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Practising MODAL VERBS


• 3 different tasks:
• 1. Obligation (5 marks): set of RULES (5 rules required).
• 2. Jump to conclusions (5 marks): 5 possible conclusions related to one of the situations proposed.
• 3. Regrets (10 marks): pick 4 characters - 2 regrets related to their story
+ 2 personal regrets you can share.
• Extra marks for creativity and originality in your ideas.
• Due date: 12/03/2023 (23:59)
• Upload PDF document with your name and answers to all three exercises.
1. OBLIGATION (5 marks)
• Pick one of these locations and imagine you are gathering together a set of rules for its users:
• Include at least 5 rules
• Use a variety of verbs: MUST / MUSTN’T / HAVE TO / DON’T HAVE TO


1. OBLIGATION (5 marks)
• Pick one of these locations and imagine you are gathering together a set of rules for its users:
• Include at least 5 rules
• Use a variety of verbs: MUST / MUSTN’T / HAVE TO / DON’T HAVE TO


• Pick one of the situations described below and write your own conclusions about what might have happened.
• Include at least 5 different sentences using modal perfects
• Use a variety of verbs: MUST HAVE / MIGHT HAVE / MAY HAVE / CAN’T HAVE…

E.g. Situation: E.g. Possible conclusions

When I arrived at school today, 1. There may have been a break in.
2. The director might have gone crazy and
there were papers all over the thrown the papers around.
floor in the hall and the 3. Some students may have played a joke.
director’s office. 4. The director must have been furious…

Situation #1: Situation #2: Situation #3:

You were stuck in traffic for two You heard loud dance music You arrived in class and there was
hours. coming from the Head of Studies nobody. No student came to class.

Situation #4: Situation #5:

When you walked in class, all the Student X (pick whoever you
students started laughing. prefer) arrived 15 minutes late.
3. REGRETS (10 marks)
• Read the following stories and pick four
of the characters. Think about what they
could have done differently and express
their regrets using modals / modal
• Write two different sentences related to
each of the characters.
• Include two more sentences regarding
yourself (personal regrets that you can
R e g r e t c a r d s
Gary, 25 I totally regret buying this broken
phone. It's been such a pain and a
total waste of money. I thought I
was getting a good deal at the
time, but it turns out the phone
was all messed up and I didn't
even realize until I tried to use it.
Now, I'm stuck with a phone that
doesn't work and have to deal with
getting it fixed or finding a new
might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have
needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Scott, 42 I sent a message to my boss
instead of my boyfriend. It was
an embarrassing and awkward
mistake that I wish I could take
back. I was in a hurry and didn't
double check before hitting send,
and now my boss has seen a
message that was not meant for
him. I'm mortified!

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Nicole, 19 I argued with my dad and he
died before apologizing. I regret
not taking the time to make
amends before it was too late. I
was angry and didn't think about
the consequences of my actions.
Now, I'm left with the guilt and
regret of not being able to tell
him how much I loved and
appreciated him.

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Shirley, 22 I got invited to a party and my
friend told me it was a costume
party. I showed up to the party in
a rabbit costume. I was excited
to dress up, but when I arrived,
no one else was dressed in
costume. I felt embarrassed and
out of place. Apparently, it was
just a joke but I felt terribly.

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Selena, 32 I totally regret hitting that car
and then just taking off. It was
such a dumb and irresponsible
move and I wish I could go back
and do things differently. I was
scared and didn't know what to
do, so I just bailed. But now I'm
stuck with all this guilt and
worry about getting caught
and facing consequences.
might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have
needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Lauren, 33 I'm so sorry that I wasn't able
to make it to my aunt's funeral.
My flight was cancelled and I
was unable to find a way to get
there in time. I feel terrible
that I couldn't be there to
support my family and pay my
respects to my aunt.

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Jerry, 18 I'm sorry that I didn't
congratulate my brother on his
marriage. I was feeling jealous
and resentful and didn't handle
the situation well. It was a
thoughtless and selfish thing to
do, and I regret not being able
to put my feelings aside and be
happy for him.

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Gregory, 23 I spent I regret €200 on that
sweater and then I found out it
was on sale the next day and
they were selling it for just €25. I
wish I had been more patient and
waited for a better deal. I feel
guilty and irresponsible for not
thinking things through before
making the purchase.
might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have
needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Diane, 27 I'm so frustrated
disappointed in myself for not

studying for that test. I knew it

was important and I just kept
procrastinating. And now, I've
failed and it's all my own fault.
I can't believe I let myself down
like this. I'm just so angry and
disappointed in myself.

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Arthur, 25 Today I missed a very important
meeting with a very important
investor. the reason is that I
got locked in my house and
couldn't find my key anywhere.
It was such a stupid situation
and I feel terrible that I let
everyone down. I know how
important this meeting was and
I'm so sorry.
might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have
needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Walter, 39 I didn't buy a lotto ticket and
now everyone at work has won.
It's not fair and I can't believe I
missed out on this opportunity.
I'm kicking myself for not
taking the chance and now I'm
left with nothing. It's just not
right and I feel like I've been
robbed of something that could
have changed my life.

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Elijah, 17 I'm so disappointed that my
girlfriend cheated on me. I
trusted her and believed that
we had a strong and honest
relationship. But now, I feel like
a fool and I can't believe she
would do something like this to
me. It's a painful and hurtful
betrayal and I'm not sure how
to move forward.
might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have
needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Bruce, 38 I'm so frustrated that I spent 50
euros on a ticket and then found
out that the entrance was free.
It's such a waste of money and I
can't believe I made this mistake. I
was excited about the event and
didn't think to check if there was
a cost for admission. Now, I'm out
50 euros and I feel foolish for not
being more careful.

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Debra, 17 I left the door open and my cat
got out. My cat is seriously like
the best thing ever and I'm
freaking out that it is out there
alone and lost. I just hope it is
okay and I can find it soon. I
feel so guilty and worried right
now and I just want my cat
back safe and sound.

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Ablah, 23 I didn't go to my friend's party
like I promised. I know I said I
would be there and I feel
terrible that I let her down. I
made the decision to stay home
and watch a movie instead
because I was extremely tired,
and I realize now that it was a
selfish and thoughtless thing to
do. I'm sorry for not keeping my
might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have
needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Theresa, 21 My sister borrowed my favorite
earrings and she lost one. I lent
them to her knowing that they
were special to me, and I can't
believe she didn't take better
care of them. Now, I'm left with
just one earring and it's not the
same. I feel like she didn't
respect my belongings and I'm
really upset about it.

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Walter, 26 I lost a very good job
opportunity because I was
hungover. It was such a stupid
and irresponsible thing to do,
and I wish I could go back and
fix it because I really need the
job. I was given a chance and I
totally blew it because I was
careless and didn't take it

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Emma, 19 I can't believe I missed the final
exam because my alarm clock
didn't go off. I was so frustrated
and disappointed when I realized
what had happened. I had to rush
to get dressed and out the door,
and I just knew I wasn't going to
make it in time. And I didn't. I
missed the exam and it was all
because of a stupid alarm clock.

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Doris, 20 I can't believe I got sick after
eating at that fancy
restaurant. The food wasn't
even that good and it turns out
I got salmonellosis. It was such
a waste of money and a
miserable experience. I just
have to laugh and move on, I

might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have

needn't have - should/shouldn't have
R e g r e t c a r d s
Faruq, 29 I regret not telling my crush
that I loved her before it was
too late. I was so scared and
didn't know how to say it, and
now she's getting married to
someone else. It's such a painful
and frustrating realization that
I missed my chance and I'll
always regret not being brave
enough to take it.
might/may have - must/can't/couldn't have - would have - could have
needn't have - should/shouldn't have

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