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Katherine R. Graya , Robin Wolza , Shiva Keihaninejadb,c , Rolf A. Heckemannc,d ,

Paul Aljabara , Alexander Hammersc,d , Daniel Rueckerta

Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London, UK

Dementia Research Centre, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK
MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College London, London, UK
Neurodis Foundation, CERMEP-Imagerie du Vivant, Lyon, France

ABSTRACT cluding SVM classifiers, have been applied for the discrimination
of AD patients from HC, with reported accuracies generally ranging
We present the first use of multi-region FDG-PET data for clas-
between 80% and 95% (for example [4, 5, 6]).
sification of subjects from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging
Initiative. Image data were obtained from 69 healthy controls, 71 Many classification methods rely on voxel-wise comparisons, in
AD patients, and 147 patients with a baseline diagnosis of MCI. which each voxel is considered as a feature that may be exploited
Anatomical segmentations were automatically generated in the na- for group discrimination. As well as requiring that all images be
tive MRI-space of each subject, and the mean signal intensity per transformed into a common space, these methods can fail to ac-
cubic millimetre in each region was extracted from the FDG-PET count for the spatial structure resulting from correlations between
images. Using a support vector machine classifier, we achieve ex- neighbouring voxels. We propose a region-based analysis which
cellent discrimination between AD patients and HC (accuracy 82%), uses anatomical segmentations that are automatically generated in
and good discrimination between MCI patients and HC (accuracy the native space of each subject, rather than in the space of a single
70%). Using FDG-PET, a technique which is often used clinically in reference image.
the workup of dementia patients, we achieve results which are com- When performing comparisons of FDG-PET images across sub-
parable with those obtained using data from research-quality MRI, jects, normalization is required to account for inter-subject variabil-
or biomarkers obtained invasively from the cerebrospinal fluid. ity in overall radioactivity. Normalization is often performed relative
to the cerebral global mean (CGM) but, due to the nature of the dis-
Index Terms— Alzheimer’s disease; Mild cognitive impair- ease, both MCI and AD patients have a lower CMRgl than HC across
ment; Positron emission tomography; Classification; Support vector the whole brain. CGM normalization therefore results in under-
machines estimation of the relative hypometabolism in patients compared to
HC [7], as well as the observation of apparent hypermetabolism in
1. INTRODUCTION relatively preserved regions of the brain [8]. Recent work suggests
that improved group discrimination can be achieved by using these
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in relatively preserved regions for normalization [9], and our analysis
the elderly and, although there is currently no cure, research is on- makes use of this “reference cluster” method.
going into the development of new treatments. Since these would We present the first use of multi-region FDG-PET data for clas-
be of greatest benefit to pre-symptomatic patients, their early iden- sification of subjects from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging
tification is important, and patients with mild cognitive impairment Initiative (ADNI). Segmentations into 83 anatomical regions were
(MCI), who are at increased risk of developing AD, are of interest. generated in the native MRI-space of each subject, and multiplied
Numerous FDG-PET studies (such as [1]) have shown that by a grey matter mask as appropriate. The FDG-PET signal inten-
both MCI and AD are associated with significant reductions in the sity in each region was sampled, and normalized relative to the signal
cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (CMRgl) in brain regions pref- intensity in a reference cluster derived from an independent dataset.
erentially affected by AD. Reductions in AD patients can predict
both their cognitive decline and histopathological diagnosis [2],
and those in MCI patients can predict their conversion to AD [3].
FDG-PET, in conjunction with other neuroimaging methods and
2.1. Image Data
clinical biomarker measurements, may therefore be a useful tool for
the early diagnosis of AD, and for monitoring its progression. Data used in this work were obtained from the ADNI database1 . Par-
We investigate the use of a support vector machine (SVM) to ticipants were recruited from over 50 sites across the United States
classify subjects, based on their baseline FDG-PET scans, as healthy and Canada, to include 229 HC, 380 MCI patients, and 210 AD pa-
controls (HC); AD patients; or as having a baseline diagnosis of tients. Subjects undergo regular cognitive assessments, as well as
MCI, which may either convert to AD (progressive MCI; p-MCI), or neuroimaging with MRI, FDG-PET and PIB-PET.
remain stable (s-MCI). Machine learning techniques based on FDG- We use FDG-PET scans from 287 ADNI subjects, whose group-
PET data have been successful in discriminating AD patients from wise characteristics are provided in Table 1. The MCI subjects were
HC (for example [4]), but there are many more classification stud-
ies based on structural MRI data. Various MRI-based methods, in- 1

978-1-4244-4128-0/11/$25.00 ©2011 IEEE 1082 ISBI 2011

Table 1. Group characteristics for the subjects whose images are used in this study.

Age Gender (%) MMSE Score CDR (%)

(mean ± std. dev.) Male Female (mean ± std. dev.) 0 0.5 1
HC (n = 69) 75.6 ± 5.0 61 39 29.0 ± 1.1 100 0 0
s-MCI (n = 85) 76.0 ± 6.9 73 27 27.5 ± 1.7 0 100 0
p-MCI (n = 62) 75.2 ± 6.9 65 35 26.8 ± 1.7 0 100 0
AD (n = 71) 76.2 ± 7.0 59 41 23.3 ± 2.2 0 38 62

divided into p-MCI and s-MCI based on changes in status occurring produce a single 30-minute static image. For the 60-minute quanti-
over 24 ± 11 (range 0 – 36) months. Although 404 baseline FDG- tative scans, the final six 5-minute frames were extracted, and con-
PET scans are available in total, 89 were excluded from our analysis catenated into a static image in the same way.
due to quantification issues with the Siemens HRRT and BioGraph
HiRez scanners. Also excluded were 16 subjects whose scans could 2.2.2. Co-Registration of FDG-PET with MRI
not be processed as required, and 12 whose diagnoses did not clearly
fall into one of the four clinical categories. Each of the pre-processed FDG-PET images was co-registered with
The 287 baseline FDG-PET images were downloaded from the its corresponding native space MRI, again using tools from IRTK.
LONI Image Data Archive in their original forms, along with pre- Rigid registration parameters were estimated, and used as a start-
processed versions of the corresponding 1.5T MRI. Full details of ing point for the estimation of a twelve-parameter affine registration.
the acquisition protocols may be found in the ADNI technical pro- These affine registration parameters were then applied to transform
cedures manuals. the FDG-PET image into the space of its corresponding MRI using
a linear interpolation. An affine transformaton was preferred over a
rigid one, because it can account for any scaling or voxel size errors
2.2. Image Processing which may remain after phantom correction of the MRI [10].
The independently derived reference cluster required for FDG-PET
image normalization was provided in MNI-space, and transformed 2.2.3. MRI Anatomical Segmentation
into the native MRI-space of each subject. The anatomical seg-
mentations required for regional sampling were generated in native Automatic segmentations of the MRI were generated in native
MRI-space, and the reference-cluster-scaled FDG-PET images, co- MRI-space using multi-atlas propagation with enhanced registration
registered with the corresponding native space MRI, were sampled (MAPER), which has been previously described and validated for
in this higher resolution space. An overview of the image processing use in subjects with AD [11]. Atlas data required for MAPER con-
pipeline is provided in Fig. 1. sisted of 30 manually segmented T1-weighted MRI. To match the
requirements of the MAPER procedure, additional pre-processing
was applied for brain extraction and tissue classification.
For brain extraction, binary masks covering both intracranial
white matter and grey matter (WM+GM) were available as the
starting point. These had been generated using MIDAS, a semi-
automatic procedure that is described elsewhere [12]. Each mask
was extended to cover the intracranial region generously, using
dilation and hole-filling, and FSL FAST3 was then applied to iden-
tify CSF within this pre-masked region. The original WM+GM
mask was extended by the resulting CSF mask to obtain a complete
intracranial mask.
Individual tissue probability maps for CSF, GM and WM were
Fig. 1. Processing steps required to obtain the images needed for obtained using FSL FAST. For FDG-PET image analysis, the GM
regional sampling. Horizontal arrows indicate image registration and portion within each cortical label is of relevance. Masked segmenta-
re-slicing steps. tions are therefore employed, in which all regions except ventricles,
central structures, cerebellum and brainstem have been masked with
a GM label, and the lateral ventricles have been masked with a CSF
2.2.1. FDG-PET Image Pre-Processing
Since FDG-PET acquisition was performed according to one of three 2.2.4. FDG-PET Image Normalization
standard protocols (30-minute static, 30-minute dynamic, 60-minute We obtained a MNI-space image of the reference cluster used in
dynamic), standardization was necessary before the images could be [9] from the author. Using the “Segment” module of SPM54 , each
compared. The 30-minute dynamic scans were corrected for patient MRI was linearly and non-linearly deformed [13] to the MNI tem-
motion by using tools from the Image Registration Toolkit (IRTK)2 plate. The inverse transformation parameters generated by this pro-
to rigidly register an image’s first frame with each of the five subse- cess were then used to transform the MNI-space cluster into the na-
quent frames. The resulting co-registered frames were averaged to
2∼dr/software 4

tive MRI-space of each subject. The cluster was also re-sampled to
the higher resolution of the MRI.

2.3. Image Analysis

Each of the native MRI-space FDG-PET images was overlaid with
its corresponding masked anatomical segmentation, and the signal
intensity per mm3 was determined for all 83 regions. Global vari-
ations in the CMRgl between subjects were accounted for by nor-
malization to the signal intensity per mm3 in the reference cluster of
each subject.

2.4. Classification
We applied a SVM classifier using LIBSVM5 . Robust estimates of
classifier performance were obtained via a bootstrapping approach,
assessing the classification rates between pairs of clinical groups.
The mean accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were evaluated over Fig. 2. ROC curves, with the AUC for each group comparison given
1000 runs, where 75% of the subjects were randomly selected for in brackets.
training, and the remaining 25% for testing. Receiver operating char-
acteristic (ROC) curves were also plotted, and the area under the
curve (AUC) evaluated, as this provides an overall measure of the 4. DISCUSSION
discriminative ability of a classifier.
A two-class SVM aims to construct a hyperplane that maximises
We investigate the classification of AD and MCI subjects using a
the margin, which is the distance between the closest points on either
SVM classifier based on data obtained from a regional analysis of
side of the boundary. Since it is unlikely that real-world data would
baseline FDG-PET scans. We achieve excellent discrimination of
be linearly separable, we applied a soft-margin formulation of the
AD patients from HC (accuracy 82%). This result is comparable
SVM, in which the trade-off between maximising the margin and
with other published studies, and approaches the limit achievable
minimising the training error is controlled by the penalty parameter
in the best clinical centres, since commonly used diagnostic criteria
C. This is the “C-SVC” formulation from LIBSVM. We selected a
themselves have an accuracy of around 90%. Reports that some of
radial basis function kernel, whose width is defined by γ, to allow
the ADNI AD patients may have a pattern of glucose metabolism
the data to be mapped into a higher dimensional space. As part of the
that is more consistent with frontotemporal dementia than with
training process, it was necessary to optimise the parameters C and
AD [14] indicate a potential confounding factor which could also be
γ, and this was achieved by performing a grid-search using five-fold
limiting the classification accuracy.
The majority of research surrounding the classification of AD
and MCI focuses on the discrimination of AD patients from HC and,
3. RESULTS in fewer cases, MCI patients from HC. We propose the first use of
multi-region FDG-PET data for classification on the ADNI cohort,
Classification results are presented in Table 2, with corresponding and further aim to discriminate between p-MCI and s-MCI patients.
ROC curves displayed in Fig. 2. Good group discrimination is achieved between MCI patients and
HC (accuracy 70%), as well as between AD and MCI patients (ac-
Table 2. Classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, ex- curacy 68%), with the results again comparable with other published
pressed as mean (standard error) over the 1000 runs. studies (for example [6]). The discrimination between p-MCI and s-
MCI patients is relatively poor (accuracy 56%) but it is important
Acc. (%) Sens. (%) Spec. (%) to consider that clinical follow-up data are still being acquired for
AD/HC 81.6 (0.2) 82.7 (0.3) 80.4 (0.3) the ADNI subjects, and therefore those currently in the s-MCI group
MCI/HC 70.2 (0.2) 73.8 (0.3) 62.3 (0.6) may yet convert to AD. A recent comparison of ten high-dimensional
AD/MCI 68.2 (0.2) 58.3 (0.6) 73.0 (0.3) classification methods [15] applied to the ADNI MRI data found no
p-MCI/s-MCI 56.4 (0.2) 51.6 (0.6) 60.1 (0.4) classifier to be significantly better than chance in distinguishing p-
MCI and s-MCI patients. The potential to improve on these results,
perhaps by combining information from FDG-PET and MRI, would
Regional t-values for comparisons between AD patients and HC,
therefore be an interesting avenue to pursue in the future.
as well as MCI patients and HC are shown in Fig. 3. In the com-
parison between AD patients and HC, the ten highest t-values were In comparisons between AD patients and HC, as well as between
observed bilaterally in the posterior cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, MCI patients and HC, regional t-values indicate significant group
posterior temporal lobe and parietal lobe, and in the left parahip- differences across most of the brain. The most significant regions
pocampal gyrus and middle and inferior temporal gyri. In the com- include those known to be affected in AD, consistent with previous
parison between MCI patients and HC, the ten highest t-values were voxel-wise t-tests performed on the ADNI data [1]. The incorpo-
observed bilaterally in the hippocampus and parietal lobe, and in the ration of feature selection into the classification process, such that
left parahippocampal gyrus, amygdala, posterior temporal lobe, pos- only the most statistically significant regions are used in discrimi-
terior cingulate gyrus, insula, and pre-subgenual frontal cortex. nating between groups, could be another interesting area for further
study, since this could improve the discriminative power by exclud-
5∼cjlin/libsvm ing redundant features.

Fig. 3. Regional t-values superimposed onto a maximum probability brain atlas for comparisons between (left) AD patients (n = 71) and HC
(n = 69), and (right) MCI patients (n = 147) and HC (n = 69). R: right, L: left, A: anterior, P: posterior, S: superior, I: inferior.

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