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The Behavior Analyst 2007, 30, 181–196 No.

2 (Fall)

Trends in Women’s Participation at the Meetings of the

Association for Behavior Analysis: 1975–2005
Jennifer L. Simon, Edward K. Morris, and Nathaniel G. Smith
University of Kansas
We examined women’s participation, relative to men’s, at the annual meetings of the
Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA) between 1975 and 2005. Among our findings are
upward trends in female presenters across formats (e.g., posters), types of authorship (e.g., first
authors), and specialty areas (e.g., autism). Where women have attained parity, however, they
are still often underrepresented, given their percentage of membership. Women also participate
less than men as sole and invited authors and discussants and in the domains of basic research
and conceptual analysis, but participate more than men in the applied domain. Data from the
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
show parallel but delayed trends toward parity in basic and applied research, whereas data from
The Behavior Analyst show only modest gains in the conceptual domain. We discuss the gender
disparities in ABA’s more prestigious categories of participation (e.g., invited addresses) and
across its content domains, as well as in science in general, and the role of social and cultural
factors in producing the disparities and how behavior analysts might aid in correcting them.
Key words: Association for Behavior Analysis, conference participation, journal authorship,

When the American Psychological lished in 1970; APA Division 35 for

Association (APA) was founded in the Psychology of Women was
1892, women’s participation was formed in 1973; and APA’s Women’s
limited. They faced restricted access Program Office was started in 1977
to graduate education and training (see De Meuse, 1987; Pfafflin, 1984;
and had few opportunities for aca- Scarborough, 1994). In 1970, just
demic placement and advancement over 20% of the PhD recipients in
(Hogan & Sexton, 1991; Russo & psychology were women; in 2005, the
Denmark, 1987; Scarborough & Fur- percentage was nearly 72% (Cynkar,
umoto, 1987). In 1942, the National 2007).
Council of Women Psychologists was Founded in 1974, the Association
formed to redress these and related for Behavior Analysis (ABA) was,
problems (Mitchell, 1951; see Bryan from the start, proactive on the
& Boring, 1944), but few gains were behalf of women. In particular,
made until the 1970s. The Associa- ABA’s early governance sought to
tion for Women in Psychology was assure women’s participation in the
founded in 1969; the Committee on association (Vargas, 1989). Its Exec-
Women in Psychology was estab- utive Council established a committee
for the Professional Development of
This article is based on a paper presented at Women (Peterson, 1978). A special
the 2004 meeting of the Association for
Behavior Analysis. We thank Maria Malott interest group (SIG) by that name
for providing ABA membership and conven- was formed in 1979. And, between
tion registration data for 2000 through 2005; 1979 and 1984, the association’s
Frances McSweeney for authorship data for annual conference included a special-
the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of
Behavior and the Journal of Applied Behavior
ty area for Women’s Issues in Behav-
Analysis for 1980, 1985, and 1995; and Karen ior Analysis. These activities notwith-
D. Multon for her insight into gender and standing, women’s participation has
productivity in the clinical professions. been less than men’s in two of the
Correspondence may be sent to the Jennifer
Simon, Kansas City Autism Training Center,
field’s most vital areas: journal pub-
7501 Belinder Avenue, Prairie Village, Kansas lications and participation at ABA’s
66208 (e-mail: annual meetings.

182 JENNIFER L. SIMON et al.

With respect to publications, be- And third, we compare women’s

tween 1978 and 1992, women were participation in ABA’s content do-
first authors on only 16% of the mains of basic and applied research
articles published in The Behavior and conceptual analysis with their
Analyst (TBA), ABA’s house journal authorship levels in three correspond-
(Myers, 1993). This was about the ing journals—JEAB, JABA, and
same percentage for women authors TBA.
in the field’s leading journal for basic
research—the Journal of the Experi- METHOD
mental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB)
(Myers; see also Laties, 1987; Mc- To analyze women’s participation
Sweeney & Swindell, 1998). In the at the meetings, we coded conference
field’s leading applied journal—the participation by gender in ABA’s
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis first conference program in 1975, in
(JABA)—the percentage was twice as every fifth program through 2005,
high at 31% but was not at parity and in every program between 2001
(Myers; see also Laties; McSweeney, and 2004 (ABA membership data
Donahoe, & Swindell, 2000); the were available for 2000 to 2005).
Journal of Organizational Behavior The membership data allowed us to
Management had the same percent- differentiate between women’s parity
age (Culig, Dickinson, McGee, & with men (i.e., under, at, or over
Austin, 2005; see also Jarema, Sny- 50%) and their under- or overrepre-
cerski, Bagge, Austin, & Poling, 1999; sentation, given their percentage of
McGee, Bucklin, Dickinson, & membership. Women’s percentage of
McSweeney, 2003). These findings ABA membership was 48% (1,405 of
are consistent with other assessments 2,928) in 2000, 56% (1,966 of 3,501)
of women’s underrepresentation in in 2001, 58% (2,269 of 3,876) in 2002,
the field. In 1992, for instance, only 61% (2,600 of 4,265) in 2003, 62%
4% of the 50 most published authors (2,813 of 4,543) in 2004, and 64%
in applied behavior analysis were (2,981 of 4,692) in 2005. Men’s
women (Hayes & Grundt, 1996). A percentages were the reciprocal:
decade later, women comprised less 52%, 44%, 42%, 39%, 38%, and
than 20% of the most published 36%, respectively.
authors throughout behavior analysis
in general (Shabani, Carr, Petursdot- Gender Coding
tir, Esch, & Gillett, 2004).
As for women’s participation at We coded conference participants
ABA’s annual meetings, less is as women if their first names were
known. Only two pertinent studies conventionally female (e.g., Mary,
have been published. Not unexpect- Erin) and as men if their first names
edly, based on their percentage of were conventionally male (e.g., Jim,
ABA membership, women were un- Aaron). Unless we knew their gender,
derrepresented as authors of invited participants were otherwise coded as
addresses, in symposia, and at poster undetermined. The mean percentage
sessions at the 1982 meeting (Poling of undetermined participants across
et al., 1983). A decade later, the all years was 5.2%, ranging from
situation had changed little (Myers, 1.3% in 1985 to 8.9% in 2005, the
1993). The present paper expands on latter due largely to an increase in
and updates these findings. First, we participants from countries outside
assess women’s participation since English-speaking North America. We
ABA’s first meeting in 1975 through break down these percentages further
2005. Second, we address a broader in our coding categories below and
array of formats, roles, levels, spe- discuss their effects on our findings in
cialty areas, and content domains. our discussion.

Coding Categories the original names because their

content remained largely the same
Presentations and formats. A pre-
(e.g., between 1992 and 1996, Orga-
sentation was defined as an entry in
nizational Behavior Management be-
an ABA program that included a title
came Performance Management and
and an author in one of four formats:
Training). Except for the specialty
poster presentations (which began in area in Women’s Issues in Behavior
1977 and we started coding in 1980), Analysis (1979–1984), we did not
symposia presentations, paper pre- code areas that existed for only a few
sentations, and invited presentations. years or that appeared sporadically
The mean percentage of undeter- because they had few presentations
mined authors across these formats (e.g., Computer Applications, 1985–
was 4.3%, ranging from 1.0% for 1991; Other, 1988, 1993, 1998–2001).
invited presentations to 6.1% for The mean percentage of undeter-
poster presentations. We did not code mined authors across the specialty
participants in panel discussions, in- areas was 5.3%, ranging from 2.8%
vited tutorials, workshops, ABA Ex- for Theoretical, Philosophical, and
pos, business meetings, special events, Conceptual Issues to 7.8% for Teach-
or reunions. ing Behavior Analysis.
Participation role. Symposia, paper Domains. We grouped 9 of the 12
sessions, and invited sessions typical- specialty areas listed in 2005 into
ly have chairs, and symposia typically three content domains—basic and
have discussants. We coded both for applied research and conceptual anal-
gender. The mean percentage of un- ysis—and coded women’s participa-
determined chairpersons was 2.8%, tion in them as authors at any level.
ranging from 0.5% for invited ses- The specialty areas for basic research
sions to 5.6% for paper sessions. The were the Experimental Analysis of
percentage of undetermined sympo- Behavior and Behavioral Pharmacol-
sia discussants was 1.3%. ogy. The areas for applied research
Authorship level. Participation as were Autism; Clinical, Family, and
an author was coded as (a) sole Behavioral Medicine; Community
author, (b) first author of a coau- Interventions and Social and Ethical
thored presentation, and (c) other Issues; Developmental Disabilities;
than first author of a coauthored Education; and Organizational Be-
presentation. The mean percentage of havior Management. The area for
undetermined authors was 5%, rang- conceptual analysis was Theoretical,
ing from 3.7% for sole authors to Philosophical, and Conceptual Is-
5.8% for authors other than first sues. We did not group the remaining
authors. areas—Human Development and
Specialty areas. ABA began orga- Gerontology, Verbal Behavior, and
nizing its presentations into specialty Teaching Behavior Analysis—into
areas in 1979, which we started any one domain because they in-
coding for gender in 1980. For the cluded presentations in all three.
1975 program, we categorized and Journal comparisons. Finally, we
coded the presentations according to compared the foregoing findings with
the 1979 specialty areas. For the those for female authors in JEAB,
areas established after 1979—Human JABA, and TBA for basic and
Development and Gerontology applied research and conceptual anal-
(1986), Teaching Behavior Analysis ysis, respectively. We did not include
(1997), and Autism (1998)—we Behavior and Philosophy because it
started coding the first one in 1990 has had so few female authors that
and the second two in 2000. Al- no reliable publication patterns could
though the names of some specialty be discerned, except for the obvious.
areas changed over time, we retained Frances McSweeney kindly provided
184 JENNIFER L. SIMON et al.

Figure 1. The left panel depicts the total number of female and male ABA authors on posters,
symposium papers, papers, and invited events at the ABA meetings between 1975 and 2005. The
right panel depicts the same data set on a percentage basis. The right panel also includes data on
the percentage of female and male ABA members.

the gender data in JEAB and JABA whereas in the past decade, women
from 1980 to 1995 (see McSweeney et have drawn almost even with men on
al., 2000; McSweeney & Swindell, papers and now outnumber them on
1998). We ourselves coded JEAB and posters and symposia papers. In
JABA for 1975, 2000, and 2005, and contrast, women have been consis-
TBA for every 5th year between 1980 tently outnumbered on invited papers
and 2005. by about 3:1. Given their percentage
of ABA’s membership, women are
RESULTS now equally represented on posters
but are underrepresented in the other
Author Gender formats.
Figure 1 presents the number of Participation role. Figure 3 pre-
ABA authors by gender on posters, sents the number and percentage of
symposium papers, papers, and in- ABA participants by gender for
vited events between 1975 and 2005. chairs of paper sessions and invited
It depicts increasing numbers of sessions. Chairs of paper sessions are
women and men between 1975 and typically those who organize the
1995, yet fewer women overall; more sessions, whereas chairs of invited
women than men by 2000; and then sessions are often the specialty area
variable increases and decreases in coordinators or members who pro-
both women and men, but with more pose the invited authors. As chairs,
women overall through 2005. To women have consistently been out-
show these trends more clearly, the numbered by men, albeit with some
right panel displays these data as convergence over time until recently,
percentages. Comparing these per- when the trends have reversed. Al-
centages to what might be expected though we coded the number and
given women’s percentage of ABA’s percentage of participants as discus-
membership between 2000 and 2005, sants on paper sessions and invited
we see that although women were sessions, we have not included these
above parity, they remained under- data because the cases were too few
represented. to depict meaningful relations. The
data, however, are available on re-
Categories of Participation quest.
Figure 4 presents the number and
Presentation formats. Figure 2 pre- percentage of participants by gender
sents the number and percentage of for chairs and discussants of sympo-
authors by gender in the four pre- sia. Chairs of symposia are typically
sentation formats (posters, sympo- those who organize the sessions;
sium papers, papers, and invited discussants are usually selected from
events). In each one, men outnum- among the established researchers in
bered women for the first 20 years, the specialty area. In these roles,

Figure 2. From top to bottom, the left and right panels depict, respectively, the total number
and the percentage of female and male authors for posters, symposium papers, papers, and
invited papers at the ABA meetings between 1975 and 2005. The right panels also include data
on the percentage of female and male ABA members.

Figure 3. From top to bottom, the left and right panels depict, respectively, the total number
and the percentage of female and male chairs of paper sessions and discussants of invited
sessions at the ABA meetings between 1975 and 2005. The right panels also include data on the
percentage of female and male ABA members.
186 JENNIFER L. SIMON et al.

Figure 4. From top to bottom, the left and right panels depict, respectively, the total number
and the percentage of female and male chairs and discussants of symposia at the ABA meetings
between 1975 and 2005. The right panels also include data on the percentage of female and male
ABA members.

women have been consistently out- Authorship level. Figure 5 shows

numbered by men, especially as that female coauthors (other than
symposia discussants, although some first author) and female first authors
convergence has occurred. among coauthors were nearly at

Figure 5. From top to bottom, the left and right panels depict, respectively, the total number
and the percentage of female and male coauthors other than first authors, first authors among
coauthors, and sole authors at the ABA meetings between 1975 and 2005. The right panels also
include data on the percentage of female and male ABA members.

Percentage of Female Authors within each Specialty Area at ABA Conventions
Percentage of Female Convention Authors
Specialty Area 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Autism 64.9 67.1 70.0 68.8 68.4 70.7
Teaching Behavior 52.7* 52.6* 67.0 58.2* 49.4 59.8*
Education 26.9 34.5 32.9 49.0 55.4 57.4 61.4 58.5* 56.6* 60.6* 58.6*
Developmental Disabilities 30.0 35.7 35.7 51.1 54.0 53.5 54.2* 52.8 56.4* 57.2* 55.4
Clinical; Family; 23.9 32.0 37.8 42.0 44.4 50.7* 56.8* 55.0* 55.3 51.6 52.4
Behavioral Medicine
Community Interventions; 14.3 27.3 29.3 23.6 51.8 40.5 50.0 42.5 49.1 48.2 51.0
Social and Ethical Issues
Human Development; 46.2 44.8 42.4* 50.0* 38.0 44.3 55.8 48.9
Verbal Behavior 0.0 26.2 40.7 35.4 35.4 58.0 41.0 59.3* 65.0* 50.7 48.6
Organizational Behavior 10.0 12.9 36.4 32.9 32.0 40.9 43.5 45.8 48.7 48.1 48.5
Behavioral Pharmacology 0.0 40.0 21.6 16.0 39.4 42.7 31.0 40.0 46.2 48.8 47.8
Experimental Analysis of 7.6 13.6 22.7 27.8 36.3 40.3 41.1 42.0 42.0 41.9 42.0
Theoretical, Philosophical, 0.0 26.9 18.9 28.6 20.7 31.2 38.9 49.0 39.2 31.8 41.2
& Conceptual Issues
Female ABA membership data were available for 2000 through 2005: 48% in 2000, 56% in
2001, 58% in 2002, 61% in 2003, 62% in 2004, and 63% in 2005. Numbers in bold exceed the
female ABA membership percentage by at least 5%. Numbers with an asterisk are within 5% of
the female ABA membership rate.

parity with male authors by 1995, was 91.3% (range, 75% to 100%),
after which they overtook them. The with a bimodal distribution over time
trend for the former, though, has and a slightly decreasing trend.
reversed. As first authors among
coauthors, women are now almost Comparisons: ABA and
equally represented, but as sole Journal Authors
authors they are not, although the
trend has been upward. Figure 6 presents comparisons of
Specialty areas. Table 1 lists the ABA authors and journal authors by
percentage of female authors in content domain. The left panel de-
ABA’s 12 specialty areas, ranked by picts the percentage of authors by
their percentages of authorship at the gender in ABA’s basic, applied, and
2005 meeting. In 1975, the percent- conceptual domains; the right panel
ages were under 33% in every area, depicts their percentages in the three
with three areas at zero. By 2005, all related journals. The percentage of
of the areas were over 33%, with half female authors in ABA’s content
of them over 50%, some having domains was at first low, but has
increased by a factor of four or more increased over time. In the applied
(e.g., Experimental Analysis of Be- domain, women surpassed men by
havior). Women are today well rep- 1995. In 2005, their percentage was
resented in the applied specialty areas 59.6%. In the basic domain, the
(e.g., Autism) but are poorly repre- increase has tapered off. In 2005,
sented in the basic and conceptual women’s percentage was 41.8%. In
areas. As for Women’s Issues in the conceptual domain, the percent-
Behavior Analysis (1979–1984), the age of female authors has increased
mean percentage of female authors over the past decade, but still lags
188 JENNIFER L. SIMON et al.

Figure 6. From top to bottom, the left panel depicts the percentage of female and male
authors in the domains of basic research, applied research, and conceptual analysis at the ABA
meetings between 1975 and 2005. The right panel depicts the data for female and male authors in
three comparable journals: the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB), the
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (JABA), and The Behavior Analyst (TBA) for the
available years.

significantly behind that of men. In DISCUSSION

2005, it was 31.8%.
In the basic, applied, and concep- As ABA’s overall membership has
tual journals, the increases in fe- grown in the past 30 years, so too has
male authors have lagged behind its female membership, eventually at
those in their respective domains at a higher rate than male membership,
ABA; indeed, in the basic and such that, by 2001, women outnum-
conceptual domains, the increases bered men. The number of female
have recently ceased or reversed. By authors at the ABA meetings also
2004, the percentage of female JABA eventually grew at a higher rate than
authors passed that of males. In 2005, male authors, becoming a majority
it was 51.9%. In JEAB, the percent- by 2000. In 2005, though, women
age of female authors increased were still below parity in 7 of the 11
between 1975 and 1995 but has presentation formats, in participation
remained unchanged since then. In roles, and in authorship levels, espe-
2005, it was 22.3%. In TBA, the cially in the relatively more presti-
percentage of female authors in- gious formats (invited authors, sole
creased steadily between 1980 and authors, and symposia discussants).
1990 but has since been variable. In Moreover, given their percentage of
2005, it was 24%. the ABA membership, women were

underrepresented in all but two cate- rates than men. As a result, their
gories (posters and first author overall membership percentage has
among coauthors). In ABA’s 12 increased in contrast to that of the
specialty areas, women were below women in the cohort from whom
parity in 6 of them and underrepre- invited authors are likely drawn. The
sented in 11, most notably in basic increase in women’s membership thus
research and conceptual analysis. both increases their expected partic-
ipation as invited authors and de-
Disparities in Prestigious Activities creases the percentage of women
from which they would be drawn.
Although women have made sig- Perhaps as the older cohort retires,
nificant gains in their absolute levels women’s participation as invited
of participation at the ABA meetings, authors will move closer to their
they continue to be underrepresented representation in ABA.
in activities to which some prestige These two analyses assume, of
accrues. For instance, although the course, that women and men make
number of female authors on posters comparable contributions to behav-
approximates their percentage of ior analysis over time and drop out or
membership, their percentage of par- retire at comparable rates. The for-
ticipation on invited papers is at least mer assumption, though, may not be
three times lower than that of men. valid. Women publish fewer multiple
Posters are open for anyone to sub- articles in JEAB and JABA than men
mit; invited papers are not. This (Iwata & Lent, 1984; Laties, 1987;
disparity may have several sources. Neef, 1993). Thus, although the
First, it may be due to the gender of number of female ABA authors and
the area coordinators who select the JEAB and JABA authors has in-
invited papers. However, when we creased, women’s contributions may
coded coordinator gender, we found take longer to emerge because, over-
no systematic variations related to all, they publish at lower rates. This is
the percentage of invited female true in science in general (Cole, 1987)
authors. For instance, in 1985, 1990, and in psychology (Rodgers & Mar-
and 1995, the percentage of female anto, 1989). In psychology, for ex-
coordinators was 39%, 53%, and ample, in the late 1970s, men out-
15%, respectively; however, the per- published women by a ratio of almost
centage of female invited authors 3:1 (Helmreich, Spence, Beane,
hardly varied: 27%, 26%, and 24%. Lucker, & Mathews, 1980); even
A second source of disparity in the today, the ratio is close to 1.5:1
invited papers and discussants may among academic clinical psycholo-
lie in ABA’s age cohorts (see, e.g., gists (Posen, Templer, Forward,
Laties, 1987). First, as seen in Fig- Stokes, & Stephens, 2005). This
ure 1, female authors were outnum- difference, of course, may be mediat-
bered by male authors by almost 3:1 ed by correlates such as the content
in the first decade of the organiza- domain (i.e., basic, applied, concep-
tion’s existence. Given this cohort’s tual), academic position (e.g., instruc-
now senior status, its members are tor, professor), and the prestige of an
more likely to be invited as authors academic institution (see Simonton,
than members from younger cohorts. 2002, pp. 306–307).
However, if the ratio of male to A third source of disparity in the
female women participants in that invited addresses may be the number
cohort is still 3:1, then women would of women who hold academic and
likely be outnumbered by that ratio research positions in comparison to
as invited authors, which they were clinical and private sector positions.
(see Figure 2). Second, since 1985, The former likely make more pre-
women have joined ABA at higher sentations and publish more often,
190 JENNIFER L. SIMON et al.

thereby making them more likely to women’s participation in ABA other

be invited as speakers and discus- than ABA membership might include
sants. If relatively fewer female mem- membership by gender and (a) age
bers of ABA are in these positions cohort or level (i.e., student, full), (b)
compared to male members, then the terminal degree (e.g., doctorate, mas-
pool of women from which invited ters), (c) specialty area, and (d) basic
authors and discussants are selected or applied research or practice. ABA
would be relatively smaller. Thus, membership may still be a better
women’s lower participation at ABA measure of an individual’s commit-
in areas of higher prestige may reflect ment to the field than conference
the actual numbers of members from registration alone. Conference regis-
whom invited authors and discus- trants may be less committed, such
sants are drawn. that their numbers and participation
A fourth source of disparity may vary more as a function of cycles of
be related to women’s responsibilities special interests and conference sites.
outside the discipline, for instance, as The percentage of women’s ABA
primary caregivers of their children conference registration, for instance,
and other family members (for his- has been higher than that for their
torical accounts, see Scarborough & ABA membership every year since
Furumoto, 1987). Women may have 2000: 57% (1,303 of 2,293), 59%
fewer presentations when they (a) are (1,616 of 2,724), 64% (1,817 of
pregnant, (b) have young children, 2,860), 63% (2,027 of 3,197), 66%
and (c) care for ill or elderly family (2,480 of 3,777), and 67% (2,552 of
members. However, although these 3,800). This may correlate with the
competing contingencies are time increased numbers and percentages
consuming, longitudinal data on the of presentations in developmental
productivity of female scientists in disabilities among junior members
mathematics, the physical and bi- of the field, creating an apparent
ological sciences, and psychology underrepresentation of women giving
suggest that neither marriage nor invited addresses and serving as
motherhood reduces the number of discussants.
papers women publish in professional
journals (Cole & Zuckerman, 1987). Disparities Overall
Moreover, female scientists with and
without children seemingly publish at Future research could extend our
similar rates regardless of their scien- findings in still other ways. First, it
tific stature (i.e., assistant professors, could include formats we did not
full professors, members of the Na- code. For instance, coding for panel
tional Academy of Arts and Sci- discussions, invited tutorials, work-
ences). Whether this is true of behav- shops, ABA Expos, business meet-
ior analysts is unknown. Even if it is ings, special events, or reunions might
true, women may still present papers reveal similarities or dissimilarities
at lower rates because of the time and with our categories of participation.
expense of conference travel, given Second, our count of authors and
family obligations, and the relatively participants was a count of the
greater prestige of publishing com- number of times a name was listed
pared to presenting, without the in a program, not the number of
former’s related costs. This, though, individuals who participated in it.
remains unknown. Any differential interaction of these
The effects of the forgoing sources numbers by gender may thus make
of disparity are, of course, empirical our analyses not completely reflective
matters for which evidence, especially of women’s participation at ABA.
more recent evidence, is needed, as Third, our analyses were based on the
are additional measures. Measures of number of authors, not the quality of

their presentations or their impact on applied, and conceptual domains

the field. Women, for instance, may yielded two main findings. First,
give fewer invited presentations than women are better represented as
men, but their impact may be greater, authors in the three domains of
as measured, for instance, by citation ABA presentations than in the com-
analyses of publications based on the parable domain-specific journals.
presentations. This might be expected because of
Finally, women’s participation at the time lag between presenting
ABA may have been underrepresent- papers and posters and their publica-
ed in our study because they, more tion. If no interactions exist between
than men, might have gender-neutral gender and the probability of pre-
names and use initials, thus making sentations becoming publications,
them overrepresented in our undeter- then changes in women’s publications
mined category of coding. To assess should track the patterns of change in
whether a comprehensive coding of their ABA presentations, barring any
participant gender would have al- meaningfulness to some recent rever-
tered our findings, we examined the sals at ABA.
categories that had the highest per- The second main finding is that
centage of undetermined authors: more women participate in the ap-
conference year (8.9% in 2005), pre- plied domain than in basic research
sentation format (6.1% of the pos- and conceptual analysis. This pre-
ters), participation role (5.6% of the sumably reflects differences in wo-
paper session chairs, and authorship men’s interests, not any systematic
level (5.8% of authors other than first bias within ABA. However, we had
authors). Except for participation no domain-specific membership per-
role, more women than men have centages by gender that would allow
participated in these categories since us to assess variations across them.
2000. Thus, if women were over- One approximation to these percent-
represented among undetermined ages might be women’s membership
participants, our conclusions would in ABA’s SIGs (e.g., in autism), but
not have been qualitatively different, these are unknown. Another approx-
only different by degree. The cate- imation might be domain-specific
gories in which women were more differences in journal authors (see
likely underrepresented since 2000 also McSweeney et al., 2000;
had among the lowest percentage of McSweeney & Parks, 2002). Here,
undetermined authors, meaning our we know that the gender differences
conclusions about them would be in authors are a function of the
little affected. One final note: In number of submissions rather than
2005, the year with the highest editorial processing (Iwata & Lent,
percentage of undetermined gender 1984; Odum, 2000). Beyond that, no
(8.9%), no authors were undeter- baseline levels of participation have
mined because of their initials and been established by domain or jour-
only 2.7% were undetermined because nal that would allow us to determine
of gender-neutral names. The per- relative differences in the rates at
centage was mainly due to the num- which women and men submit manu-
ber of names that were in languages scripts for publication. These levels
unfamiliar to us. Whether these dif- might reflect the degree to which
ferentially interact with gender across women participate in a journal’s do-
main of inquiry, which might be
countries is an empirical question.
approximated by the gender of a jour-
nal’s subscribers. Overall, however,
Domain-Specific Disparities
the differences we found are compa-
Our comparison of ABA authors rable to those in APA: Except for
to journal authors in the basic, developmental psychology, fewer
192 JENNIFER L. SIMON et al.

women participate in its experimental when they are engaged in gender-

and cognitive divisions than in its appropriate behavior than when they
clinical and counseling divisions are not (e.g., Caldera, Huston, &
(American Psychological Associa- O’Brien, 1989; Fagot & Hagan, 1991;
tion, 2002; Cynkar, 2007). Leaper, Leve, Strasser, & Schwartz,
Our having found no obvious 1995).
source for women’s differential par- Cultural practices outside the
ticipation in the ABA-based domains home also establish and maintain
does not mean that nonobvious gender-related differences. Descrip-
sources do not exist (e.g., aggregate tive research has shown that gender-
between and within personal or un- typed play may be differentially
known biases; Handelsman et al., reinforced and punished in early
2005; Ruiz, 2003). Uncovering these child-care settings (see Fagot &
sources, though, was beyond the Patterson, 1969; Serbin, O’Leary,
purpose and purview of our research Kent, & Tonick, 1973), and experi-
and requires methods other than our mental research has shown that social
own (e.g., interviews, surveys; Liff & contingencies and context (e.g., pres-
Ward, 2001; Probert, 2005). In the ence of a teacher, peer, or model) can
end, we expect that the major source affect the rates of gender-typed play
of the gender differences and the (e.g., Green, Bigler, & Catherwood,
nonobvious sources are cultural, as 2004; Langlois & Downs, 1980). Re-
we describe below (for a review of the lated research in education has found
evidence on nature and nurture as differential (a) gender-role depictions
determinants of the number of wom- of female and male characters in
en in science, see Ceci & Williams, children’s stories (e.g., Hitchcock &
2006). Tompkins, 1987; Nibbelink, Stock-
dale, & Mangru, 1986) and educa-
Culturally Based Disparities tional computer software (e.g., see
The domain-specific differences in McNair, Kirova-Petrova, & Bhar-
women’s conference presentations gava, 2001), (b) portrayals of female
are, presumably, embedded in social and male roles in elementary, sec-
contingencies and cultural metacon- ondary, and college textbooks (e.g.,
tingencies across the life span. Gen- the exclusion of biographies of female
der differences in occupations, for scientists, gender bias; see Hulme,
instance, are correlated with gender- 1988; Kleinman, 1998; Sadker &
based socialization practices (Daly, Sadker, 1980), and (c) treatment of
1996; Hoffman, 1972; Vetter, 1992). girls and boys in classrooms (e.g.,
Research in early childhood shows girls are praised more for the appear-
that parents and caregivers typically ance of their work, boys are praised
socialize children in accord with the more for its quality; see Irvine, 1986;
child’s gender. Boys are more often Lubbers & Menting, 1987; Sadker &
taught to focus on achievement and Sadker, 1994). A consistent and
independence, whereas girls are troubling finding of these studies is
taught to foster relationships and to that most teachers do not see that
nurture and care for others (Barry, they are acting differentially toward
Bacon, & Child, 1957; Broadhurst, girls and boys until they are shown
1988), typically through the parents’ this directly (e.g., videotapes of their
and caregivers’ selection of toys, teaching performances; see Sadker &
activities, and chores (Daly; Fagot Sadker, 1994).
& Leinbach, 1993). Even if parents These differential practices may
and caregivers do not encourage the account for girls’ and boys’ academic
use of gender-typed toys, they still interests and performance by subject
respond to children more positively matter. Descriptive research, for ex-

ample, indicates that girls and boys National Science Foundation, 2003;
have similar interests and perfor- U.S. Department of Education,
mance in mathematics and science 2001), secondary education and com-
when they enter elementary school, munity settings (e.g., afterschool pro-
but that, by the end, girls show less grams, summer camps; American
interest in science than boys (Jones, Association of University Women,
Howe, & Rua, 2000; Sadker & 2004; National Science Foundation,
Sadker, 1985). In middle school, this 2003), higher education (e.g., faculty
gap appears to widen, as girls report recruitment and mentoring pro-
fewer science experiences than boys grams, internships; Urban Institute
(Blosser, 1990; Catsambis, 1995). In Education Policy Center, 2000; U.S.
high school, when mathematics and Department of Education, 2001),
science courses become optional, girls higher education training (e.g., teach-
enroll in them at lower rates than er training, educational resources;
boys (Blosser; Broadhurst, 1988; American Association of University
Oakes, 1990). By the time students Women, 1992), academic positions
enter college, these choices may affect (e.g., equity in responsibilities and
their selection of science over non- compensation; APA, 2000; Kite et
science majors or, within a major al., 2001), and the workforce (e.g.,
such as psychology, their choice of pay equity; Women Employed In-
basic over applied research. stitute, 2000). These are problems of
social importance to which behavior
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Behavior analysts could contribute force of their science, research meth-
to changing the social contingencies ods, and empirically based interven-
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lead to gender-based disparities with- Vogeltanz, Sigmon, & Vickers, 1998).
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