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Faculty OF Arts and Social Sciences.

Department of Social Work.


1: what is time management?

 Time management refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated
to the right activity.

2: Effective time management?

 Effective time management allows individuals to assign specific time slots to activities as
per their importance.

3: How does communication help with time management?

 Effective communication skills enable managers to manage their time more effectively
and improve their own personal productivity.

4: Poor communication is a time waster?

 Not only does poor communication damage productivity, morale, and employee
turnover, it also wastes a huge amount of a manager’s time.
 Interruptions and distractions come in many forms, and it has been calculated that
they cost managers an average of around three hours each day. Improving how
you communicate as a leader can reduce this, and lead to better team

5: 10 steps to improve the communication ability of leaders and managers?

 commit to improving communication

 look in the mirror
 know your people
 develop a communication strategy
 listening
 learn to say ‘no’
 delegate effectively
 improve your own teamwork by communicating better
 Employ appropriate communication channels
 Set a time for interruptions.

6: benefits of time management?

 More productivity.
 Fewer mistakes.
 Less stress.
 More time to do a good job.
 More success.

7: the benefits of having good time skills?

 Time management helps you get the most out of your education.
 Allows you to be better prepared for the demands of your life…therefore decreases
 Helps you to assign time to tasks in proportion to their importance (prioritizing).
 Helps you achieve a more balanced life makes you a more productive, successful person.

8: Obstacles to effective time management?

 Unclear objectives.
 Disorganization.
 Inability to say “no”.
 Interruptions.
 periods of inactivity

9: time killers?

 Interruptions during the day of your job.

 Being a slave on the telephone.
 Unexpected/unwanted visitors.
 Meetings without agenda.
 Fear of failure.
 Negative people.
 Without time planning.
 Afraid to delegate.
 not wanting to say "no"

10: the solution of time killer?

 Spend time in planning and organizing

 Set goals use a to-do list
 Be flexible do right things right
 Learn when to say “no”

11: the solution - spend time in planning and organizing?

 Your calendar.
 Plan for a day.
 Plan for a week.
 Plan for a month.
 Plan for a year.

12: what is Effective Communication?

 Effective communication is a process of exchanging ideas, knowledge and information

such that the purpose is fulfilled in the best possible manner.

13: Characteristics of Effective Communication?

 Clear message.
 Correct message.
 Complete message.
 Precise message.
 Reliability.
 Consideration of the recipient.
 Sender’s courtesy.

14 Why effective communication?

 Effective communication can help you influence others.

15: Goals of communication?

 Inform.
 Persuade.
 Build relationships.

16: good skills in Effective Communication?

 Engaged Listening
 Non Verbal Communication.
 Managing Stress in Moment.
 Asserting yourself in respectful way

17: What do we mean by Effective Communication at workplace?

 Effective workplace communication is about making that connection with others in

your organization and creating an environment where everyone feels included and

18: Keys to Effective Communication?

 Effective communication is important in problem solving, conflict resolution, for

positive working and personal relationships, and in reducing the stresses associated
with interpersonal interactions.

19: what are the 7 easy steps of effective communication?

 Identify Your Objectives.

 Listen Actively.
 Note Your Body Language.
 Know Your Audience.
 Pace Yourself.
 Choose the Right Time.
 Be Clear.

20: Barriers to Effective Communication?

 Organizational Barriers.
 Psychological or Emotional Barriers.
 Personal Barriers.

21: What is responding?

 The responding stage is the stage of the listening process where in the listener
provides verbal and/or nonverbal reactions based on short- or long-term memory.

22: what is listening?

 Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the
communication process.

23: list Five Elements of Listening Process?

 Selecting.
 Attending.
 Understanding.
 Remembering.
 Responding.

24: list 4 Listening Styles?

 People Oriented.
 Action Oriented.
 Content Oriented.
 Time Oriented.

25: five stages of listening process?

 Receiving.
 Understanding.
 Evaluating.
 Remembering.
 Responding.

26: Listening?

27: What is the difference between hearing and listening?

 Hearing= Physiological process of just decoding sounds

 Listening= Complex process of selecting, attending to, creating meaning from,
remembering, and responding to verbal and nonverbal messages.

28: List responding skills?

 Be descriptive
 Be timely
 Be brief
 Be useful
 Be active

29: What is the objective of responsive listening?

 Listening responsively conveys appreciation to the speaker and can motivate the
person to take positive action, rather than negative.

30: list qualities which a good response?

 Fast
 Approachable
 Informative
 Positive
 Comprehensive
 Confidence Builder
 Comfort Provider

31: Defining Self-Management?

 Self-management is the ability to manage your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors

effectively in different situations.

32: list Range skills of self-management?

 Managing your emotions

 Motivating yourself
 Focusing attention
 Setting and working toward goals

33: List of Self-Management Skills?

 Self confidence
 Stress Management
 Independent Working
 Team Player
 Time Management
 Self-Motivation

34: Career Success affects your life?

 family
 Income
 Self-esteem
 Who you associate with
 Where you live
 What you learn
 Your energy level
 Your health

35: Six Components of Self-Management?

 Motivation
 Learning Style and Strategies
 Time Management
 Physical Environment
 Social Environment
 Performance

36: What is Public Speaking Skill?

 Public Speaking skill may be defined as the art of Appearing in front an audience,
facing the audience, presenting your speech and making them understand what you
want them to understand within the limited time & resources given to you.

37: Why do we listen to public speakers?

 Information
 Persuasive topics
 Motivation
 Entertainment

38: Parts of the Speech?

 Introduction
 Body
 Conclusion

39: Introduction of Speech?

 Get the audience’s attention

 Introduce yourself
 State the purpose
 Relate the importance to the audience
 Preview the main points that will be covered

40: Body of the Speech?

 Conveys the message

 Discuss main points (those previewed in Intro)
 Provide supporting details
 Educate/ entertain the audience

41: Delivery of your Speech?

 Voice
 Life
 Eye Contact
 Gestures
 Speed

42: the most common mistakes made by public speakers?

 Failing to tailor a speech to audience needs and interests.

 Being poorly prepared
 Trying to cover too much in one speech
 Failing to maintain
 Using PowerPoint ineffectively
 Being dull


Prepared by: Abdiwali Alteza and Abdiaziiz


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