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HU 168

Name: _________________________________________________
ID#: __________________ Group : ____ Date: _____________

Score: ____________________

I. VOCABULARY. Fill in the gaps with the vocabulary words inside the box.
neglectful parenting
indulgent parenting


authoritative parenting
authoritarian parenting


popular children

1. A style in which the parent is very uninvolved in the adolescent's life. It is associated with adolescents' social
incompetence, especially a lack of self-control.
2. The largest, most loosely defined, and least personal unit of adolescent peer society. Crowds often meet
because of their mutual interest in an activity.
3. The carefully coordinated interaction between the parent and the child or adolescent in which, often
unknowingly, they are attuned to each other's behavior.
4. Children or adolescents who are of about the same age or maturity level.
5. A style in which parents are highly involved with their adolescents but place few demands or controls on them.
This is associated with adolescents' social incompetence, especially a lack of self-control.
6. Children who are frequently nominated as a best friend and are rarely disliked by their peers.
7. This style encourages adolescents to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions.
Extensive verbal give-and-take is allowed, and parents are warm and nurturing toward the adolescent. This
style is associated with adolescents' socially competent behavior.
8. These units are smaller, involve more intimacy, and are more cohesive than crowds. They are, however, larger
and involve less intimacy than friendships.
9. This is a restrictive, punitive style in which the parent exhorts the adolescent to follow the parent's directions
and to respect work and effort. Firm limits and controls are placed on adolescents, and little verbal exchange
is allowed. This style is associated with adolescents' socially incompetent behavior.
10. A subset of peers who engage in mutual companionship, support, and intimacy.
1. The carefully coordinated interaction between the parent and the child or adolescent is called
A) reciprocal socialization.
B) maturation. C) discontinuity.
D) synchrony.
2. Participating in a newspaper drive with one's club because the club wants everyone to be involved in this activity is
an example of ______ conformity.
A) negative
B) positive
C) independent
D) responsible
3. ______ relationships are most likely to consist of participants who relate to each other on equal terms.
B) Parent-child
C) Peer-child
D) Teacher-child
4. Thomas Berndt found that adolescent conformity to antisocial, peer-endorsed behavior ____ in late high school
years, and ______ agreement between parents and peers begins to occur in some areas.
A) decreases; greater
B) decreases; lesser C) increases; greater D)increases; lesser
5. Psychologists who stress the importance of similarities between parent-child relationships and parentadolescent relationships are most likely to hold a ______ view of developmental construction of
A) psychoanalytic
B) continuity
C) discontinuity
D) disequilibrium
6. Which of the following is NOT one of the six functions served by friendship?
A) intimacy/affection. B) personal gain.
C) ego support.
D) stimulation.
7. Conflict between adolescents and parents is typically strongest in early adolescence, and may be a healthy aspect
of the development of
A) autonomy.
B) attachment.
C) parenting skills.
D) dating skills.
8. Rules that apply to all members of a group are
A) mandates.
B) roles.
C) values.
D) norms.
9. According to James Bray, given time stepfamilies fall into three types based on their relationships. Which of the
following is NOT one of those types?
A) Neo-traditional
B) Matriarchal
C) Romantic
D) New breed
10. In social groups, positions that are governed by rules and expectations are called
A) roles.
B) norms.
C) values.
D) symbols.

1. All parents must determine how to discipline their children. Discipline techniques used during childhood may have
important implications for adolescent development and behavior. What would you advise parents about spanking their
children? Does it have important consequences of later adolescent behavior?
2. Some evidence suggests that the way we parent is influenced by how our parents parented us. How did your parents
rear you? What was their style? Will yours be the same?
3. Parents can be are a valuable resource for adolescents who need to cope with the extreme stress, such as that
which often is felt when parents divorce, when the adolescent must deal with the death of a friend or family member,
or when a disaster occurs. Devise a list of tips that parents can use to help their adolescents cope with extreme stress.
4. Media portrayals of adolescents' peer interactions often involve negative instances of peer pressure, including
drinking and smoking, delinquency, and drug use. What would you and your friends say to a reporter from the campus
newspaper to illustrate the positive side of peer pressure and influence?
5. Having stressed the importance of adolescence as a period of transition from childhood to adulthood forms of
behavior, your adolescent psychology instructor assigns as a paper topic the emergence of romantic relationships. How
would you describe adolescence as a transition from immature to adulthood forms of romantic relationships?
6. Cyber-dating is increasing in popularity, particularly among older children and younger adolescents. What would you
advise your younger sibling who is dabbling in cyber-dating about important cautions?

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