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Diana: I was thinking about my little purse which was lost at the market this morning.

Rani: Oh, that's terrible! How could that be?

Diana: I didn't realize, I didn't bring my bag, I just held my purse, and suddenly it disappeared. I just realized when I
wanted to pay.

Rani: Oh my God. I know how it feels. What’s inside?

Diana: Not a lot of money, but a lot of important cards.

Rani: You'd better report it to the police immediately. Come with me.

Diana: That's a brilliant idea. Let's go.

Rani: Do you need money to buy something?

Diana: Actually no, I still have some money in the ATM. But my ATM is in the purse, even though I want to buy
medicine for my sick cat.

Rani: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your cat will recover soon. You can use my money first to buy medicine.

Diana: I'm really bothering you, Rani. Thank you for your support, you are a truly best friend.

Rani: Anytime, Diana.

Diana: I was thinking about my little purse which was lost at the market this morning.

Rani: Oh, that's terrible! How could that be?

Diana: I didn't realize, I didn't bring my bag, I just held my purse, and suddenly it disappeared. I just realized when I
wanted to pay.

Rani: Oh my God. I know how it feels. What’s inside?

Diana: Not a lot of money, but a lot of important cards.

Rani: You'd better report it to the police immediately. Come with me.

Diana: That's a brilliant idea. Let's go.

Rani: Do you need money to buy something?

Diana: Actually no, I still have some money in the ATM. But my ATM is in the purse, even though I want to buy
medicine for my sick cat.

Rani: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your cat will recover soon. You can use my money first to buy medicine.

Diana: I'm really bothering you, Rani. Thank you for your support, you are a truly best friend.

Rani: Anytime, Diana.

Diana: I was thinking about my little purse which was lost at the market this morning.

Rani: Oh, that's terrible! How could that be?

Diana: I didn't realize, I didn't bring my bag, I just held my purse, and suddenly it disappeared. I just realized when I
wanted to pay.

Rani: Oh my God. I know how it feels. What’s inside?

Diana: Not a lot of money, but a lot of important cards.

Rani: You'd better report it to the police immediately. Come with me.

Diana: That's a brilliant idea. Let's go.

Rani: Do you need money to buy something?

Diana: Actually no, I still have some money in the ATM. But my ATM is in the purse, even though I want to buy
medicine for my sick cat.

Rani: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your cat will recover soon. You can use my money first to buy medicine.

Diana: I'm really bothering you, Rani. Thank you for your support, you are a truly best friend.

Rani: Anytime, Diana.

Diana: I was thinking about my little purse which was lost at the market this morning.

Rani: Oh, that's terrible! How could that be?

Diana: I didn't realize, I didn't bring my bag, I just held my purse, and suddenly it disappeared. I just realized when I
wanted to pay.

Rani: Oh my God. I know how it feels. What’s inside?

Diana: Not a lot of money, but a lot of important cards.

Rani: You'd better report it to the police immediately. Come with me.

Diana: That's a brilliant idea. Let's go.

Rani: Do you need money to buy something?

Diana: Actually no, I still have some money in the ATM. But my ATM is in the purse, even though I want to buy
medicine for my sick cat.

Rani: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your cat will recover soon. You can use my money first to buy medicine.

Diana: I'm really bothering you, Rani. Thank you for your support, you are a truly best friend.

Rani: Anytime, Diana.

Diana: I was thinking about my little purse which was lost at the market this

Rani: Oh, that's terrible! How could that be?

Diana: I didn't realize, I didn't bring my bag, I just held my purse, and suddenly it
disappeared. I just realized when I wanted to pay.

Rani: Oh my God. I know how it feels. What’s inside?

Diana: Not a lot of money, but a lot of important cards.

Rani: You'd better report it to the police immediately. Come with me.

Diana: That's a brilliant idea. Let's go.

Rani: Do you need money to buy something?

Diana: Actually no, I still have some money in the ATM. But my ATM is in the
purse, even though I want to buy medicine for my sick cat.

Rani: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your cat will recover soon. You can use my
money first to buy medicine.

Diana: I'm really bothering you, Rani. Thank you for your support, you are a truly
best friend.

Rani: Anytime, Diana.


Rani: Diana, kenapa kamu terlihat sangat pucat?

Diana: Aku sedang memikirkan dompet kecilku yang hilang di pasar pagi tadi.

Rani: Oh, itu mengerikan! Bagaimana bisa?

Diana: Aku tidak sadar, aku tidak membawa tas, dompetnya hanya kupegang, dan
tiba-tiba hilang. Aku baru sadar ketika ingin membayar.

Rani: Ya Tuhan. Aku tahu rasanya, apa isinya?

Diana: Tidak banyak uang, tetapi banyak kartu-kartu penting.

Rani: Lebih baik kamu segera lapor ke polisi. Ayo aku temani.

Diana: Itu ide yang brilian. Ayo.

Rani: Apakah kamu membutuhkan uang untuk membeli sesuatu?

Diana: Sebenarnya tidak, aku masih memiliki sejumlah uang di ATM. Tetapi
ATMku ada di dalam dompet itu, padahal aku ingin membeli obat untuk kucingku
yang sedang sakit.

Rani: Saya turut berduka mendengarnya. Aku harap kucingmu segera sembuh.
Kamu bisa memakai uangku dulu untuk membeli obat.

Diana: Aku sangat merepotkanmu, Rani. Terima kasih untuk dukungannya, kamu
benar-benar sahabat sejati.

John: You look sad. Do you want to talk about it?

Nikki: I can’t find my phone. I forget where I put it

John: I can help you find it.

Nikki: Thank you for your willingness. You didn’t have to do it

John: Nah, that’s what friends are for.

John: Here it is!

Nikki: Oh my, John! I cannot thank you enough. John: Don’t mention it.

Nikki: No, really. I owe you big time.

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