. Flip
c. Styles d. Format
ii. You cannot edit the style and content of a template. (True/ False)
iii. The e-commerce that takes place using mobile devices is called ………………………………. .
a. Mobile-commerce b. Phone-commerce
c. Cell-commerce d. Smart-commerce
iv. While referencing a worksheet, the sheet name and cell reference are separated by a …………… .
a. Comma b. Period
c. Semicolon d. Ampersand
v. A ………………………………. is a small text file that a web browser stores on your computer to keep track of
a. Cookie b. Spoof
c. SMS d. Script
vi. The result of the query appears in ………………………………. view.
a. Query Design b. Form
c. Result d. Wizard

Q3. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. You can apply special effects to your image by using the ………………………………. effects from the Image
ii. ………………………………. shortcut key to remove direct forma ng from selected text.
a. Ctrl + N b. Ctrl + M
c. Ctrl + Z d. F11
iii. The cell reference formula consists of parts, when ………………………………. done though keyboard.
a. 2 b. 5
c. 3 d. Both a and c

IT Code 402 45
iv. Under which menu is the Track Changes op on located?
a. Edit b. Format
c. Insert d. Tools
v. You should apply ………………………………. factor authen ca on to all your online accounts.
a. Two b. Five
c. Three d. Six
vi. ………………………………. refers to sending unsolicited e-mails in bulk which serve no purpose and
unnecessarily clog up the en re system.
a. Spamming b. Networking
c. Downloading d. Trashing

Q4. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. ………………………………. are elements that define a document or a sec on of a document.
ii. Riya is working as a computer operator in XYZ school. She has been given the responsibility to maintain
the admission records of all the students in Calc. Now, to maintain the records, she has to arrange the
data class-wise. So, which op on or feature will she use for this task?
iii. Which query is used to ask some par cular ques ons about data in the database?
a. Simple b. Mul ple
c. Unmatched d. Duplicate
iv. Passing arguments as a macro by value means you are passing ………………………………. value to the
func on while calling it.
a. Copy b. Old
c. New d. Original
v. Humanware refers to the persons who program, design or operate a computer. True False
vi. An IP address has four groups of numbers that are separated by ………………………………. .

Q5. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. ………………………………. is a process of combining or merging the main document with the data source.
a. Data source b. Mail Merge
c. main document d. None of these
ii. Solver and Goal Seek commands are located in ………………………………. menu.
a. View b. Sheet
c. Insert d. Tools
iii. Comments are ………………………………. in the text, but aren’t part of the text themselves.
iv. A system without an an virus may subject to ………………………………. .
v. ………………………………. is a feature in Windows that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated
a. Sort Keys b. Toggle Keys
c. S cky Keys d. Filter Keys
vi. Wildcards are symbols that represent characters. (True/ False) True False
IT Code 402 46
Sec on - B {Subjec ve Type Ques ons}
Answer any three out of the given five ques ons on Employability Skills 2 x 3 = 6 Marks
Answer each ques on in 20 -30 words.
Q.6. What are the uses of visual communica on?
Ans. The uses of visual communica on are-
a. Shapes and lines are used to outline processes, flows and rela onships between people or things.
b. Symbols and icons are used to make informa on more memorable.
c. Visuals are used to tell stories.
d. Colours are used to indicate importance and draw a en on.
Q.7. What are the benefits of working independently?
Ans. The benefits of working independently are-
a. Increases Self-confidence: Comple on of work makes us reflect and appreciate our own abili es as
we are the one comple ng the whole task with our own efforts.
b. Emo onal Independence: We can make decisions without involving others. We only have to focus
on our perspec ve without being emo onally influenced by others, which also enhances our
judgment-making skills and decisiveness.
c. Showcases our Strength: The best side of us, including all our quali es is more visible and it makes
us eager to be accountable for our responsibili es.
Q.8. Write three func ons of an entrepreneur.
Ans. The three func ons of an entrepreneur are-
a. Managerial role: Entrepreneurs perform several managerial roles to keep their venture thriving.
Some of these roles include planning, organising, leading, advising, etc.
b. Organising resources: Organising increases produc vity, distributes and supervises work and
responsibility, and removes barriers to work. The resources include human and non-human
c. Iden fying prospects and opportuni es: Entrepreneurs need to iden fy new socio-economic
opportuni es which have profitable prospects.
Q.9. What are the unique features of Google Android?
Ans. The features of Google Android are-
a. Google Play Store provides access to apps, games, songs, etc.
b. Google Drive provides access to e-mail, contacts, calendar, photos, files and more.
c. Google Assistant enables users to give verbal instruc ons.
Q.10. Explain two principles of sustainable development.
Ans. The two principles of sustainable development are-
a. Living Within Environmental Limits: We have to be conscious of exactly how much we can take from
nature and set limita ons on the use of resources we extract from the environment. The society
cannot a ain balance ll we do not become more sensi ve and conscious towards the ecosystem.
b. Achieving a Sustainable Economy: A long-term, successful economy needs to be achieved wherein
people are treated equally in terms of pay, health-care u lisa on, job protec on, etc. There is a
need for social cohesion and investment in community-led response systems.

IT Code 402 47
Answer any four out of the given six ques ons in 20-30 words each 2 x 4 = 8 Marks

Q.11. How many types of Query Design Window’s are there? Explain them.
Ans. Query Design Window is divided into two panes- top pane and bo om pane.
The top pane displays the result tables selected for the query.
The bo om pane displays a design grid where we can add fields to the query and specify the criteria.
Q.12. What is the use of ORDER by clause? Write its syntax.
Ans. We can use the ORDER BY clause with the Select SQL command to display the records in ascending or
descending order.
Q.13. Define Client/Server.
Ans. A network in which one or more computers are designated as the server(s), and the others are clients,
is called a Client/Server network. A client can request services from the server.
Q.14. Define Data valida on rules.
Ans. Data valida on rules verify that the data a user enters in a record meets the standards we specify
before the user enters the record.
Q.15. What is the use of Flip and Rotate Images?
Ans. Flip feature will create a mirror image of the picture either horizontally or ver cally. We can use the
following steps to either flip or rotate the image.
Q.16. What is a computer network?
Ans. A computer network is a collec on of computers and other devices connected by various
communica on channels. People connect computers to a network for a variety of reasons, including
the ability to share hardware, so ware, data and informa on, as well as to facilitate communica on.

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons in 50-80 words each 4 x 3 = 12 Marks
Q.17. What is SQL? Write the types of SQL commands.
Ans. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard language used to communicate with a rela onal
database. The prototype was originally developed by IBM using Dr. E.F. Codd’s paper as a model in
1979, not long a er IBM’s prototype was created. The first SQL product, ORACLE, was released by
Rela onal So ware, Incorporated (which was later renamed Oracle Corpora on).
The basic categories of commands used in SQL to perform various func ons are:
a. Data Defini on Language (DDL)
b. Data Manipula on Language (DML)
c. Data Query Language (DQL)
d. Data Control Language (DCL)
e. Data Administra on Commands
f. Transac onal Control Commands
Q.18. Difference between LAN and MAN.
Ans. A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network that connects the computers and the devices in a limited
geographical area, such as home, school computer lab, office building or closely posi oned group of
buildings. These computers are usually within 100 to 300 metres away from each other.
MAN is a network that connects the Local Area Networks in a metropolitan area such as a city or a
town. A MAN typically includes one or more LANs but covers a smaller geographical area than a WAN.
Telephone companies, cable television operators, and other organiza ons use MAN network.
IT Code 402 48
Q.19. What are the four categories of hyperlink?
Ans. The four categories of hyperlink:
• Internet: The hyperlink points to a WWW (World Wide Web) or FTP (File Transfer Protocol) address.
• Mail: The hyperlink points to an e-mail address.
• Document: The hyperlink points to a loca on in either the current document or another exis ng
• New Document: Opening the hyperlink creates a new document.
Q.20. How do we create a table on database?
Ans. The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table in a database.
CREATE TABLE table_name (
column1 datatype,
column2 datatype,
column3 datatype,
The table_name specifies the name of the table.
The column parameters specify the field names in the table.
The datatype parameters specify the type of data the column can hold (e.g. varchar, integer, date, etc.)
Q.21. Write the ways to encourage healthier living among employees
Ans. some ways to encourage healthier living among employees:
a. Provide medical care whenever required
b. Encourage healthy ea ng habits
c. Encourage physical ac vi es
d. Monitor working hours
e. Stress-management

Answers (Sample Paper-8)

Q1. 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (d)

Q2. 1. (b) 2. False 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (a)
Q3. 1. filter 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (a)
Q4. 1. Headings 2. Macros 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. True 6. Periods
Q5. 1. Mail Merge 2. (d) 3. references 4. vulnerability 5. (d)
6. True

IT Code 402 49
Term - 01
Informa on Technology- 10 (SUBJECT CODE - 402)
Max. Time: 120 Minutes (2 Hour) Max. Marks: 50
General Instruc ons

1. Please read the instruc ons carefully.

2. This Ques on Paper consists of 21 ques ons in two sec ons: Sec on A & Sec on B.
3. Sec on A has Objec ve type ques ons whereas Sec on B contains Subjec ve type ques ons.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16) = 21 ques ons, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10) = 15 ques ons in the allo ed
(maximum) me of 2 hours.
5. All ques ons of a par cular sec on must be a empted in the correct order.
i. This sec on has 05 ques ons.
ii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.
iii. There is no nega ve marking.
iv. Do as per the instruc ons given.
7. SECTION B – SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (26 MARKS): This sec on has 16 ques ons.
i. A candidate has to do 10 ques ons.
ii. Do as per the instruc ons given.
iii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.

Sec on - A {Objec ve Type Ques ons}

Q1. Answer any four out of the given six ques ons on Employability Skills 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
1. A group of words that makes sense is called a ………………………………. .
a. Punctua on b. Sentence
c. Paragraph d. Ar cles
ii. Stress is the body's response to anything experienced in:
a. Daily life b. Our immediate environment
c. Overwhelming situa ons d. All of these
iii. Which of the following is a feature used to remove unnecessary files from your computer to free the disk
a. Disk Cleanup b. Defragment
c. ScanDisk d. Backup
iv. With fewer interrup ons while working independently, you’ll find it easier to:
a. Do leisure ac vi es b. Do task efficiently and on me
c. Help others with work d. Focus on res ng

IT Code 402 50
v. Which of the following is not a myth about entrepreneurship?
a. Every business is unique b. Entrepreneurs are born, not made
c. Needs a lot of people d. All businesses start big
vi. Which type of resources generally takes millions of years to form and be available for human use?
a. Renewable resources b. Non-renewable resources
c. Both d. None

Q2. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. In which menu will you get Templates
a. File b. View
c. Design d. Reference
ii. ………………………………. can contain predefined text, which can be used while crea ng a new document.
iii. By default, a workbook contains ………………………………. worksheet.
a. two b. one
c. three d. None of these
iv. Which query is used to ask some par cular ques ons about data in the database?
a. Unmatched Query b. Duplicate Query
c. Simple Query d. None of these
v. A ………………………………. is a collec on of computers and other devices connected by communica on
a. network b. DNS
c. Protocol d. None of these
vi. A cookie is a small text file that a web browser stores on your computer to keep a track of websites.
True False

Q3. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. ………………………………. feature creates the mirror image of the picture horizontally or ver cally.
a. Rotate b. Flip
c. Styles d. Format
ii. Under which menu is the Subtotals op on located?
a. Edit b. Format
c. Insert d. Data
iii. ………………………………. is a feature in Calc that allows arranging of data in a specific order.
iv. How many types of compound criteria are there?
a. two b. three
c. five d. seven

IT Code 402 51
vi. __________ refers to the people who program, design, or operate a computer.
a. Humanware b. Ergonomics
c. Evacua on d. None of these

Q4. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
1. You can print text label using ………………………………. op on.

a. Orienta on b. Print
c. Format d. Synchronize content

2. A ………………………………. is a collec on of related informa on.

3. A network of two or more computers that uses the same type of programs to communicate and share
data is called ………………………………. network.

a. Storage b. Peer-to-peer
c. Client/Server d. System

4. A ………………………………. is a way to display data from a query and/or table in an appealing way, and is
specially designed to be printed.

a. Report b. Form
c. Query d. Labels

5. Under which menu is the Track Changes op on located?

a. Edit b. Format
c. Insert d. Tools

6. Which among the following is not a component of a database?

a. Record b. Table
c. List d. Field

IT Code 402 52
Q5. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. A ………………………………. is an informa ve paper document usually for adver sing, which can be folded
into a pamphlet or a leaflet.
ii. In h ps, ‘s’ stands for stable. (True/False) True False
iii. The e-commerce that takes place using mobile devices is called ………………………………. .
a. Mobile-commerce b. Phone-commerce
c. Cell-commerce d. Smart-commerce
iv. The result of the query appears in ………………………………. view.
a. Query Design b. Form
c. Result d. Wizard
v. The field or fields on which the records are sorted is called the ………………………………. key.
a. minor b. major
c. Sort d. None of these
vi. Which view is used to create a table structure and design?
a. Design b. Data
c. Pivot d. Primary

Sec on - B {Subjec ve Type Ques ons}

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons on Employability Skills 2 x 3 = 6 Marks
Answer each Ques on in 20-30 Words.
Q.6. What do Entrepreneurs need?
Ans. Some of the ways in which a society assists an entrepreneur:
a. Providing raw materials
b. Assis ng in building infrastructure
c. Providing human and non-human resources
d. Crea ng needs and demands
e. Enabling financial support
f. Facilita ng networking
Q.7. Write some necessary steps needed for effec ve implementa on of sustainable development.
Ans. Some necessary steps needed for effec ve implementa on of sustainable development are-
1. Proper use of means and resources that eliminates wastage.
2. Holis c approach towards conserva on of resources and non-renewable energy.
3. Development and u lisa on of renewable energy along with equable distribu on, and affordable
Q.8. What are the benefits of descrip ve feedback?
Ans. The benefits of descrip ve feedback are-
a. Supports learning by providing elaborate sugges ons.
b. Aids self-assessment and se ng of goals accordingly.
c. Fills the gap between the current achievements and future goals.
IT Code 402 52
Q.9. Write the need of importance of Self-regula on.
Ans. Self-regula on is the process by which students monitor and control their cogni on, mo va on, and
behaviour to achieve certain goals. Self-regulated learners monitor their own progress regardless of
adult supervision. Individuals can monitor their own understanding, mo va on, feelings, and
behaviour towards a goal with the assistance of self-direc ng skills.
Q.10. Name the six main folders in Windows 10.
Ans. The six main folders in Windows 10 are- Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Music, videos, and Downloads.

Answer any four out of the given six ques ons in 20-30 words each 2 x 4 = 8 Marks
Q.11. Define the term DDL.
Ans. Data Defini on Language (DDL) is the part of SQL that enables a database user to create and
restructure database objects, such as the crea on or the dele on of a table.
Q.12. What is the use of Track changes?
Ans. Track changes are used for edi ng and forma ng changes. When more than one person work on a
spreadsheet in Calc.
Q.13. What is the use of Wrap Off?
Ans. Wrap Off is used to allow the text flow to be placed above or below the image but not to either side of it.
Q.14. Write the various sources for inser ng images.
Ans. The various sources for inser ng images are-
a. Inser ng an image from the clipboard
b. Inser ng an image using a Scanner
c. Inser ng an image from the gallery
d. Inser ng an image from a file
Q.15. What is a posture?
Ans. Proper posture while working on computer is essen al to avoid aches and sprains in our back and neck.
To keep a good posture, we need to keep our back, neck and head straight. When we are seated, our
feet should be flat on the floor, and we should not lean forward or slouch in our chair. We should shi
posi ons o en, and stand up to stretch our arms and legs at least once every hour.
Q.16. What is Report?
Ans. A report is a way to display data from a query and/or table in an appealing way. Reports are specially
designed to be printed. A report can have more elaborate forma ng and layouts than the other
objects you can print.

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons in 50-80 words each 4 x 3 = 12 Marks
Q.17. Differen ate between C2C and B2C.
Ans. In Consumer-to-Consumer (C-to-C or C2C) e-commerce, the individuals use the Internet to sell
products and services directly to other individuals. Online auc on is the most popular vehicle for C2C
e-commerce; in this, one consumer auc ons goods to other consumers. If you are interested, you can
place a bid on an item. The highest bidder, as in any other auc on, buys the item. OLX is an example of
C2C e-commerce.
Business-to-Consumer (B-to-C or B2C) e-commerce consists of the sale of products or services from
business concern to the general public or end users. In this model, the seller is the business concerned,
and the buyer is the consumer (public). Products for sale can be physical objects, such as books,
flowers, computers, groceries, medicines, automobiles, etc. With B2C business model, the sellers can

IT Code 402 53
sell products directly to consumers, without using tradi onal retail channels. This enables some
companies to sell products at a lower cost with quick service.
Q.18. Write the types and sources of Hazards.
Ans. Biological Hazards: Biological hazards are extremely dangerous and include exposure to dangerous
substances and diseases associated with viruses, bacteria, insects, animals, etc. that can cause adverse
health impacts, especially in healthcare professionals and people who work in laboratories.
a. Physical Hazards: This is the most common type of workplace hazard and affects especially those
workers who are engaged in industrial ac vi es, such as mining, construc on, etc. and are exposed
to height, loud noise, etc.
b. Chemical Hazards: Chemical hazards also pose health risk or threats for workers par cularly working
in chemical factories and are exposed to chemical substances through various routes of entry, i.e.
inhala on and absorp on.
c. Electrical Hazards: An electrical hazard is a serious hazard where workers may come in direct contact
with electrical equipment and sustain an injury from shock, arc flash, fire and explosion.
Q.19. What are the benefits of Mail Merge?
Ans. The benefits of Mail Merge are-
a. It becomes easy to make a change to a single le er and for that change to happen in every le er,
e.g., to change the date.
b. Once the merge is done, hundreds of le ers can be sent very quickly.
c. It gets much easier to proof-read just one le er rather than hundreds of le ers.
d. We can save the main document and re-use it in the future.
Q.20. How can you posi on an image in the text? Explain.
Ans. Posi oning of an image is controlled by Anchoring, Text Wrapping, Alignment, and Arrangement.
• Anchoring refers to the reference point for the images. This point could be the page or frame where
the object is, a paragraph, or even a character. An image always has an anchor point.
• Text wrapping refers to the rela on of images to the surrounding text.
• Alignment refers to the ver cal or horizontal placement of an image in rela on to the chosen
anchor point.
• Arrangement refers to the placement of an image on an imaginary ver cal axis. It controls how
images are stacked upon each other or rela ve to the text.
Q.21. Explain all the different keys in the database.
Ans. The different keys in a database are-
A primary key is a field that uniquely iden fies each record in a table. The data in a primary key is unique
to a specific record.
A composite key, in the context of rela onal databases, is a combina on of two or more columns in a
table that can be used to uniquely iden fy each row in the table.
A foreign key acts as a link between two tables of a database. A foreign key is a column of a table that
references a column (most o en the primary key) of another table.

IT Code 402 54
Answers (Sample Paper-9)

Q1. 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (c)

Q2. 1. (c) 2. False 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. Use ALTER table command
ALTER TABLE Student_Details ADD
column_name datatype;
6. (a)
Q3. 1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (a)
Q4. 1. (b) 2. A database 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (c)
Q5. 1. brochure 2. False 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (a)

IT Code 402 55
Sample Paper 10
Term - 01
Informa on Technology (Code - 402)
(Based on the latest CBSE sample paper)

Max. Time: 120 Minutes (2 Hour) Max. Marks: 50

General Instruc ons

1. Please read the instruc ons carefully.

2. This Ques on Paper consists of 21 Ques ons in two sec ons: Sec on A & Sec on B.
3. Sec on A has objec ve type ques ons whereas Sec on B contains Subjec ve type Ques ons.
4. Out of the given (5+16=)21 Ques ons, a candidate has to answer (5+10=)15 ques ons in the allo ed
(maximum) me of 2 hours.
5. All ques ons of a par cular sec on must be a empted in the correct order.
i. This sec on has 05 ques ons.
ii. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.
iii. There is no nega ve marking.
iv. Do as per the instruc ons given.
i. This sec on has 16 ques ons.
ii. A candidate has to do 10 Ques ons.
iii. Do as per the instruc ons given.
iv. Marks allo ed are men oned against each ques on/part.

Sec on - A {Objec ve Type Ques ons}

Q1. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 ques ons on employability skills. 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
1. ………………………………. can be interpreted as a sign of being careless or disinterested.
a. Leaning back b. Touching your face
c. Hands in pockets d. Glancing at your phone
2. ………………………………. is used to move the display up, down, right and le .
a. Status Bar b. Scroll Bar
c. Mouse pointer d. Ruler
3. Descrip ve feedback answers ………………………………. ques ons.
a. Where am I now? b. Where am I going?
c. How can I close the gap? d. All of these
4. The absence of even one of the ………………………………. can lead to miscommunica on, crea ng barriers in
the process.
a. 7C’s b. 8 C’s
c. 7 D’s d. 8 D’s
IT Code 402 56
5. ………………………………. is used before nouns that begin with a consonant sound.
a. an b. a
c. the d. None of these
6. ………………………………. menu contains table of contents.
a. Data b. Format
c. Insert d. View

Q2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

1. ………………………………. feature is used to combine the data from two or more ranges of cells into a new
a. Filtering b. Data Valida on Rules
c. Hyperlink d. Consolidate
2. When a person is aware of various aspects of self-including traits, behaviours and feelings, it is called
………………………………. .
a. Self-awareness b. Self-mo va on
c. Self-regula on d. None of these
3. The main database window contains ………………………………. sec ons.
a. Five b. Four
c. Three d. Two
4. Being paid to do a job is an example of ………………………………. mo va on.
a. Intrinsic mo va on b. Extrinsic mo va on
c. Self-mo va on d. None of these
5. ………………………………. is rarely used and used to calculate very huge numbers
a. Tiny Integer b. Small Integer
c. Integer d. Big Integer
6. You can do modifica ons on ………………………………. so ware.
a. Open source b. Package
c. Custom d. None of these

Q3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

1. ………………………………. helps in running the computer hardware and the computer system.
a. System so ware b. Custom so ware
c. Applica on so ware d. Package so ware
2. The capability of ………………………………. a database is one of the most powerful database feature.
a. Filtering b. Sor ng
c. Querying d. Making

IT Code 402 57
3. ………………………………. provides access to e-mail, contacts, calendar, photos.
a. Google Drive b. Google assistant
c. Google play store d. All of these
4. Which among the following is not an an virus?
a. Quick feel b. Kaspersky
c. McAfee d. Botnet
5. We should clean the computer internally.
a. Daily b. Weekly
c. Monthly d. Yearly
6. United Na ons General Assembly adopted the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ in
………………………………. .
a. New York b. America
c. London d. Japan

Q4. Answer any five out of the given six ques ons 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
i. ………………………………. tool is used to cut out the desired part of an image.
a. Resize b. Crop
c. Marquee d. Flip
ii. Filtering is a feature in Calc that allows se ng of condi ons so that only certain data is displayed.
True False
iii. Rahul is working as an accoun ng manager in a bank. He frequently needs to format the names of the
customers with overdue accounts in red color and apply bold forma ng. Which op on of Calc should
he use to automate this task?
iv. The result of the query appears in ………………………………. view.
a. Query Design b. Form
c. Result d. Wizard
v. ………………………………. is an online marketplace started by Kunal Bahl and Rohit Bansal.
a. Flipkart b. Snapdeal
c. Alibaba d. Amazon
vi. Which among the following is not an an virus?
a. Quick Heal b. Kaspersky
c. McAfee d. Botnet

Q5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 ques ons. 1 x 5 = 5 Marks

i. ………………………………. is used to format many sca ered paragraphs, words, or other items with the same
a. Table Style b. Default Style
c. Fill Format d. List Style

IT Code 402 58
ii. ………………………………. tab is used to add color and graphics to the background of TOC (Table of Contents).
a. Background b. Graphics
c. Style d. Type
iii. The data you enter in Calc is stored in a file called a ………………………………. .
iv. ………………………………. is a request for a specific data from the database.
a. Query b. Form
c. Report d. None of these
v. ………………………………. e-commerce, the sale or exchange of products and services takes place between
business concerns.
a. B2B b. B2C
c. B2E d. C2C
vi. Cookies are small text files that a web browser stores on your computer to keep track of websites.
True False

Sec on - B {Subjec ve Type Ques ons}

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons on Employability Skills 2 x 3 = 6 Marks
Answer each ques on in 20 -30 words.
Q.6. Write the importance of feedback.
Ans. The importance of feedback are-
a. It encourages us to improve our decision-making skills and performance.
b. It completes the cycle of communica on.
c. It validates effec ve listening.
d. It broadens our knowledge.
e. It helps us build be er personal and professional rela onships.
Q.7. Explain two basic self-management skills are-
Ans. The two basic self-management skills are-
a. Posi vity: A person must have a posi ve outlook in life and to achieve this they must set up both
long-term and short-term goals. Every day is a step forward, the end being the goal. Also,
appreciate ourselves when we succeed. Nothing is more mo va ng than success.
b. Self-awareness: The most crucial and difficult understanding is the understanding of self. Keep
analysing our behaviour – what we did, why we did it, how we did, and how it may affect others. By
an objec ve analysis of our behaviour, we can judge ourselves. Know our posi ve and nega ve
points. Work on elimina ng the nega ve ones and develop the posi ve ones. This exercise will
make us a be er person.
Q.8. What are the func ons of an Opera ng system?
Ans. The func ons of Opera ng system are-
a. The opera ng system acts as an interface or link between the user and the computer hardware.
b. It manages the structure of files and directories on a computer system.
c. It keeps track of the amount of disk space used by a specific file.

IT Code 402 59
Q.9. Write four quali es of an entrepreneur.
Ans. The four quali es of an entrepreneur are-
a. Self-confident: Believing in self and being confident about one’s ideas are the cornerstones of
being a good entrepreneur. A self-confident entrepreneur never deviates from their path despite
facing numerous obstacles.
b. Pa ent: To succeed in life, we must be pa ent with everyone and everything we’re dealing with,
especially when we run a business and employ some people who look up to us.
c. Crea ve: Crea vity is one of the most important quali es of an entrepreneur. Crea ng things as
per the requirements of people needs crea vity. We need to have ideas that stand out and grab
people’s a en on.
d. Risk taker: Risks are inevitable for any venture to be successful. Only an entrepreneur who can take
calculated risks will be able to dominate the market and move forward.
Q.10 . What issues are there to achieve ideal sustainable development?
Ans. Some issues that are poten ally hindering the world from achieving ideal sustainable development
1. Lack of financial resources to carry out and plan sustainable development.
2. Sustainable development is o en not possible in war-torn countries as there are other priori es
on hand.
3. Natural occurrences, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, can pose a threat to sustainability as they
can shi the flow of water and destroy infrastructure.
4. The governmental conflict between immediate profit and investment towards sustainable
5. Lack of awareness among people regarding the advantages of sustainable development.
6. Lack of efforts at the municipal level.

Answer any four out of the given six ques ons in 20-30 words each 2 x 4 = 8 Marks
Q.11. What is a database?
Ans. A database is a collec on of related informa on. For example, an address book is a database list of
names and addresses of your contacts.
Q.12. What are the types of emergencies?
Ans. The types of emergencies are-
i. Fires ii. Major power failure
iii. Chemical or other hazardous material spills iv. Radiological accidents
v. Explosions vi. Medical emergencies
vii. Earthquakes
Q.13. How many clauses are there for SELECT statement ?
Ans. The SELECT statement has many op onal clauses:
• WHERE specifies which rows to retrieve.
• ORDER BY specifies an order in which the rows are to be retrieved.
Q.14. What is a LibreOffice Writer?
Ans. LibreOffice Writer is a word processor program that is especially meant for crea ng and edi ng text. It
is a part of LibreOffice Suite. Writer helps us to create books, le ers, reports, memos, newsle ers, etc.

IT Code 402 60
Q.15. What are the components of RDBMS?
Ans. The components of RDBMS are-
a. Table: Tables are the places where all the informa on in your database is stored.
b. Record: A is a row in a table that contains informa on about a given record person, product, or
event. It is also known as row, en ty or tuple.
c. Field: A field is a column in a table that contains a specific piece of informa on within a record. It is
the smallest unit of data. It is also known as a column or a ribute.
Q.16. What do you mean by alignment and arrangement?
Ans. Alignment refers to the ver cal or horizontal placement of an image in rela on to the chosen anchor
Arrangement refers to the placement of an image on an imaginary ver cal axis. It controls how images
are stacked upon each other or rela ve to the text.

Answer any three out of the given five ques ons in 50-80 words each 4 x 3 = 12 Marks
Q.17. Write the various op ons to wrap the text around an image.
Ans. The various op ons to wrap the text around an image are-
None: This op on allows the text to be placed above or below the image but not to either side of it.
Parallel: This op on lets the text flow around the image. When you move the image around the page,
the text will be rearranged to fill the space to the le and right of it.
Op mal: This op on prevents the text from being placed to the side of the image if the spacing
between the image and the margin is less than 2 cm.
Before: This op on lets the text flow before the image.
A er: This op on lets the text flow a er of the image.
Through: This op on puts the image in front of the text.
In Background: This op on puts the image behind the text. You will get this op on in Format menu.
Q.18. What are the common symptoms associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders?
Ans. The common symptoms associated with this are:
1. Aching and s ffness
2. Burning sensa ons in the muscles
3. Fa gue
4. Muscle twitching
5. Worsening of pain without movement
6. Sleep disturbances
Q.19. What is the use of Alter table? Write its syntax.
Ans. The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an exis ng table.
The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add and drop various constraints from an exis ng table.
To add a column in atable, the syntax is –
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD column_name datatype;
To delete a column in a table, use the following syntax (no ce that some database systems don’t allow
dele ng a column):

IT Code 402 61
ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP COLUMN column_name;
Q.20. What are the preven on measures for computer vision syndrome?
Ans. The steps to prevent these symptoms are-
a. Every 15 to 30 minutes, take an eye break. Look into the distance and focus on an object for 20 to 30
seconds. Roll your eyes in a complete circle. Close your eyes and rest them for at least one minute.
Blink our eyes every five seconds.
b. Place our display about an arm’s length away from our eyes with the top of the screen at or below
eye level.
c. Use large fonts and adjust the brightness of the display.
Q.21. Write the features of DBMS.
Ans. The features are-
a. Database controls data redundancy as storage, retrieval and manipula on of data occur at one
b. It facilitates data sharing which gives users an ability to generate more informa on from a given
amount of data.
c. Database backup and recovery is one of the best features of database that protects data from loss
in case of power or hardware failure.
d. It also protects data from unauthorized or restricted access by se ng accessing privileges.

Answers (Sample Paper-10)

Q1. 1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (b)

Q2. 1. (a) 2. Templates 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. True
Q3. 1. (b) 2. (d) 3. Sor ng 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (a)
Q4. 1. (b) 2. True 3. Macro 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d)
Q5. 1. (c) 2. (a) 3. workbook. 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. True

IT Code 402 61

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