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Baby birds are pushed out of the nest by their mothers.

However These baby birds

have not learnt to fly. Baby birds must be scared when they look down from a tree
and they see a prickly bush, or an animal with sharp teeth. In my opinion, baby birds
should have parachutes. If baby birds had parachutes, they wouldn’t worry. They
would know they could fly without wings. I would like all baby birds to have parachutes
before they are pushed out of their nests.

In my opinion, baby birds should have parachutes. If, baby birds are pushed out of the
nest by their mothers. First of all, If baby birds had parachutes, they would know they
could fly without wings. Because, Baby birds have not yet learnt to fly. Moreover, baby
birds must be scared when they look down from their nests. Because baby birds see
frightening things. Such as, prickly bush or animal with sharp teeth. Therefore, If baby
birds had parachutes, they would not be scared.

Baby birds are pushed out of the nest by their mothers. in that case, baby birds should
have parachutes. First of all, baby birds must be scared when they look down from their
nests. Because baby birds see frightening things. Such as prickly bush or animal with
sharp teeth. Therefore, If baby birds had parachutes, they would not be scared.
Moreover, If baby birds had parachutes, they would know they could fly without wings.
Because baby birds have not yet learnt to fly.

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