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Complete the sentences below with these words: aspiration, to persist, matrimo-
nial, perk, child-rearing, bloke, doomed, bankrupt, commodity

1. He went ________ after only a year in business.

2. If the pain ________ , consult a doctor.

3. He has political ________ , and hopes to run for Congress some day.

4. I never read any ________ books when I was raising my daughters; maybe that
was my problem!

5. The goal is to raise the productivity of basic food ________ such as grains.

6. Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the
________ of living in Sydney.

7. He had always felt that he was ________ to remain single forever.

8. She had a strange conversation with the ________ who's moved in upstairs.

9. He has admitted to a number of ________ infidelities (измены).

2. Choose the right word from each pair according to meaning, collocation, or

1. Mum, can you lend me some money?

I'm broke/penniless.
2. I'm trying to get a loan/a mortgage from the bank to buy a car.
3. We're going to have to be a little careful this month if we don't want to end up in
the red / in the black.
4. He took part of his pension as a lump sum / a deposit when he retired.
5. One of my cousins is absolutely affluent / loaded - she inherited a fortune from
her parents.
6. When you're abroad, you get a better currency / exchange rate if you take money
out at a cash machine.
7. We like living here because we have a much better cost/standard of living.
8. A Is breakfast included in the price of the room?
B No, sir. It's 12 quid/pounds extra.

Who do you agree with more, Jemima Lewis or Jojo Moyes? Do you think it's ac-
ceptable for men and women to consider finance as well as romance when they
choose a partner?

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