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ICT711 Programming and Algorithms


Tutorial – Week 2

Name: Nusrat JAHAN

Student id : 20022074
Part A:
Exercise 1:
Write a program that asks the number of hours and pay rate for an employee, then print the
net pay after you deduct the tax of 35%.
import java.util.Scanner;

public class PaySlip{

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

// user input

System.out.print("Enter the number of hours worked: ");

double hoursWorked = scanner.nextDouble();

System.out.print("Enter the pay rate per hour: ");

double payRate = scanner.nextDouble();


// Calculate gross pay

double grossPay = hoursWorked * payRate;

// Calculate net pay after deducting 35% tax

double taxRate = 0.35;

double taxAmount = grossPay * taxRate;

double netPay = grossPay - taxAmount;

System.out.println("Gross Pay: $" + grossPay);

System.out.println("Tax Deducted : $" + taxAmount);

System.out.println("Net Pay: $" + netPay);


Exercise 2: Write a program that asks the length and width of a rectangle from the argument
input, and then prints:

• The area and perimeter of the rectangle

• The length of the diagonal

public class Rectangle {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Check if there are exactly two command-line arguments

if (args.length != 2) {

System.out.println("Please provide both length and width as

command-line arguments.");


// Parse length and width from command-line arguments

double length = Double.parseDouble(args[0]);

double width = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);

// Calculate area, perimeter, and diagonal length

double area = length * width;

double perimeter = 2 * (length + width);

double diagonalLength = Math.sqrt(length * length + width * width);

// Display the results

System.out.println("Area of the rectangle: " + area);

System.out.println("Perimeter of the rectangle: " + perimeter);

System.out.println("Length of the diagonal: " + diagonalLength);

Part B
1) There are three stages in developing Java programs. First, the program is written in
human- readable form
a. What should the file name be for a public class named HelloWorld?
Ans: For a public class named HelloWorld, the file name should be

b. What full command would you type to compile the code?

Ans: The full command to compile the code would be:

c. How would you execute this program?

Ans: To execute the program, you would use the following command after compilation:
java HelloWorld

2) What is the difference between variable declaration and variable assignment? What is
variable initialization?

Variable Declaration:

 Definition: Variable declaration is the process of introducing a new variable to the

 Syntax: dataType variableName;
 Example: int x;

Variable Assignment:

 Definition: Variable assignment is the process of giving a value to a declared

 Syntax: variableName = value;
 Example: x = 10;

Variable Initialization:

 Definition: Variable initialization is the process of assigning an initial value to a

variable at the time of declaration.
 Syntax: dataType variableName = value;
 Example: int y = 20;

 Declaration: It announces the existence and data type of a variable.
 Assignment: It assigns a value to a variable that has already been declared.
 Initialization: It is a specific form of assignment that takes place during declaration.


a. There's an error in X = X + y; because X is declared as final, and you cannot reassign a

value to a final variable.

b. There's an error in x+1 = y+1; because the left side of the expression is not a variable.

c. There are errors in z = x+y; because z is not declared, and x is not initialized.

d. There are errors in System.out.println(S1,S2); because variable names are case-sensitive in

Java, and it should be s1 and s2.

e. There's an error in String 9tails="cat"; because variable names cannot start with a digit.

f. There's an error in int this=4, that=5; because this is a keyword and cannot be used as an

4. Trace through the following code. Make sure to write down the values of variables when
you have carried out each line.

int a = 5 + 4; // a = 9

int b = a * 2; // b = 18

int c = b / 4; // c = 4

int d = b - c; // d = 14

int e = -d; // e = -14

int f = e % 4; // f = -2

double g = 18.4; // g = 18.4

double h = g % 4; // h = 2.4 (remainder of 18.4 / 4)

int i = 3; // i = 3

int j = i++; // j = 3 (post-increment, j gets the value of i before increment)

int k = ++i; // k = 5 (pre-increment, i gets incremented before assigning to k)

5) Assume num1=5 and num2=10, trace the calculation of Boolean expression

((num1!=5)||(num2==10))&&!(num1==5) step by step.


1. num1 != 5:
o This is false because num1 is indeed equal to 5.
2. num2 == 10:
o This is true because num2 is equal to 10.
3. (false || true):
o The result is true because it's an OR (||) operation,
and only one side needs
to be true for the overall expression to be true.
4. !(num1 == 5):
o This is true because num1 == 5 is false, and the ! (NOT) operator negates
5. (true && true):
o The result is true because it's an AND (&&) operation, and both sides are true.

6) Calculate the results of the following Boolean operations


a. (3 < 5) && (5 == 4 + 1) - (true) && (true) - true

b. (3 < 5) || (6 == 5) || (3 != 3) - (true) || (false) || (false) - true

c. (5 != 10) && (3 == 2 + 1) || (4 < 2 + 5) - (true) && (true) || (true) - true

d. !(5 == 2 + 3) && !(5 + 2 != 7 - 5) - (false) && (false) - false

7) Trace the following code segments, giving the value of all variables after the segment is


int x = 0;
int y = 1;
x = y; // x = 1
y = x; // y = 1

After this segment, x and y both have the value 1.


int x = 10;
x = x + 10; // x = 20

After this segment, the variable x has the value 20.


String title;
String s = "Get ";
String t = "Shorty";
title = s + t; // title = "Get Shorty"

After this segment, the variable title has the value "Get Shorty".


int a = 5 + 4; // a = 9
int b = a * 2; // b = 18
int c = b / 4; // c = 4
int d = b - c; // d = 14
int e = -d; // e = -14
int f = e % 4; // f = -2
double g = 18.4; // g = 18.4
double h = g % 4; // h = 2.4
int i = 3; // i = 3
int j = i++; // j = 3, i = 4 (post-increment)
int k = ++i; // k = 5, i = 5 (pre-increment)

After this segment, variables have the following values:

 a = 9
 b = 18
 c = 4
 d = 14
 e = -14
 f = -2
 g = 18.4
 h = 2.4
 i = 5
 j = 3
 k = 5

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