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5, MAY 2017

Fundamental Limits of Cache-Aided

Interference Management
Navid Naderializadeh, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali, and Amir Salman Avestimehr

Abstract— We consider a system, comprising a library of employ memories distributed across the networks and closer
N files (e.g., movies) and a wireless network with a K T trans- to the end users to prefetch some of the popular content. This
mitters, each equipped with a local cache of size of MT files can help system to deliver the content with higher throughput
and a K R receivers, each equipped with a local cache of size of
M R files. Each receiver will ask for one of the N files in the and less delay.
library, which needs to be delivered. The objective is to design As a result, there have been significant interests in
the cache placement (without prior knowledge of receivers’ both academia and industry in characterizing the impact of
future requests) and the communication scheme to maximize caching on the performance of communication networks (see,
the throughput of the delivery. In this setting, we show that the
  e.g. [2]–[18]). In particular, in a network with only one trans-
sum degrees-of-freedom (sum-DoF) of min K T MT +K N
, K R mitter broadcasting to several receivers, it was shown in [3]
is achievable, and this is within a factor of 2 of the optimum, that local delivery attains only a small fraction of the gain
under uncoded prefetching and one-shot linear delivery schemes. that caching can offer, and by designing a particular pattern in
This result shows that (i) the one-shot sum-DoF scales linearly cache placement at the users and exploiting coding in delivery,
with the aggregate cache size in the network (i.e., the cumulative
memory available at all nodes), (ii) the transmitters’ caches a significantly larger global throughput gain can be achieved,
and receivers’ caches contribute equally in the one-shot sum- which is a function of the entire cache throughout the network.
DoF, and (iii) caching can offer a throughput gain that scales This also demonstrates that the gain of caching scales with
linearly with the size of the network. To prove the result, we the size of the network. As a follow-up, this work has been
propose an achievable scheme that exploits the redundancy of extended to the case of multiple transmitters in [4], where it
the content at transmitter’s caches to cooperatively zero-force
some outgoing interference, and availability of the unintended was shown that the gain of caching can be improved if several
content at the receiver’s caches to cancel (subtract) some of transmitters have access to the entire library of files. Caching at
the incoming interference. We develop a particular pattern for the transmitters was also considered in [5] and used to induce
cache placement that maximizes the overall gains of cache-aided collaboration between transmitters in the network. It is also
transmit and receive interference cancellations. For the converse, shown in [6], [7] that caches at the transmitters can improve
we present an integer optimization problem which minimizes the
number of communication blocks needed to deliver any set of load balancing and increase the opportunities for interference
requested files to the receivers. We then provide a lower bound alignment. In particular, in [7], the authors consider wireless
on the value of this optimization problem, hence leading to an networks with caches only at the transmitters’ side and in
upper bound on the linear one-shot sum-DoF of the network, this setting, they provide a lower bound on the normalized
which is within a factor of 2 of the achievable sum-DoF. delivery time and show the tightness of their bound for
Index Terms— Interference management, caching, wireless net- several system parameters. More recently, the authors in [8]
works, degrees of freedom. evaluated the performance of cellular networks with edge
caching via a hypergraph coloring problem. In [9], the authors
studied the problem of maximizing the delivery rate of a

O VER the last decade, video delivery has emerged as

the main driving factor of the wireless traffic. In this
context, there is often a large library of pre-recorded content
fog radio access network for arbitrary prefetching strategies.
In [10], the authors study the multiplexing gain of receiver
caching in Wyner’s networks. Furthermore, the authors in [11]
(e.g. movies), out of which, users may request to receive a consider cloud radio access networks with caches at the
specific file. One way to reduce the burden of this traffic is to base stations and demonstrate the opportunities that coded
Manuscript received April 20, 2016; revised November 28, 2016; accepted caching can provide in terms of reducing the backhaul
January 30, 2017. Date of publication February 16, 2017; date of current cost.
version April 19, 2017. This work was supported in part by the NSF CAREER In this paper, we consider a general network setting with
under Grant 1408639, in part by the NSF NETS under Grant 1419632, in part
by the NSF EARS under Grant 1411244, and in part by the ONR Award under caches at both transmitters and receivers, and demonstrate how
Grant N000141612189. This paper was presented in part at the 2016 IEEE one can utilize caches at both transmitters and receivers to
International Symposium on Information Theory [1]. manage the interference and enhance the system performance
N. Naderializadeh and A. S. Avestimehr are with the Department of
Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, in the physical layer. In particular, we consider a library of
CA 90007 USA (e-mail:; N files and a wireless network with K T transmitters and
M. A. Maddah-Ali is with Nokia Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ 07733 USA K R receivers, in which each transmitter and each receiver is
Communicated by O. Simeone, Associate Editor for Communications. equipped with a cache memory of a certain size. In particular,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIT.2017.2669942 each transmitter and each receiver can cache up to MT and
0018-9448 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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M R files, respectively. The system operates in two phases.

The first phase is called the prefetching phase, where each
cache is populated up to its limited size from the content of the
library. This phase is followed by a delivery phase, where each
user reveals its request for a file in the library. The transmitters
then need to deliver the requested files to the receivers. Note
that in the prefetching phase, the system is still unaware of the
files that the receivers will request in the delivery phase. The
goal is to design the cache contents in the prefetching phase
and communication scheme in the delivery phase to achieve
the maximum throughput for arbitrary set of requested files.
Due to their practical appeal, in this work we focus on one-shot
linear delivery strategies. Interestingly, many of the previous
works on caching have relied on one-shot schemes for content
delivery (see, e.g. [5], [8]).
Our main result in this paper is the characterization of Fig. 1. Wireless network with K T transmitters and K R receivers, where each
transmitter and each receiver caches up to MT F packets and M R F packets,
the one-shot linear sum degrees-of-freedom (sum-DoF) of the respectively, from a library of N files, each composed of F packets.
network, i.e., number of the receivers that can be served
interference-free simultaneously, within a factor of 2 for all
system parameters.  In fact, we show  that the one-shot linear an integer optimization problem for the minimum number
sum-DoF of min K T MT +K N
, K R is achievable, and this is of communication blocks needed to deliver a fixed set of
requests for a given caching realization. We then show how
within a factor of 2 of the optimum. This result shows that the
we can focus on average demands instead of the worst-case
one-shot linear sum-DoF of the network grows linearly with
demands to derive an outer optimization problem on the
the aggregate cache size in the network (i.e., the cumulative
number of communication blocks optimized over the caching
memory available at all nodes). It also implies that caches
realizations. Finally, we present a lower bound on the value of
at the transmitters’ side are equally valuable as the caches
the aforementioned optimization problem, which leads to the
on the receivers’ side in the one-shot linear sum-DoF of the
desired upper bound on the one-shot linear sum-DoF of the
network. Our result, therefore, establishes a fundamental limit
network. This result illustrates that in this setting, caches at
on the performance of one-shot delivery schemes for cache-
transmitters’ side are equally valuable as caches at receivers’
aided interference management.
side. It also shows that caching offers a throughput gain that
To achieve the aforementioned sum-DoF, we propose a
scales linearly with the size of the network.
particular pattern in cache placement so that each piece of each
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We present
file in the library is available in the caches of K TNMT transmit-
the problem formulation in Section II. We state the main
ters and K RNM R receivers. Once caching is done this way, we result in Section III. We prove the achievability of our main
can show that for delivering any set of requested contents to result in Section IV and the converse in Section V. Finally, in
the receivers, min K T MT +K N
, K R of the receivers can be Section VI, we conclude the paper and discuss some of the
served at each time, interference-free. This gain is achieved concurrent, independent works on topics similar to this paper.
by simultaneously exploiting the opportunity of collaborative
interference cancellation (i.e., zero-forcing) at the transmitters’ II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
side and opportunity of eliminating known interference contri- In this section, we first provide a high-level description of
butions at the receivers’ side. The first opportunity is created the problem setting and the main parameters in the system
by caching the pieces of each file at several transmitters. The model, and then we present a detailed description of the
second opportunity is available since pieces of a file requested problem formulation.
by one receiver have been cached at some other receivers and
thus do not impose interference at those receivers effectively. A. Problem Overview
Our proposed cache placement pattern maximizes the overall Consider a wireless network, as illustrated in Figure 1, with
gain achieved by these opportunities for any arbitrary set of K T transmitters and K R receivers, and also a library of N files,
receiver requests and this gain can be achieved even with a each of which contains F packets, where each packet is a
simple one-shot linear delivery scheme. vector of B bits. Each node in the network is equipped with
Moreover, we demonstrate that our achievable sum-DoF a local cache memory of a certain size that can be used to
is within a factor of 2 of the optimal sum-DoF for one- cache contents arbitrarily from the library before the receivers
shot linear schemes. To prove the outer bound, we take a reveal their requests and communication begins. In particular,
four-step approach in order to lower bound the number of each transmitter and each receiver is equipped with a cache
communication blocks needed to deliver any set of requested of size MT F and M R F packets, respectively.
files to the receivers. First, we show that the network can We assume that the system operates in two phases, namely
be converted to a virtual MISO interference channel in each the prefetching phase and the delivery phase. In the prefetch-
block of communication. Using this conversion, we next write ing phase, each node can cache contents arbitrarily from the

Authorized licensed use limited to: Technische Universitaet Berlin. Downloaded on July 27,2023 at 09:28:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

library subject to its cache size constraint. In particular, each In particular, each transmitter and each receiver is equipped
transmitter selects up to MT F packets out of the entire library with a cache of size MT F and M R F packets, respectively.
to store in its cache, and each receiver selects up to M R F We assume that the network operates in two phases, namely
packets out of the entire library to store in its cache. In the the prefetching phase and the delivery phase, which are
delivery phase, each receiver requests an arbitrary file from described in more detail as follows.
the library. Since each receiver may have cached parts of its Prefetching Phase: In this phase, each node can store an
desired file in the prefetching phase, the transmitters need to arbitrary subset of the packets from the files in the library
deliver the rest of the requested packets to the receivers over up to its cache size. In particular, each transmitter Txi
the wireless channel. chooses a subset Pi of the N F packets in the library, where
We assume that at each time, the transmitters employ a one- |Pi | ≤ MT F, to store in its cache. Likewise, each receiver
shot linear scheme, where a subset of requested packets are Rx j stores a subset Q j of the packets in the library, where
selected to be delivered interference-free to a corresponding |Q j | ≤ M R F. Caching is done at the level of whole packets
subset of receivers. Each transmitter transmits a linear combi- and we do not allow breaking the packets into smaller sub-
nation of the subset of the selected packets which it has cached packets. Also, we assume that all the transmitters and receivers
in the prefetching phase. The interference is cancelled with the use uncoded prefetching in the sense that they are not allowed
aid of cached contents as follows. Since each requested packet to cache combinations of multiple packets in the library as a
may be cached at multiple transmitters, the transmitters can single packet. Note that this phase takes place unaware of the
collaborate in order to zero-force the outgoing interference of receivers’ future requests.
that packet at some of the unintended receivers. Moreover, the Delivery Phase: In this phase, each receiver Rx j , j ∈ [K R ],
receivers can also use their cached packets as side information reveals its request for an arbitrary file Wd j from the library
to eliminate the remaining incoming interference from to unde- for some d j ∈ [N]. We let d = [d1 . . . d K R ]T denote the
sired packets. Our objective is to design a cache placement demand vector. Depending on the demand vector d and the
scheme and a delivery scheme which maximize the number cache contents, each receiver has already cached some packets
of packets that can be delivered at each time interference-free. of its desired file and there is no need to deliver them. The
In this setting, we define the one-shot linear sum-degrees transmitters will be responsible for delivering the rest of the
of freedom as the ratio of the number of delivered packets requested packets to the receivers. In order to make sure that
over the number of blocks needed for communicating those any piece of content in the library is stored at the cache of
packets for any set of receiver demands. Finally, we define at least one transmitter in the network, we assume that the
the one-shot linear sum-DoF of the network, denoted by transmitter cache size satisfies K T MT ≥ N.
DoF∗L,sum (N, MT , M R ), as the maximum achievable one-shot Each transmitter first employs a random Gaussian coding
linear sum-DoF over all caching realizations. scheme ψ : F2B → C B̃ of rate log P + o(log P) to encode
each of its cached packets into a coded packet composed of
B̃ complex symbols, so that each coded packet carries one
B. Detailed Problem Description
degree-of-freedom (DoF). We denote the coded version of each
We consider a discrete-time additive white Gaussian noise packet wn, f in the library by w̃n, f  ψ(wn, f ). Afterwards,
channel, as illustrated in Figure 1, with K T transmitters the communication takes place over H blocks, each of length
denoted by {Txi }i=1 and K R receivers denoted by {Rxi }i=1 . B̃ time slots. In each block m ∈ [H ], the goal is to deliver a
The communication at time t over this channel is modeled by subset of the requested packets, denoted by Dm , to a subset
of receivers, denoted by Rm , such that each packet in Dm is

Y j (t) = h j i X i (t) + Z j (t), (1) intended to exactly one receiver in Rm . In addition, the set of
transmitted packets in all blocks and the cache contents of the
receivers should satisfy
where X i (t) ∈ C denotes the signal transmitted by Txi , i ∈
[K T ]  {1, . . . , K T } and Y j (t) denotes the receive signal by 
Rx j , j ∈ [K R ]. Moreover, h j i ∈ C denotes the channel gain {wd j , f } f =1 ⊂
Dm ∪ Q j , ∀ j ∈ [K R ], (2)
from Txi to Rx j , assumed to stay fixed over the course of m=1
communication, and Z j (t) denotes the additive white Gaussian
which implies that for any receiver Rx j , j ∈ [K R ], each of its
noise at Rx j at time slot t, distributed as CN (0, 1). The
requested packets should be either transmitted in one of the
 at Tx i , i ∈ [K T ] is subject to the power
transmit signal
blocks or already stored in its own cache.
constraint E |X i (t)|2 ≤ P.
In each block m ∈ [H ], we assume a one-shot linear
We assume that each receiver will request an arbitrary file
scheme where each transmitter transmits an arbitrary linear
out of a library of N files {Wn }n=1 N , which should be delivered
combination of a subset of the coded packets in Dm that it
by the transmitters. Each file Wn in the library contains F
has cached. Particularly, Txi , i ∈ [K T ] transmits xi (m) ∈ C B̃ ,
packets {wn, f } Ff=1 , where each packet is a vector of B bits;
i.e., wn, f ∈ F2B . Furthermore, we assume that each node in the

network is equipped with a cache memory of a certain size that xi (m) = v i,n, f (m) w̃n, f , (3)
can be used to cache arbitrary contents from the library before (n, f ):
the receivers reveal their requests and communication begins. wn, f ∈Pi ∩Dm

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and v i,n, f (m)’s denote the complex beamforming coefficients III. M AIN R ESULT AND I TS I MPLICATIONS
that Txi uses to linearly combine its coded packets in block m. In this section, we present our main result on the one-shot
On the receivers’ side, the received signal of each receiver linear sum-DoF of the network and its implications.
Rx j ∈ Rm in block m, denoted by y j (m) ∈ C B̃ , can be written Theorem 1: For a network with a library of N files, each
as containing F packets, and cache size of MT and M R files at

KT each transmitter and each receiver, respectively, the one-shot
y j (m) = h j i xi (m) + z j (m), (4) linear sum-DoF of the network, as defined in Definition 1,
i=1 satisfies
where z j (m) ∈ C B̃ denotes the noise vector at Rx j in block m.  
min K T MT +K
, K R ≤ DoF∗L,sum (N, MT , M R )
Then, receiver Rx j will use the contents of its cache to cancel  
(subtract out) the interference of some of undesired packets ≤ min 2 K T MT +K
, K R , (8)
in Dm , if they exist in its cache. In particular, each receiver
Rx j ∈ Rm , forms a linear combination L j,m , as for sufficiently large F.
In the following, we highlight the implications of Theorem 1
L j,m (y j (m), Q̃ j ) (5)
and its connections to some prior works:
to recover w̃d j , f ∈ Dm , where Q̃ j denotes the set of coded 1) (Within a factor of 2 characterization) The upper bound
packets cached at receiver Rx j . in (8) is within a factor of 2 of the lower bound in (8).
The communication in block m ∈ H to transmit the packets Therefore, Theorem 1 characterizes the one-shot linear
in Dm is successful, if there exist linear combinations (3) at sum-DoF of a cache-aided wireless network to within a
the transmitters’ side and (5) at receivers’ side, such that for factor of 2, for all system parameters.
all Rx j ∈ Rm , 2) (Aggregate cache size matters) The one-shot linear sum-
L j,m (y j (m), Q̃ j ) = w̃d j , f + z j (m). (6) DoF characterized in Theorem 1 is proportional to the
aggregate cache size that is available throughout the
The channel created in (6) is a point-to-point channel, whose network, even-though these caches are isolated.
capacity is log P + o(log P). Hence, since each coded packet 3) (Equal contribution of transmitter and receiver caches)
w̃d j , f is coded with rate log P + o(log P), it can be decoded Perhaps interestingly, the caches at both sides of the
with vanishing error probability as B increases. We assume network, i.e., the transmitters’ side and the receivers’
that the communication continues for H blocks until all the side, are equally valuable in the achievable one-shot linear
desired packets are successfully delivered to all receivers. sum-DoF of the network. Note that in practice, size of
Since each packet carries one degree-of-freedom, the one- each transmitter’s cache, MT , could be large. However,
shot linear sum-degrees-of-freedom (sum-DoF) of |Dm | is the number of transmitters (e.g., base stations) K T is
achievable in each block m ∈ [H ]. This implies that through- often small. On the other hand, size of the cache M R
out the H blocks of communication, the one-shot linear sum- at the receivers (e.g., cellphones) is small, whereas the
m=1 Dm
DoF of is achievable. Therefore, for a given caching number of receivers K R is large. Therefore K T MT could
realization, we define the one-shot linear sum-DoF to be be comparable with K R M R . Our result in Theorem 1
maximum achievable one-shot linear sum-DoF for the worst shows that neither caches at the transmitters nor caches
case demands; i.e., at the receivers should be ignored.
4) (Linear scaling of DoF with network size) Letting K T =
KT KR Dm K R = K , we observe that the one-shot linear sum-
{Pi }i=1 ,{Q j } j =1
DoFL,sum = inf sup
. (7) DoF scales linearly with the number of users in a
d H,{Dm }m=1
H H fully-connected interference channel. Note that without
caches, the one-shot linear sum-DoF of a fully-connected
This leads us to the definition of the one-shot linear sum- interference channel is bounded by 2, as shown in [19].
DoF of the network as follows. Hence, caching enables linear growth of the DoF without
Definition 1: For a network with a library N files, each the need for more complex physical layer schemes.
containing F packets, and cache size of MT and M R files at 5) (Role of transmitter and receiver caches) As we will show
each transmitter and receiver, respectively, we define the one- in Section IV, in (8), K TNMT represents the contribution
shot linear sum-DoF of the network as the maximum achiev- of collaborative zero-forcing at the transmitters’ side,
able one-shot linear sum-DoF over all caching realizations; and K RNM R represents the gain of canceling the known
i.e., interference at the receivers’ side.
{Pi }i=1
T ,{Q } R
j j =1 6) (Connection to single-server coded caching [3]) A special
DoF∗L,sum (N, MT , M R ) = sup DoFL,sum case of our network model is the case with a single
{Pi }i=1
T ,{Q } R
j j =1 transmitter, which was previously considered in [3].
s.t. |Pi | ≤ MT F, ∀i ∈ [K T ]  case, it can
In this  be shown that a sum-DoF of
|Q j | ≤ M R F, ∀ j ∈ [K R ], min 1 + K RNM R , K R is achievable, which is equivalent
K K to the global caching gain introduced in [3], indicating
{Pi }i=1
T ,{Q } R
j j =1
where DoFL,sum is defined in (7). the number of receivers in the network that can be served

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simultaneously, interference-free. Hence, our result sub- for any T ⊆ [K T ] = [3] and R ⊆ [K R ] = [3] such that
sumes the result of [3] by generalizing it for the case of |T | = 2 and |R| = 1, where each subfile consists of F/9
multiple transmitters. packets. Each subfile Wn,T ,R is then stored at the caches of
7) (Connection to multi-server coded caching [4]) Another the two transmitters in T and the single receiver in R. For
special case of our network model is the case where example, file A is broken into 9 subfiles as follows:
each transmitter has space to cache the entire library;
A12,1 , A12,2 , A12,3 , A13,1 , A13,2 , A13,3, A23,1 , A23,2 , A23,3,
i.e., MT = N. This case was previously considered
in [4] and it can be verified that in this case, a sum- where A12,1 is stored at transmitters Tx1 and Tx2 as well as
DoF of min K T + K RNM R , K R is achievable. Hence, our receiver Rx1 , A12,2 is stored at transmitters Tx1 and Tx2 as
result can also be viewed as a generalization of the result well as receiver Rx2 , etc. We do the same partitioning for
in [4] where the cache size of each transmitter may be files B and C, as well.
arbitrarily smaller than the entire library size. It is easy to verify that each transmitter caches 6 sub-
Remark 1: In practice, the files in the library have nonuni- files of each file, hence the total size of its cached content
form demands and some of them are more popular than the is 3 ∗ (6 ∗ F/9) = 2F packets which satisfies its memory
rest. In this case, our algorithm can be used to cache and constraint. Also, each receiver caches 3 subfiles of each file
deliver the N most popular files. If a user requests one of and its total cached content has size 3∗(3∗ F/9) = F packets,
the remaining less popular files, it can be directly served by hence satisfying its memory constraint. Note that in this phase,
a central base station. The parameter N can be tuned, based we are unaware of receivers’ future requests.
on the popularity pattern of the contents, in order to attain the Delivery Phase: In this phase, each receiver reveals its
best average performance. request for a file in the library. Without loss of general-
Example 1: As an illustrative example, consider a cellu- ity, assume that receivers Rx1 , Rx2 and Rx3 request files
lar network with 5 base stations as transmitters, each with Wd1 = A, Wd2 = B and Wd3 = C, respectively. Note that
a 10 TB memory and 100 cellphones as receivers, each each receiver has already stored 3 subfiles of its desired file in
with a 32 GB memory. Moreover, consider a library of its own cache, and therefore the transmitters need to deliver the
the 1000 most popular movie titles on Netflix, each with size 6 remaining subfiles of each requested file. In particular, the
of 5 GB. Then, Theorem 1 implies that at each time, around 11 following 18 subfiles need to be delivered by the transmitters
cellphones can be served simultaneously interference-free, no to the requesting receivers:
matter what their demands are, in contrast to the naive time- A12,2 , A12,3 , A13,2 , A13,3, A23,2 , A23,3 to receiver Rx1 ,
sharing scheme, where at each time only 1 cellphone can be
B23,3, B13,1 , B12,3, B23,1 , B13,3, B12,1 to receiver Rx2 ,
The rest of the paper is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1. C13,1 , C23,2 , C23,1 , C12,2 , C12,1 , C13,2 to receiver Rx3 . (9)
In particular, we illustrate the achievable scheme in Section IV We now show that we can break the 18 subfiles in (9)
and we present the converse argument in Section V. into 6 sets, each containing 3 subfiles, such that the subfiles
in each set can be delivered simultaneously to the receivers,
IV. ACHIEVABLE S CHEME interference-free. Such a partitioning is illustrated through
In this section, we prove the achievability of Theorem 1 the 6 steps in Figure 2, where each step takes F9 blocks.
by presenting an achievable scheme which utilizes the caches In each step, 3 subfiles are delivered to all the receivers
at the transmitters and receivers efficiently to exploit the simultaneously, while all the inter-user interference can be
zero-forcing and interference cancellation opportunities at the eliminated. For example, in the first step, as in Figure 2–(a),
transmitters’ and receivers’ sides, respectively. In particular, subfiles A12,2 , B23,3, C13,1 are respectively delivered to
we introduce a prefetching strategy which maximizes the gains receivers Rx1 , Rx2 , and Rx3 at the same time. In Figure 3, we
attained by the aforementioned opportunities in the delivery show in detail how the interference is cancelled in this step.
phase, no matter what the receiver demands are. The transmit signals of transmitters Tx1 , Tx2 and Tx3 can be
We first explain our achievable scheme through a simple, respectively written as
illustrative example and then proceed to mention our general
X 1 = − h 32 Ã12,2 + h 23 C̃13,1 ,
achievable scheme.
X 2 = h 31 Ã12,2 − h 13 B̃23,3,
A. Description of the Achievable Scheme via an Example X 3 = − h 21 C̃13,1 + h 12 B̃23,3,
Consider a system with K T = 3 transmitters and K R = 3 where for any subfile Wn,T ,R , W̃n,T ,R denotes its coded
receivers, where each transmitter has space to cache MT = 2 version. For simplicity, in this example, we ignore the power
files and each receiver has space to cache M R = 1 file. The constraint at the transmitters. On the other hand, the received
library has N = 3 files W1 = A, W2 = B, and W3 = C, each signals by receivers Rx1 , Rx2 and Rx3 can be respectively
consisting of F packets. written as
In the following, we will describe the prefetching and
delivery phases in detail. Y1 = (h 12 h 31 − h 11 h 32 ) Ã12,2 + (h 11 h 23 − h 13 h 21 )C̃13,1 + Z 1 ,
Prefetching Phase: In this phase, each file Wn , n ∈ [3] in Y2 = (h 23 h 12 − h 22 h 13 ) B̃23,3 + (h 22 h 31 − h 21 h 32 ) Ã12,2 + Z 2 ,
the library is broken into 32 31 = 9 disjoint subfiles Wn,T ,R Y3 = (h 31 h 23 − h 33 h 21 )C̃13,1 + (h 33 h 12 − h 32 h 13 ) B̃23,3 + Z 3.

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Fig. 2. Delivery phase for the example in Section IV-A for respective requests of files A, B and C by receivers Rx1 , Rx2 and Rx3 , where L(α, β)
denotes some linear combination of α and β. In every step, each pair of transmitters collaborate to zero-force the interference due to a specific subfile at a
certain undesired receiver. Moreover, each receiver also uses its cache contents to cancel the interference due to the other interfering packet. Therefore, the
communication is interference-free in all 6 steps.

Fig. 3. More detailed description of the linear encoding and decoding schemes used in the delivery phase step in Figure 2–(a). In this step, Tx1 and Tx2
zero-force A12,2 at Rx3 , Tx1 and Tx3 zero-force C13,1 at Rx2 , and Tx2 and Tx3 zero-force B23,3 at Rx1 . Moreover, Rx1 , Rx2 and Rx3 can cancel the
interference due to C13,1 , A12,2 , and B23,3 , respectively, since they already have each respective subfile in their own cache.

Now, note that receivers Rx1 , Rx2 and Rx3 can cancel B. Description of the General Achievable Scheme
the interference due to C13,1 , A12,2 , and B23,3, respectively, Our general achievable scheme is given in Algorithm 1.
since they already have each respective subfile in their own In this algorithm, we use the notation
cache. Therefore, all the interference in the network can be
effectively eliminated and the receivers will be able to decode tT  , tR  , (10)
their desired subfiles. Likewise, one can verify that all the N N
receivers can receive their desired subfiles interference-free in and for now, we assume that tT and t R are integers. Recall
all the 6 steps of communication depicted in Figure 2. that in the example in Section IV-A, tT = 2 and t R = 1.
Consequently, the 18 subfiles in (9), each of which consists In the following, we will describe the prefetching and
of F/9 packets, are delivered to the receivers in 6 steps, each delivery phases in more detail.
consisting of F/9 blocks. Note that our particular file splitting 1) Prefetching Phase: For any file Wn in the library,
pattern in the prefetching phase and the particular scheduling n ∈ [N], we partition it into KtTT Kt RR disjoint subfiles of
pattern in the delivery phase allows us to maximally exploit equal sizes,1 denoted by
the two gains of zero-forcing the outgoing interference on the  
transmitters’ side and canceling the known interference on the Wn = Wn,T ,R T ⊆[K T ]:|T |=tT . (11)
receivers’ side, no matter what the receiver demands are in R⊆[K R ]:|R|=t R
the delivery phase. Therefore, the sum-DoF of 18∗F/9 6∗F/9 = 3 =
  1 Due to the assumption that F is sufficiently large, we can assume that it
min N , K R is achievable in this network. is an integer multiple of Kt T Kt R .

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Algorithm 1 Achievable Scheme for Theorem 1

Prefetching Phase:
1: for n = 1, . . . , N  K  K   
2: Partition Wn into t T t R disjoint subfiles Wn,T ,R T ⊆[K ],|T |=t ,R⊆[K ],|R|=t of equal sizes.
3: end
4: for i = 1, . . . , K T
5: Txi caches all Wn,T ,R for which i ∈ T .
6: end
7: for j = 1, . . . , K R
8: Rx j caches all Wn,T ,R for which j ∈ R.
9: end

Delivery Phase:
10: for j ∈ [K R ]
11: for T ⊆ [K T ]s.t. |T | = tT
12: for R ⊆ [K R ] \ { j }s.t. |R| = t R  
13: partition Wd j ,T ,R to t R[K![K R −(t R +1)]!
R −(t R +tT )]!
disjoint subfiles Wd j , T ,π,π π∈R of equal sizes.
π ∈[K R ]\(R∪{ j }),tT −1
14: end
15: end
16: end
17: for T ⊆ [K T ]s.t. |T | = tT
18: for R ⊆ [K R ]s.t. |R| = tT + t R
19: for π ∈ circ
20: Each transmitter Txi transmits a linear combination of the coded subfiles as in 
X i = Li,T ,π W̃dπ(l) ,T ⊕ K T (l−1),π[l+1:l+t R ],π[l+t R +1:l+t R +tT −1] : l ∈ [tT + t R ], i ∈ T ⊕ K T (l − 1)
 the linear combinations shown in Lemma 2 such that the  subfiles
Wdπ(l) ,T ⊕ K T (l−1),π[l+1:l+t R ],π[l+t R +1:l+t R +tT −1] : l ∈ [tT + t R ]
are simultaneously delivered to the receivers in R interference-free.
21: end
22: end
23: end

Based on the above partitioning, in the prefetching phase, Likewise, in the prefetching phase, each receiver Rx j stores
each transmitter Txi stores a subset Pi of the packets in the a subset Q j of the packets in the library as described below.
library as described below.  
  Q j = Wn,T ,R : j ∈ R . (13)
Pi = Wn,T ,R : i ∈ T . (12)
Illustration: For instance, in the example network consid- Illustration: For instance, in the example network consid-
ered in Section IV-A, transmitter Tx3 stores the following ered in Section IV-A, receiver Rx2 stores the following subset
subset of packets in its cache. of packets in its cache.
P3 = {W1,13,1, W1,13,2 , W1,13,3, W1,23,1 , W1,23,2, W1,23,3 , Q2 = {W1,12,2 , W1,13,2, W1,23,2 ,
W2,13,1 , W2,13,2 , W2,13,3 , W2,23,1, W2,23,2 , W2,23,3 ,
W2,12,2 , W2,13,2 , W2,23,2 ,
W3,13,1, W3,13,2 , W3,13,3 , W3,23,1, W3,23,2 , W3,23,3}
= {A13,1, A13,2 , A13,3 , A23,1, A23,2 , A23,3 , W3,12,2 , W3,13,2 , W3,23,2}
B13,1, B13,2 , B13,3 , B23,1, B23,2 , B23,3, = {A12,2 , A13,2 , A23,2 ,
C13,1 , C13,2 , C13,3 , C23,1 , C23,2 , C23,3 }.  B12,2 , B13,2 , B23,2,
C12,2 , C13,2 , C23,2 }. 
Based on the above caching strategy, we can verify that the
total number of packets cached by transmitter Txi equals
   This suggests that the total number of packets cached by
KT − 1 K R F tT receiver Rx j is equal to
N  K T  K R  = N F = MT F packets,
tT − 1 tR KT   
tT tR
 −1 KT KR − 1 F tR
hence satisfying its memory size constraint, where KtTT−1 N  K T  K R  = N F = M R F packets,
is tT tR − 1 KR
tT tR
the number of subsets T ⊆ [K T ] of size tT which include the
transmitter index i . which also satisfies its memory size constraint.

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2) Delivery Phase: In this section, we first describe the Finally, for a set T and an integer j , we let T ⊕m j denote
delivery phase for the case where tT + t R ≤ K R , so that the entry-wise addition of elements of T with j modulo m, as
first term in the lower bound in (8) is dominant. We will later defined in (15).
show how to deal with the case where tT + t R > K R . Lemma 1: Given the prefetching phase in Section IV-B1,
In the delivery phase, the receiver requests are revealed, for any receivers’ demand vector d, the set of subfiles which
and in particular, each receiver Rx j , j ∈ [K R ] requests a file need to be delivered to the receivers can be partitioned into
Wd j from the library and the transmitters need to deliver the disjoint subsets of size tT + t R as
subfiles in 

{Wd j ,T ,R : j ∈
/ R} T ⊆[K T ]:|T |=tT
R⊆[K R ]:|R|=tT +t R
to receiver Rx j ; i.e., the subfiles of file Wd j which have not π∈circ

been already stored in the cache of receiver Rx j . × Wdπ(l) ,T ⊕ K T (l−1),π[l+1:l+t R ],π[l+t R +1:l+t R +tT −1] :
In the following, our goal is to show that the set of packets 
which need to be delivered to the receivers can be partitioned l ∈ [tT + t R ] . (16)
into subsets of size tT + t R such that the packets in each Proof: See Appendix A. 
subset can be scheduled together. To this end, we need to Illustration: For the example network mentioned in
further break each subfile to smaller subfiles. In particular, for Section IV-A, the set of 18 subfiles which need to be delivered
any j ∈ [K R ], T ⊆ [K T ] s.t. |T | = tT , R ⊆ [K R ] \ { j } s.t. to the receivers, as in (9), can be partitioned to the following
|R| = t R , we partition Wd j ,T ,R to t R[K![K R −(t R +1)]!
R −(t R +tT )]!
smaller 6 sets.
disjoint subfiles of equal sizes denoted by
  {A12,2, B23,3 , C13,1 } ∪ {A12,3, B13,1 , C23,2 }
Wd j ,T ,R = Wd j ,T ,π,π π∈R , (14) ∪{A13,2 , B12,3, C23,1 } ∪ {A13,3, B23,1, C12,2 }
π ∈[K R ]\(R∪{ j }),tT −1
∪{A23,2 , B13,3, C12,1 } ∪ {A23,3, B12,1, C13,2 }. (17)
where for a set S, S denotes the set of permutations of
Based on the partitioning of the small subfiles that need
S, and for any t ∈ {1, . . . , |S|}, S ,t denotes the set of all to
 K Tbe
to the receivers in Lemma 1, we will have
permutations of all subsets of S of size t; i.e.,
tT tT +t R (tT + t R − 1)! steps of communication, where at
 each step, specific sets T and R and a permutation π are
S ,t = A . fixed as in (16), and each transmitter Txi will transmit a linear
A⊆S ,|A|=t combination of the coded subfiles for which i ∈ T ⊕ K T (l −1);
Remark 2: Note that in the example setting discussed in i.e.,
Section IV-A, t R[K![K R −(t R +1)]!
= 1, which implies that further 
R −(t R +tT )]!
X i = Li,T ,π W̃dπ(l) ,T ⊕ K T (l−1),π[l+1:l+t R ],π[l+t R +1:l+t R +tT −1] :
partitioning of the subfiles is not needed.
The advantage of further breakdown of the subfiles in (14) is 
that we can now partition the set of the subfiles which need to l ∈ [tT + t R ], i ∈ T ⊕ K T (l − 1) , (18)
be delivered to the receivers into certain subsets of size tT +t R
such that each subfile Wd j ,T ,π,π intended for receiver Rx j is where for any subfile Wd j ,T ,π,π , W̃d j ,T ,π,π denotes the
zero-forced at the receivers with indices in π . Moreover, since corresponding coded subfile containing PHY coded symbols,
this subfile is also already cached at the receivers with indices and Li,T ,π (.) represents the linear combination that transmitter
in π, the communication will be interference-free for each set Txi chooses for sending the subfiles in (18).
of the tT + t R subfiles. We will next show that under such a delivery scheme,
We show how to do such a partitioning in Lemma 1. there always exists a choice of linear combinations at the
In this lemma, we use the following notation: For a set R, transmitters so that at each step, the communication will be
R denote the set of (|R| − 1)! circular permutations
we let circ interference-free and all the tT + t R receivers in R can decode
of R.2 Moreover, for a set S, a permutation π ∈ S and two their desired packets, as we also showed in the example setting
integers i, j satisfying j ≥ i , we define π[i : j ] as in Section IV-A.
Lemma 2: For any subset of tT transmitters T ⊆ [K T ],
π[i : j ] = [π(i ⊕|S | 0) π(i ⊕|S | 1) π(i ⊕|S | 2) . . .
any subset of tT + t R receivers R ⊆ [K R ], and any circular
π(i ⊕|S | ( j − i ))], permutation π ∈ circ R , there exists a choice of the linear
where for an integer m, i ⊕m j is defined as combinations {Li,T ,π (.)}i=1 in (18) such that the set of tT +t R
subfiles in
i ⊕m j = 1 + (i + j − 1 mod m). (15)  
Wdπ(l) ,T ⊕ K T (l−1),π[l+1:l+t R ],π[l+t R +1:l+t R +tT −1] :l ∈ [tT +t R ] ,
2 A circular permutation of a set R is a way of arranging the elements of
R around a fixed circle. The number of distinct circular permutations of a can be delivered simultaneously
 and interference-free
 by the
set R is equal to (|R| − 1)!. For example, if R = {1, 2, 3}, then circ
R = transmitters in T ⊕ K T (l − 1) to the receivers in R.
{[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2]}. l∈[tT +t R ]

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⎧ i

⎪ v i,l W̃dl ,{l,...,tT +l},{l+1,...,l+t R },{l+t R +1,...,l+t R +tT −1} , if i ∈ {1, . . . , tT − 1}

⎨  i
Xi = v i,l W̃dl ,{l,...,tT +l},{l+1,...,l+t R },{l+t R +1,...,l+t R +tT −1} , if i ∈ {tT , . . . , tT + t R } (19)

⎪l=i−tT +1

+t R

⎩ v i,l W̃dl ,{l,...,tT +l},{l+1,...,l+t R },{l+t R +1,...,l+t R +tT −1} , if i ∈ {tT + t R + 1, . . . , 2tT + t R − 1}
l=i−tT +1
+t R −1
Yj = h ji Xi + Z j
= h j i v i, j W̃d j ,{ j,...,tT + j },{ j +1,..., j +t R },{ j +t R +1,..., j +t R +tT −1}
i= j
j +t
 T −1 t
T +l
+ h j i v i,l W̃dl ,{l,...,tT +l},{l+1,...,l+t R },{l+t R +1,...,l+t R +tT −1}
l= j +1 i=l
j −1 t
 T +l
+ h j i v i,l W̃dl ,{l,...,tT +l},{l+1,...,l+t R },{l+t R +1,...,l+t R +tT −1} + Z j (20)
l= j −t R i=l

Proof: For ease of notation and without loss of generality, subfiles in the third term are already cached at receiver Rx j
assume and hence it is able to cancel their incoming interference.
Hence, in order for all receivers Rx j , j ∈ {1, . . . , tT + t R }
T = {1, . . . , tT }
to receive their subfiles interference-free, there should exist a
T ⊕ K T (l − 1) = { l, . . . , tT + l} choice of linear combination coefficients {v i,l } such that
R = {1, . . . , tT + t R }
π = [1, . . . , tT + t R ].
h j i v i, j = 1, ∀ j ∈ {1, . . . , tT + t R } (21)
First, we need to determine the subset of the subfiles which i= j
is available at each transmitter. It is easy to verify that T +l
• If i ∈ {1, . . . , tT − 1}, then transmitter Txi has subfiles h j i v i,l = 0, ∀ j ∈ {1, . . . , tT + t R },
W̃dπ(l) ,T ⊕ K T (l−1),π[l+1:l+t R ],π[l+t R +1:l+t R +tT −1] : ∀l ∈ { j + 1, . . . , j + tT − 1}. (22)

l ∈ {1, . . . , i } ;
Equations (21)-(22) introduce a system of tT (tT + t R ) linear
• If i ∈ {tT , . . . , tT + t R }, then transmitter Txi has subfiles equations. On the other hand, the number of variables {v i,l }

is also equal to tT (tT + t R ). This indicates that there always
W̃dπ(l) ,T ⊕ K T (l−1),π[l+1:l+t R ],π[l+t R +1:l+t R +tT −1] :
 exists a choice of linear combination coefficients {v i,l } such
l ∈ {i − tT + 1, . . . , i } ; that (21)-(22) are satisfied. Finally, note that by scaling all the
transmit signals by a large enough factor, the power constraint
• and if i ∈ {tT + t R + 1, . . . , 2tT + t R − 1}, then transmitter at all the transmitters can also be satisfied. Hence the proof is
Txi has subfiles complete. 
 Remark 3: As mentioned in Section II, we assume that the
W̃dπ(l) ,T ⊕ K T (l−1),π[l+1:l+t R ],π[l+t R +1:l+t R +tT −1] :
 channel gains remain constant over the course of communica-
l ∈ {i − tT + 1, . . . , tT + t R } . tion. However, for the delivery scheme presented in the proof
of Lemma 2, this assumption can be relaxed, since we only
Since each transmitter sends a linear combination of need the channel gains to remain unchanged for each block
the subfiles that it has, the transmit signal of transmit- of communication and they can be allowed to vary among
ter Txi can be written as in (19) at the top of this different blocks.
page. This implies that the received signal at receiver Rx j , Remark 4: In the delivery scheme presented in the proof
j ∈ {1, . . . , tT + t R } can be written as in (20) at the top of of Lemma 2, we only used zero-forcing at the transmitters
this page. in order to cancel their outgoing interference, which is DoF-
Now, note that in (20), the first term corresponds to the optimal. However, in general one can use any scheme that
desired subfile of receiver Rx j , while the second and third exploits the collaboration among the transmitters in order to
terms correspond to the undesired subfiles whose interference optimize the actual rates in the finite-SNR regime (such as the
needs to be canceled at this receiver. However, note that the schemes suited for the MIMO broadcast channels [20]).

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C. Analysis of the Sum-DoF of the Proposed We will now point out the following two remarks regarding
Achievable Scheme the complexity of our achievable scheme.
As a result of Lemmas 1 and 2, it is clear that for any set 1) For the scenarios inspired by cellular networks where
of receiver demands in the delivery phase, we can schedule there are a few transmitters with large cache sizes and
all the requested subfiles in groups of size tT + t R . Now, many receivers with small cache sizes, the complexity
if tT and/or t R are not integers, we can split the memories is not very high. For example, consider a network with
and the files proportionally so that for each new partition, a library of 500 files, 5 base stations each capable of
the aforementioned scheme can be applied for updated tT and caching 200 files and 50 receivers each capable of caching
t R which are integers. Hence, combining the schemes over 10 files. In this case, it is easy to verify that each file is
different partitions allows us to serve tT + t R simultaneously, partitioned to 500 subfiles in the prefetching phase and
interference-free, for any values of tT and t R such that then each subfile is subsequently partitioned to 48 subfiles
t T + t R ≤ K R .3 in the delivery phase. Such a partitioning can be easily
Finally, if tT + t R > K R , then since we cannot serve more handled considering the fact that the size of each file can
than K R receivers, we can neglect some of the caches at either be of the order of Gigabytes. Moreover, each receiver is
the transmitters’ side or the receivers’ side and use a fraction involved in 23520 communication steps in each of which
of the caches with new sizes KNT ≤ MT ≤ MT and M R ≤ M R it decodes one of its desired subfiles.
K M +K M 2) For the network configurations in which the complexity
so that T T N R R = K R . We can then use Algorithm 1 to
of file partitioning in the prefetching phase and the
serve all the K R receivers simultaneously without interference.
number of communication steps in the delivery phase is
As we showed in Section IV-B1, our prefetching phase
higher, one can break the network into smaller network
respects the cache size constraint of all the transmitters and
configurations (by partitioning the sets of transmitters
receivers. Moreover,
  given our prefetching phase, each receiver
−1 and receivers and/or the files and the memories) so that
Rx j caches KtTT Kt RR−1 F
= MNR F packets of each
( tT )( Kt RR )
for each subnetwork, the complexity is low enough.
file in the library. Hence, for each set of requested files by We note that in each subnetwork, we can still achieve a
the receivers, a total of K R 1 − MNR F packets need to be considerable DoF gain, which implies that our proposed
delivered by the transmitters to the receivers. achievable scheme can achieve reasonable gains by taking
Therefore, based on the delivery phase mentioned in the feasible complexity into account. This provides us
Section IV-B, the number of blocks required to deliver all with with the flexibility in terms of trading DoF gain
the K R 1 − MNR F packets to the receivers is equal to with complexity, so that we can achieve reasonable
gains within feasible ranges of complexity. Characterizing
K R 1− F
N the optimal trade-off between DoF gain and complexity
min{tT +t R ,K R } . This suggests that for any set of receiver
requires new techniques which are beyond the scope of
demands, sum-DoF of this paper and we leave it as future work.
KR 1 − N F
= min{tT + t R , K R } V. C ONVERSE
K R 1− NR F In this section, we prove the converse of Theorem 1.
min{tT +t R ,K R }
  In particular, we show that the lower bound on the one-shot
K T MT + K R M R linear sum-DoF in (8) is within a factor of 2 of the optimal
= min , KR
N one-shot linear sum-DoF. In order to prove the converse, we
is achievable, hence completing the proof of achievability of take four steps as detailed in the following sections. First, we
Theorem 1. demonstrate how in each block of communication, the network
can be converted into a virtual MISO interference channel.
Second, we use this conversion to write an integer optimization
D. Complexity Analysis of the Proposed Achievable Scheme problem for the minimum number of communication blocks
In this section, we outline the complexity of the main needed to deliver a set of receiver demands for a given caching
ingredients of the achievable scheme. First note that in the realization. Third, we show how we can focus on average
prefetching phase,  each of the N files in the library is demands instead of the worst-case demands to derive an outer
partitioned into KtTT Kt RR disjoint subfiles of equal sizes. After- optimization problem on the number of communication blocks
   optimized over the caching realizations. Finally, we present
wards, the delivery phase consists of KtTT tTK+tR R (tT + t R − 1)!
steps of communication, in each of which tT + t R subfiles a lower bound on the value of the aforementioned outer
are delivered to tT + t R receivers. Finally, for the decoding, optimization problem, which leads to the desired upper bound
each of the on the one-shot linear sum-DoF of the network.
 KR receivers
 in the network receives a subfile
in (tT K+tRR )! KtTT tTK+tR R steps of communication, and at each
step it applies interference cancellation and then point-to-point A. Conversion to a Virtual MISO Interference Channel
decoding in order to decode its desired subfiles. Consider any caching realization {Pi }i=1 , {Q j } Kj =1
3 In [3], this method is referred to as memory-sharing, which resembles any demand vector d. As discussed in Section II, in each com-
time-sharing in network information theory. munication blocks a subset of requested packets are selected

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to be sent to a corresponding subset of distinct receivers. Now, since each of the vectors vl , l ∈ [L] is non-
Now, we can state the following lemma, which bounds the zero, it has at least one non-zero element at some position
number of packets that can be scheduled together in a single nl ∈ [|Tl |] which we denote by ql . Hence, using appropriate
communication block using a one-shot linear scheme. linear transformations on the elements of vl , it can be writ-
Lemma 3: Consider a single communication block where a ten as
set {wnl , fl }l=1
L of L packets are scheduled to be transmitted  
together to L distinct receivers. In order for each receiver to vl = ql Pl , (30)
successfully decode its desired packet, the number of these
concurrently-scheduled packets should be bounded by where Pl is a |Tl | × |Tl | permutation matrix (which is derived
by swapping the first and the nlt h rows of the |Tl |×|Tl | identity
L ≤ min |Tl | + |Rl |, (23) matrix) and v̄l is a vector of size (|Tl | − 1) × 1. Also, for any
two distinct pairs l = j , we can apply the inverse permutation
where for any l ∈ [L], Tl and Rl denote the set of trans-
Pl−1 on the channel gain vector h j l to get h̄ j l = Pl−1 h j l , and
mitters and receivers which have cached the packet wnl , fl ,
we can write h̄ j l as
respectively.  (1) 
Proof: For ease of notation and without loss of gen- h̄ j l
erality, suppose that in the considered block, L packets h̄ j l = (2) , (31)
h̄ j l
{w1,1 , . . . , w L ,1 } are scheduled to be sent to L receivers
{Rx1 , . . . , Rx L }, respectively. Each transmitter Txi , i ∈ [K T ] where h̄ (1) (2)
j l is a scalar and h̄ j l is of size (|Tl | − 1) × 1.
will transmit Therefore, the nulling condition in (28) can be rewritten as

xi = v i,l,1 w̃l,1 , (24)   
l: i∈Tl hTjl vl = (Pl h̄ j l )T ql Pl (32)
where we have dropped the dependency on the block index,  
since we are focusing on a single block. On the other hand, = ql h̄Tjl PlT Pl (33)
the received signal of receiver Rx j , j ∈ [L] can be written as 
! 1 
= ql h̄ (1) h̄ (2)T

KT jl jl v̄l
yj = h j i xi + z j (25) (1) (2)T
= ql h̄ j l + h̄ j l v̄l = 0, (35)

KT  where we have used the identity PlT Pl = I since the permu-
= h ji v i,l,1 w̃l,1 + z j (26)
tation matrix Pl is an orthogonal matrix.
i=1 l: i∈Tl
Now, since the packet sent by the virtual transmitter Tx l is

available in the caches of at most |Rl | receivers in the network,
= h j i v i,l,1 w̃l,1 + z j . (27)
the interference of each transmitter should be nulled at least
l=1 i∈Tl
at L − |Rl | − 1 unintended receivers. This implies that the free
Therefore, (27) implies that we can effectively convert beamforming variables at transmitter l, i.e., v̄l , should satisfy
the network into a new MISO interference channel with L at least L − |Rl | − 1 linear equations in the form of (35). This
virtual transmitters {Txl } L , where Txl is equipped with is not possible unless the number of equations is no greater
|Tl | antennas, and L single-antenna receivers {Rx j } Lj=1, in than the number of variables, or
which each virtual transmitter Txl intends to send the coded
packet w̃l,1 to receiver Rxl . Each antenna in the new network L − |Rl | − 1 ≤ |Tl | − 1 ⇒ L ≤ |Tl | + |Rl |. (36)
corresponds to a transmitter in the original network. Hence, Since the above inequality holds for all l ∈ [L], the proof
the channel vectors are correlated in the new network. In fact, is complete. 
as (27) suggests, all the antennas corresponding to the same
transmitter in the original network have the same channel gain
vectors to the receivers in the new network. B. Integer Program Formulation
In the constructed MISO interference channel, we take a Equipped with Lemma 3, we define a set of packets Dm
similar approach as in [19] in order to bound the one-shot selected to be transmitted at block m to be feasible if its
linear sum-DoF of the network. Each virtual transmitter T xl size satisfies condition (23) in Lemma 3. We can then write
in the constructed MISO network will select a beamforming the following integer program (P1) to minimize the number
vector vl ∈ C|Tl |×1 (which consists of the coefficients chosen of required communication blocks for any given caching
by the original transmitters corresponding to its antennas) to realization and set of receiver demands:
transmit its desired symbol. Denoting the channel gain vector
between transmitter T xl and receiver Rx j as h j l ∈ C|Tl |×1 , the min H (P1-1)
decodability conditions can be written as 
s.t. Dm = Wd j \ Q j (P1-2)
hTjl vl = 0, ∀l = j s.t. j ∈
/ Rl (28) m=1 j =1
hTjj v j = 0, ∀ j ∈ [L]. (29) Dm is feasible, ∀m ∈ [H ], (P1-3)

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where (P1-2) states that all the demanded packets that are not 
an,T ,R ≤ M R F, ∀ j ∈ [K R ]
cached at the requesting receivers need to be delivered by the
n=1 T ⊆∅ [K T ] R⊆[K R ]:
transmitters over the H blocks of communication. j ∈R
C. Relaxing Worst-Case Demands to Average Demands an,T ,R ≥ 0, ∀n ∈ [N], ∀T ⊆∅ [K T ], ∀R ⊆ [K R ].
and Optimizing Over Caching Realizations (P3-5)
We can now write an optimization problem to minimize the Similar techniques to the above relaxation from worst-case
number of communication blocks required for delivering the demands to average demands have also been used in [3],
worst-case demands optimized over the caching realizations. [17], [18], [21]. Such a relaxation is helpful since for the
However, before that, we need to introduce some notation. case of average distinct demands, there is a clear and precise
Given any caching realization {Pi }i=1 , {Q j } Kj =1
, we can characterization for the number of packets that need to be
break each file Wn , n ∈ [N], in the library into (2 K T −1)(2 K R ) delivered to all the receivers. This is in contrast to the case
subfiles {Wn,T ,R }T ⊆∅ [K T ],R⊆[K R ] , where Wn,T ,R denotes of worst-case demands, since in this case, the upper bound on
the subfile of Wn exclusively stored in the caches of the the number of delivered packets might be arbitrarily loose.
transmitters in T and receivers in R, and we use the shorthand
notation T ⊆∅ [K T ] to denote T ⊆ [K T ], T = ∅. We define D. Lower Bound on the Number of Communication Blocks
an,T ,R as the number of packets in Wn,T ,R . Having the optimization problem in (P3), we now present
Denoting the answer to the optimization problem (P1) by the following lemma which provides a lower bound on the
H ∗ {Pi }i=1
, {Q j } Kj =1
, d , the below optimization problem value of (P3).
yields the number of communication blocks required for Lemma 4: The value of the optimization problem (P3) is
MR 2
delivering the worst-case demands, minimized over all caching K R N F 1− N
realizations: bounded from below by K T MT +K R M R .
Proof: See Appendix B. 
min max H ∗ {Pi }i=1
, {Q j } Kj =1
,d (P2-1) Since the total number of packets delivered over the channel
K K d
{Pi }i=1
T ,{Q } R
j j =1 is K R 1 − MNR F in the optimization problem (P3), Lemma 4
  immediately yields the following upper bound on the one-shot
s.t. an,T ,R = F, ∀n ∈ [N] (P2-2)
linear sum-DoF:
T ⊆∅ [K T ] R⊆[K R ]
K R 1− MNR F K T MT + K R M R

an,T ,R ≤ MT F, ∀i ∈ [K T ] DoF∗L,sum(N, MT , M R ) ≤ = .
1− NR
N − MR
n=1 R⊆[K R ] T ⊆[K T ]:
i∈T K T MT+K R M R
(P2-3) Combining the above bound with the trivial bound on the

N   one-shot linear sum-DoF which is the number of receivers,
an,T ,R ≤ M R F, ∀ j ∈ [K R ] K R , we have
n=1 T ⊆∅ [K T ] R⊆[K R ]:
T +K R M R
j ∈R DoF∗L,sum (N, MT , M R ) ≤ min K T MN−M R
, K R . (37)
Now, consider the following two cases:
an,T ,R ≥ 0, ∀n ∈ [N], ∀T ⊆∅ [K T ], ∀R ⊆ [K R ]. • M R ≤ 2 : In this case, (37) implies that

(P2-5) " #
∗ K T MT + K R M R
DoFL,sum(N, MT , M R ) ≤ min , KR
To lower bound the value of the above optimization prob- N − N2
lem, we can write the following optimization problem, which  
K T MT + K R M R
yields the number of communication blocks averaged over ≤ min 2 , KR .
all the π(N, K R ) = (N−K
R )!
permutations of distinct receiver
demands, denoted by P N,K R : • M R > N2 : In this case, (8) implies that one-shot linear
sum-DoF of
1  " #
min H ∗ {Pi }i=1
, {Q j } Kj =1
,d N
K T MT +K R 2
{Pi }i=1
,{Q j } j =1 π(N, K R ) DoFL,sum(N, MT , M R ) > min , KR
d∈P N,K R N

(P3-1) KR
  > 2
s.t. an,T ,R = F, ∀n ∈ [N] (P3-2)
T ⊆∅ [K T ] R⊆[K R ] can be achieved, while the upper bound in (37) implies
that DoF∗L,sum (N, MT , M R ) ≤ K R .
an,T ,R ≤ MT F, ∀i ∈ [K T ] (P3-3) Therefore, in both cases, the inner bound in (8) is within
n=1 R⊆[K R ] T ⊆[K T ]: a factor of 2 of the outer bound in (8), which completes the
i∈T proof of the converse of Theorem 1.
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VI. D ISCUSSION AND C ONCLUDING R EMARKS by 2. Hence, our result demonstrates that while restricting
In this work, we considered a wireless network setting the network to a simple PHY delivery scheme, caching
with arbitrary numbers of transmitters and receivers, where can provide a gain which scales with the number of users.
all transmitters and receivers in the network are equipped with • Limited number of transmitters (K T  K R ): Motivated
cache memories of specific sizes. We characterized the one- by cellular networks, for a constant number of transmit-
shot linear sum-DoF of the network to within a gap of 2. ters K T = C, the sum-DoF in [24] approximately scales
In particular, we showed that the one-shot linear sum-DoF as
of the network is proportional to the aggregate cache size in
DoF∗sum (N, MT , M R ) ≈ C K R MR
N ,
the network, even though the cache of each node is isolated
from all the other nodes. We presented an achievable scheme while the one-shot linear sum-DoF scales as
which loads the caches carefully in order to maximize the
C MT +K R M R K R ↑ K R M R
opportunity for zero-forcing the outgoing interference from the DoF∗L,sum (N, MT , M R ) = N ≈ N .
transmitters and interference cancellation due to previously-
cached content at the receivers. We also demonstrated that the This indicates that in this case, interference alignment
achievable one-shot linear sum-DoF of our scheme is within can only be helpful to within a constant factor compared
a multiplicative factor of 2 of the optimal one-shot linear to the one-shot linear schemes. However, this multiplica-
sum-DoF by bounding the number of communication blocks tive gain comes at the cost of the high complexity of
required to deliver any set of requested files to the receivers interference alignment, and moreover, such a gain is not
using an integer programming approach. materialized within any practical ranges of signal-to-noise
Since the initial submission of this work and its presentation ratio (SNR).
in [1], quite a few works have appeared on the problem of There are several interesting directions following this work.
cache-aided interference management. For example, in [22], First, in this work we assumed all the links in the network
the authors proposed a linear programming approach and to be present in the network topology. However, due to
showed its approximate optimality for cache-aided wireless fading effects, some links between certain transmitter-receiver
networks with at most three receivers. Furthermore, in [23], pairs might be absent from the network topology. It would
the authors considered cache-aided wireless networks with be interesting to study what type of caching strategies are
arbitrary number of receivers but with caches only at the trans- optimal in this case and to explore its connections to the
mitters’ side and with the addition of fronthaul links, through index coding problem [25]–[27]. Another direction would
which the transmitters can communicate with a central cloud be to combine caching with more sophisticated interference
processor, and characterized the optimal normalized delivery management schemes. Some initial results have been reported
time to within a factor of 2. Finally, in a more recent work, in [28], in which the authors used the replication in the cache
the authors in [24] considered cache-aided wireless networks contents at the transmitters in order to improve the system
with delivery strategies beyond one-shot linear schemes, and performance using the ITLinQ scheme [29]–[31]. It would be
characterized the fundamental limits of cache-aided wireless interesting to study the role of transmitter and receiver caches
networks to within a constant factor of 13.5. illustrated in this work in improving the achievable system
Based on these developments, we can now use the results throughput that more sophisticated delivery schemes such as
in [24] to understand how much gain beyond one-shot linear ITLinQ can provide.
schemes is theoretically possible in cache-aided wireless net-
works. To that end, let us focus on the following two regimes. A PPENDIX A
• Large number of transmitters and receivers (K T = K R = P ROOF OF L EMMA 1
K ): For an equal and large number of transmitters and
For any T ⊆ [K T ] s.t. |T | = tT and for any l ∈ [tT + t R ],
receivers K T = K R = K , the sum-DoF in [24], which we
it is clear that the set T ⊕ K T (l − 1) is of size tT . Also, for
denote by DoF∗sum (N, MT , M R ), approximately scales as
any R ⊆ [K R ] s.t. |R| = tT + t R , and for any permutation
DoF∗sum (N, MT , M R ) ≈ K , R , the vector π[l + 1 : l + t R ] is of size t R and the
π ∈ circ
vector π[l + t R + 1 : l + t R + tT − 1] is of size tT − 1.
while the one-shot linear sum-DoF approximately scales Furthermore, note that
MT + M R Wdπ(l) ,T ⊕ K T (l−1),π[l+1:l+t R ],π[l+t R +1:l+t R +tT −1]
DoF∗L,sum (N, MT , M R ) ≈ K .
is a subfile of the file Wdπ(l) requested by receiver Rxπ(l) .
We note that in this regime, both of the above sum-DoF’s However, since π(l) ∈ / π[l + 1 : l + t R ], receiver Rxπ(l) has
scale with the number of nodes in the network. However, not stored the packets in this subfile in its cache and therefore,
in this regime, interference alignment already achieves a this subfile needs to be delivered to this receiver.
sum-DoF of K2 and therefore, caching can only provide a Finally, each set inside the union in (16) is composed of
factor of 2 gain, whereas using a one-shot linear delivery tT + t R subfiles. The number of such sets is equal to
scheme, we can also achieve the same scaling. Note that   
according to [19], in this regime, the one-shot linear sum- KT KR
(tT + t R − 1)!. (38)
DoF of the network without caching is upper bounded tT tT + t R

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+K R
Hence, the total number of subfiles in (16) is equal to 1
   = an,T ,R
(tT + t R − 1)!(tT + t R ) s=1 j =1 T ⊆[K T ]: R⊆[K R ]: n=1
tT t +t |T |∈[s] |R|=s−|T |
 T  R  /R
= (tT + t R )!. (39) 1 
tT tT + t R = an,T ,R
N r +r
 K On Kthe
R −1
 hand, each receiver Rx j has already cached r=1 r =0 j =1 T ⊆[K T ]: R⊆[K R ]: n=1
subfiles as in (13) in its cache, and needs the rest |T |=r |R|=r
tT t R −1    /R
of the subfiles of its requested file, i.e., KtTT K Rt R−1 subfiles,
t R ![K R −(t R +1)]!
KR − r
where each subfile is further partitioned into = an,T ,R (41)
[K R −(t R +tT )]! N r +r
r=1 r =0 T ⊆[K T ]: R⊆[K R ]: n=1
smaller subfiles. Hence, the total number of small subfiles that |T |=r |R|=r
need to be delivered to all the receivers is equal to R −1
KT KR − 1 t R ![K R − (t R + 1)]! = , (42)
KR N r +r
t t [K R − (t R + tT )]! r=1 r =0
 T  R 
= (tT + t R )!, where for any r ∈ [K T ] and r ∈ [K R − 1] ∪ {0}, we
tT tT + t R
which equals the total number of small subfiles in (16), define
calculated in (39). Consequently, the set of requested subfiles
which are not cached at the corresponding receivers can be 
br,r  an,T ,R
partitioned as in (16), hence the proof is complete. 
j =1 T ⊆[K T ]: R⊆[K R ]: n=1
A PPENDIX B |T |=r |R|=r
According to the constraint (23), each of the packets of = (K R − r ) an,T ,R .
order s, which are available at s nodes, either on the trans- T ⊆[K T ]: R⊆[K R ]: n=1
mitter side or the receiver side, can be scheduled with at most |T |=r |R|=r
s − 1 packets of the same order. Therefore, for any given
caching realization and set of demands, we have the lower Moreover, adding the constraint in (P3-3) over all transmit-
bound ters yields
H {Pi }i=1 , {Q j } j =1, d

+K R 
K T KR   K T MT F ≥ an,T ,R (43)
a d j ,T ,R
≥ i=1 n=1 R⊆[K R ] T ⊆[K T ]:
KR i∈T
s=K R j =1 T ⊆[K T ]: R⊆[K R ]:
|T |∈[s] |R|=s−|T |
N   KT 
R −1 
K = an,T ,R (44)
KR   a d j ,T ,R
+ n=1 R⊆[K R ] i=1 T ⊆[K T ]:
s i∈T
s=1 j =1 T ⊆[K T ]: R⊆[K R ]:
|T |∈[s] |R|=s−|T | N   KT 
j∈ = r an,T ,R . (45)
+K R 
K T KR   n=1 R⊆[K R ] r=1 T ⊆[K T ]:
a d j ,T ,R
≥ . (40) |T |=r
s=1 j =1 T ⊆[K T ]: R⊆[K R ]:
|T |∈[s] |R|=s−|T | Likewise, adding the constraint in (P3-4) over all receivers
Now, denoting the objective function in (P3-1) by
H̄ {Pi }i=1 , {Q j } Kj =1
, we have

  K R MR F ≥ an,T ,R (46)
H̄ {Pi }i=1 , {Q j } Kj =1
j =1 n=1 T ⊆∅ [K T ] R⊆[K R ]:
j ∈R
1 1 
≥ = an,T ,R (47)
π(N, K R ) s
s=1 n=1 T ⊆∅ [K T ] j =1 R⊆[K R ]:
⎡ ⎤
j ∈R
×⎣ π(N − 1, K R − 1) an,T ,R ⎦
j =1 T ⊆[K T ]: R⊆[K R ]: n=1
= r an,T ,R , (48)
|T |∈[s] |R|=s−|T | n=1 T ⊆∅ [K T ] r =0 R⊆[K R ]:
j∈ |R|=r

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⎛ ⎞
and from (45) and (48), we have 
= KR ⎝ an,T ,R ⎠
(K T MT +⎡K R M R )F n=1 T ⊆∅ [K T ] R⊆[K R ]

≥ ⎣ r an,T ,R − an,T ,R
n=1 R⊆[K R ] r=1 T ⊆[K T ]: j =1 n=1 T ⊆∅ [K T ] R⊆[K R ]:
|T |=r ⎤ j ∈R
KR  ≥ K R (N − M R )F, (53)

+ r an,T ,R ⎦
T ⊆[K T ] r =0 R⊆[K R ]:
where the inequality is due to (P3-2) and (46). Therefore, we
|R|=r can continue (42) to bound the objective function in (P3-1) as

= (r + r ) an,T ,R H̄ {Pi }i=1 , {Q j } Kj =1

r=1 r =0 T ⊆[K T ]: R⊆[K R ]: n=1

R −1
|T |=r |R|=r br,r
 R −1
K T K ≥
r +r N r +r
≥ br,r . (49) r=1 r =0
KR − r R −1
r=1 r =0 1 K T K
(K R − r )br,r

Now, using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we can write KR N r +r
* * r=1 r =0
R −1
+ K R −1 + K R −1  K K −1 2
K +  r +r +  KR − r 1  T 
br,r ≤ , br,r , br,r . ≥ br,r (54)
KR − r r +r K R N F(K T MT + K R M R )
r =0 r =0 r =0 r=1 r =0
(50)  2
≥ K R (N − M R )F (55)
Summing the above inequality over r yields K R N F(K T MT + K R M R )
 R −1
K T K KR N F 1 − N
br,r = ,
K T MT + K R M R
r=1 r =0⎡* * ⎤
+ K R −1 + K R −1 where (54) and (55) follow from (52) and (53), respectively.
KT +  r +r +  KR − r
≤ ⎣, br,r , br,r ⎦ This completes the proof. 
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[21] C.-Y. Wang, S. H. Lim, and M. Gastpar. (Jan. 2016). “A new the University of California at Berkeley. Since September 2010, he has been at
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[22] F. Xu, M. Tao, and K. Liu. (May 2016). “Fundamental tradeoff between content delivery networks, and multiuser information theory. Dr. Maddah-Ali
storage and latency in cache-aided wireless interference networks.” received several awards including the 2016 Information Theory Society Paper
[Online]. Available: Award, the 2015 IEEE Communications Society and Information Theory
[23] A. Sengupta, R. Tandon, and O. Simeone. (May 2016). “Cloud Society Joint Paper Award, and the Natural Science and Engineering Research
and cache-aided wireless networks: Fundamental latency trade-offs.” Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship.
[Online]. Available:
[24] J. Hachem, U. Niesen, and S. Diggavi. (Nov. 2016). “Degrees of freedom
of cache-aided wireless interference networks.” [Online]. Available:
[25] Y. Birk and T. Kol, “Informed-source coding-on-demand (ISCOD) over
broadcast channels,” in Proc. 17th Annu. Joint Conf. IEEE Comput.
Commun. Soc. (INFOCOM), vol. 3. Mar. 1998, pp. 1257–1264. Amir Salman Avestimehr received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering
[26] Z. Bar-Yossef, Y. Birk, T. Jayram, and T. Kol, “Index coding with from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2003 and the M.S.
side information,” in Proc. IEEE 47th Annu. Symp. Found. Comput. degree and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science, both
Sci. (FOCS), Oct. 2006, pp. 197–206. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2005 and 2008, respectively.
[27] S. El Rouayheb, A. Sprintson, and C. Georghiades, “On the index coding He is currently an Associate Professor at the EE department of University of
problem and its relation to network coding and matroid theory,” IEEE Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. He was also a postdoctoral scholar at
Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 3187–3195, Jul. 2010. the Center for the Mathematics of Information (CMI) at the California Institute
[28] N. Naderializadeh, D. T. Kao, and A. S. Avestimehr, “How to utilize of Technology, Pasadena, in 2008. His research interests include information
caching to improve spectral efficiency in device-to-device wireless theory, the theory of communications, and their applications.
networks,” in Proc. 52nd Annu. Allerton Conf. Commun., Control, Dr. Avestimehr has received a number of awards for research and teaching,
Comput. (Allerton), Oct. 2014, pp. 415–422. including the Communications Society and Information Theory Society Joint
[29] N. Naderializadeh and A. S. Avestimehr, “ITLinQ: A new approach for Paper Award in 2013, the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists
spectrum sharing in device-to-device communication systems,” IEEE J. and Engineers (PECASE) in 2011, the Michael Tien 72 Excellence in
Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1139–1151, Jun. 2014. Teaching Award in 2012, the Young Investigator Program (YIP) award from
[30] N. Naderializadeh and A. S. Avestimehr, “ITLinQ: A new approach the U. S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research in 2011, the National
for spectrum sharing,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Dyn. Spectr. Access Science Foundation CAREER award in 2010, and the David J. Sakrison
Netw. (DYSPAN), Apr. 2014, pp. 327–333. Memorial Prize in 2008. He has been a Guest Associate Editor for the IEEE
[31] N. Naderializadeh and A. S. Avestimehr, “ITLinQ: A new approach for T RANSACTIONS ON I NFORMATION T HEORY Special Issue on Interference
spectrum sharing in device-to-device communication systems,” in Proc. Networks and General Co-Chair of the 2012 North America Information
IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Jun. 2014, pp. 1573–1577. Theory Summer School and the 2012 Workshop on Interference Networks.

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