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Activity. Listen again to the materials in the pre-assessment activity and describe the speech, lecture, and interview
materials by explaining how they match or deviate from the definition provided above.

Public Speech. I’ve Lived as a Man and a Woman – Here’s What I Learned

The speech was conducted in a hall with hundreds of listeners inside by a transgender woman named,
Paula. She described how hard to adjust from being a man to woman. She also cited some of her
experiences of being a man and a woman, that is clearly seen on the title. After the speech, as we can see
on the video, the crown stood up and applauded as if they were moved or gained knowledge from the

Interview. Effective Communication Skills in the Workplace – An Interview with Bill Moller

At the beginning of the video it is stated that they will conduct an interview with Bill Moller. The camera
set up was very interview-like. They take turns in asking questions and answering. Most of the time the
interviewee, Bill, is the one speaking.

Lecture. Inclusive Language

The video was so to educate people on what terms to use when using inclusive language and the reasons
why the terms should be used. It is not intended for crowd viewing. Visual aids were seen on the video
to help the viewers learn even with just a couple of minute lecture video.

∙ Processing of the Activity

As you may have already noticed, not all speeches, lectures, interviews are the same. In the public speech
above, for example, the speaker did not use any multi-media material to highlight the important parts of
her talk and used emphatic gestures and voice instead. Speakers in interviews, lectures, and public
speaking events may have their own style of presenting or talking which may influence the structure,
purpose, or the content of the message. On the one hand, it is helpful to listen carefully to the speakers’
style to accurately interpret their message. On the other hand, the fundamental technique to effectively
listen to these types of messages is to develop strategies that can work for all types of academic listening

∙ Enhancement Activity. Test your academic listening skill by answering the questions that follow. Remember the
suggested strategies to prepare you to do this task.

Public Speech. I’ve Lived as a Man and a Woman – Here’s What I Learned
1. What specific talking points did the speaker present to highlight the difference in the way society
treated men and women?
In Paula's speech, she presented some highlights about the difference the way society treated men
and women. When she came out as a transgender, she experienced losing all her jobs even though
she never had a bad review. Since majority of the states in America fire transgender employees. She
was also treated by men as if she don't know what she's talking about. Although, she wasn't treated
like that when she was a male.

2. What does “authenticity” mean in the context of Paula’s speech?

Paula's authenticity means the art of being genuinely you. That no matter what happens the call
toward authenticity is sacred, holy and will always be for the greater good.

3. Explain the statement “it is not a level playing field for men and women”.
The quote states that fairness or equity among men and women has never ever been existed. There
might be equality but not equity.

Interview. Effective Communication Skills in the Workplace – An Interview with Bill Moller

4. What strategies for effective communication skills in the workplace did the interviewee share
with the audience?
The strategies the interviewee shared were simple as popping a smile more often, talking with
shoulders at back, wearing spark in the eye, engaged completely with the conversation, feeling
really at one with the person you're talking to, listen and talk with passion and enthusiasm and
have a bright articulate sound to your voice to catch their attention.

5. If the strategies suggested by the interviewee will be grouped, which ones fall in the non-verbal
strategies and which ones belong to the verbal strategies?
If the strategies suggested by the interviewee will be grouped. Non-verbal would be wearing a
smile more often, wearing spark in the eye, having your shoulders at back and giving you're full
attention to the person you're talking to. While verbal strategies would be engaging completely
with the conversation, talking with passion and enthusiasm and having a bright articulate sound
to your voice while talking.

Lecture. Inclusive Language

6. What does inclusive language mean?

Inclusive language aims to avoid offense and fulfill the ideals of egalitarianism by avoiding expressions that express
or imply ideas that are sexist, racist, or otherwise biased, prejudiced, or denigrating to any particular group of
people. It is often advocated by proponents of liberalism.

7. Enumerate examples of gender-neutral words mentioned in the lecture.

Instead of using businessman, young man, tradesman, and mailman, use businessperson, young
people ,tradesperson, and letter carrier.

8. Enumerate examples of culturally inclusive words mentioned in the lecture.

Instead of using disabled person, and blind people use people with disabilities and people with

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