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Create an HTML Basic Web page using basic

tags and formatting tags. Write a paragraph with
proper headings and subheadings and relevant text
with some images.
<TITLE>My First Web Page</TITLE>
<BODY bgcolor="yellow">
<H1> Our Country : India </H1>
<IMG SRC="download .jpeg" height="250"
<H2>About India</H2>
<FONT Color="red" Size="5" Face="Times New
<b>India is spread over a large geographical area. In
terms of area,</br></br>
It is the 7<SUP>th</SUP> largest country while in
terms of Population,</br></br>
it is the 2<SUP>nd</SUP> largest country in the
<h2>Some facts about India are as follows</h2>
<li><b>Area : Approx 3.28 million</b></li>
<li><b>North to South extension : Approx 3,200
<li><b>East to west extension : Approx 2900
Q 2.Write an HTML code to display your
education details in a tabular format.
<title>Education details</title>
<h1 align="center"
<table border="4" width="4" bordercolor="red"
cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4">
<th>Year of Passing</th>
<td>Vidyaa World School</td>
<td>Vidyaa World School</td>
Q3. Write an HTML code to illustrate the usage of
the following:
A) Ordered List, B) Unordered List,
C) Definition List.
<title> My First Page </title>
<body bg color=pink>
<h1 style="color:red">Dispersion OF Light</h1>
<h2>1.Ordered List</h2>
<OL type='square'>
<h2>2.Unordered List</h2>
<UL type='A'>
<h2> 3.Definition List</h2>
<dd><b>Red color has the highest
<dd><b>Violet color has the shortest
Q4. Write an HTML code to demonstrate the usage
of inline CSS.
<h1>Inline Style </h1>
<p style="color: blue;font-size:35px;">
I have tried this inline CSS at first time .

Q5. Write an HTML code to demonstrate the usage

of internal CSS.
body {background-color: linen;}
h1 {color: Red;
margin-left: 80px;}
p {color:podina:}
<h1>Internal Style.</h1>
<p>I have tried this Internal CCS at first time.</p>

Q6. Create a page to show different character

formatting (B, I, U, SUB, SUP) tags.
<title>Using tags</title>
<p><i><b><u>log</i> b m<sup>p</sup> = p
log<sub>b</sub> m</u></b></i></p>

Q7. Create a web page using Embedded CSS and

insert the audio as"myaudio.mp3".
<title>Page Title</title>
<h2>Click play button to play audio</h2>
<audio src="Ghaint-Patola-Offlicence.mp3"

Q8. Insert an image and create a link such that

clicking on image takes user to other page.
<title>Linking Image</title>
<p>Click following image</p>
< a href =””
< img src=”/image/logo.png”alt=can not
Q9.Make mystyle.css file having following type of
specification and link this file in html file:
1. Body: background ivory
2. Paragraph: 12 point, arial, brown font
3. Heading: 14-24 points, arial, red font
4. Horizontal Rule: color=green / background
5. Table: background color-pink; border-2; text-
align=right; color-brown;
<title>style sheet</title>
< link ref –“stylesheet”type=”text/css”href
<h1>External style sheet demo</h1>
<hr size = 5 color=green>
<table border=>
<td>Virat kholi</td>
<td>Travis Head</td>

Q10. Prepare a list and table given below.

<li>Educational Movies</li>
<ul type="circle">
<li>3 Idiots</li>
<li>Tare Jamin par</li>
<li>Chalk n duster</li>
<li>Educational Web series
<ul type="circle">
<li>Kota Factory</li>
<li>Lakho me ek</li>
<li>Engineering Girls</li>
<li>Cultural Movies</li>
<ul type="circle">
<li>Family Drama</li>
<ol type='i'>
<li>Hum sath sath hai</li>
<li>Hum apke hai kaun</li>
<li>Indian Culture
<ol type="i">
<li> Lagaan</li>
<li> Pardesh</li>
<TR> <TH ROWSPAN = "2"> Serial No </TH>
<TH ROWSPAN = "2"> Class </TH> <TH colspan
= "3" ALIGN = "CENTER"> Number of Students
</TH> </TR>
<TD> English </TD>
<TD> Hindi </TD>
<TD> Regional </TD>
<TD> 1 </TD>
<TD> X A </TD>
<TD> 35 </TD>
<TD> 10 </TD>
<TD> 6 </TD>
<TD> 2 </TD>
<TD> X B </TD>
<TD> 31 </TD>
<TD> 15 </TD>
<TD> 4 </TD>
This is to certify that Asmit Gangwar of class 10th
lily has successfully completed the project work on
chemistry for class X AISSCE practical examination
of the Central Board of Secondary Education in the
year 2023-2024. It is further certified that this
project is the individual work of the candidate.

Subject Teacher Signature


Principal Signature
I would like to express my special thanks of
gratitude to my teacher Mr.Ankit Gupta, who gave
me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful
project of Computer .
Who also helped me in completing my project. I
came to know about so many new things I am really
thankful to them. Secondly I would also like to thank
my parents and friends who helped me a lot in
finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
Thank You
Asmit Gangwar
Xth lily
For completing my practical file I have taken help
from my friends , teachers and also some sites.From
which I have taken the help for completing the
practical file the things are as follows:-

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