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Name: Icel Jean O.

Level and section: BSN 4A

Topic: Judaism

My primary takeaways from this topic are the central characters and principles of

Judaism. Judaism, one of the first monotheistic religions, has a long history and a rich

religious tradition. The importance of the Jewish people's covenant with God is one of

Judaism's main ideas. The concept that there is only one everlasting, all-powerful,

loving God is highly valued in the religion. Judaism is based on the Torah, which is

composed of the sacred texts and laws that regulate Jewish life. Concepts like justice,

righteousness, and the importance of acting morally are emphasized in these lessons.

Throughout history, Jewish history has been shaped by significant individuals such as

Abraham, who is recognized as the founder of Judaism, and Moses, who delivered the

Ten Commandments and freed the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. These

significant individuals have shaped modern Judaism's practices, beliefs, and the

creation of the state of Israel, leaving a long-lasting impression. They have all been

crucial to the development of Judaism in the modern era, from the search for a Jewish

homeland to the struggle for justice and human rights.

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