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The family is an important nuclears of society incubating human

resourses to build and prosper the country in the future.So ,with

that importance, in 1977 Governor Raul Castro signed a paper suggesting that August 7, 1977 was
American Family Day(it is also the firs family day in the world) .American Family Day is now celebrated across the

United States on the first Sunday in August. It encourages people to enjoy the warming summer days with those

dearest to them and spend time with one another.People do not give gifts on this day because they believe

that the best gift one can give their families is themselves. So on this day, people enjoy being with their families.The

most common activities family members often do together include playing games outdoors or going for a walk in the

park, watching a movie, visiting grandparents and bringing them a picnic lunch. Some families enjoy taking an art

class together, visiting a museum or trying out a new recipe and getting the whole family involved in the

cooking.Americans love their Family Day because it reminds them to express their love to their family and helps

strengthen their family bonds.( And in canada,Family Day is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February and in this
year 2022, Family Day is February 21 . First held in Alberta in 1990, Family Day was proposed by the province's

former premier, Don Getty, after his son was arrested for dealing drugs. As we all know, family is not an important

thing; it’s everything. Therefore, Family Day is supposed to reflect the values of family and home that were

important to the pioneers who founded Alberta, and to give workers the opportunity to spend more time with their

families. On Family Day, many people plan and take part in activities aimed at the whole family. These include

visiting art exhibitions, watching movies, skating on outdoor ice rinks, playing board games, and taking part in craft

activities.)More and more countries More and more countries are implementing family days.In 1993,

the United Nations General Assembly decided to take May 15 every year to celebrate

International Family Day.

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