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Fascism is a totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns
to the state control over every aspect of national life. The name was first used by the party started
by Benito Mussolini, who ruled Italy from 1922 until the Italian defeat in World War II.


Fascism, especially in its early stages, is obliged to be anti- theoretical and frankly opportunistic
in order to appeal to many diverse groups. Nevertheless, a few key concepts are basic to it.

First and most important is the glorification of the state and the total subordination of the individual
to it. The state is defined as an organic whole into which individuals must be absorbed for their
own and the state's benefit. This "total state" is absolute in its methods and unlimited by lawin its
control and direction of its citizens.

A second ruling concept of fascism is embodied in the theory of social Darwinism. The doctrine
of survival of the fittest and the necessity of struggle for life is applied by fascists to the life of a
nation-state. Peaceful, complacent nations are seen as doomed to fall before more dynamic ones,
making struggle and aggressive militarism a leading characteristic of the fascist state. Imperialism
is the logical outcome of this dogma.

Another element of fascism is its elitism. Salvation from rule by the mob and the destructionof the
existing social order can be affected only by an authoritarian leader who embodies the highest
ideals of the nation. This concept of the leader as hero or superman, borrowed in part from the
romanticism of Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas Carlyle., and Richard Wagner, is closely linked with
fascism's rejection of reason and intelligence and its emphasis on vision, creativeness, and "the


Fascism has found adherents in all countries. Its essentially vague and emotional nature facilitates
the development of unique national varieties, whose leaders often deny indignantly that they are
fascists at all. In its dictatorial methods and in its use of brutal intimidation of the opposition by
the militia and the secret police, fascism does not greatly distinguish itself from other despotic and
totalitarian regimes. There are particular similarities with the Communist regime in the Soviet
Union under Joseph Stalin. However, unlike Communism, fascism abhors the idea of a classless
society and sees desirable order only in a state in which each class has its distinct place and
function. Representation by classes (i.e., capital, labor, farmers, and professionals) is substituted
for representation by parties, and the corporative state is a part of fascist dogma.

Although Mussolini's and Hitler's governments tended to interfere considerably in economic life
and to regulate its process, there can be no doubt that despite all restrictions imposed on them, the
capitalist and landowning classes were protected by the fascist system, and many favored it as an
obstacle to socialization. On the other hand, the state adopted a paternalistic attitude toward labor,
improving its conditions in some respects, reducing unemployment through large-scale public
works and armament programs, and controlling its leisure time through organized activities.

While socialism (particularly Marxism) came into existence as a clearly formulated theory or
program based on an interpretation of history, fascism introduced no systematic exposition of its
ideology or purpose other than a negative reaction against socialist and democratic egalitarianism.
The growth of democratic ideology and popular participation in politics in the 19th cent. was
terrifying to some conservative elements in European society, and fascism grew out of the attempt
to counter it by forming mass parties based largely on the middle classes and the petty bourgeoisie,
exploiting their fear of political domination by the lower classes.

Emergence After World War I:

The aftermath of World War I, the Russian Revolution, and Communist attempts to seize power
in various European countries strengthened fascism's appeal. In Italy, for example, social unrest
and nationalist dissatisfaction fueled discontent, leading to the rise of figures like Mussolini.
Fascist movements, characterized by demagogic promises of order and social justice, gained
support from the middle class and petty bourgeoisie, as well as from vested interests.

Mussolin in Italy
In 1922, Italy was in a state of governmental paralysis, meaning the government couldn't function
well. Taking advantage of this situation, Mussolini used force to become the leader of Italy, gaining
the position of premier. Leading the National Fascist party, he portrayed himself as a powerful
figure saving Italy from chaos and Communism. Mussolini adopted a system of organizing the
party inspired by Russian Communism, which involved a strict hierarchy and small groups called
cells. This organizational structure became a common feature of fascism. To enforce his rule and
suppress opposition, Mussolini relied on an elite party militia known as the Black Shirts

Fascism in Germany:
In Germany, a similar fascist movement, the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi
party), led by Adolf Hitler, gained strength in the 1930s. Hitler's support came from a middle class
affected by inflation, elements of the working class, and powerful financial interests. It wasn't until
1933 that Hitler succeeded in establishing a fascist state, making the Nazis the sole legal party in

Post-World War II and Neofascism:

After World War II, neofascist movements, such as the Italian Social Movement (MSI), emerged.
The MSI later transformed, rejecting fascist ideology and participating in democratic processes.
Neofascist elements also appeared in postwar West Germany and other countries, often driven by
ethnic and racial animosity rather than strict adherence to fascist philosophy.

Continued Influence and Evolution:

Despite a significant blow to fascism in 1945, the ruling classes in some capitalist countries
maintained elements of fascist dictatorships, as seen in Spain and Portugal. The Cold War era saw
the revival of reactionary extremism, including fascism, in capitalist states. Fascist and semifascist
elements sometimes allied with militarist forces, leading to military coups in various countries.

Neofascism in Contemporary Context:

In today's conditions, neofascist forces have adopted a new image, seeking to distance themselves
from traditional fascist associations. The term "neofascism" is commonly used to describe
contemporary fascist movements. These forces employ a "strategy of tension" involving terrorist
actions and subversion to create an impression of parliamentary governments' incapacity to
maintain public order.

Class Struggle and Political Dynamics:

The array of class forces in developed capitalist countries shapes the influence of fascist
movements. The struggle between the monopolist bourgeoisie and the working class influences
shifts to the right and left in political ideologies, with the masses' persistent struggle contributing
to the balance between right-wing tendencies and movements toward greater democracy.

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